HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-8-13, Page 4THE BRVS8E4.S k'Q►ST
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R. S. Hetherington, K. C.
raeadiay end 3atarday all day — Mot open eeery dry
Moe 20x 3 nor to E. D. Mk
Weeks - Bennett { formed the ceremony and M
A lovely garden,weudisrg .took Louis R Thompson eland t10
place at the bode of Mr. and Mra wedding ()moo and, aooempanted
Har. W. at Mantling, Leaden, who
Robert A. 13eunebt on Saturday, Aug' wan the ee obit. Given in marriage
2nd at 2,30 o'eloek whoa their Only by her father, the bride woe's a
/� �[
daughter, Jean Marie, became the vonm of hnl>'orted truce and Freneh 7.
bride of Mr, A1fevn B. Weeks, 6011 nett ower gleaming bridal 6ativa
of Mr. and. Mrs, Willlaim M.
Weeps The tightly fitted bodice of lime
of Stornoway, Sank, Ray. M. H. T over own, teaitured a sheep net �,.
Fulton of Melville Ohuroh perform• ��
vu7ke, topped by
a tiny lass collar.
DIAL 980
ed the ceremony before an arab of bong lace sleeves formed points
evergreens interwoven with glad;• over rite haniis. The gpaoedeuy full
ell sweet peas and detphindurn f t 1 tui livided
shirt of layaera o re
v e t
(liven in marriage by her father, lace peplum dipping at the back'.
the bride wore a ballerina -length . to form a ()gut over the long
gown of white nylon merquisetite cathedral train. Her finger-tip veil,
over nylon tafetta fashioned with of Imported plc illusion 'wee
very Hell skirt. V-ueokline aatlined •enaR!tvt •to a headdress of matohih(;
with white lapels and 'fashioned with . lace' over sadin.' She carried ,.a
a pleated stand-up °oiler. Iyer white Bible topped with gardenias, •'
finger-tip veil of net was caught 0,tepiiabnotfs and English lacy, Her .
to a carnet of lees, end seed al,fendauts were -Mrs. Edward Mc•
()earls. White net (mittens oompiet^ (`cath, Watton, as -matron of bon- ,
ed her costume and she carried a or. and. Miss Baba -re Yates • and
bonnet of red roses and baby's . Maar Patricia Bryan, bath. of Lon -1
breath. Mies 10izabebh Cousins don, formerly of Stratford, CO
was her bridesmaid, wearing a bridesmaids, They wore idenitteal
dresses of leaf gsreen nylon net and ,
bouffant town of pale mauve or-
s-anse -wirth Vneok and pleated
taffeta, styled with fitted strap.
stand -tip collar. Her matching less bodices, with dell taffeta capes
i headdress of mauve net was a titsdadued u^itth awry petal collars,
earnest credible -a with a tiower de- Their bouffant triple net .skirts
i sten. She nisn WOVe mekhing net. Cowed from beneath divided tat -
mittens ens an carried yellow
itt d i i ll Darns,•
feta peplulma edged with *bite tions. Mr. Victor Walden, Seafonth,. broderie-anglaise 'glowers They
was gnbOnbattan and Mr. Ivan G. wore large ptoture hats of match.
I Campbell, the bride's cousin, was ing net and carried poetic` -putt
n=tor. Following the ceremony the bouquets of white gladioli ftoreties
reception was 'held oft the lawn. and trailing English ivy. Mr. 'Mac
The bride mother c a 'Seeker, Stratford, was his broth-
nravy e. beer costume with tucked er's grooensman. and the ushers
bo4lce, black suede csuceaeortea, . were Mr, Graham Work, Brussels.
and consege of white gardenias, , brother of the•bride, and Mr. Har -
For a motor trip to Stornoway, vis Be11, Stratford. Following the
Sask., where they will visit the , ceremony, a recei tion was held
bridegroom's parents, the bride In the Dhunoh parlors and later at
dinned a `lusty pink antt of faille I the home of the e' bride's parents.
with navy velvet hart, navy shoes I Airs. Work received in a floor -
and bag.
Her carnage was o4 red ' length gawp of steel gray silk 'with
roses. On their return the couple , lane Tiodirie, rerun accessories and
ala tiro in Waliaeehnrg. = oossage of mauve baby chry- ;
!. santheaeiuri7s. 'Phe bridegroom's
s o her re .eared !n
1 mother wore a'floor-length gown
Baeker Work i of a.metlhynt silkx, with ince' iiiaents
Baskets of tall 7vhite gladioli and1 and matching aecessortes. Her
white phlox before a background of I ctsage was of Lestra Hibbard
Irirroses.: For a trip to Quebec, and
terns and glowing toper's in silver .
tandrlebra formed the setting in Mel- i the Muskoka region. the bride
vine Church on Saturday, August j donned a navy silk suit, red .straw
2Jed at 1.30 o'clock for. - the wed- sailor hat, widti red, navy and
ding of Mist.,Dune Elizabeth Work, ' white accessories and corsage of
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i sebite gardenias. The couple will I
John A. Work, to Mr. George I idle in Iondon where the bride is
Alfred Baeker of London, son of a member nT the tea•
ching staff at
Mrs. Baeker and the late Mr, A. C, l thr nubile schools.
Barker. Rev. W. H. T. Fulton per- I, _ a •
12:30 Noon.
(Monday to Friday)
(12x15 Saturday)
First with the News
In Western Ontario
The atter iu n.nox United.0hurob
Belgran'e was adorned with -baskets
of gladioli and ferns Saturday 'after-
noon, August 2nd at 2,30 o'clock,
for .tbe marriage' of Mlertel Dttzabeth
daughter of Mr. and MTs. Hari Mile
erson, 11. R. 4 Brussels, to Corporal
Edmund Minard Hamlin of the
R C. A. F. statibe Clinton, son of
Mr, -and Mrs. Owen Hartlin of Nowa
Scotia. Rev. Charles Cox officiated,
Mr. Roy Mundy of Wingham was
organist and accompanied the
soloist, Mies Marie Wall of Goder-
tch. She sang, "0 Pea-feot Love" be-
fore the ceremony and "Because"
daring the signing of the register.
Given in marriage by her father the
bride looked lovely in a ballerina
length white chantilly redingote and
Pleated nylon tulle, over 'dntchess
satin, sown. The gown was styed ,
with pitted bodice and long lace
sleeves, ending- in. lily points . over
the hands. A coronet of orange tilos-
some held her finger tip veil end
she carried a hoquet of red roses.
The matron of honour. Mrs, Ted
Annking. Auburn, sister of the bride
and the bridesmaid, Miss Audrey
Anderson, Hamilton. sister of the
laid.- both chose gowns of blue
emhrseasd organdy over taffeta. stet -
all with ti'ted bodice. stand up collar
and full skirt, in ballerina length.
A reaching headdress competed
their costume. They carried a bog -
oak of pink roses. The flower girl
Hca✓' kk� x•• >' .
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Wednesday,. August 12th, 1902
tltlpstlllll i! t 11+1'
Before he bought a McCulloch,
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You can do more than fell and buck trees with a
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`For further particulars and demonstration
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Vancouver 10, B.C. -- Peterborough, Ont. QuebecCtty One.
R. R. 2 Brussels, Ont.
a ' oascad'e of " Better 'Times rosea.
Mas. George Lawrence as matron
of honor wore aetloor-length gown
of apple green nylon net over
taffeta with bolero, matohing halo
headdress and nosegay'. of summer
flowers. The bridesmaids, Miss
Herta Knoekenh ler, wearing or-
chid and Miss Joyce Archibald in
daffodil yelioy, carried bouquets of
summer flowers.
Two tiny flower girls in floor -
Length gowns and Dower trimmed
poke bonnets carried white baskets
of mixed sweet peas, Gwen Hynd• t
man wore daffodil yellow and Dawn ,
Hornsby was in orebtd. Mr. Glen
Dilworth, brother of the bridegroom I
was he best man. The ushers were
Mr. Eldon Mann and Mr. Edwin •
Bender, A reception was held fol-
lowing the ceremony to the social
room of the church. The bride's
mother wore a navy crepe and lace
afternoon dress, navvy necessaries
and carnage of sweet peas. The
bridgegroom'e mother chose navy
crepe with lane accents black
accessories and corsage of pink
rosettes. For• a wedding trip to
Northern' Ontario and Quebec the
bride wore a dress of apple green
,nylon marquisette, white top coat
'and accessories and corsage of pink
rosettes. On their return Mr, and
Mrs. Dilworth will reside at R. TL 8,
Karen Anderson, sister of the bride grins,
wore pink embossed organdy over
taffeta with a matching headdress 1
and carried , nosegay of pink and
white roses. Best man was Corporal.,
Keith Warrel of Goderlch, and the
guests were ushered by Mr. .Tack
Plant, and Mr. 'Keith Anderson,
brother of the .bride. The bride's
mother received the gueets. .at an
nutdonr reception and truncheon, held
`at the, home of the brides' parents.
Serving the guests from Gnderich,.
Tiolin.ghroke, fiamphelllville, Toronto.
Stratford, Exeter, Rayfield. Auburn
oral Brierave were Amy and Irene
Smith, Tonna Anderson, Jean Me-
Arter. Eileen Holmes. and Jean
Ria nk.
Mr, am Mrs. Hardin, later left on
a trip to Nova Scotia, The bride
travelled in a white snit. with ndvy
accessories. A corsage of red rosea
completed her travelling ensemble.
10-L 0 R A — The United Church
Flora was beautifully decorated
with mutlicolored paste] gladioli,
and Perna for the marriage of
Dorothy Teen Bender, daughter of
Mr. and Mna, Wilbert . Bender of
Aima, and Mr. Weimer V. Dilworth,
non of Mr. and Mra. Tllwnrth of
Brnsseia. Rev, I. T. li.eea officiat-
ed. Mrs• iSrl s K. Wilson played the
wrdrltne mete and thr soloist, Mr,
Reber, fhrnufnaham of 10thel. eean.g
"almoner!" end "011 Walk Beside
Von." The bride !riven in marriage
by lier father, wore a roan of white
Chantilly Tara with atraplens ?millers
sea bolero %Arra, The honttant
tiered nylon skirt was panelled with
leer. A erown of aegnin* and
nnnneletten hold her finder -tip rtn-
brnlrlrred not veil and alae tainted
Mndcrn Red 11rirk Heade on wort
side of Vtetotla Park. New modern
I bathroom, hat anti cold water, Thea
water $3500.06.
Tfiugh 'Pearson, trusties Phono !f
ante' T
The August meeting of the W.M.S.
• and W, A, of Union. Cluuroh was held
at 'tire home of Mils, E. Morrow on
Aug. 7th, in the evening. The pro-
gram of the W. M. S. was put on 1
by the Mission Band. The meeting
opened with the hymn, "Tell me the
Stories of Jesus" followed by pray-
er by Patsy nathwetl. Marion Shiell
read the scripture taken from .the
2rrbh chapt of Exodus. During the
:business Mrs. Bremner read a letter
from Mrs. Violet Saunders our Mis-
sionary of prayer. Sharon and
-Barbara McKay took up the offer-
ing. Marion Shiell and Ruth Mc-
T)onald sang. a duet, "When He
Cometh." Wayne Ward read a
story. "The Three Wells" Patsy
Rathwell gave a piano eolectlon,
"It is no Secret" followed by a poem,
"20 servants" by Jean Rook. The
rinsing Hymn was, "Saviour teach
me day by day", followed by prayer
by Rath McDonald,
The W. A. meeting opened with
thr hymn, "Aid the way my Saviour
leads me," followed by the Lord's
Prayer. During the business it
was decided to bave an Ice Cream
Racial at 1gd. Morrow's on the 19th,
The meeting closed with the Bene-
dinlion. riffs. 11. Meehan conducted
a eotitiat before lunch. A dellcfoua
Mach was served by the hostess ag-
ain/NI by Marlon Morrow. Shirley
itird. Shively Lemont, Min, L. My
Kay and Mrs. J, Bird.
Mr, and Mrs, R. H, Porter. and
daughter sad grand daughter of
Winnipeg motored home to spend
a week with Mr. Porter's mother of
Walton. Mr. Porter has, been in
the Western Province for some time
but likes to come back to visit hia
old home town.
Mr. sorter is a brother of Lloyd
Porter and 'ars, Don. McTaggart of
Grey Township,
Mr, and Mrs. T. Nilson of Loa
don and Mr. and Mrs, J. Davidson
also London, were visitors with
Lloyd and Mrs Porter over the
week -end.
The annual congregation picnic
of Duffs United Church was held at
the Lions Park, Sea -forth, on Friday
afternoon, An enjoyable time was
spend swimming, playing ball and
holding races and contests. '
Results boys four years anti
under, Eric Dundas, Jimmy Boa -
man; girls four and under, Mary
Helen Buchanan, Cheryl Craig, Nel-
lie Bean; boys six and under, Ger-
aid Smith; Brian Travis, Bobby
Kirkby; girls six and under, Bar
bara-Turnbull, Sherry Livingstone,
Audrey McMichael; boys eight and
under, Bobby Humphrey; girls eight
and under, Mary Lou Kirkby, Joan
Johnston, Jean Walters; . boyo ten
and under, Tommy Love, Jerry
Achilles, Bobby Humphrey; girls
ten and render, Catherine Buchanan,
Donna Smith, Jane Summerville;
boys 12 and under, Don, Achilles,
Jerry Achilles, Barry Haegy; girls
12 and under, Patriela Welsh, And.
ray Rockwell, Shirley Bosman, boys
14 and under, Wayne McMichael,
Ronald Derlrns, Herbert Kirkby; girls
14 and under, Claire Rockwell, Jars•
ny Van Vliet, Mona Clarke; young
men, Don Fraser, Barry Marshall,
DOug!les K9rkby; merated women,
airs, Nelson Marks, Mrs, Prank
Kirkby. Mrs. Lawrence Market mar-
arried men, William anthill, Harvel
Johnston, Martin Baan; sack race,
Audrey Hartwell, Margie Acbilios,
Jane Sommerville; boys Banteraca,
Herb. Kirkby, Wayne McMichael.
Sorry Achilles tumbling race, boys,
Wayne McMichael, Douglas.Iitrkby,
Ronald Smith; girls tuanbling race,
Donna Smith, Margaret Achilles,
Audrey Hadlcwelt; slipper kicking,
Johnston, Audrey Hack -well, Evelyn
Br*adieagen; three-legged race, been
Herb. 'Kirkby and Jerry Achilles,
Douglas Kirkby and Wayne Mo•
Minhstal, Barry Haegy and Jobnnl
Baan; three-legged race, girls, Mar
garet, Aohftlos acral Janny'Van Vliet,
Doris ,ti ui sten and Audrey Hack-
About 200 sat down 10 a pion,*
supper prepared by +He Ladles' Md
of the onngregafon,
Pian. R., R. 0.
Carol E. Fiomuth R. O.
Mrs. H. Vioio 1-iomuth R. O.
Pito rte'118 Harristou, Ont.