HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-7-30, Page 6buro
on Taprr
Fresh running water at
th the
of the tap
... get rid of Kitchen drudgery.
Bradshaw StrettQn
White •and Irina gladioli Yenned. a
l lovely setting tor to pretty wedding
In the Mame Of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Strettee whoa their Duly daughter
Geraldine Hazel Was unitedin
marriage to Gordon Wesley Brad-
shaw ,younger son of Mr. and Ire.
Ras/Sell Breda Bluervele.
The double •ring ,ceremony wan
performed by Rey. W. -H. Fulton,
'af Melville Presbyterian Oburch,
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride looked lovely In a 13a1-
lertea. length gown. of pale blue
taffeta end net. Her shoulder
length veil of French illusion was
caught by a matohing headdress of
small blue flowers. She wore a
• corsage of pale Pink roses,
Protect the health of your Miss Esther .Raymond was tits
family , add to the comforts brides only attendant, gowned in
of daily living modernize dusty pink taffeta with net over
your home with a DURO • skirt. She wore a matching load-
PITMPING SYSTEM, dress of small ,ping flowers and a
corsage of Talisman roses.
Harvey Bradshaw. brother of the
LABOR and TIME groom was best man.
bride belted eiternitttg le e. irallex�
of Cliitriztillii lake
n -l
inei$ttb goWw
to hyaeie4b blue earade, A. match-
ing ru>xlon. feeaddneas• field her
fingertip veil of (als^aclath •b1u0 net.
She carried a belmfuleit of red rosea.
Miss kJlda yliwboltt of St. Maar-
hies. maid of 'honor, ch>aae a bei.
lertnadength pima of ohamtaraeue
pink net with matching nylon
flower beaddrese. A bouryuet of
Joanna, TIM rotes ooutpieted her
costume. Mrs. ,Mildrer M4Ciene
ghan, bridesmaid, wore a ballerina.
length gown of green net 'withw-
eYlon flower headdress. Her f1
ers were a bouAilot of Talisman
MORS. bursa Janet •Q'wnt, Junior
bridesmaid, was in e ballerina
length gown of yellow dotted or-
gandie with maatching,nlvion flow.
Pr 11eaddreISS. She carried a bou-
quet of Talisman roses. 'Pbe best
man was Mr. Jerry H•alamay, St..
("ether/flea, mall the. gueet's 'were
ushered by Mr. Leslie Mason and
Mr. Robert Yui11. .brother cf the
bride, The church. hall was decor
alted with bouquets of sweet Pena
Saves ,
watering stock with a DUROAster the roremoaY a reception and gladioli for the luncheon. Miss.
PUMPING SYSTEM . r was held, where the bride's mother Jean Sbdultenlberg, St. Catharines,
greater PROFITS besides, I wore a blaelt crepe dress with a Played a medley of piano solos at
you have FIRE PROTECTION l corsage of pink roses. The groom's the reoei»Ition 'while The guests
for your buildings, mother ohose navy blue and a were being seated. Mrs. 1lld, Me.
corsage of pink roses. Burney. -sister of the bride, reoety-
For a wedding trip the bride wore ed the guests, assisted by m•em•
a navy end .gray plaid tatfe.t..with bars of tbhe Women's Associationof
piny blue redingote with navy and the ohnroh. For a. motor trip to
red accessories, 'Bouton and other Places in the
On their return from a trip north, United States the bride chose a
they will reside in Brussels. { white linen suit with navy access-
orieic as 'her tralvellfng ensemble.
Razansoff - Yuili Mr. and Mrs. Rezauso•ft will reside
in St. Cattharines. Meets were
Knox United "Cber'-is Belgrave .nresesat from .Toronto, St. Carthar-
ECOP524 was decorated with- bouquets of ines• Ridevitle, -Coldwater, Wain -
gladioli, daisies, and sweet peas for }I"ar Port mein. Rri,a e14, wily z.
a ceremony Saturday afternoon at 3 ham. Whitechurch tteoharrch and Belgrave.
o'clock, in which Myrtle Aileen
t Yuill,
daughter of Mr, Jose,h Yuidi,
Belgmawe, and the late Mrs. "'Mill • Green - Smith
was nutted in marriage to Mr. Mich- tiotverirYFetus. gladioli, oar-
ael P. Rezansoff. son of Mr. and nation and baby breath foimed a
5 e.s1rea. Peter Rezansdff of Kemsaak, prettify ask. Rev. Charles Co, officiated. setting in Knox United
Mrs. Wm. King, Brussels, presided Church, M'.onorieef on Saturday. July
at the organ. and Played as the 26th, at 4 p. m. Dor the marriage of
nroeessionel the Bridal Chorus Lillian Violet..youngest •daugbtter of
from LohengrIn and the recession Mr, and Mrs. Foster Smith of R.R. 2,
al was Mendeissohn's wedding Brussels, to Mr. Lester Manahan
March. She also aecermnanied the Green Tr.; of 3475 Belvidere Ave.,
enletst, Mies Lois lt'plett of St. Detroit, Mich., son of Mrs. Lester
Greenand the late Mr, Green Rev.
'1 'Monies of Walton officiated at
the ceremony and Mrs. r'. Harrison.
Mnnerleff played music from "Loh-
"mrrin. Menndnlsobn" preceeding
th' ceremony. Mr. Robert Cunning -
Buy the BEST ...
Buy a DURO.
Phone or visit us today for
DURO Pumps and EMCO
Plumbing Fixtures and Fit-
tings. Write for illustrated
Fcsr Sale by
C. & G. Krauter Co.
Brussels. Ont.
London • Hamilton - 5t. Catharines • Toronto • Sudbury - Winnipeg • Vancouver
R. S. Hetherington, hit:. C.
W1NC•1'IAM and BiltiS
Ttweday sand Saturday alt day — °Hie open every Cat-.
2Os Successor to iL lass
(•'avharhisq. who wore a gown at
net in Ameriean Bente v shade. She
can,* "Dm -mune". before the cere-
ment. end "O Promise Me." during
+t,n 'inning of the register. Given
In . marrtare by her father. the
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You are eligible for service in the Canadian Army Active Force if you are 17
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For full ,Information visit the Army
recruiting office nearest your home.
No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House,*
Rideau & Charlotte Sts,, Ottawa, Ont.
No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park,
Begot Street, Kingston, Ont.
Canadian Army Recruiting Station,
40 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont.
No. 7 Personnel Depot,Wolseley Barracks,
Elizabeth Street, London, Ont.
Army Recruiting Centre,
230 Mate Street West, North Bay, Ont.
Army Recruiting Centre, James St. Armoury,
200 James St. N., Hamilton, Ont.
W elklt'esutNy, rosy gitaul, .save
DIAL 980
12:30 Noon
(Monday to Friday)
(12.15 Saturday)
First with the News
In Western Ontario
Iinitrtuiuu�r i'
Ili 1111141)f
Before he bought- a McCulloch,
George worked in a meat market
You can do more than fell and buck trees with a
McCulloch chain saw. You can Ihnb, slab, cut cordwood
and posts. But here's one of the most important; things
you can do -you can pick up your McCulloch in one
band, and carry it easily to the next cut. Try that with
any other'big•dmber saw.
"For further particulars and demonstration
see your local McCulloch Dealer or writer"
R. R. 2 Brussels, Ont.
i-- �— ' " Village uY t3rUssels
loam of Athol sang- "Beoayse", and �+
"Thnb�utglh The Years" during the PEOPLE WJ. 'KNOW By -Law No., 5,'1952
si g Dr D B' hileAda�m of Toronto, By -Law No. 5, 1952 of the Village of
the week -end, �
ting a! the
reg r.
, anent with Mrs. Brussels County of Huron, Ontario; .
the ibride wven in. ore e;�W+hi byge slipper: eaher lt-• .: Robert . Thomson - of : Riverside," i • Being a Sy -Law to control Vehicle
in off the shoulder gown with Mr. and Mrs. George Anmson o!' Traffic in certain sectl'ona of the
bertha collar. ohrantilly lace • yoke, Bateman, Sack., were _visiting Mr. village of Brussels, County of Hurons
and peter pan collar; - fitted bodice' and Mrs. Arohie Moses and family ' Province. of Ontario. .
:IN' SAE Mang sleeves ending':-. in lily last week. Mrs. Moses' is a daughter Whereas the Mu(icl/sal .Donnell o! the
points, the skirt was fashioned in. They were acconinatnied, by Mr. and • 'village ee miasma; County of
nylon trot held- with ;rhinestone:Mrs R Baragar aatrl, Mi'. and MTS' Huron, Provinioe of Ontario, oaet-
clas�ps, showing full. ruffled hemline- Cttrl Be.'eaisle of,.Bateinem, Sask 1, . aider it,necen sty and'expedient
tvittb scalloped overskirt ending in a tl Mr. and. Mn'e dtoss' Lowe and • .. tarae.eertain• aegulationis governing
long train. Her floor-len•gtli veil of family of Quill Lake, Sask., are - vehicle control traffic. in the Said
French nylon net was field in place visiting et the 'home of their sister . Village of Brussels he broug9tt•'
by an. Elizabeth:Tarylor headdress. -and broither-in-law Mr. and Mrs into force;
She carrion a cascade • holt et df Doug.'Hemingo1aya' •Therefore the Mndctpal Oounal of
Mrs: Alex. Smith of Saluron Arme. �; tire Village of liniments, County of
Sweetheart roses. Miss I.yln Smith
of ICittehener was her sister's maid
of -honour wearing heavenly blue
nylon over taffeta, off the shoulder turned to flown after sending three tt .hoose drawn vehicle, nor 'any
n'eclalime with fitted bodice and. was at Lindsay, Canndngton, j• other passenger or draught. vehicle
bertha eollnar, the dreamed over l Peterborough and vicinity. shall be allowed to make ivlhat le
shirt being held in place with Miss Bessie Moses spent a few , known ate a Tt'TURN at ante point on
sprayof lily of the valley and
days in Stratford last week. Turnberry Street in the Village of
showing a rufil;pd hemline. She Mns. Lewis A Russell and her Tii,vssels. For the 'purpose of this ,
tarried o harmonizing nosegay (xt daughter Pamela Joy, of McMaster- Rv-T.riw. "Tt T[TltN" shall mean to
roses. slue bridesmaids were Mrs. villa Qua, were recent guests at turn a vehicle within a readwaS'e
Lavern Homy sister of the bride• the home Mrs Florence Russell. so to Proheed in the opposite Street -
2. Six NO 17 TURNS traffic signs
shall he . purchased and erected
in oonventent Iodations at the fol-
lowing Intersections in the V>i-
2 signs at the intersection a!
MCU and Turnberry Streets. '
2 signs at the intersection of
Thomas and • King Streets
with Turnberry Streets.
2 signs at the intersection 0!
Flora: and Market Streets with
Turnberry Street.
8. Any ,person violating any of the
'provisions of this 13y -Law shall be
aubieot to a penalty of Ten Dollars.
for the Nett offence and not more '
than Twenty five dollars for every
dabeequent offence, exslueLve ad
costs, and all such penalties shall
be recoverable tender the Ontario
Summary Oonvidtion Act,
4. This By --law shall take .
effect atter the final passing there-
hereof, and shall remain in force at the
pleasure of the Mmnietpal Council,
Read a first and second time this
14th day of May, 1952.
s R. B. Cousins. Reeve
4. R. Oamlabell, Clerk.
Reada third .time and passed this
14rbh day of May, 1952,
R. B. Cousins, Reeve.
G. R. Campbell, Clerk,
Aspprovad ,this, Rad day of Jttly,
1952 pursuantto tine pravtatons of
tlhe Highway Traffic Act.
Geo. H. Donfcett,
• Minister of Highways
B. C., visited A few days with her • Huron, Province of Ontario enacts
brother here Mr. Len. Annistrong. '• as follows:
Mr.. and Mrs. Oban. Dante have re- i 1. No motor ear, truck, tractor,
Blneva:ie, and Miss Vera Richardson,
Stratford. They wore gowns fash-
ioned, similiar to that of the maid
of honour. Mns. Haegy in orchid
and Miss Richardson in Dile green
and carrying nosegays of roses.
Janet Kehl of Luoan was flower
girl gowned in golden yellow, styled
similar to 4dtet of the meld of hon
our and carrying a matching nose -
nay of roses, Mlohael Herman,
nephew of the groom, Detroit, was
ring bearer hs in. white Mange goat
and black trousers. Mr. Harvey
Koch of Detroit' Mich., was - best
man. The hest man and ushers
dresseid the same as the Mom to
white lounge coat and black trona -
The ushers were Mt. Ormei Smith,
Brussel', brother of tate bride and
Mr. Walter Herman, Detroit, broth-
er-in-law of the groom.
For the wedding dinner in the
chnirgh parlours the guests -were
received by the bride's mother' in
nevi nylon Pliesea trimmed with
navy and white eacessortes, and
the groom's mother in black and
white acecesorles, both ladies wore
corsage of pink roses. The bride's
table was centered by a four tiered
wedding make with pink tapers in
crystal canidlebrs and bouquet of
flowers. The waitresses were Mise -
es 'Louise Wolfe, Owen Sgrtnd,
Maureen Knox, Kt£oheinor, Doro-
thy Bender. Alma and Mona Sioan,
Dub11n. Later in the 'evening a re-
ception was. beld in Momerieff Corn-,
mnrlundty Hall.
For n', honeymoon in Florida and.
southern Stades the bride wore a
white sharkskin salt with n,arf
eoeessories and corsage of Talisman
ros'Ps. On their return the bridal
enn,ple will reeide at 5475 Belvidere
Ave.. Detroit.
Goats were prasrnt from Doh -
hinter, Detroit', Blyth, Btuevale,
Ritelemer• Owen Sound, and Strat.
Modern Tied Brick Hattie on west
atia of Victoria Park, NOW modern
bsthrcom. hot end cold water, Tows
1 -water 88500.00.
Hugh Pearson, Pelissets 'Phone 11
Mise Margaret Russell, of Lon-
don. Ont. . was a week -end guest at
the home of her mother, Mrs. Flor-
ence Russell.
Personals; Rev. and Mrs. Witham
Biaekmore lett Monday to spend the
remainder or their vocation .wtth
Mr. BLackntore'e parents at Wood -
stook. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sellers,
Susie, Jimmie and Rickey with Mr.,
and Mrs. Howard Black at Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. SParling Yeo wibh
Mrs. George Yeo at Southhampton;
Mrs, Ross D'oaiglas, Toronto, with'
her sisters at the home of Mies Mary
Duff; 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffiths
and son Fred of Montreal at their
home here; •Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Harris and two sons, Stratford with
Mr. and Mrs. Ldward Johnston.
Mos. Laura Johnston held a trains-
seen tea at the home of her isobar,
Joseph Tull! Wednesday afternoon
and evening in honor of her sister;
Miss Myrtle Yell, who was married
last Saturday. 'Dtte dinning room
was decorated with bo(uguetbs
of slimmer Bowens; and a three-
tier wedding Dake cenitred, the batt -
tat; Receiving at the door during
theaftetmocn and evening viesre
Mrs. L. Johnston and Mrs.. T9. Mc-
Burney Displaying dine tuouneseasi.
ItmPltrs, ohintt., and silver Were Wes
Helen MetTree.or end Mrs, C, Rags
'a4.p diming the afternoon, and Mrs.
CarmenFarrler and Mies Mildred
Mcfllenegham dhistn:g the, evening:
'ring 'was rimmed. by Mrs, R. Mont
and MIS, lease Wheeler dmrtng
filia affernveon. s4Md by Miss 13dith
Denot• ,- and Mrs, Gordon Higgins
111 the .evening. Refredhnnents were.
served lay Miss Martorie MarKerm
ole and TV6arta:n NfaoT1Pnrte of Wing-
leee. , ' mod Miee .linnet Ganunt'. - as- -
mated by Mrs. .T. Warwick and Mrs.
Clarence !Atilt,
rrlISTIOOSOIrfor, n' ime.mRl,'rt,!
pt.', re 1T n
r. Fimm�ti, R n
11R1Vi P. t710L,. Rile.AA,,ti, ti. fl
diene 11A ilarriston, Ont.
i3aeh year the budtavorm menaoeA
ireat'.atretehes Of Canada's forest's.
'In the Province or New Brunswick,
whirl la 80% 'forested. and where
thousands. of its residents are de.
a pendens for livelihood on the pulp
nod paper industry:• a spectacular
and 1t:npredendented attack on the
spruce fiudvronm taolt piece, 3, R
Belttveaur has written a tiaseinattng
stor;, on the operation in August
2nd Star Weekly. The writer eon
eludem; "To the pimple of flanaila
and the peraple of New Brunswick,
this protect will erre day atean
• mtlltons ,of 'inlays"