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x ,%,t ehlueter , Miller
Adlet tbi t' prattle • w
reeddin.8 took
place ant the United Church. Parsee,
eget Dlelettiahe, oneSaturdetee Jlih' 4t11
,wiimerehtiMiilrtd. Deeeen eldest chug
titer o4 MIf• au11,M'rs Wee. Miller, 10
elineteelse,wee melted in polerriege to
I .Roste.ideffey-Sittulueter, on of Ma and
elle. HerleasP,sohltieter of Iellarood
Rev., , A.. .J,ane . peefvrnser the
The beetle was becomingly attired
a Hetreet elength gown of pinjt
eegarndliel, a shoulder length veil
caught up with orange blossoms,
and a corsage of red rosea,
Leta Miller, sister of the bride
wee her only 'attendant and
wore a nils green organdie thee.%
• with a halo of white roses and
• white accessories. She wore a
,orivage of yellow roses, Mr. Larry
Fielpher also of - Brussels was
After the ceremony the bridal
couple retired to the home of the
Bride's Parente to where a wedding
dinner was held in ohefr honour.
Phe brides mother received in a
dress of navy blue sheer and wore
a corsage of red carnations. The
groom's mother wore a printed
navy .weer :and a corsage of red
The ligase was beautifully, decor
aced with pink and white streameee,
Pink bells, and many bouquets of
dephininans, , Madonna lilies and
other varieties of summer flowers.
Twenty one guests were seated
to lace covered tables decorated
Mrs. Mark Raiili, wee hu.,tees for
the monthly meeting of the Mute
crieff W.. i.. and W. M. S. which
was held on July •Ln+i. Mrs. Ken.
McFarlane was leader. and read
Psalm 736. The roll rat! was answer-
ered by repeating a Bible verse with
the word "Love". 33 members were
present. ,
The minutes were read and ap-
proved Business followed, it was
reported money haat been gent away
and it was derided to nrder the
Year Book. Mrs. f7. Rirhmnnd gave
the Scripture marling. which was
followed by prayer by Mrs. Orval
Harrison. The tapir was ',riven by i
Mrs. Donald Th Tangart. fettering
was received. Hymn 393 was soar, '
and the Lord's Prayer was repeated
In unison.
The W A. mePtins wee opened by
sineine of hymn 35!. Psalh 742 was
lead a)tc*entity. Mrs. Orval Barre
sots melded. The minutes were
read and a.ppenved.
' Business followed. Plans ware
made to eater for a wedding in
July. Variants committees reported
on work done. alai thanks expressed
for gifts received.
The meeting elosad by repeating
the Mieemb benedtrttnn. Lunch was
served, The August meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs. Ken
From Factory to You •- $5.25
Lowest Price in Canada. 'rtes
bedspread is fully covered with
baby chenille, no sheeting showing
!siret quelity. It nmmAe In alt colors,
Single ter dmib)e teedslze, with
either mnitt•rolnred or solid raised
centre patterns. ,1t only $5.25 each.
Sent C. O. D. plus postage. Imm,ed•
late money -order -hark ettarantee.
Ceder one. yen will order more.
Bee 1498 Place D'Armes,
Montreal, Quebec.
Examination results in order of
Grade VIIi
Bateman 53'
Jean Rock 80
}Marilyn Bowes 78
Pleb Alexander 76
Joanne Swift 75
Gordon Fowler 75
Murray Machan 68
Vern -Bowes 65
Aileen Smith 61
Peggy Coltman 80
Donna Alexander 74
Donald Pestel 73
.Tames Williamson 69
Grade VI
Beatrice Alexander 81
Rodney Godden 74
Teen Bray 66
Carmen Bowes 64
Billy Smith 82
!Tarry Smith 59
Grade V
Ronald Cardiff 31
David Williamson. 67
Sohn Alexander 65
Sark Swift 64
Grade IV
Marenret Smith 54
Diane !7n1tman 81
Melvin Rack 69
Grade IMT
Neil Nelson 91
Sanies Pearson 31
Patricia Mnherds 78
Marrero Bray 67
Barbara Smith 85
Mary Marten 6t
Grade 11
Irene Noble 91
Sharon Cern!ft 74
Edwin Kromer 74
Keith Ward 02
(Berle Smith 59
Grade I
Deeree tteibein 75
Wnyne M'Tnge"art 70
Wayne. ITamllerm 67
Rath limy 66
Kenner Sheerer 82
Mae- W11Hnmeen 89
Women Tb 'Flee •Prinelpal.
with pink roses. petunias, pink
candles and centred with the
bride's cake.
Following, ate wedding dinner the
ha couple couple lett for a trtp to
Nigara Falls ,and the United States.
On their reeern they will reside In
.("'nests wes'e present from Lin
wand, Mc'Killnp, Galt and leruesels,
Tim isRus,ins.eosr
Grey Twp. Council
Ciree T'owuttU it Gouneil nseeting
held on July 9U.
Moved by 1lugtt Smittu `'seodiWod
by Howlett P. MioNanott that the.
minutes be adopted as read,
- Carried
Sieved by Hirvesr'd: 1I 'iKeelbught'
emended by Wm, E. Bieiilop tbe4
Court of 'Revision be, spend on
the 'Holton Draali.
- Carried,
Moved by. Hugh Smith seconded
by I•Ioward McNaught that all ale'
peels • on the Bolton Drain be die,
misted. - Carried.
Moved by Win, E. Bishop second•
ed be Howard 1P, McNmntglut that
the Court of Reviston on Bolton
Diehl now be closed. - Carried.
Moved by Hugh Smith seeonde3
by Howard F. McNaught that Car)
Willis be given contradt an drains
as advertised at 3119.00 per hour.
- Carried.
Mored by upward F. McNaught
eeeond&scl by Wm, 1e. 13iehoP that the
tender for bridge on con, 17 at lot 11
be awarded to Bert Vodden at the
sum of $1794.90 for completed job. -
- Carried.
Mayed by Hugh Smith seconded
by Wm. E. Bishop trat all approved
acoounhs be plaid. - Carried,
Moved by Hugh Smith seconded
by Howard F_ McNaught that We do
now adjourn to meet Aug. 2 at 1
P. m. or et the call of the reeve.
- Carried.
The floliawdng accounts were pa1d,
The Stratford Beacon -Herald
Drains Account $ 6.60
I John Shiebls, Ducks killed 5.00
1 MaoMclntodh, Pullets Miffed 28.90
Eldon Wilson, Lambs killed 50.00
Wm. Baker, 10 bus. Cemetery 7,50
Brussels Past. Print Bea
Laws Bolton Dr. 35.00
Edythe ,Cardiff, Clerk's Fees
Bolton Drain 50,0
ldye5he Cardiff Serve By -Laws
Bolton Drain 3,0
Blyth Standard, Adv. Drains 1.7
David Savage, Cox Dr. - 16.
Ethel Sales and Service repairs
.to Cemetery mower 7.00
Fox Bounty 23.55
Relief 25.00
Ronds 5087.70
leo sit - sir et er
Me. and Idea, Wan, BOA enbettteuitik
ed ctrl ,Suaeda.V,..11Uae 22nd in heeler of
Mee, Margaret Miller, who eelebia!te
ed her 85e1t'birtihday All meetbora'
of her felinity, including :three "Semi
Stewart and William of Grey,Mer:
vin. of 13roa'dhageiu, and tvvb (laugh,'
Jan ters, 81178, Bgyd' and Mrs, WM.'
Boyd ofMoKtltop, sixtbeen Pt7itirl•
children and one grepit gnandohdid,
were present forethe happy occasion.
Tre house wets decorated with
Summer Glowers. 71he Sea+table was
centred with g beautiful 11woti5torey
birthday cake, made andadeonr4atee
by her daughter Mrs. Wm. Beyd,
Two bouquets of roses, gifts, also
graced the table, 'Phe afternoon
was spent 1m music, woke chat and
taking pictures. Mrs. Miller re•
reeved several mea,sages of good
Wishes, fie well as cards and glebe. A
delicious earner was served by the
bestoand her assistants. All de -
Peeled wishing tie gvrest nP honor,
mento more happy birthday's. The
guests numbering 3,2 ,were present
t from Galt, Pneteton, Landon, Broad•
hagen and Timeeels,
1 ea a...
The service in Knox Crunch on
Sunday next will be conducted by
Rev. David Perrie and Rev. W. M
Hyndman will conduct anniversary
services in one of Mr. Perrie's
The W, M. S. met. on Jelly 2 in 1
the home of :ans. Lynn Evans with
Mrs,. W. M. Hyndman presiding,
'('lie Lard's- Prayer was repeated in
unison and Hymu 567. "Beneath the
shadow of the Cross" was sung. Miss
Forrest accompanying. The script-
ure reading given by Mrs, H. rack -
lin, and the topic tram the study
hr:.ok "Cieriperian Littenatwrer was
hi charge of MTs, L. Gordon. A
verse of Scripture containing the
name of a musical instnnment was
given in response to the roll call.
As is the custom there will be no
meeting in August. Mrs. Hyndman
attended the Seationial meeting in
Bluevale-on June 20 and brought
several Ideas which could be a
benefit to OUT Society. Miss Alice
1 J. Forrest .read a very interesting
story from "He Wears Orchids" en-
titled, "(Mend Wins A Convert"
The rinsing Hymn was No. 582, "0
Mtastter, let we walk with 'Thee" and
the Benediction was pronounced by
the President. Refreshments were
served by the hostess and members
of the tench commibtee,
Allan Dunn and Robert flyndman
are attending Bey's Camp at Kintail
this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Martin, Thames-
ville, vistted at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Baker.
Mr. Ed. Giesster and daughter
Batty, Fraser. Miele, spent a terve
days with Mr, Paul ,Teschke,
Mrs. T. D. Hinchley, Seaforth, to
spending this week with her niece;
Mrs. M. Engel,
ease Sally Speinan and Mr. Tom
Tennison near Saginaw, were guests
ad tee hnrne of Mrs. John Pride,
Mr. Wm. T. Stnallclnn is with his
daughter, :Mrs. ,Tea. F. Keys, Sea-
eaforth, this week,
Mr. Tom Smalldon, St. Thomae, is
holidaying with relatives here.
DFA11 ST rz.
Telephone Collect
wam.r oonsissiosoM:�
1 The -July meeting of the W. M. S.
I. of Union United Church was held in
the thumb on July 3rd with Mon-
tcrieltt and Cranbrook societies
attending, The meeting opened ve•eth
the men, "Thou whose almighty
word, 0oilowed by prayer given by
Mrs. F. Cox. T9he roll call and
minutes were read by Mitis, M. Mee!
. Mesh. Miss Olive Speiran of the
J2ancrieff societyfaeolured• with a.
1 solo. The'Scripture Psalm 72 was
` read responsively. The second hymn
1 was, "From Greenlande icy mount-
ains." The guest speaker Mrs. 3.
0 1 Bettger of Listowel gave an Inspir-
ing talk. Her theme was, "How
0 I much haPPiness do you get Duff of t
5; your work in the W. M. S.?" The
40 offering was baleen, by Mrs. H.
Edythe M. Cardiff. Clerk.
The July meeting of the W. M. S.
of Melville - Presbyterian Church
was held in ,the school room of the
church. In the absence of the presi-
dent, Miss Grace Stewart who is
visiting in Saskatchewan, Mrs. W.
Fulton presided. The Scripture
reacting was given' by Mrs, Jas. S.
Armstrong and Mrs. D. C. Mathes-
on led in prayer.
rhe work of tbe supply eomanit'
tee was reviewed by Mrs. John
Work who announced the receipt
of a complete outfit of olot)hing for
an Indian man, whicb with other
articles of clothing and bedding
will be sent to the Ceci1la Jeffery
School and Birtles Indian 'Schools,
Mrs, Felton made an appeal to
the society for essiabance for the
people of India who are experien•
sing a crippling famine: These
residents of "Little Canada in, In.
dia" are in the 'Mehl Miseion
which is operated by the Presto',
tartan Church. ...The sum of tour
dollars. she said will keep a family
for a month and the sum of
twenty dollars would tide a family
over until the new eropps are har
vested. A number et donations
were received at the meeting and
it was decided to make a oongre•
gat -kneel appeal on Sunday and
take op a colleotion on the follow
ing Sunday. .,..
Miss Bessie Moses gave a synop-
sis pf letters received from Rev.
Hauugh McMillan of Formosa, Mr.
McMillan is. a Dormer Luck -mow
young man and is now on his way
home nn Furiqugh,
Mrs. J. C. Baeker had charge of
the topic. a cenitinaanee of the
study of mission work In the Latin•
4rnertcan section of Smith Amer!.
ca. As there will be no August
meetinr, plans ware made for the
September meeting when Mrs.
Robert Mowbray of Wingham will
he the guest speaker, A committee
consisting of Mrs, C. 'Seeker, Mrs:
?e. Cardiff and Mrs. 0, Matheson
were asked to arrange a saetai
hnnir et the close the meeting.
Modern Red Rrielc Rotten nn went
vide nt Vlrferte Park. New modern
beihrrmrn. het end cold water. '!'awn
...stn,' A1505 00.
TTnei, 'reserve, Armrests Phone 11
Robinson and Mrs. J. Cox. The
meeting closed with the hymn, "Sean
of my soul Thou Saviour dear." Mrs.
Bebtger conducted a very interest.
Ing musical nnntest inthe base-
ment of the .rhuroh. A. delicious
lunch was served by the hostesses.
Mrs. Glen Rathwell, Mrs, Harold
Kevee and Mrs. R. W. Whitfield,
The August meeting will he held
at the home of Mrs. E. Mnrrnw.
At tbe closing meeting of their
.Tenor Red Cross for this year, the
Pupils of S. S. No. 8 presented their
teacher, Miss Franies Dennis with
a lovely silver cream and sugar
set with matching tray. as a part-
ing gift. Miss Dennis has lotned
the teaching eta,tf at Bridgeport,
where she will teach grades one
and two.
' Wt.
tieda.y, July
Here comes help for those who
have no natural talent for wrecking
thelr holidays, Humorist H. Allen
Smith presents 50 hilarious suggest-
ions for perfecbly maddening holt.
clays, Read "How . to Role Tour
Vacation," in this Sunday's (Suly
13) issue or The New Color Gravure
American Weekly, great magazine,
excttsively with The Detroit Sun-
day Times,
Roving bands of power prospect-
rospecting engineers have discovered a
new source of waterpower in the
glacier -fed Columbia. River basin of
the Paretic northwest, so tremend-
ous Ghat it could completely alter
any Preeen. conception of Canada's
Industrial growth. The story of this
"find", "believed to he ithe world's
biggest power potenitial, is told by
Star Weekly staff writer Iia.rold
i•Tiiliard Mn the July 12 issue.' '
10 - Kincaramtie at Beltnore
10 - Clifford at' Wingham
11 Blyth at Brussels
14 - Bnusseis at Blyth
15 - Bellmore at Wingham
1.6 - Wingham at Blyth
18 - Kincardine at Brussels
81 - Blyth at -Kincardine
22 - Brussels at 13elmore
22 - Kioeardine at Clifford
24 - Brussels at Cmfrord
25 - Kincardine at Blyth
25 - Wingham at Rruseeie
20 -- Kincardine nt. Winehani
29 -•• Reimers at lerneaela
31 Bruaeels et Wingham
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C. A. IYlyers•, M. i)., L. M. C. C.
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Graduate University of Toronto
Tellephosse 45- Brussels, Oat.
-JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist
Eyes Examined. Glassei fitted.
Phone 791 Seaforth -- Main Surat.
HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30. Sat. 9 a.m. to 0 iiwa.
J. A. Monagahan, R. 0. Optometrist,
Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting of Glasses
Office in Listowel Clinic Bulgy
Hoare: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. duly; Closed Wedmssiil p.m.
Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7120 to 110111.
Other evenings by appointment Phone 634
fl. A. Rann & Co.
Licensed Funeral Dfector and Embalms
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Chas. T. Davidson
Automobile and Fire Insurance
Accident and Sickness
Agee for Great West Life insurance Co.
Phone Office 96 -- Brasses, Oat.
Harvey W. Stephenson
Representative for San Life Assurance Co.
Canada Health and Accident Co.
Casualty General Insurance Co.
Phone 43x •
G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist.
Patrick St., WINGHAM
At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday.
Phone Wingham 776 81 5, Kincardine 21.
Evenings by appoinhinent...
Walker Funeral Horne
Day or Night Calla Telephone 65
No Extra Charge for Use of Funeral Horne
Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer
Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service
Dales' Flowers Exclusiyely
R. S. Hetherington, K. C.
Teaesday and Saturday all day - °Mat open every day.
Phone 20w Successor to E. D. !'kali