HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-7-2, Page 7JET FEEDING, EN, DOC v efo 1111' 'hI ' 1J BET, JOE,YOU DONT HAVE TO BOTHER GETTING YOUR GRAIN GROUND AND MIXED WITH A CONCENTRATE.JUST FEED` OUR WHOLE GRAIN AND RDE RANGE CONCENTRATE PELLETS. YOU CAN EVEN FORGET HOPPERS AND THROW THE FEED ,ON THE GROUND. 4•S Oi 414011 USED CARS 1948 Pontiac Coach, with Radio 1947.Pontiac Coach 1947 Kaiser Sedan 1946 Chev, Coupe 1940 Dodge Sedan 1940 Chev. Coach 1937 Pontiac Coach 1937 Chev. Coach Many Older Models USED TRUCKS 1946 Ford 3 ton Stake 1951 Chev. Sedan Delivery, with air ccndition 1.mom. Riverside Motors Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gas and oils Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE — 1 McCormick Dberrng, all steel, Hay Loader, Cheap., A. J. Pearson PhoneyQA FOR SALE — Scuffler and a quantity of garden tools and dishes. Can be seen at Miss Mary Lott, Brussels, Lewis Rowland (licensed 'Por Horan County) 'SATISFACTION GU — PRICES RWA.WOWAI ?Pertdements Phone 31 'The Brussels Poet" armlX07 Psi i dosesatlow etc., Mike or phone Lea. Powtand wM ha baked after Immediately Or cillo to P iL 3 Walton. ' CRAT:WRQOK Rey. 5ooiit, Metileton, ocettialed the pulpit in 1Ltnox Preslnyteriaai Clinch, on Sunday toweling. Rev, W. M. Ttytlemari conducted mite service in Monkton in the morning and ee Belgrave ill the afternoon. Miss 1)ulylene Steise retAuraed home bast week Poon enjoyable Mx week visit to the Western Peening - es. Mrs.. Otara. Omstead. is, in St. Thomas with her Meter 11fr,s, James MoCallttm. Weekeend vigttors with Mr, and Mrs, Allen Cameron were MD and Mrs, 'Rob Cameron ' and two Mona, Mr. and Mns, Jim Cameron and Oar- ol, Sarnia, and Mr, and Mrs. Morgan Cameron and daughter, London. Mr. Mallard Cardiff, Milestone, Sask., is visiting this week at the home or his nephew, Mac Engel, " NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM JAMBS Mc FARLANE late of the Township of East 14 ewanoah in the County of Huron are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the FIFTEENTH day of JULY, 1952, full particulars or their claims in writing, immediately after the fifteenth day of July, 1952, the as- sets of the estate will be distributed amongstthe parties entitled thereto leaving regard only to claims of which the Adminlatrator shall then have notice, Messrs. Crawford & Hetherington •Barristers & c., Brussels Ontario SoHeitors for the Adminstrator. Want HIGHERTaxes? "Don't be silly," you are likely to retort. But the question Is not a foolish one. For if you keep asking the government to do things for you then you are automatically asking for higher taxes. Government itself creates and possesses nothing. All it can do is to take something from the citizens and hand It back to them—less a handling charge to pay the wages of government employees and cost of distribution. Taxes are the means by which this trans- fer Is made possible. Higher wages without higher production per man mean higher prices. If welfare transfer payments are raised because of rising prices then taxes must go up, too. Thus higher prices now mean higher taxes. Keep these facts In mind when you read about new State welfare proposals, or about new wage demands that are not accompanied by assurance of higher per -man production. Published as a Public Service by THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Plants at HAMILTON - BRANTFORD - SWANSEA - GANANOQUE - MONTREAL Advt. No. 3 lite Roeder -) WELL, JOE, JUST ASl JET PLANES SPEED UP FLYING, SO THE NEW ROE RANGE PELLETS SPEED UP FEEDINGOHTNE RANGE. THE BRUSSELS POST CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SieLE — An Outdoor Toilet. • Phone 77.1.2 or inquire at the l'os't: FOR SALE -- 12 Piga 8 aveelca old. Reread Mulligan Pholre 8402. FOR SALE 15 Acres Hey, Peed Oafs, 1 saddle Horse, ,siorrel, with white markings, Olues. leaitsuld, Ethel, Ont, FOR SALE --- 110 1''luilets, rock anrd Kamp„ that are laying, Mrs. Arthur Hull Phone 331,16 FOR SALE — Gas Iron, in good eonelition, Mrs. Melvin Flamii'ton, Ethel Phone 11310. WANTED TO RENT — A small house or cottage near mein street, Apply to Ronald Jamieson, over 5, Lowe Apt, HELP WANTED — Clerk for shop, to do office work. Male preferred. Duties to commence immediately. Apply in person, C. & G. Kreuter Co„ Brussels. FOR SALE — 1 Frost & Wood Hayloader, cheap for quick sale. Alex Speinan. Phone 49r14 Brussels FOR SALE --- If you want a robber tired wagon get in touch with Geo. Wesenburg. Selling for wholesale this week only with one witltowt tires. Phone 56r9. FOR SALE — Modern Red Brisk House on west side of Victoria Park. New modern bathroom, hot and cold water, Town water $3500.00. Hugh Pearson, Brussels Phone 11 W ANTiD— Dead and disabled farm atrdrlda ranted for prompt Alok-rip. Parc? 9bepiseasoe, =ad, `Yrs Brussels Siris, Coned. NOTICE — I Custom Baling New Baler with loader ettaohment. Jas. Bryan, Phone 12x12 Brussels, Ont. PALMISTRY AND TEACUP READINGS Given by Noted Experienced Read- er for appointment Phone 59r8 Brus- sels or write Miss I. M. Sellers. Ethel. Ont. FOR SALE — Don't miss out on Bray specials— started pullets — shipper's choice breed. heavies 3 week $25.90; 4 week $30.50. Medium $34.90 and $38.90. For your own choice, or der/olds, , mixed or pullets, ask us — Agent - Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel. TENDERS WANTED — Tenders for the caretaking of Ethel Public School well be received until July Sth. Dities to commence Sept. 1. 1952. State salary for a year. Contract forms can be obtained from the secretat>y. J. Carl Hemingway, Sec.-Treas. Phone Brussels 25-5. POR SALE — 'Used Binders and Separators — 1-8 ft. John Deere Binder 1 — 7 ft. Cookshntt 2 — 10 tt. McCormick Deering, power take -off binders. 1 — 28-46 Red Ricer Special Grain Separator. R. M. Reny, Phone 102xr4, Brussels. Ont. MRS, JAMES IRELAND HONORED BY PUPILS Mrs, James Ireland was, honoured I With g;lfte frOwthe pupils of S.S. Na. 3 Grey School before leaving where I she has been a teacher for the past three year's. "the following address was read by Margaret Martin: Dear Mrs: Ireland As you have decided to make this your last year wibh us, we want to say "Thanks" and express our appreciation Dor the ninny ways in which yuo have helped us, as our I teaoluer, and our friend, tlaeugh the past 'three years, , You bave made them good with a mixture of work, play. musie, and eeighter. You have been patient, kind end considerate. always faith - fie to exprV i+a,to hatter efforts in 'ir ehrool work and citizenship, Your (teary good -humour and eons- r'adeshdp in work and Play have cheered whet could here been dull hams Iter° hrtareeting and happy We nre lnsin€' yeti as a teaohor, Wodu'esday, July 2ud, IiIGD WALLBOARD UALER Applygits coat f WARP" Wullbgprd Nile Wilt a . YY��rr. get b®}t��liir► ►M Johnson's Point and Electric Store Brussels. Ont. A PAINT FOR lint net se a friend. aur] we hops to meet yon often an you go your huey way, '.1fav 1' be a ]sappy one nod ap wish ynrt every anccess in your naw school. Wn risk you to ic'eept our "Thanks ter nveevtltirre" and rttiosp gifts. n,m 59r'nts Join lie in these o. grna,cinnG of thanks., apereclation led good wishes. Your sincerely, Pupils of S. S. No. 3 Grey Mrs. Ireland will teach next term In S. S. No. 6 Morris. FREDERICK F. HOMO TH Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. O. Mrs. H. Violo Homuth R. O. Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. • lin of 11'i' r,d, from West- miu'iter 'i1 wpi'Ittb. London. visited with Mrs. Scott, last week. Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne left last week to spend Idle summer at Huntsville with fact niece Mrs. Cameron. Mrs. Agues Denhohu Is a visitor this week at the home of her sister Mrs. Jerkin Work. Miss Janet Scott was a visitor last week with her nelce Mrs. Mc- f4iltough. Blyth. TENDERS WANTED — The Council of the Township of Grey will receive tenders for the work to be done on the Whitfield and Meehan Drains. The work to be done by the hour. Also tenders for the McNair Drain and open portions of the Buttery and Lynton Quiet/ Drains. The work to be done by the yard or hove'. Tenders to be in by 3 P. M. July 5, 1952. Plans and Specifloation!s may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Ethel. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk. CHENILLE BEDSPREAD BARGAIN From Factory to You $5,25 Lowest price in t'Rnada. TSeie berlapread is fully ctsvered with baby uheuille, no sheering showing: First quality. 11 cons-, in all (-store, single nn• double hadstze, with >hirer multi -colored nr .solid raised (-entre platforms. At only 85.25 each. Pent C. 0. 1). plus postage. hnamed- iate money -order -back g'uanamee. Order +m', you will order more. , TOWN & COUNTY MFG: R.• 1496 Place D'Armes, Montreal, Quebec. FOR SALE — Hay Loader, drop head, almost Bice new, Phone 42r5. ,•i WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Alwayc a Targe stock In Choicest Granites to Chose from All modern machinery. famous for it Cemetery lettering a epeeeliy Artistic Memorials 1 at very reasonable prices. R. A. SPotroN Phone 256 — Wuagham, ®et. UPPER ',Err—Retiring as Secretary -Manager of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association (Ontario - Quebec Division) after 17 years outstanding service Robert Giles, Lachute (Que.) Watchman, was presented with a beautiful oil painting during the association's recent convention at Wigwassan Lodge, Lake Resseau, Muskoka, Ontario. Shown with Mr. and Mrs. Giles are Past President E. A. Spence, Strathroy Age-Dispakh, extreme left, and Robert H. Saunders, C.B.E., Q.C., Chairman of The Hydro-Eletric or at thconvention tlnof Ontario, right, who was guestspeaker banquet. UPPER axowr Memhere of the 1952 executive of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association (Ontario Division) posed for this photograph during the gala dinner which was one of the highlights of their annual convention at Wigwassan Lodge, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka. Front row, left to ri ht --Jack Pickett., 1st Vice -President, Paris Star; E. A, nee, Past Present, Strathroy Age -Dispatch; Chas. No ap, President Stauf vile Tribune; W erden Leavens, Secretary -!Manager, Bolton Enterprise; Second Row, left to right ---Chas. Davis, Elmira Signet; Barry Wenger, Wingham Advance; Jerry Craven, Ridgetmrn Dominion; George Cadogan, Durham Chronicle; Vern FarreU, Bracebridge Gaeelte, Directors: Third Row, left to right—William James, Canadian Statesman Bowmanville, end Col. F. J. Picking, Liberal, Richmond Bill, Directors; Clayton Schaus, Chesley Entreprise, 2nd Vice-�Preeident, LOWER RIGHT—Featuring the annual convention of the Canadian Weekly Newapapera Association (Ontario Dtvistose) was the presentation of trophies and awards for outstanding achievement in the field of weekly newspaper editing. Winners left to right: Saul Cook, Editor, The Liberal, Richmond Hill, was presented with the E lf. Stepheneoa Trophy for the weekly newspaper with the best front page in toe ns with populations all-round ,500 and under; Robert Wenntft , Editor, 3fildinay Gazette, winner of the Jos. T. Clarke Memorial Trophy forbest paper popula- tions 1 500 and under; John Meyer, Managing Editor, Newmarket Era and Express, displays the Legge Trophy for the best editorial page while his five-year-old daughter, Stella holde the Aurora Banner Trophy for the best all-round weekly newspaper serving towns with a population 4,000 to 8,000. Both these awards were won by the Nswmrrbr2 Era and Express this year. Col. F. J. Pirkan5, Aurora Banner, was presented with the Albert V. Nelan Me rtal Trophy for the best all-round newspaper serving towns of 1,500 to 4,000. e. By Roe Farms Service Dept FEED RDE RANGE PELLETS010E, ACCORDING 10 THE AGE Of YOUR BI RDSAT 6 TO 8 WEEKS OLD ON THE RANGE GIVE THEM 1 PART PELLETSIO 2 Il.RT5Of GRAIN:THIS CAN BE INCREASED AS THE PULLETS GROW OLDER WHITNEY GET ALMOST 4 PARTS OF GRAIN TO 10F ROE CONCENTRATE PELLETS AT 3 AND 4 MONTHS OLD. BUT REMEMBER THIS, JOE, NEVER LET YOUR BIRDS BE OUT OF WATER, FILL UP THE VESSELS AGAIN LATE IN THE DAV TO MAKE SURE THEY HAVE ENOUGH . ROE RANGE CONCENTRATE PELLETS EO \\tUlI% P p1CNA1 v tiveg Ere,. Amp WA ESt Agawig "t tow NOANFOREM. VG -5 dd311IDNOW NOSI2111YH 'A .1NOWd1 NHOf sinsnde aonpoid UOdnH Iso?