HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-7-2, Page 1r B USSELS POS:T Post Publishing House Authorized eeond class snare Post Ofiit 1)14'144") • °bte'wa Wednesday, July 2nd, 1952. $2.00 per year . $2.50 U. S. A. PROMOTION RESYIVir..0. Of Brussels Pubilo 10u1 :ANik June, 1952 showing siteindletel a Sept, 1952 ANNUAL SPORTS DAY Brussels Branch No. 218 Canadian Legion. at Victoria Park, Brussels on' FRIDAY, JULY 18th Afternoon andEvening Entertainment Softball Games Children's Races' Binge and other games, Dance in Brussels:Town, Hall MONSTER FIRE WORKS DISPLAY • Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band In Attendance 0. S. Elliott, President. 2 Only — Brand New 1951 Beatty Stoves Reg. $329. — On Sale This Week Only $250.00 Also 1 Sparton DeLuxe Refrigerator at $75.00 below list price. Baler Twine on hand at all, times. GEO. PEARSON Hardware Ethel, Ont. $1,000 BINGO Sponsored by Clinton Lions Clob in Aid of Artlfical Ice • At Clinton Lions Arena on THUR., JULY 3rd 4 - SPECIAL GAMES . 4 •$300 $200 $100 $100 16 REGULAR GAMES OF $20 EACH These Bingos Run Every Other Thursday —All Prizes Must Go ADMISSION r $1 for 15 regular games; 250 for extra cards 25c for each special ' Doors open at 8.00 o'clock Games start at 9 p. m, sharp (DST) — REFRESHMENT BOOTH — 1 Melville Church Mlelatsr, row. W.H.P. Puttee 11 a m. Divine Worship 19 a. m. Sunday Bohool and Sunday Bohool United Church OF. CANADA Mtnletsr Rev. Andrew. Lon Morning Worship — 11 o'clock Merck School — 12 o'clock Come and Worehlp. saimisieless Church of England -Parish of Brussels Rev A. N. Ellis, Rector 4thSunday Atter Trinity July 6011, 1952 Se. Jute's Chorea, Brussels- it -am, .Morning Prayer Sealy 114110111 rt Davld'a Church. Haafiyu 8.80 p.tn. Evening .'Mayor Y6 Geords?s Churen, Walton 9.80 a na. Morning Prayer JACKPOT BINGO Wingnam Arena on FRI DAY, JULY 4th, 9 P. M. �� 15 Regular Games — $10.00 each Illeg • SJ ; .V - 511 3 Specials — $50.00 each CAPITOL LISTOWEL BRUSSELS LIONS CARNIVAL. HUGE SUCCESS Tteo hall "games, the Brussels Gres vs,, Arwood and the Breaael5 Sine Belles ea, gtnetterd Krdelsler5 were feature +attractions of the Lions •Sunwner Carnival held here Friday and Swflurc4ay of last week, The Wetting some Friday night Was a 11•4 vdetory for the Braasele Greys. Saturday night Stratford Kroelblers soored a 4-1 win over the Brussels Blue Belles, A good enowd gathered at the park Friday night and a large crowd attended Saturday mNght•making Use carnival an outs5tandimg success, The Lions Boys and Girls Band was M attendance, 0dtildren'•s rides provided the young fry with amusement and Bingo afid other games attracted yomlg and old alike, Dancing took place do the music of the Smith and Wilber orchestras. The draw for the ohevrolet oar vea Bron by Mrs: Russell Bradshaw of R. R. 2 Bluevale, and the refriger- ator by Mrs. Harold Cardiff. The two happy youngsters who reoeived free biycles in the free` -drew for rbilidren were Don. Fischer. son. of Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Fischer, Brnesels and Judy Lunn of Winaiham. Selwyn Baker. Lion president, thanked the people ter their patron- age. The committee in charge of this year's carnival are to he eongratulat. cel on tie (Success. Full particulars will appear next week when all accounts have been received. Notice .... Any person having accounts for supplies purchased by Lions for the Carnival are asked to present bills at the Canadian Bank of Commerce office se soon as possible. ATTENTION FARMERS e Have your binder canvas repaired now, and avoid dissapointnis t later on when the rush starts at bar. vest time. I have extra help and would appreciate it if you would bring ydut• binder canvas In right away. .T. C. Pegelow, Harness and Sbos Repair Shop, Brussels. BAND CONCERT Presented by Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band on SUNDAY, JULY 6th, at 8 P. M. At Victoria Park, Brussels. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the contract of Clean- ing end repairing the open Portioe of the Peacock Drain in Morris T.ownship will 'l a received by the undersigned tip until 8,30 p, m., July 7, 1952. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. Jackpot Game — $500,00 (The Jackpot will go at this Bingo) THEATRE There will be a second Jackpot the same .,night .,amounting•, to $1 for every person In attendance over 800. Admission $1 Special Cards 26o Sponsored by Wingham Lona Club REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont NOW PLAYING— July 3 • 4 • 5 "THE LAVENDER HILL MOB" Alec Guinness Stanley Holloway A delightful British comedy which le one big chuckle from beginning to end. This Is a satire on gangstere. July 7 • 8 - 9 Technicolor, "GOLDEN GIRL" Mitiel Gaynor Dale Robertson The greatest actress of her time. The immortal Lotta Grabtree. The vivid life story of a woman who fought for fame and love. July 10 • 11 • 12 Technicolor "CATTLE DRIVE" Joel McCrea Dean Stockwell The story „of the great Sante Fe Stampede when a man's daring and a boy's courage finish the drive they said could never be made, There Is plenty of action supense and Flammine Technicolor, COMIN0—r�'-- 1 ',MRS. 0' MALLEV AND MR. MALONE,' 2 shows nightly 7.30 and 8.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 P. M. Friday, Saturday, July 4 - 5 "DALLAS" starring Gary Cooper, Ruth Roman The story of a man with a chip on his shoulder and a girl on his mind. r Monday, Tuesday July 7 - tt Winner o 53 Academy Awards Vivien Leigh and Marion Brando In the picture everyone Is talking about "A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE?' Adult Entertainment. It will hold you spellbound. TUESDAY FOTO-NITS tat OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFER $1.90.00 Monday Attendance Card Night Wednesday, Thursday July 9 • 10 An outstanding double bill "AIR CADET" The story of the Jet Flyers ripping the skies like thunderbolts, Added feature — "KATIE DID IT" starring Ann Blyth, Mark Stevens Note : Alr Cadet showing at 7 Ind 9.45, Katie did It at 8.80 p. m. Fridfy, Saturday July 11 • 12 Gregory Peck, Barbara Payton In "ONLY THE VALIANT" Derelicts turned heroes ted out of a desert canyon of death by the man they had sworn to kill. (A great picture. THEORETICAL, MUSIC EXAMINATIONS Doris. . eoltneiton and Margaret Peelle, Meet of Mss L, D, Tbompeon hove meoteied the results of their Theory examinations. Dory in Grade. II Wes Iwwarded 86 per cent and Mepgawet PeTrie hi Grade 194%, both Fust Olaes Honore, Rev, Andrew Lane was 'the presiding examiner. WINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT.EXAMS. . RESULTS Grade IX Brussels — Jane Report First Class Hon. (75% or over) - Dttujglas 'Leach; ,Sheila Porter; Sheila Arldemon, Mary Willis (equal) Lois Bone. Seoond'Class Hon. (66 to 74%) Sheila. Black, Mary Agnes Higgins (equal), Joan Meehan. Third Class Hon. (60 to 65%) Donna MoArter, Freda Sawyer, (equal); Lorraine .Smith, Pass Robert Kennedy, ,john Greeter, LOCAL ANGLER GETS SALMON TIl'OUT Ons of our local enthusiastic anglers, Aildber Grasser, cane borne tram a fishing expedition last week with a fine Catch •05 eight and nine patund sairtnon trout. He reports a daily catvli of the limit of five of 'these tasty beauties, YOUNG MUSICIANS WIN HONORS AT WATERLOO • The Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girib Band were silver medal wine ners at the Waterloo Band Festival 'stet Sahtrclay. They took second place in their class. Aoton Band won first place. These players were an older, more experienced, group. The adjludicator had words of praise for the Brussels band declaring that they showed great promise. Three young players also received hontrure in individual .classes. Doris Johnston and Herbert Kirkby, alto horns, won :the silver and bronze medals. respectively in a class of six contestants. Doris was second with el marks and Herb. tied for third with 92 marks. Robert Kennedy, clarinet, was winner of the bronee medal with 69 marks in a class of thirteen ,onteetants. Congratulations to the band and bandmaster A. C. Robinson for their hard work and to Doris, Herb. and Robert. They all het.erve praise for their fine work. DECORATION SERVICE ON SUNDAY. JULY 6th The Western Star I. 0. 0. F. No. 149 and the Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion annual Decoration Service will take place at Brussels cemetery on Sunday. July 6th, at 2.30 p, m. Members of the Legion, T. 0. 0. F.. and Rebekah Lodge, and the Ladies Auxiliary to meet at 6th Concession, Morris Township corner at 2 p. m. Brussels Band will be in attendance. NOTICE The Citizensmlp and Educational Committee of the Majestic Women's Instigate are sponsoring an Cratere cal Contest at Brussels Fall Pair open to all Grades 7 and S. The sub• jects are, 1. Conservation in Ontario. 2, The Advantages of Rural Life. 3. Oppontunities in Canada. Cash Prizes offered. CARD OF THANKS T wish t0 extend my thanks to those who remember me with lettere, cards and flowers during my rooeh illness. Chrietena Dickson, CARD OF THANKS Our sincere thanita is gisen to all those who expressed their sym- pathy in so many kindly ways at the time of our sudden bereavement„ It was deeply appreciated and will be remembered. Mrs. E. Thompson and Family. KEEP THIS DATE OPEN FRIDAY, ,JULY 116 SF('PTH $1525.00 CASH PRIZESs�,, Ne Foelln' 1 It's Got to Ge. FRIDAY, JULY ilth a'z'• including $1000 Jackpot NEW RECTOR ARRIVES FROM ENGLAND TO TAKE OVER BRUSSELS PARISH ' JUNIOR GIRLS' SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Judy 2 — 0141ford tat BeWuare' Rev. A. Nor'ma'n Ellis of Water- 2 --- Btl1th at Wing)naan leo, Livening, England; arrived in 3 — Bs^usse@a555'1 Kinaaa'idline Brussels on Wednesday, Junle-25'bh, to aeawme his duties as reciter of the Bt4usaels 'paa•idh of the Church of Englaaul. Mr. Ellis, acoorapanied by his wire end' three small sons, Jain 7; Graeme 4, and Keith lure, landed, from the ]dntPress of France, et Montreal on Tueeday, Tune 24th, and travelled by nail to Brussels, encountering some of the hotest weather Weetet-n,0ntarfo has ,had. Educated at Queen's College, Cam• bridge, and Ridley Hall, leer. Ellis was ordained in 1935. He was curate at HSarrington. Lancashire, and Bootle, Liverpool, before going to Watettloo in 1939. His -church, a beautiful sandstone edifice, stand- ing atop a )sigh hill, is the first land - m -ark sailors .see when approaching Tdrenpoo'l tharbour, A desire too see more of bbe world GARDEN CLUB anti a bleier that this country offers The second meeting of the "Beus- eels Busy Biddies" was held at the Library, .on June 2lst, The meeting opened by singing the Institute Ode. The secretary's report was then read by Marion Hemingway, The roll call tor the first year girls was, "How My Gar' den Grows." Then the girls dis- cusses how 5bo control insects. Thelma Maier the leader then gave a salad demonstration. Joan Wilson, Helen. Wilson and Margaret Perris then served the girls with delicious Candy. 4 — Belmore at 134,615 6 --- W'ingbam ab Clifford 8 — Winlgham at Reimers 8.— Blyth at Clitterd 10 — Kincardine at Belmore 1ti — Cliftord aA, Winggham 11 — Blyth at Brussels 1,4 — Brussels at Blyth 15. — Bdlnuore at Wingham 16 — Wieseham art B1Y1th 18 — Kincardine at Brussels 21 — Blyth at B naardine 22 — Brussels at Belmore 22 — Kixlc:arddsie at Clifford 24 — Brussels at Clifford 25 — leincardine at Biytlh 25 — Wingrha,m at Bruesels 28 — Rincardine at Wingham 29 — Belmore ah Brussels 33 — Brusseie at Winger= wider opportunities for the nhildren influenced their decision to come to Canada. Mn Ellis finds Brus- sel* a lovely spot blut prefers to re- serve his opinion of Canada until he has a sperienced one of our winters. Youth activities ars among his interests. In. England he was prom- ineut in Scout work. Prior to his departure he was presented with the Scouts Medal of Merit. Mrs, Ellis is also interested in the work, being a former Guide captain. Beebe and ceeleket were two sports In which Mr. Ellis par1i0[014(46. Mlle Brussels Post joins with the rest of the community in welcoming Robinson • Lake them t0 our village and we express Trinity 'United Church. Peter - the hope that they may find happi- borough was the scene of a quiet ❑PFS in Canada. hat pretty wedding on Saturday, June el, at three o'clock, when Daisy Evelyn, daugrbter of Mrs. Chas. E. Lake end the late Mr. Lake of Brus- sels, became the bride of Earl Whit- field Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Robinson of Peterborough. MUSIC EXAMINATION CENTRE On Wednesday file annual music examinations, for the Western Ontario Conservatory of miotic, Lon- don were bead at the. home of Mt Rev. Dr. D. Brace Gordon officiated. j and \ft_s. Louis D. Thompson. The church was decorated with i ferns, pink and white peonies, and organe blossoms. Miss Anne Ntokle of Madoe sang. "The Lord's Prayer" before the zeremony `and "Because" during rite singning of the register , accompanied at the organ by Mr. Donald Kennedy LOST — Th.' bride, elven in marriage by her 1 brother. Mr. John Lake. was lovely de Boer, Jane Silver monthpieee rap fur sato- in a strset•length dress of blush i Grade VI phone at Victoria Park last Friday,i pink nylon marquisette over taffeta, I Bridge, Allan between park and American Hotel. ; with matching cup and mittens. She ; 7meson, Dwain Finder please leave at Brussels Pos4, tarried a nosegay of white roses and Imeson. Linda (Reward). sweet peas. Hosting, David Mr. Raymond Robinson was 1 Lawry Bili MELVILLE CHURCH ( gmmnaman for his brother. I Myers, Irene The bridesmaid, Miss Lillian Lake Ruddick. Patricia of Guelph, sister of the bridal, were I Stephenson, Bill apple green nylon marquisette over i Stiles, Rabera Wood, Blayne Kitchen, Harvey de Boer, Klass Grade VII A reception was held in the Beggs, ,lack church parlors where the bride's 1 Beggs, Ruth Anne mother received, wearing a dress I Bridge, Ben of navvy sheer with white valva -ray t DwvtS0SI Arnold floral pattern with navy accessories Davison, Murray and wore a corsage of white sweet Exel, Everdiva peas. She was assisted by , the I, Jewell, Ma.rybeth groom's mother, Mrs. Robinson, Kennedy, David wearing a grey printed nylon Sheer " Lane Ronald dress with grey acueseories, She ],each, Catherine wore a corsage of mattme sweet pelts.. Lowry. Carnia Tater the happy couple left mid a MrQtuarrie, Rill Miller, Sandra Myers, Francis Stiles. Ted Dr. Harrey Robb. principal of the I Conservatory, was the presiding I examiner. 19 candidates presented them- selves for examinations in piano, singing and theory. Results will be announced later. Grade 1 do Boer, I<laska Grade 1t .1lr.rkt, Ilavld Beggs, James Outwits, John Da'vidsaiy, Joyce ..q fixed, Anne Garai*, ,Tarns Kneeler, J. David Myers, Mae McBride, Debby Warwick, Mamgameb Wesenberg, Mehl Grade 111 Bronson, 'Rat mond" Bryaars, Carol Chisholm, Patsy Currie,. Barry Davison, Wayne 731ggins; Bobby Jenner, Elsner Kirby, Pawl Lowry, Sandra Martin, Cwemdoiysue Martin Susan WeWhirter, Terry Wilson. Garry Davidson, Brent Grade IV Bums; Patsy 7)5vtcltson, Jack Fulton, Ann Ceerniaa, Murray Logan, Jimmy MnTeggart, .Kathsign Stiles, Alen Todd, Roger Waxman, Tedd Weeembrrg, Joe W[neberg. Rochelle de Boar, Jacob Reel, Ada Grade V Bridge, Harold Chisholm, Evelyn Coleman, Karen Cousins, John Davidson, Joan tee], Eric Johnston, Wayne llie$ride, Jaok McCutcheon. Melvin McNeil, James Porter, Pamela Rutledge, Brian Stephenson, Elizabeth Steuheneon. Fred Warwick, June Wesenberg, Larry The quarterly Communion Service at Presbyterian Church, U. as conducted by the minister Rev He H. T. Fulton in a very impressive manner. Melville male chorus sang the gospel song, "I want my life to tell for Jesus." Graeme MacDonald sang Dvorak's, "Going Home." in memory of Elwin Thompson, Mr. Thompson was a ta•Itbtul member of Melville Choir. Miss Muriel Mac- Donald ao-Donald and Graeme were admitted to full membership In the church. Elwin. Victor Thompson Penple of this community were shocked to learn of the sudden d.Path of Elwin Victor Thompson, a real• taffeta styled similar to that of the bride, with matching headdress and mittens. She carried a nosegay 01 pink roses and sweetpeas. dent of Brussels who died in Little shower of confetti for a motor trip Current, where be had been working. through scnuth-westenn Ontario. For For a time he emerged a butoher travelling, the bride donned a' shop here in partnership with Ms natural linen suit with obs linen Todd. T,indat hie sou -in-law Wm. Coleman later hat with matching accessories. She' li•ilsnn, Frank be was n real-estate 9161 salesman, He . wore a corsage of red rosee, Grade Vlll was in 5year. ± 'Upon their return they will reEager. Jim 1. HP was born on eonoesston eight, ' side in T,ekafield. Hi,egln,s. :leek Croy Township, the eon of William 5 Tb:nmpsnn and Hembree Gill W M. S. MEETING Tbompsnn and lived for many retellMAITLAND PRESBYTERIAL in that distrlrtt. His wife, the for- mer Rivet Tientsin,. survives; also The summer meeting of the Mait- j s son Kenneth. of Perth ;:and a land Pre�sb;nteria-1 W. M. S. 194$ held 1 t1 ee:bter, Mrs. William (Sbirl.ey) Friday afternoon, jute 20, at Lang- t Niemen, eflohipeten Menton. He side Presbyterian Church, with a wase member of 'llsh'tlle Pre•aby good attendance. Tien interest i torten Church helm wee shown in the dioussioms of the The funeral we s oro' lctntnd from atternoon' which were led by the the P. A. Rine htnertl home ninny President. Mrs. A. McAuley of ,� at ?n'rle+rk wish Rev. 'Wm. Pi:lion Ripley. Tile devottona1 part was ; .' – ... __. 1 p.., ()frit -Teems' Interment in Thmeaals taken by Mrs. P. Hodgins and Maser. ; BORN Lagan, Douglas Mcrutcheon, Maf8328t Metuchen Slott, Ms+Nair, Tttestne McNeil, Shirley McTaggart, Dale esephenson, Tt:,sar. Thornton, Margaret Warman, Marlene Wilson, Helen Felten, Men remotrry Murkier of Kinlot mil and prayer by ' Beam --- To Mr, said VIM Wee' T),allbearcrs were W. 1). Wells. Wee Spier. R. A. Bennett, C. 3, Peeelnw. Ales Coleman, Goldie T'heteptint. Mrs. Whinney. Tire ladies of LedgeBlamk (nor Tielen Caen'), Rile e'g, Ride •5eilved a. datnity luncth at +lbs fy tint., on Time 14th, a daughter, M't*Btt close of the reeettleg i retbeeinte