HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-6-25, Page 6THE 1RU5SELS POST
Wizen ywu eet"bthdlnd the wheel of
a eardo you leawe your goad come
utozl sense at home ? Most d1'ivers
have zuo thought ,to become mindere,
j or to emennit suicide, wheal they take
' the wheei but Nutt is wheat znauy
become. Dona ruse a ear to give
vent to your sense of =venture and
reekleeenuees, .If you want to risk '
Your own life there are other ways
to do it where you 'Won't be a men-
; a•ce Ito the safety of others, Fife
member that Met)/ time your foot
toud4res {thio aweaorator you be-
i come a ,potential kilter. I4now the
rules of the road and obey them.
'Pwo thirds of .fatalities and .one
1. third of those inured in motor
jvehicle accidents en On!bsrlo are
leetleettrians. Drivers of 'rotors
vehicles and. pedestrians must both
I take precautions to prated pedes-
trians. r
Now that vacation time is here
mere children will be on our streets
at ati times. No reuniter how well
instructed in safety preoautlone,
children forget and where there are
I children drivers must always he
alert for the cbtld darting into the
street. Don't be eareless, it may be
your 'child, your brother or sister,
or veer netghbour'e youngster that
Iles mengled beneath your wheels if
yen: relax your vigilance.
Drive sanely ! Drive carefully !
Be, alert
Holiday week -ends are periods of extra hazard
and added congestion on the highway.. These
conditions will continue to result in accidents
unless offset by patience, forethought and alertness
on the" part of all highway users.
Thousands of visiting tourists and children on
vacation add to already crowded highways. The
need for extra care is obvious. A traffic death is a
needless death.
You risk your life when you drive too fast for
conditions—fail to stay in your own traffic lane—
or fail to obey signs and regulations designed for,
your protection—or, when on foot, you fail to take
necessary precautions.
Enjoy your week -end. Make it safe—one you will
remember, happily.
%%.2k ItiaW F.V\ %\‘`ka, N%
Heibeln - Machan hall, decorated with baskets of
pink peonies and orange blossoms ti
was the setting for the reception..
The assistants were Miss Mert
Matheson, Hespler, Miss Bratty
Martin, Strareard; Mrs. Stanley
Bray, Seeforth; Mrs. Clair Barlow,
Brussels. For her daughter's wed-
ding Mrs. Machan was dressed in
pale blue sbeer with white ac-
cessories. Mrs. Heibein, mother of
the bridegroom. was in a gray suit
with arnesoriee in white. They
each wore a corsage of Pink roses.
Later Mr. and Mrs. Hebeln left on
a trip to North Ray. A navy suit
with white accessories and cor-
-age of red roses was worn by the
bride fur travelling. The couple will
osise their hump in London.
Cn•n"+s were present from Stratford.
T.istnwel, Rrueeele, Atwood. Seatnrtb,
Auburn, Heepler, Reaehv111e, Brant.
In a double ring ceremoay•in Knox
United Church, Moncrieff, at high
nuun Saturday, June 21, Donalda
Betsy Machan was united in marri-
age to Mr. Clayton David H•edbedn,
London, Rev. W. M. Thomas officiat-
ficiated at the ceremony. Mrs, Frank
Harrison, Moncrleft, played the wed-
; music, end Mr. Robert Mc-
ight. Atwood, sang, "Wedding
per." and "Ill Walk Beside
1." during the service and
,,.ese This Howe." at tiro reeep-
tion. The bride js the daughter of
Mr. and \Ire. James Machan, R. R.
3 Brussels, and the bridegroom's
Parents are Mr. and Mrs, Bert,
Tfeihein. Ethel. Given in marriage
by her father. the bride wore a
gown of Chantilly lace and nylon
marquisette ever taffeta. The
gown was faehtnned nn prinreas
linee. The long lane skirt wee ac-
centuated with merenieette gedet:e.
A tare Jark•t with long pointed
sleemes and mandarin neckline
covered the alae:pleee bodice. Her
fall length veil of embroidered Il-
lusion fell grarefulir from a pearl.
trimmed eel -meet She tarried a
cascade of red •mac: and stanha•
nestle The bridal attendenee wore
etmlhar peewee of frosted oreonrlte
over taffeta. - styled welt fitted
bodices, rape rollers. and full
.•left]', Thew worn mid:tens to match
their srowee end fined to addr..ss-
as ha.rninniztng with thou nnwns.
The maid of •honor. Miss Monna
'Vachon. sister n9 the bride, was in
pink and held a nosegay o4 green
elmyeanthemutns and pink rose -
Mae. etre. Oarl WiUte, Ltafnwel, ,
was wearing .a yellow gown, and
Mtge Karen Maughan had (dolmen
Green shade. Mee, Willis held a ,
nosegay of mauve rhrvsanthe- '
mums and yellow roe/thuds. Mies
l'Sachan'e nosegay wee of pink
wises and guerre cbryeonth moms.
The flower girl, (Merle Hetbsin,
noire of the bridegroom, wa.e in
a froelc of bine flowered n.. ands"
over taeflet.a, and nettled a beak-
eakof of pink anal white sweat to'a.s.
I°he rings were earrtod on a. white
train euehlon by T.rrry Ward,
nephew or the hrideernnen re
woe++ white t:eoneers and na:vv
blazer. Mr. Bruer. TTrlhein Fthel,
'gee beet man fur ile ire •+leer and
'Mr Flt'1t't' l?rn.', 'r11, 1,11"1141
Ford. nu Mount Forrest.
'elle June meeting at the Mon-
crietf Women's insitute was held at
the home of Mrs. Wm. Robertson,
with 26 members and three visitors
Mr,, Charles Harrison read the
secretary's report, and letters of
thanks received. Roll call was
answered by naming : "A Canadian j
who mads good."
Mrs. Kenneth Ludington report-
ed en the district anneal meeting
at Carrie Olive Speiran sang a
snit. Mrs. R. Thomas spoke on art. I
Lonstr was served hp the hostess.
An internale glimpse of Sen. Robs.
A. Taft who someday may be Freal-,
dent -•- told by the woman who
knows bite beet I Rears Mrs. Rebel
A. Tatters own story. "The Man 1
etarirsd: ' in this Sanday's (June 29)
Issas of The New Color Gravure
Aanerieen Weekly, exeltagdvely with
The Detroit Sunday These.
Look over your fields and 1f yon
bate ton many weeds in your crops
try pnwer spraying it will pay yon
=env rennet 10 to 15 beemore grain
tier arm after snra:vtnr,. 'Phone Ii i-9
flan Wrsenhurg. for prices or we
anally 2.4n ter year own sprayer.
medal, nue ?roll, 1952
By -Law No. 6, I952 of the Villege
of i3russete, County of Huron being
13y -Law to regulate and govern
plumbers and the plumbing business
In the Village, of lerasaela.
IVITi•I1t11AS it is expedient that
aunts control be axe:10sec] over
Plumbing and bile installation of
plumbttlg Matures in the Village of
ANI) 1Sr1Dp11i 2A;S it is exPedaent to
pass a Iiiy,I.aw regaletlmg the same:
NOW THIORAPOQR the Municipal
Council of the V1liege of Brussels
enacts as follows ;
1. Nb persons Erni or oorporation,
a resident or longed In the Village
of li•reteseks shall carry on in whole
or in Part the business of plumbing.
or make any plumrpin}g treetailetton.
wibhoue first heaving obtainedfrom
the Corporation of• bhe 'Village of
Brusselte, a license anti permit as
h:eremzdafter defined,
2. No person, :firm or =reared=
who are nen-resident or located
outside the Village of Brussels, shall
carril' on in whole or In part or do
any Plumbing work within the
Coul)m•aflon of the Village of Bnts-
cels, without .hearing Bret obtained
a permit as +h:eria:Ater described,
• R. All persons, 4Hmms and oorporat-
' ions as defined in "Paragralp "1"
above, shall obtain on or before the
first day of Janroary in each year,
a licence to carry on the plumbing
business or do any plumbing work
within the corporation of the Village
of Brussels. This license Shull be
free of charge, and shall expire on
the thirty -Meet day of December of
that year unless renewed.
No, 4. No pensoon, firm or oor-
poration so licensed shall make
ani' installations or do any plumbing
work :other than servicing existing
ineta:llattejns within the Corporattion
of the Vilage of Brussels, without
having obtained a permit from the
Corporation to make such new in-
dividual installation. Sa=t. permits
shall be in the discretion of the
Municipal Council and if granted
there will he •no charge for the ,
term e.
5. No 'vesons, firms and cot-
Ponations defined in "Paragraph (2), r
above shall he licensed at all, but
the fee for eaoh permit to do any
individual plumbing job or jobs shalt
he fifteen dollars ($15.00). Such
Permit shall be only be valid for the i
particular Job applied for, and a
similar permit and payment -of a
eimilar Pee shall be necessary for
each individual Job bo be undertaken
by any of the persons. firma or
6. All resident persons who do-
nee pay Municipal Taxes on a Busi-
ness Assessment, and who wish to
carry on a plumbing business or
Make any plumbing installations
shalt be considered, for the purpose
of this By -Law to he non-resident
but thrall Obtain a license, the annual
fee for which shall he fifteen dollars
1$15.001, The shalt also obtain a
Permit, fres of charge for each in-
dividual Job or jobs.
6. Every person. firm or cor-
poration who is guilty of any con-
travention of this Ry -Law shall incur,
in addition to any other remedy to
whieb the corroration may he =-
tilled. a penalty not exceeding fifty
dollars ($g0,n01 exelesive of corals
nn rnnvireenn under the Summary
Cnnn•intirne Act and any person, firm
or =veered -len sn levied and any
mete se imposed shall he levied
and collected in 4he mane pro-
vided ender the Seminary Conrirt-
ion Art end in default of payment
the guilty person or pereon•s, &hall
he idahle to imprisonmentt in the
common .gaol for any period not
exeeedtng ten days,
• 7. This 13y -Law supersedes By -
Law No. 6, 1949 and all other Bye
Laws governing plumbers or the
plumbing business in the Village
y of Brussels,
5. This By -Law shall take effect
the second day of June 1952 and re-
main in effect Weil repealed or
Read .a first and second time and
Missed thissecond day c1 Tune, 1952.
R. B. Cousins, Reeve,
C4. R. Campbell, Clerk.
Read a third time and finally pass-
ed dais seconrl day of June, 1652.
R,p13. Cousins, Reeve.
G. R. (i 'impbell, Merit, .
106 aeees light clay loam well
drained, near echool and store.
Brick hnnsa, ettanhed garage, hydro
hath room. hank barn. Pig pen,
ehfrkrn tunas. drive then. Rftua.ted
9 mites Peet of Brussels, nn road
brine paved, immediate .troaseaaton.
Aunty try ilex 50. Rrnesele T1eet,
All persons having claims against
bhe estate of WILLIAM JAMES Me
FARLANE late of the Township of
East Wawanosh in the County of
Huron are hereby notified to send
to the undersigned on or before the
FIFTEENTH day of JULY, 1952,
full particulars of their claims in
writing. tmanediately after the
fifteenth day of July, 1952,.the as-
sets of the estate will he distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto
having regard only to claims of
which the Administrator shall then
have notice,
Messrs. Crawford & Hetherington
Barristers & c„
Brussels Ontario
Solicitors for the Adminstrator.
Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Thomas
Thomas opened their home on Wed-
nesday evening for the members of
the Morris Euchre Club to sponsor
a Surprise early for John Spivey, one 1
or the members and teacher$ at 1
Browntown school for five years,
During -the et'enilig nine tables
of euchre were in play, An addreaa
was read by Donald McLean and
Mrs. R. J. McMurray presented the
guest of honor with a signet
ring and a box of initialed baand-
kerrhiefs. A lunch was served,
Hold Penny Sale
Mre. M. C. Mundell was hostess on
Wedneeday afternoon last week for
the m:ontltly meeting of the Triple
Group of the Ladies' Aid Society
of Knox Presbyterian Church, The
president, Mrs. Walter Smillie
presided, Mrs. L. G. Greenaway
read a =Neon of the 15th chapter
of St. ,Tohn., and Mrs Illizaheth
Leslie offered prayer,
Mrs. W. G. Mundell gave the re.
port of the s eretary-traesnrer
Wire, Rurne Moffatt, and Mrs.
Harvey e)111ott spoke for :their com-
mittee to make final arrange-
ments for the garden party. Debut,
Donelel Robertson was the pianist,
Mrs. Harry Elliott conducted a
penny sale in which $4,50 was real.
izrd, Lunch was served,
Personals: Rey. Norval Robert-
son of Creston, B. 5', bee returned
homy, after attending the General
Aawnihly or the Presbyterian
rhumb In Canada and visiline his
sister-in-inlaw, Mrs. R. ..T MeMnr.'
tory. Bobby Me:Murry returned
to R. C, with hie uncle where he
will seen+T the venation menthe.
Personals : Dr, and Mrs, Shaw,
Toronto. with the doctor's mother,
Mrs. Arthur Shaw: Mr. and Mrs.
Hervey Meager and daughter, Betty.
Toronto, at their home here; Mian
'Marilyn Moffatt. Lend= with Mr,'
and Mrs. O. 11. Moffatt, Miss Nnrmvt
Moffatt. 'Walkerton with her parents, 1
'1fr. and Mrs. Burns Moffett. Revel,
and '.Virg. Millie and son Gerald. else
Mre. Mason 'enjrysd a Ciente at
underlet nn Br' turd 07 when the
mireeers ani their wires et Hmren !
eteltl'rntt Prenhvteev eafinree ter
the drew.
Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and
Ht.usehold Effects of the Estate
of the late William James McFarlane
At Lot 39, Con. 1, East Wawanosh.,
1t/ miles west of Blyth (on the
Auburn Road)
at 1.80 P. M. the following
Black Reiter 3 yrs, old, freshened
6 weeks; Durham cow 4 yrs old,
freshened 1 month; Durbam cow
6 years old, freshened 6 weeks;
Durham cow 6 yrs. old, mincing,
doe in October; 2 yearling steers;
2 yearling heifers; 3 sprhag calves.
McCormick Deering W-12 Tractor
..Auto -Trac with 1930 Chev. motor
1931 Chew. light truck •
Rubbre fire wagon; flat rack
From S Wood binder, 5 ft. out
McCormick No. 4 mower, 6 Pt. cut
Cnelcsdlutt 19 disc drill
M. H. spring tooth cultivator
3l. H. manure spreader
Fleury walking -plow
3 section harrows
Frort ,� Wood hay loader
Single row stuffier
Set of double died; 2 wheel trailer
rend racks; fanning mill; se£ oe
herness; .horse collars; set of
slings; aging rope; 2 brooder
stores: 6 bags of fertilizer; pig
' smote: fattening crate; forks, shovels
()hems and numerous other articles,
Household Effects
A quantity of household effects in -
eluding 2 battery radios. 4 beds,
Ocoee dishes, reeking utensils and
numerous ether articles.
At the same .time and place there
will he offered for sale :milled to
reserve hid, tine 1011 aore'elay loam
farm an wrhieir le situated a 114:
atoms' house; bank barn 231' x 59',
Water supply =nets!. of 2 wells
with water in the barn,
Ou the farm is a gond gravel P11;
40 acres of crop and 19 neres of ha
and balance in paaature.
Terms oh Chattels — Cash
Terms cl, r'arm
10% down and balance In 30 days
or mortgage on arrangement.
Kenneth McFarlane, R. R. 2
Brussels, Ont, Administrator.
R, S, Hetherington, K. C. Wing-
ham. Ont. Solicitor for the Estate.
Edward W. Elliott, Clinton, Ont,
Telephone Collect
With "Water on Tap"
from a DURO PUMP-
ING $ $TEM your
whole family will enjoy
a11" the comforts and con-
veniences of modern
SYSTEM will, at the
turn of a tap, provide all
the fresh clean water
needed for. Kitchell .
Bathroom : Laun-
dry . . , Dairy Barn
. Milk House ..
Poultry Pens , . Feed Lot
, Lawns and Gardens ...
BESIDES you have FIRE'
m Phone or visit us today for
DURO Pumps and EMCO
Plumbing Fixtures and Fit-
tings. Write for illustrated
Far Sale by —
C. & G. Krauter Co.
Brussels. Ont.
ECOP 323
London • Hamillon • St. Catharines • Toronto • Sudbury • Winnipeg ' Vancouver
C. A. Myers,, M. D., L. M. C.. C.
WA= St Phone 4. Brussels, Oat.
Graduate University of Toronto
Telephone 45
. _ Brussels. Olin.
JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist
Eyes Examined. Glasses fitted,
Phone 791 Seaforth — Main Street
HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to S pas.
J. A. Monagahan, R. 0. Optometrist,
Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fittingg of Grasso
Office in Listowel Clink Starerig
Horns: 9:00 a.nr. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday pan.
Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:Q0 to !tall.
Other evenings by appeintment Phone 534.
TT. A. Rann & Co.
Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer
PHONE 36 or 86 ..__,..: ;.... BRUSSELS OflT.
Chas. T. Davidson
Automobile and Fire Insurance
Accident and Sc knees
Agent for Great West Life Snsettance Co.
Phone Office 96 --- Brussets, Ont..
Harvey W. Stephenson
Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co.
Canada Health and Accident Co.
Casualty General Insurance Co.
Pilon 43x Brussels
G. ALA11 WILLIAMS, Optometrist.
Patrick St., WINGHAM
At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday.
Phone Wingham.770 & 5, Kincardine 21.
Evenings by ,appointment,
Walker Funeral Home
Day or Night Calls Telephone 65
No Extra Charge for Use of Funeral Hondo
•Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer
Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service
Dales' Flowers Exclusiyely
R. R. Hetherington, K. C.
WINCHAM and RRU5 11!'1
Tuesday and Saturday all day — Oflict open emery dry.
Mone 20s 5oc sM r to E. D. Bei