HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-6-25, Page 4THE BRUSSELS 1''t)S`T
Holiday week -ends are periods of extra hazard
and added congestion on the highway. , These
conditions will continue to result in accidents
unless offset by patience, forethought and alertness
on the part of all highway users.
Thousands of visiting tourists and children on
vacation add to already crowded highways. The
need for extra care is obvious. A traffic death is a
needless death.
You risk your life when you drive too fast for
conditions --fail to stay in your own traffic lane—
or fail to obey signs and regulations designed for
your protection --or, when on foot, you fail to take
necessary precautions.
Enjoy your week -end, Make it safe—one you will
remember, happily.
Helbetn - Machan
Ina double ring ceremoayen Knox
United Church. Moncrieff, at high
nose eaturday, June 21, Donalda
Betsy Machan was united in marri-
age to Mr. Clayton David Heibedn,
London. Rev. W. M. Thomas officiat-
ed at the ceremony. Mrs. Frank
Harrison, Moncrieft, played the wed-
: music. and Mr. Robert Mc-
ight, Atwood, sang, "Wedding
' Ter,- anti "I'll Walk Beside
1" daring the service and
..ess This Hnti,P.'• at the rerep-
tic•n. The bride le the daughter of
'Air. .suet MN,. J,,nte4 Machan, R. It
3 Brussels. and the bridegroom's
Parente are Mr. and Mrs. Bert
TTeihatn, rebel (liven in marriage
by her father. the bride were a
gown of Chantilly lace and nylon
margni e'•te Leer taffeta. The
gown we, faah!oned on princess
Tinea. Thr long lace skirt was an-
centn1ted with merenisetfe enders
.A lase jaeka a with long painted
slPrvraa an:1 mandarin nerkltne
rnv.red the etraplee,, hodiee. Tier
fall leneth veil orf embreftared il-
lusion fell treerefell r Frem ;a nrarl-
irimnied rnrnnr~t She carried a
erseele of r'd 'loge, end eeonba.
roils. The bridal ettendnn+a wore
similar zewnz of froaterl nreendie
ANor taffeta 34.0.4 with fitted
hndirer. rape rnllars. and full
t,rrr, Teter were mfttene to match
theft enwrr: and fifty i1 71,a411re•?s-
ns hermenizine with their ,eewne.
T"tP mat•1 et honer, Mtge Manna
roti'arlean. mater of the bride. was In
pink and held a nosegay of green
elrementhemnms and pink rose'
Tillie. Mrt (tart Willie, Listowel.
mac wPa-Ing a yellow gown. and
1Mfs.' Karen Meehan had Amen
rr•ene shade Me% Willie held a
nnaogay of mauve ant1i -•
mums and yellow reeehuds. ;thea
Marhan't nosegay was of PI*
rosea and green rhrvstnthemtims.
The finer girl• Gloria Bethein,
noire of the hridegrr ia. was In
n trek of bine. flew •rel er,••andi.,
over taffeta, 'chert rarrh 4 t 'beak
1,14 of pink and white sweat pogo,
The Angle were narriee on a. white
enkin P1141111•11 by T.err'.• Went.
napbow of the hrldeereem, I -Ta
were white trmisera and naw
"Neer, Mr Bran., TTelbein_ T thele
'wee hest man roe t'i'1 hr.+1,r,e• sal
: is^
cat! ',Ow,* 1+,...,.•. mti,:, r.1.,,.rrt,
hall, decorated with baskets of
Mak peonies and orange blossoms'
was the setting for the reception, '
The assistants were Miss Mert '
1Latheaen, Hespler. Mies Betty
Martin, Stratford; :Ars. Stanley
Bray. Seaforth; Mrs. Clair Barlow,
Bruse;ele. For her daughter's we&
ding Mrs. Machan was dressed in j
pale bine sheer with white ate!
cessories. Mrs. Heibein, mother of
the bridegroom. was in a gray suit
with accessories in white. They
each wore a corsage of pink roses,
Later Mr. and Mrs. Hebein left on
a trip to North Bay. A nary shit
with white accessories and cor-
'-,ae of red rases was worn by the
bribe for travelling. The couple will
make t.li tr hnnre in London.
„,aeetet were present. from Stratford. t
Lietow"l, Bru .els. Atwood. Srafortli,
.tnharn, Hrapier. Aearhrille, Brant•
etre. a.il Venni Forrest. lli
he .tun meeting of the Mon-
crirff Women's lnsitute was held at •
the home of Mrs, Wm. Robertson,
with 26 m^mber= and three visitors 1
tit ending.
\trs. Cherie, Harrison read the
e'sr"fary's report. and letters of.
thanks received. Roll call was
anewer.:d by naming : "A Canadian ;
who made georl,"
:Mir'. Kenneth Ludington report.;
ell on the distrtnt anneal meeting '
at Gerrie Olive Speiran sane al
sole. Mrs. R. Thomas "peke on. art.
Lamb we Aerved by the hnatecs. j
An intimate glimpse of Sen. Rnbt.
A. Taftwho someday may he Pres1. 1
tient — told by the woman who
knows him hest ! Reed Mrs, Robt, 1
A. Taft's awn story, "The Man .11
,Tartred." in title Snndny's antes 29)
!rine of Tha. New (!nior Gravure
knit.rlean Weekly, eetennlvs4y with
The Detroit Sunday Times,
Look over your fields and if yon
have ton many weeds In your efops
try pnwnr spraying it will pay you
many report ib to 15 has, more cram
e'er arra after enra.yinv- Phone Sere
(ten Wecenherw, for prtees or we
money 24T) ter your own sprayer,
Wizen You get'beittud'tlte wheel of
:t car do you lease your good conn•
' mon centra tet hont.e- ? Most drivers
have no thought 40 become Murders,
1 or to eotzrmit }Weide, when they tithe
the wheel but t4hat Is wtuat m0511'
become. Declot nee a cat' to give
vent to your sense of adveettu1e and;
recltlesanneee, If you waft to risk
your awn life there are other walls
to do it where You Won't be a men,
ate to the safety of others, Re-
ntemIber that ,en ery time your foot
towhee the aooetlerattor You. be-
come a Potential killer, Know the
rules of the road ani obey them,
Two thirds of fatte'ilties and one
• third of those injured tht, motor
vehicle accidents in Ontario are
pedeettrlants. Drivers of motors
vehieles and lede$trisne must both
take precautions to protect Tiede*
Now ,thatvacation time is hese
mars ehlldren will be on our streets
alt all times. No matter how well
!netrueted in safety preoab•tiona,
children forget and where there are
children drivels ?Mist always he
alert for the child darting into the
street. Don't be careless, it may be
your Child, your brother or sister,
or your neighbour's youngster that
lies mangled beneath your wheels It
yon relax your vigilance.
Drive sanely 1 Drive carefully 1
RP alert !
Wesly, sday, .Lune 2S4b, 1262
•. r xa 'were -r.,.vM1..•...
ByLaw No, 6, 15$2 of the Village
of Brussels, Bounty of Huron being
a 13y'Law to regulate end govern
plumbers and the plumbing business
in the Village, of Bruasele.
WHIM/MAS it is e,tpedient that
Rahe contrsi be oxeroleed over
Plumbing and the inettallation of
plumhtug Waimea tit the Village of
l3 ussola.
AND Wl l0R>1AS it le expedient to
nes a Tey,T.aw regulating the same:
NOW THER•ITFCR -Nie Municipal
Council of •Nus Village of Brussels
enacts as follows ;
1, No person, then or corporation,
a resident or located in the Village
of Brussels shall carry On in whole
or in Peet the 'bvstaeas of 'pliatubdarg,
oe mn115 any plumping installation,
without tient braying ebta4ned from
the Oonjtonai ion or the Village of
Brustsels, a incense and permit as
heretnlafter defined,
2, No Denson, firm or corporation
who .are non-resident or located
outside the Village of Brussels, shall
carry on in Whole or In past or do
any plumbing work within the
Ocnporation, of the Village of Brus-
sels, wfbhotit having first obtained
a. permit as :harinia,9ter described,
- 3, All persons, firms and corporal_
ions as defined in "Paragnapgi "1"
above, shall obtain on or betore the
first day 01 January in each year,
a license to Carry on the plumbing
business or do any, plumbing work
within the'corporadion of the Village
of Brussels. This license shall be
free of charge, and shall expire on
the tdtirtv'ltnwb day of December of
that year unless renewed. •
No. 4. No person, firm or oor-
poration en licensed shall make
any inetalletions or do any plumbing
work other than servicing existing
installations ivbWsln the Corporation
of the Vilag:e of Brussels, without
having .obtained a permit from the
Corporation to make such new in- ,
dividual installation. Such permits
shall be in the discretion of the
Municipal Council and if granted
there will be mo charge foe the ,.
6. No persons, firms and cor-
ponattons defined in "Paragraph (2), 1
above shall be licensed at all, batt
the tee for each permit to do any 1
individual plumbing Job or jobs shall
be , fifteen dollars ($16.001. Such '
permit shall be only be valid for the
particular Job applle-d for. and a
similar permit and payment -of a
similar fee shall be necessary for
each individual Job to be undertaken i
by any of the persons, firms or
6. Ali resident persons who do•
not pay Municipal Taxes on a Busi-
neas Asseeemeut, and who wish to
carry on a plumbing business Cr
Make any plumbing installations
shall be considered, for the purpose
of this ley -Law to be non-resident
but seal] Obtain a license, the annual
fee for which shall be fifteen dollars
($15.001, The shall, also obtain a
petanit, free of cbarge for each in-
dividual Job or jobs.
l 0, livery person. firm or nor-
' poration who is guilty of any con.
travention of this By -Law' shall incur,
• in addltdsin to .any other remedy to
wlitrh the corpimation may be en-
titled. a penalty not exceeding (iffy
dollars ($:50,)51 exelnsive of meta
en convlrtion under the Summary
Connections Amt and ,city person, firm
or corporation so levied and any
tenets so lrnpnaed shall he levied
1 and collected in the manners pro-
' vided under the Summary Convict -
inn Art and in defeatlt nt payment
the entity person or persona, all 511
• he liable to imprisonment in the
' common ,gaol for any period not
exeeeding ten days,
• 7, This By -Law supersedes By-
, Law No. 6, 1949 and all other By-
, Laws governing plumbers or the
j plumbing business In the Viliege
of Brussels,
R. This By -Law shall take effect
the second day of June 1962 and re-
main in effect Men repeated or
Read a first and second tine and
I passed this second day 01 Jame, 1902.
R. B. Cousins, Reeve,
G. It. Campbell, Clerk.
Read a third time and finally pass•
ed this second day of Time. 1952.
R.,,13. Cousins, Reeve,
G. R, Campbell, Clerk, -
Alt persons having claims against
the estate of WILLIAM JAMD$ Mc
FARLANE late of the Township of
East Wawanoeh in - the County of
Huron are hereby notified to sand
to the undersigned on or before the
FIFTEENTH day of JVLY, 1952,
Lull Particulars of their eleims in
writing. Immediately after the
fifteenth day of July, 1952, the as-
sets of the estate will be distributted.
amongst the parties entitled thereto
having rega.rel only to claims of
which the Administrator shall then
have notice,
Messrs. Crawford & Hetherington
Barristers & c.,
Brussels - Ontario
Solicitors for the Adminstrator.
Jit. and Mrs. Bernard Thomas
Thomas opened their home on Wed-
tnesd.ay evening for the members of
the Morrie 0uchre Club to sponsor
a surprise party For John Spivey, one
of the members and teachers at
lir,wntown school for five years.
During the evening nine tables
of euchre ware in play. An address
was read by Donald McLean and
Mrs. R. J. McMurray Presented the
guest of honor with a signet
rine and a box of initialed hand-
kerchtefs. A lunch was served.
Hold Penny Sate
'Mrs. 1T. C, Mundell was hostess On
Wednesday afternoon Last week for
time monthly meeting of the Triple
Group of the Ladies' Aid Society
of . Kn.= Preshyterian Church, The
president. Mrs. Walter Smillie
presided. Mrs. L. (1.. Greenaway
read a porfdon of the 15th tempter
of St. John„ and Mrs Elizabeth
Leslie offered prayer,
Mrs. W. G. Mundell gave the re -
pert of the secretary-traesurer
Mrs. Burns Moffatt, and Mrs.
TTarvey l5llintt spoke for their com-
mittee to make final arrange -1
ments for the garden party, Airs.
Donald Robertson was the pianist,
Mrs, Tearry Ellicott rnndncted a
Penny sale in which 94.50 wag real.
ized. Lunch was served,
Personals: Ttev, Norval Robert -
11,1111 of Creston, B. C. ha.e returned
home after attending the General
Acaambty of the Presbyterian
therrh in Canaria and rieltinc Itis
sitter-in-inlaw, Mrs. R. .T. Mc.Mnr-
ray. Bobby M*Muarry returned
to B. 11'. with bit' mule where he
will spans the we -mien meetlt.-.
Personals : Dr. and Mrs. Shaw,
Toronto, with the doctor's mother.
Mra. Arthur Shaw: :Mr. and Mrs.
"Harvey Masser and danglitar, leebty.
Toronto, at their home beret Miss
Marilyn Moffett, London with Mr.
and Mrs. O. R. Moffatt. Mica Morena
Moffatt, Welleertnn with her patenit',
'Air. and M.ra, Turns Ilenffat; Rav,
and Mrs. Bailie and ants Gerald, also
lira, Ma,ann enjnysd it pirate nt
(;nrlerirh nn .Sefttrrlay what the
mies'tcre ane Chair wir.•a n( Teeron
Mairlenn Preebetert- eaten -red far
the cave
Farm, Farm Stock, tmelements and
Household Effects of the Estate
of the late William James McFarlane
At Lot 39, Con. 1, East Wawanos::,
11,4 miles west of Blyth (on the
Auburn Road)
at 1,30 P. M. the following
Black heifer 3 yrs. old, freshened
6 weeks; Durham cow 4 yrs old,
freshened 1 month; Durham Cow
4" years old, freshened 6 weeks;
Durham cow 6 yrs. old, milking,
due in October; 2 yearling steers;
2 yearling heifers; 3 spring salves.
McCormick Deering W-12 Tractor
Auto -Trac with 1930 Lhev. motor
1931 (`her. light truck
Rubbre tiro wagon: flat rack
Frost & Wood binder, 5 ft, out
McCnrnnick No. 4 mower, 6 ft. cut
norksbutt 13 disc drill
M. H. spring tooth rnitivator
R. manure spreader
Fleury walking -plow
3 section harrows
Frost & Wood hay loader
Single row souther
Seat of double disc; 2 wheel trailer
and racks; fanning mill; eat o:
harness; horse rollers; set of
slings; sling rope; 2 brooder
stoves: 6 hags of fertilizer; pig
irate: fattening crate; forks, shovels
ohnlna and numerous other articles,
Household Effects
A quantity of household effects in.
rending 2 battery radios. 4 beds,
slave. dishes, choking utensils and
nemernus other articles.
At the same time and place there
will he offered for sale subject to
raaerve bid, the 150 arre-rlay loam
farm on which is situated a 1%
starry hones; bank barn 20' x 59',
Water supply ennslsis of 2 wells
with water in the barn.
On the farm is n gond gravel Pit;
40 arras of crop and 19 acres of hay
and balance in pastatre.
Terms on Chattels — Cash
Terms ca, Farm
10% down and balance In 30 days
or mortgage on arrangement.
Kenneth MoFartane, R. R. 2
Brussels, Ont, Administrator.
R. S. Hetherington, K. C. Wing -
ham. Ont. Solicitor for the Estate,
Edward W. Elliott, Clinton, Ont,
Auctioneer. -
Telephone Collect.
ELMIRA 564 a
100 nooea light Clay loam well
drained, near school and More.
Brick house, attached g rage, hydro
hath roam, bank barn, pig pen,
rltlrkei hmae, drive abed. Situated
1 miles enat of ISniseele, nn road
beim. payed. Tinmedtste t>osanseion.
Apniv in Tint 50. Torn ettele Pest.
With "Water on Tap"
from a DURO PUMP-
ING SYSTEM .. your
*hole family will enjoy
all the comforts and con-
veniences of modern
SYSTEM - will, at the
turn of a tap, provide all
the fresh clean water
needed for. Kitchen , .
Bathroom . , '• Laun-
dry . Dairy Barn
, Milk House .
Poultry Pens ... Feed Lot
, Lawns and Gardens , . .
BESIDES you have FIRE`
Phone or visit us today for
DURO Pumps and EMCO
Plumbing Fixtures and 'Fit-
tings, Write for illustrated
For Sale by —
C. & G. Krauter Co.
Brussels. Ont.
London • Hamilton • SI. Catharines • Toronto • Sudbury • Winnipeg , Vancouver
C. A. Myers, M. ID., L. M. C. C.
VYJI1lrue s St. Phone 4. Brussels, Ont.
Graduate University of Toronto
Talatrisoee 45 Brussels, Ont.
JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist
Eyes Examined. Glasses fitted.
Phone 791 Seaforth — Main Street.
HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to S p.m.
J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Opjtomtebrrist,
Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting of Gasses
Office in Listowel Clinic Build'mg
Homs: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.sn. daily; Closed Wednesday
Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:Q0 to 11u3S.
Other evenings by appointment Phase 534.
I'). A. Dann & Co.
Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer
PHONE 38 or SS......•... ».. —a— BRUSSELS. ONT.
Chas. T. Davidson
Automobile and Fire Insurance
Accident and sfiekness
Agent for Great West Life insurance Co.
Phone Office 96 --- Brussels, Ont.
Harvey W. Stephenson
Representative ;for Sun Life Assurance Co.
Canada Health and Accident Co.
Casualty General Insurance Co.
Phone 43x Brussels
G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist.
Patrick St., WINGHAM
M Kincardine Office Every Tuesday.
Phone Wingbam 770 & 5, Kincardine 21.
Evenings by .Appointment.
Walker Funeral Home
Day or Night Calls Telephone 65
No Extra Charge for Use of Funeral Horne
'Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer
Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service
Dales' Flowers Exclusiyely
R. S. Hetherington, K. C.
Taeeday and Saturday all day –•- Met open every day.
Phone 20x Successor to E D. Bea