HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-6-18, Page 6USED CARS 1951 Chev, Sedan ° 1948 Pontiac Coach, with Radio 1947 Pontiac Coach 1947 Kaiser Sedan 1946 Chev, Coupe 1946 Chev, Coach 1941 Plymouth Sedan 1940 Dodge Sedan 1940 Chev. Coach 1937 Pontiac Coach 1937 Chev, Coach Many Older Models USED TRUCKS 1951 Pontiac Sedan Delivery, Air Condition and Sun Visor 1950 Chev. 21/2 ton Truck with all purpose clump body. 1946 Ford 3 ton Stake sall~IBMIMr Riverside Motor Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gas and oils Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. FOR BALE -- }louse House and lot on Queen St. Brussels will seli house with or with- out furniture. For ijurtber particulars apply to Mrs. John Simmons Phone: 16ri8. FOR SALE — _ 1 range shelter with wire bottom and sides, with plywood top, new last yegr, Robert C'a nnpbell, Cranbrook CRANBRQOK Anniversary services of KIM Presbyterian Oltpreit were held on Sunday with the Rev. R. T. Boggs, M. A. of 'Molesworth, as guest preacher, The choir, assisted b3 Bob Olin' Ingham of l thea wr,a under the dlretion of Mrs. W. M. I•Tyndtnaai. Guest soloist was Mrs, Arno Ke11Y of Kincardine. R.ov, W. M. Rynd- inen, minister of'the crhnreit,, assisted at alio evening service. Airs.'Flarry Duncan and Mrs. M. Akipe or Moose ,naw spent the past week with Mi'. and Mrs. Calvin C.smeton, ami Other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Arno I{ells and three nhi':dren., Kincardine, were Sunday all lairs %vital Mr. and Mrs, L. H. „ n7ud Mrs. O. O msiea.d, MT. W. ,T. Rmnildon. St' Thomas, and Bd. Sma3ltdon. rro1ede, Ohio, WPM n•cyere 14fiiftorFi with their brro•her leonge and otter friends and rola firm Rev, W. F. and Mrs. Fuilton, Rev. nr a t Ara. Bantle. T litevale end p 7 m..o.r a ',6+PnptPer ' Mtn an - , ^'t'1' aMr,!Irec nn Sundl , .,n ,-i,.a,..n nt ,a.,, n„napav even - :. Moos. Ra'nwed was hotels for th lune 7neeting of the W. M. S. lintel United Cantrell, There wer 10 members and 7 visitors present Meeting opened by Hymn, 366, fol v laed' by Troyer by Mrs. Armes This wag .followed nu try edita,tio and hymn 378, Mrs. Baynard gav t e Scripture reading. Minutes irnat reedits: 'were rend and approv- ed. T,royt call. Offering. Tn th itcticno,gs treriod hhpre was a Mattes- ion In connection with our allooat- imn to Slip Now "Trotted CTnn-nh train. e at e n e 02 e 1„,„. apJtnot,, M,e by Mrs. .T, T, Pag.ran„ .ernnd.ri by 'Mrs. Stanley cnatrn„ Hist ?lona Avc.fir. Rnri•nnrd ^n1 ATI.Q.• imps he trasettrprs for n••, 1 — (raratar1. 'tin, nbpraof ham• ^ ntpaand enked to 'rti.nlHn,: • with ei th.nr rtf t�,,.er7 rMan7t WTI e rrana AnaiRaA,ars . Fn ve mvtmrin"• a"nano osiatamit How Math Will YOUR Dollar buy? Today, thanks to inflation, our dollar will buy 52 cents worth of goods by comparison with the full dollars worth it would buy In 1939. The buying power of the dollar has gone down because prices have been forced up. Prices have been forced up through infla- tion because the emsunt of money in circulation has exceeded the volume of goods and services available to consumers. The two main sources of inflation are high government taxation and wage rates which are not related to marl -hour production. Unless production and wages are held In balance, and unless at the same time non -defence government expenditures are held in check, our dollar is bound to lose more buying power, x Published as a Public Service by THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LI,NIITED lA Plants at HAMILTON - BRANTFORD - SWANSEA - GANANOQUE - MONTREAL Advt, No. 1 WHAT ON EARTH IS ALL THE TUGGING ANO HAULING FOR FRANK ? est AW SHUCKS. RANGE FEEDING IS GETTING TOO BIG A CHORE. EVERY TIME I -WANT GRAIN GROUND AND MIXED i HAVER DO THIS, 4e -A I'VE 60T TO PAY FOR ITAS WELL caa.s�f HERE, 'LL GIVE )4.)(1A NEW WRINKLE. SEE THESE.THEY'RIE ROE RANGE, CONCENTRATE PELLETS. THE BRUSSELS POST for present, in the study "period a Abort Play, 'The Dearth of the I7wrtli,' Vso Presented by Mrs. Pesten, Mrs, Cheater Bari, Mrs, God. den, Lila Pearson, Mrs. Fife and Mt+e, Ames. Mrs. T. T. Pearson was npfointed to look enter study period for next 3 mouths. Mrs. Percy Stepheraien Invited the society to her lucre Aar Jlaby meeting. Ms's. Alex Pearson and Mrs. Joe Pearson offered to bring lunch. Meeting closed with benediction. Ithaca was served by thehostess assisted by Mrs. Pwtterson and Mrs. .T. T. Pearson. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE — w 35 little Pigs weaned. Ronald Mulligan . Phone .84r12. STRAYED — Scotoh Coille, Female Dog, 1 yr, obd Dan McKinnon, Brussels Phone 24r32 FOR SALE — 300 Red Rock Pillets, about 4 monbbs cid. Mrs, Chester Baker Phone 504"18 FOR SALE — Seuffler and a. quantity of garden tools and dialler. Can be seen at Miss Mary Lott, 13nussels, FOR $ALE — 1 (tubber tired wagon 600 • 16 tires, 1—,3 wheeled •trailer 600 - 16 tires. Wesley Searle, Wlalton, Phone 18r4 Brussels. FOR SALE — Heavy duty .1932 Buick Buckrake with track differential and wheels engine overhauled a nd priced very reasonable. Rase Knlghtt Phone 28r15 CUSTOM BALING — We have modern equipment to de I i your baling. Comtaat i Stan Alexander, Phone y^^ Brussels 86r13. , WANTED— ; Bead and disabled farm anitssir wanted for prompt pick-up. Call Percy Stephenson, lSthel. Phase Rosas/s R5r12, Collect. FOR SALE --- Row Raw about pullets 40 each the rising egg market? Bnay specials stilt effective 3-4 week millets Ship- . ner's choice breeds — heavy breeds, 3 week 323.90: 4 week 930.30. Med- turns 534.80 - $35.00. Ask us for prices nn your own choice. Also day olds, noised. pullets, .Agent — Wm. ' '"'n^, Bray, Ethel. FOR SALE — White brick house, 4 piece bath, %. acre of land in Village of Brus- , sets. Priced to sell. 100 acre farm, hydro, good build fags, 50 acres of Spring crops, never failing spring, 8 acres- of bash. ' Priced to .sell at 86,800.00. 100 acres farm, close to Village, red brick home, sun Porch, steel drive shed, large barn, 18 acres Spring crop, rest In hay .and glass, Pr -iced to sell. Farms all sizes, and also Village houses and business, J. C. Long, Real 1Jstate Eroker, Brussels, Ont. TENDERS FOR PAINTING Morris Township School Area will receive tenders for the following contracts. until June 24th. 1. Painting interior of S. 3. No. 10, Class room, hallway and stairs. two coats of paint or varnish on walls and ceiling, also varnish ou desks. Sem 11, T. AToMurray, Wing. ham for specifications, to be com- pleted before Aug. 20. 2. Tnetoling a plpiess nr semi- nipelesd furnace, .imitable for burn- ing loth coal and wood in S. S. No. 12. See ape. Aifchie. R. R. 4 Brus- sp1s, for specifications. Work to be 'completed before Aug, 20, Ralph Shaw, Rinevale, Secretary, WALTON 'ate Inns meeting of the W, A, Walton United Churoit held heir regular meeting on June 11th, with the President in the tlbedr. The meeting opened witch Serlpture reading by tate president, followed by prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's repottt woe linen read, with a balance of 8448,01 on hand. 'I ere were several items of bust. news. FIymn 189 was then sung, The meeting closed by repeating of the Mispals benediction, Personals : W. Grainger with '1 friends in Tollonto; Mer. and Mays. Leslie Bolton a'ttending a church convention In Indiana; Mr. and Mrs. O. Love and Mr, and Mrs. Watso'e Reid home after spending a week In Syracuse and Rochester, N, ?. i W eatiesday, June 14th, 196S n't waste labour , .. Uro Stura,orw Qualily point for lasting act • A PAINTr FOR EVERY PURPOSE Johnson's Paint and Electric Store Brussels, Ont. 111 Young men recently graduated from High School with Junior Matricu- lation or equivalent educational standard, may become officers in the Canadian Army Active Force. If accepted you begin training at Camp Borden as an Officer Cadet to qualify as a Second Lieutenant in the Active Force. You will receive Second Lieutenant's pay while in training. When you are granted a commission you will then serve for periods of 3, 4 or 5 years as you choose under the Short Service Com- mission Plan. At the end of this service you may apply for a perma- nent commission. FHCER To qualify you must be: —Single —Physically fit — Between 18 and 25 years of age and have a Junior Matriculation or Equivalent Educa- tional Standard. Apply today to the Recruiting Office nearest your home. No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Ergot Street, Kingston, Ont. Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. Np. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Elizabeth Street, London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, James St. Armoury, 200 James St, N,, Hamilton, Ont. A2o9w•o Join the Canadian Army Active Force No w THESE PELLETS SAVE YOU TI ME,WORK, MONEY AND EQUIPMENT. FOR INSTANCE, WITH ROTE RANGE PELLETS YOU DON'T NEED HOPPERS YOU JUST THROW THE FEED ON THE 6ROUNO, C=y koe rarms Service Dept, WELL,''OU DOi'*I' NEED...... GRAIN. ALL YOU DO FOR F STURDY GROWMIN TH 15 FEED )'CUR 6RAiN wijog AND BALANCE R WiTH ROE RAN6E CONCENTRATE PELLETS. FOR BIRDS TO 8 WEEKS OLD FEED I PART PELLETS 2 PARTS GRAIN GRADUALLY INf N6 GRAIN UNTIL I PART PELLETS 4 PARTS GRAIN ARE USED MR BIRDS B ID 4 MONTHS OLD, BUT REMEMBER -- WHEN I SAY 2 PAPS I MEAN BY WE1+!a!tr NOT MEASURE ROE RANGE CONCENTRATE PELLETS egne TIM MONEX S EQUIPMENT AND WASTE NE6t,VESi64)14,?ff f/krOR/M COdVCffTR,4740 Pfaff FORA/ east Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F. HARRISON MONGRIEFF