HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-6-18, Page 5THE ERUSSE1$ POST ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister Grey Twp. Council (Irey Townoip council Meoting wain held Jane Ult. :Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded by Clifford R. Dunbar that the min• ut,es be adopted as read,—Carried, Moved by Howard F. McNaught, seconded by seconded by Wnh• I7, Bishop that we give C. I. L. an order 0w 10 Gnls. 2.4-D and 5, Gals. 2-443T to be fused as s teat in brushing and for weed control for tlhis es a$on.—Oarrl ed. Moved by Hugh Smith, 'seconded by Clifford R. Dunbar that we DAY Wm. Love the sum of $225.00 for lawnnnojver for labbel Cemetery, — Carried. Moved hy Howanci P. McNaught, .econded by Clifford R. Dunbar r that h' Engineer be notified to let the contract on the unfinished portion of McNabb Award Drain. — Curried, Moved bs G1t8ford 11, Dunbar, seconded by Howard F. McNaught flint we adt^ertise for tenders on the following drains, the Whitfield and Meehan Drains. on an hourly basis, tha Buttery, Quinn and McNair Drill's, open positions, by bbe yard or hour. Tenders to be opened Juhy 5th at 2 p. m. — Carried. Moved by Hugh Smith, secondees hy Wm. E. Bishop that Clifford R. Dunbar act as Commisailoner on the r'nt'tery and McNair Drains. Howard \TrNiught on the Quipp Drain and Clifford Rowland nn tb,, Cox Drain. -- Carried. Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded by Clifford R. Dunbar that all an• Droved acrounds b^ paid.—Carried. Mnv-,d by T-Inwarl F. Mr'dnhtrlit. q,+rn�A�d by Clinno•d R. Dunbar. Wednesday, Jrrne 3411, 1052 that we'do 'now adjourn to meet again July 5th at 1 o'clock or at the call of the ltoove, — Carried, The Hollowing accounts were paid', lnip: nUol Gil, stove oil $21.60 John McDonald, Flags 4.00 The Municipal World, Co)lector's Roll 10.52 County of Huron, Ho titallzaLion 28,50 Won. IT, hove, Lawnmower 225.00 Melvin - ilamiltop, Rent for Dump 15,00 Fred SnhalIdon, SnsPeetor 223.00 C. M. Dennis, Gravel IMO Village 7,80 Arthur Ra,tban, Gravel I]bhel Village 14,00 Lloyd Tacklin, Gravel Ethel Village 11,25 Donald Bateman, Assist Survey Machan and Whitfield Drains 1,2.00 trodden and Miehpl, Repair side- walks, F]lihel Village 320.00 G. Mac, Smith, bury dog, Lot 41, Con. 1 2.00 • Wm. Raker, Cut grass in Oenhetery 10.50 Edythe Cardiff, Foy Bounty 27.00 Relief 25.00 F 'sty 128:00 Roadq 5378.65 Ir i elh,» $6464.4! M. Cardiff, Olerk. FREDERICK F. HOMUTH Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. O. Mrs. H. Violo Homuth R. O. Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. Centrepoise Power Engine vibration and power im- pulses are "screened out" — isolat- ed from driver and passengers. Engine rides flexibly suspended be- tween new high -side mountings. i7 Illustrated—Sfylettne De Luxe 4.Door Sedan Extra large Brakes Chevrolet's Jumbo -Drum brakes, with their big 11 -inch brake drums, apply more leverage for more stop- ping power. Bonded linings last up to twice as long. Lowest Priced in its Field! • Chevrolet, the Leader, is the lowest 'priced car in its field. It's Canada's most beautiful low-priced car — and Canada's most wonderful motor car value! ...s•,.I.:.,„r.titiiir$'�`'r•3sirla",.g%'° ••• 3 sly Chevrisit, the lowest -paced fine car, offers ail these extra features! Herm !.7, only a partial listing of the wonderful arra ct° e::ita frlratvres offered to you by Chevrolet, the it ss .tfi-poked fine car. Every single one of them rn.-ans extra pleasure, extra safety, or extra economy for you. Yet again in 1952 Chevrolet is the lowest -priced line in its field! Come in and see for yourself! The LEADER heads again . e. The Only Fine Cars... PRICED SO LOW! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Body by Fisher Fisher Body secs the standard for styling and craftsmanship. And Fisher Unisteel construc- tion guards you with solid all - steel strength. elAV 4 -Way Engine lubrication Chevrolet's exclusive engine lubricating system supplies exactly the right kind and amount of lubrication to each moving part. Powerglide Automatic Transmission It's simpler with fewer parts to wear or require adjustment. It's amooIGer because oil does it all without complicated hi- termediate gears. Optional on De Luxe models at extra cost. Unitized Knee -Action Ride Chevrolet's famous Knee - Action ride is now even softer, smoother. New shock ab- sorber action smothers bumps and jolts more quickly. Widest Tread Chevrolet measures a full 583A inches between centres of rear wheels — providing a broader base to give more all- round stability. Cast Iron Alloy Pistons Pistons are formed from the same material as the cylinder block—expand and contract at the sarne rate. This reduces pis- ton wear and oil consumption. Powerful Valve -in -Head Engine Teamed with Powerglide is the powerful Valve -in -Mead engine, an outstanding per- former in any field! This en - One's Hydraulic -Hushed valve lifters are another important Chevrolet exclusive, Gorgeous New Exterior Colors Rich and beautiful color com- binations . . the most won- derful array in the entire low - price field. In De Luxe series, interiors and exteriors are dis- tinctively color -watched. GM Tinted Glass with the Shaded Windshield Chevrolet offers tinted glass with exclusive, shouted wind- shield -tinting. Tinted glass all 'round helps you drive more safely and comfortably. (Optional. at extra cost). MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! C.852B Riverside Moltirs russets, Ontario TRAVEL IN STYLE ON C5sA0JGN NATIONAL 1( RAILWAYS ;r THE onti ne t JMITED Cross -Canada travel has a new flair, a new excitement; when you go the "Jasper Way” on Canadian National's famous Co ntine ntal Li mited. Relax in luxurious comfort as you view some of the world's most glorious scenery .. Enjoy carefree travel in pleasant bedrooms, standard and tourist sleepers, lounges and coaches—delicious meals in attractive dining cars, This fast, modern daily train links Toronto, Minaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon; Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver. TRAVEL GIFT CERTIFICATE Canadian National now offers an attractive Gift Certificate covering Train Travel anywhere .. . to any rail destination . , . for any amount you wish , . . on sale at all Canadian National ticket offices. Easy to buy, easy to use. A gift that's sure to please. Information and reservations from any C.N.R. Agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL . THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES iiane AND IBOUR Install a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM for Greater Profits . save TIME and LABOR doing daily chores : . a DURO gives added comfort and convenience .in home and harp , Running water at the turn of a tap aspeeds up" every farm chore. There is a DURO Pump for every farm need. iL7M-J11 KITCHEN Eliminate old "pump and carry" --• fresh running WATER ON TAP saves TIME and kitcherr drudgery. TRUCK GARDENERS depend on a DURO WATER SYSTEM ... assured of plenty of moisture when needed, BARN Why carry water? Clean fresh running water at the turn of a tap saves WORIt and TIME .., greater PROFITS tool Phpne or visit us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures. Write for illustrated folder. For Sale by — C. & G. Krauter Co. Brussels. Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED tendon • Hamilton • St, faiharinet . Toronto • Sudbury • Winnipeg • Venoms ecop stet