HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-6-18, Page 1THE BRUSSELS GARDEN PARTY Under auspices of Brussels 'United Church W. A. FRIDAY, JUNE 20th Cold 'Meat Supper served 5.30 to 8 p. m, WOOD PROGRAMME Consisting of - Barber Shop Quartette Mr. "Stan Sidthorpe, Soloist Girls Duet. All of Mitchell Also other talent. Adults 75c • Children 40a GARDEN PARTY. .24.1 Duffs United Church Walton on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25th Programme if0CUJR SONS OF HARMONY - Brantford Admission 75c and 40c CAPITOLcruitA y THEATRE Lia I VV EL Wednesday, Thursday.— June 25th and 26th 'MHEGIREATEST ATTRACTION THIS THEATRE HAS EVER PRESENTED "THE MOST COLOSSAL. 1: MOVIE EVER MADE!" - LIFE M -G -M Proudly Prerenta 0 starrin ROBERT TAYLOR DEBORAH KERR .LEO GLENN PETER USTINOV NOTE --- 2 SHOWS DAILY 2 P. M. - 8.3.0 TIALSItS A THREE HOUR SHOW. ADM I SSJON - .MatInee Aduts 75c Tax Included; Children „500 Tax ,Included tEvening Aduts $1.00 Plus Tax; Children 60e Tax ;Included SEE The 'burning of Rome thy command 1tthe Emperor.. SEE The Martyrdom of Christians In the gigantic Arena. 10111r011ailleMEAV011til Melville Church ilthileeer. Rev. W.N.P. "gleam MP a. a. Sunday Scheel ASS enaley Schad ,, :11 a. m. Diane Word* -United Church OP CANADA Igheleter Rev. Andrew Lase Morning Worship — 11 o'doelt The t aerament of The Lord's SuPper will be observed. Church ischoot o'clock. No lilves.ing Service. Come and .Worebip. Church of England Parish 0 Oreeeele Rev. J. H. Kerr — Rester. Trinity Sunday June 8th, 195$ Se. deka% Chorea, ikvsemele- 11.15 a. m. Manning Prayer Shaft Meld St DavIre Chun*. Ilearrer No Service OIL Georges CkursI, Walesa OM a. in. Morning Prayer SEE Sacrifice of the beautiful slave • girl to a wild butt FOR SALE - Modern Red Thick House on west side of Victoria Park. New modern bathrolom, hot end cold water, Town 'water $3500.00. Hugh Pearson, Brussels Pitons 11 , FARMERS Loa over y- our fields and it You ! have too many weeds In your ergo' try power Spraying 0 will pay yon many report 10 to 15 hint more grain per acre after spraying. Mose Ser9 Geo.";Vesenburg. for Prices or we -eupp r 24D for your own sprayer. yr - REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING - June 19 • 20 • 21 Technicolor "WITH A SONG IN MY HEART" First Shaw at 7 P, M. Susan rHayward David Wayne The stranger -than -fiction story Of gtortous gallant Jane Froman. Ecery one will enjoy the all-time top songs of America. June 23-24-25 "STA.RLIFT4 The story of "loeration Starlift" that bIngs cheers to the 'hearts of our fighting men. A mnsical with stars galore. • - - June 26-27.2f1 T'echnicelor "My rVIIEND FLICKA" Roddy MoDowall Proston' Foster Flicka returns in a It heart.warminct blame +yhlvh evecYclny will enjoy. Rr. and his horse stand together Against the world.. COMING r' "ACROSS THE WIDE MIS80.L111" I712 GET CHEST X;RAYS AT BRUSSELS PSST - 1952 Seven hundred and twelve Pors0 of ,the community to* atilSanItage a free client XIV 'mien Mobile Clinic visited at B1116 on WedneSday Muted Preparations and •orgatrizat were arranged by the healtli a welfare oommibteo of the Beels 1 ons canb, •wiltil Alex Pea Son in Ethel and Roy B. 00USI In Brueseis in charge of detai Mrs. D. jt Darn, Mrs, W. P. Tod Mrs. L. Porter, Mrs. N, Strobe son, Mrs. 18 Pearson!, Mrs. Spenee, Mrs. TT, B, Allen, Mrs. 13. Cousins, Miss Deer Raymon Mos C. Bryans, Miss ,Toan St Marie: Miss- ldlary Lou Mc.Farlarle, assisted On the work of keepin rectorda. From here the clinic moved th Rlyth. NEW SPECIAL CLASS FOR SFIUSSELS FALL FAIR The Haat Hunan AgriOulltwai. So Of WV has decided to put on e ssecia the 0Onttn0'o41 Feature and decided on eels Hay or Forage Oren as our 1952 ex ay, halt consisting of 1 bale of Lit ion cut hay, 1 hallo of 2nd cut, 1 hua. nd of field chopped liay, 1 sheaf of 91- 119. silage oorn, Watch for r- lisl. or ask your secrery for further ns Inatru('tion.s and prIzea. Is, The Tractor Olnb committee also a, has a special an Traetor driving for i. you tilts year: W. gibe program is shaping ttp to a yt, real bong-oLp Fall Flair on Sept. 251,11, d, at Brussels. See further announce - e. ments. I LADIES' AUXILIARY t BINGO RESULTS c. Bingo was held in the Bross I TOW/1 Hall. June 10th, and the pin were Wan by the following people $2,00 per year $2.50 U0S0 • BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB. els SUMMER CARNIVAL, zes - ne FRIDAY, JUNE 27th g MEETING OF D. R. 114, T. A. I The closing dinner and business ng the Huron County Branch of the Ontario Begjetered Music Tenoliers Association, was held on Monday even. at •the Bedford ITotel, Goderlyli. Mr, Harvey Robb, prin. canal of the Wesitern Ontario Con- , eermitory of Minstic was the guest r. end gave an interesting av- . count o,1 some of his exneriencea as in organist, teneher, and examiner. rsonwing Mr. Robins addres,s, a .r,nand-rtelbla akAamplor wa bed. shoot the Tr15011S nroblems of the tousle teav,her. 'fro tenellers IN'Pre Present 01 I nn Blyth lanroveter 'and "Brussels. TA.(Al(A(ANA(1 s-,sonn 1952 - 53. • ISSE RECEIVES S50 AW'ARD 'MISs A. ANDERSON, NU At blue noises' graduation exe cines of TianfiltimeGertonal Hospital held Last Wednescia , • Audrey Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Bari Anderscm, Morris township, was one of class' of 9.3 gradinating, Miss Anders'on received. a $50 award nor •haVing the highest average in dbl. er class for theory. Guests im oiled Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson i and 'Caren: and Mr. ,and Mrs. Teo • latinkang. Althorn. CARD Dr THANICS We with bo extend our thanks and apprediation nor the acts of kindness, floral offerings received from neigh - bons and friends. (also to those who loaned. the ears during our recent bereavmnent. The McFarlan.e Family • $5:00 DONATIONS "TO BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB. Thompson, G. "Brummy" • Omits, William Stephenson, G. W. 11,VcArter Bryan, "Thos. Oouites, 0. 11 - Martin, Geo, EnSk-ine, A. IT. Eisenbach. Pete Campbell, Earl Circle Bar ftilInce (5 tickets') Grant, Stewart Cameros), '3". A. Hastie, Harry 'M. Pearson, 'Hugh' Freehre, Miss Indite T. C. 7..ong. Mrs. Claire Mernmaid. Geo. MacDonald, Bruce ' - Harald Ralmr. 'Pearl Rohent ...,1111,'''Rrfbarrt ons. 'Doreen Vorray • 1 WilliarnJames McFarlane "1 There passed away East Waw- anosh ToNirrtiabill ThUrarlpy, June 1281., 1952, WInlia,m James Mc- Forlane formerly of Con. 12, Grey I township. Born in Elmo Townshl on July 8th, 1900. He was the son • of the late Mr. anaranrs. A.gtist Me- / Parttime. He moved with bis Par- ents to Grey townoship in 1920. 11rhere he lived until 1928 moving to the Prairie Provinces where he lived until 195. Moving to a farm west of t "ninth where he died. Mr. MrFarlene is survived on, his wife the former Rhode "Drown of Sask. One daughter 10. and one son. 6, also three bro- thers Karl of Toronto; Kenneth and Stoniest of Grey township. Tn- 1 terment nom in Harvev's C'emetern a T township on Saturdtry. Sone t 14th, 1952. • games - Mrs. L. 110c1 rs. 1 Softball — 7.30 11,I Brussels Greys vs, Atwood - The last time these two teams playeeltaar 3 man, Harvey Tafel), Mitcheell: 111 P. lawman,: Lon e Ossier, Mitche neg. 1A7a tsan ; Mrs, F. 'Nichol. 11 Ink I - MeWhirt Sr.; Mrs. Middleton „A !wood; (op 1 2 ways, Mts. E. Wilson and Mrs. Stephenson; r111 Nein/ and S. Fo Harvey Tuffen, Mitchell; and ' SPieS; I)irs, IV. Marks, Listowe • and Mrs, )l.rper, Palmerston.) 1 $25,00 Specials - Mrs. Dd. He 7 all tle. Brussels won out in the last Inning, Com & support the • / MAIN PRIZE Drawn at 11.30 xl I 7 cubic foot PhIlco Refrigerator I; SATURDAY, JUNE 28th 1 Softball -7.30 1 demon, Mi-, Forrest Whittar I. Ossler, Consolation prize - 610.00 split way, Mrs. W. Marks, Listowel Mrs, C. Doll. • Brussels Blue Belles vs. Kroehlers. - Come and see our Brussalls. glrls play a "big" team who play In Brantford, Woodstock, ?crania, LETTER TO THE EDITOR Waratah St. Alone Vale Via manly, N. S.W Austnalia, May 5th, 1952. The EditAan Brussels Post, Brussels, Out, Dear Sir ; Well is nearly a year since I was. home to dear old °anode for a very shoot visit. Brussels and surrounding district being my main interest, Anzvac Day has Just been here, it is a special time of remeinbrauce; And so would like you all to know remembering 7011 all. would like to say 2 "Thank you" to all the kind folk who by word and deed made my short visit saoh a pleasant one. To the &vat 02 Jamestown and 1 district that gathered at S. S. No, 4 Grey school house to spend a few hours together with me I appreciated! it very much an.d I shall always . look back on it with pleasant memories. Time bas brought many changes ' to Brussels T noted with much in - mast We receive the Brussels Post and would not like fo he with 0011 11,. Our winter is nearly with us now. Of course it is not like Ontario's winter, The temperature ge's. down mtween 45 and 47 degrees where we re. 3Tho' doesn't sound 'old, hut 1 he wind blowing off the snow Pais I he sting Into it. Inn some it would be a real treat nr anyone from Ontario to spend 'holiday in Australia and we ould he pleased to welcome scone ne fern home. There wooTd be a great many riteresting Mayes and Decimations n see. 2 grid Hamilton against the best city teams. Brussels have a Innate pitcher who has played for Stratford Kroehlers for the past 3 years. ; MAIN PRIZE Drawn at 11.30 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe 2 -door Sedan Draw Prizes courtesy of Riverside Motors, D. A. RANN Co. an& Brussels Hardware • — Added Attractions for Both Nights — 500 FREE TICKETS Will be given to children of public school age or younger for at I draw each night for a Werlich Bicycle. They must be on the grounds and in possession of their own ticket. Draw to be made at 10.80.. Bingo and Other Games MIDWAY SHOW AND RIDES FOR CHILDREN Brussels Lions Boys and Girls BAND will be in attendance JITNEY DANCING at Park to the music of WIlbee's and Smith's Orchestra, Have you Purchased Your Ticket Yet? See any member of the. Lions Club and get a Ticket In support of their Welfare Work. Prize Draw Ticket Stubs Will Be Honored For Admission Os Both Nights - Admission to Ball Games Each Night - 26a ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT a Mr. and Mrs. Ferd, Smith, Bras- stnnounce the engagement of 0 their daughter, Adeline, to Mr. Gerald J. Voisin, Son of Wm. Leo 1 Voisin and the late Mr. Leo Voisin , t of Si, Clements. The wedding to take place at St a Louis Church, Waterloo bn July 19th . THE UNITED CHURCH - The Womerna Sous/nary of t "INSIDE STORY" ontF JACKSON PRISON 'RIOT 'Read the amazing; inside story , 4bont how a nrisoner, 10 satisfy bIs craving for attonntion, instigated the !prison rebellion at Tgokson, Molt Read "The Boss of "Block 15" by Boucle Minority David Dressler 30 (bis SultdaY's (June '22) "Isaac of The New 0o/or Gravure AmeriCan Weekly, exclusively with The Detroit 'Sunday Times. larevaNefems.-Rigv. (~61 CAPITOL usTowa THEATRE 2 Shows .fejghtly - 7.30 - 9.30 kt. m. Matinee Saturday 2 P. M. Friday, Saturday, June 2.940 "DAM and BATHSHEBA" Most fordidden of the world's great love stories Starring Gregory Peck and Susan Hayward Monday, Tuesday June 23 - 24 Enchangting Electricfying. Introduc- ing the foremost Actress of the Jap. anese screen Shirley Yamaguchi and co•starrIng 'Don Taylor. "JAPANESE WAR BRIDE" The love story of an Oriental War Bride and a man of the Western World. TUESDAY FOTGSITE 1st OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFED $130.00 Monday Attendance Card MAL Wednesday, Thursday June 25-28 M. G. &Vs. greatest spectacle such as has never been beheld on the seeeen "QUO MAOISM color by Technicolor stars Robert Taylor Taylor, Leborah Kerr. Friday, Saturday June 27 - 28 11, "RETURN OF THE TEXAN" A starring Oslo Robertson, Joanne Dru y Walter Brennan Into this tend that makes Giants of men or preaks then came the Texan Home - to worshlooiho eves that looked un to him, HntnA to ant, the • land and loos hp left hahihrl. Horne to find his place In the sun. At he Canadian Legion were guests of the 'United Chrreh on Sunday morn" June 15. Speaking on the subjee "The Lost Radiance of Life," th minister warned 1112 hearers to ware if they found themselves losin their taste for spiritual things an if tfhey discovered, ntitat for the there was less and less to ndmir Tf you are losing nor relish fo worailiP, Your impulse to alar '(1,-ingfiarr for reverence. volt ar losing the vern light of life. da.P1r. ".Tesos Whispers Pence', by D. 14. Warren was sons 'ha Freiman and Isabel Dennis. 'With all ger A Triqb-rs. far 155? to 11 mot friends in Ind n round Tassels, Sineerelv. Nate Foster. \Tema Vale. Via annniv, " '1 28 Aostralin t' ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT be Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Milder, R. R. 3 g Brussels, Ont., wish to announce • d the, engagement of their eldest rn, daughter Wininitred Doreen. to Mr. e Ross Henry Schlueter son on Mr, r and MD.P. Herman Schlueter of Lin. et, wood, the marriage to take place in e Jolty. PEOPLE WE KNOW 9 Miss Evelyn Lake has been spend- in.g 2 week at home with her mother Mrs. Ohne Lake. • Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Clarke, Tor onto were week -end visitors' with the loiters father Jas. IT, Fulton, Mill Street, * Miss Fatihel Cowan, of Toronto was a week -end visitor at .the home of Rey, Andrew and Mrs, Lane. * • * 9 Dr. B. 11", !Stephens was appointed Coroner for Huron Comity. Dr Stephens, oecelved the- apimintment nn Tuesday. • * * Mr, and Mts. Archly atones and family also Mrs. M. A. Forsythe nil George nnokson 518 spending he week -end in Toronto. * * * Week -end gursts at Ms, Chas, Ake, Mr, and Mrs. (bo -don Robinson f Peterb000ugh and Mr. Boll Robin - on of Lakefleld. • * * Mrs. 17111e, Willisineon and Mrs A r..0 A too e.#,,1/1 CP qrere,rltne thp ee,4 Ame,a1 seasMn, of the Rebekah asenthlv of Ontario 01 abs :Royal ark Tilfas4 Ehla week. * moon. nvor lan wel.ar-a114 11,4111 Mra Arm,afenne 111- i Mis wihen Tilsbn and Visa ATP. and rg f r. 0114 P '1P AT.a. Pan, 131in1,'ee• iseetta vilfle. DIAL 980 CFPL 7 DAYS A WEEK A , 11 a. m. Daily MEMO TO MILADY with MARY ASNWELL Western Ontario's Number One Women's Commentator "The die has now been cast" An American manufacturer was planning to open a plant in Canada. He considered various locations and found what seemed a likely site. Ile talked to a local bank manager, got facts about the community and its facilities.. Some time later the company wrote to the banker: The die has now been cast. It is our intention to locate in S . . . We feel that it is well suited to our particular operation. You have been of great aid to us. Your accurate and rapid presentation of facts necessary to reach a decision was top-notch." Such letters show how a branch bank serves not only its own depositors and other customers but how, by assisting business development, it benefits the whole community. This advertisement, based or on actual letter, is presented here by THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY •