HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-6-11, Page 7THE BRUSSEI.:S POST Wednetsdtay, June i it yr 1652i USED CARS 1951. Chev, Sedan 194$ Pontiac Coach, With Radio 1947 Pontiac Coach 1947 Kaiser Sedan 1946 Chev, Coupe 1946 Chev. Coach 1941 :Plymouth Sedan 1940 Dodge Sedan 1940 Chev. Coach 1937 Pontiac Coach 1937 Chev. Coach Many Older 'Models -..USED '• TRUCKS 1951 Pontiac Sedan Delivery, Air Condition and Sun Visor 1950 Chev. 2V/2 ton Truck with all purpose dump body. 1946 Ford 3 ton Stake Riverside Motors Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gas and oils Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. ETI- L Is Ethel your old Home Town? Come for Home Town Sunday, Aug- ust 17, at 2 p.m. bo the Ethel Sohoal grounds. Bring basket lunch. The Mission Band of the Presby- terian Church was held at trhe home of Mrs. E. Rtahaeda with 13 present, Donna Alexander opened the meet- ing and Beatrice Alexander read the Scripture. Mrs. Alexander the lender read a story and roll call was answered h"q naming a spring flower. Plana for the annual picnic were discussed. After the meeting luneh was served by the hostess and Mrs. Wey. Football le in full swing and the boys are doing well. Watch for the next game and come out and support your team. The .regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. E. Richards, with 14 ladies Present. The president, opened the meeting and all repeated the Lord's Prayer together. /ire. Richardd read the Scripture. Matthew 18-13. The offering was taken up and then a special offering was given for the Allocation. Mrs. M. Alexander read a chapter from the Study Book nn Sauth America.. The prayer from the Glad Tidings was repeated by all the ladles. After hymn 590 Was sung, /Ins: Lounabure gave a very interesting and helpful report of the Presbyterial held e.t Wingham Stress was given that we try to raise just a little more than lest year, The word for roll call was "Grass" and next. month the word is "Hoek." The minutes of last month were 'read and it was de- ckled to hold an ice -Dream social and a committee was_ as follows, Mrs. C Dunbar. Mrs. Lounsbttry. Mss, Richards and Mrs, Kreuter. it was passed that the Presbyterial Annual Meetting remain as at present. Mrs. W. Kreuter read part nt a Chapter from "Dauntless Women." After the close of the meeting, lunch was served by the hostess and Mrs. Fear and Mrs. S Alexander. CRANBROOK The annt'rersaey of Knox Presby tertan Church will be held on Sun- day, June 15th, with services St 11 a. m. and 7,30 p. m. Rev. Boggs of Molesworth will be guest speaker and there will be special music by the choir. The garden party will be on Thursday evening, June 19, with supper from 8 to 8 in the basement( of the church and the program in the Community Centre, This will ronsist•of a play, "Her Step -Huta -ad" by the W. A. of Teeswater United Church and other musical numbers. The June meeting of the W. M. S. was hell et the home of ars. R. K. MoDonald with the president, Mrs. Hymdman presiding. Mrs, ,John Sehrork read the Soripture lesson and Mists A. J. Forrest gave a very excellent report on the Synodical, whish she attended In Hamilton. in 4nril. The ,July meeting will be at 'hullo Mrs. Clara Cmstead.' Sete eeei Item. of hnsiness were dealt with. Mrs. Hyndman closed the reeetine with the Benediction. Llrnch was served by Miss Forrest ant, atm 1T. Engel and a social time (mimed. , Co'•rr••ll.:h.".inns to,lir, and Mee. Wrenn Cameron of London on the arrival of r baby daughter, June 7. \t"" Ind Mrs, Fred Martin, Tham• e"ville, spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs. Peter Raker. FRIENDSieiI' CIRCLE MEETING The June meeting of the Friend- seit+ Ceele was held at the home of'; Ars. Micas. liryans on We'd. evening, , ari!lt, •lilt. After the singing of the' theme song. -Blest be the Tie that Rinds" the Scripture passage was read by Mrs. G. Stevenson, In the abseno' of tine secretary, the eec- retnry's report was read by Mrs. Vin. Miller. The treasurer's re- port and Sunshine report both showed a l)leasing balance. Letters of acknowledgement and thanks from the recipient of the parcel sent In Korea and the birthday pre.=erht sent to the little boy in the orphans bona in England where rend. During the business port of the meeting it was derided to neat a quilt for Mrs. Manning on Friday, Jene lith. Ait's, Cousins volunteered to hake the resPoluaibii- ty of putting 'an afghan together. It was also dotided to gyve $20, to the W. M; S, Atetliisry 00 help them with their ellodetion. Help Joe Ranee Pltotte 15rO was offered for the committee in charge of Flower Sunday tor Jane 20th, to $Mange flowers and decor- ate the Church, It was suggested that we be on the look out during the mummer for weirdos of clothing to Inolnde In a bale to be sent to Korea in the fall, The topic on MASSIO.n'acy Work among the Orientals in Can ada woe given by Mrs. Wm, Miller, After the clotting of the meeting a very humorous reading wee given. by Mrs. Lane. A ooneet was con ducted -1)e, Mrs. Kens. 'Fyerman. After wiile& 8 tasty :tenth was served by the committee Mrs, D, McArter, Mrs, Latta and Miss L. Mitchell. W. SOUGH. MORRIS TWP. ENTERS 94th YEAR CLASSIFIED ADS, John A. Johnston Services, under Legion auspices, WAS oo aluteted Friday' afternoon, by FOR SALE — the Rev, W. B. Mitchell, Knox 28 Ghuple of riga Churell, in ,the Linklater heisted home, for John .0 Johnstone, 6$, who died in Kincardine Hospital, IHe wee at native of Grey town- ship and lived there untie enlisting I and going overawes In World War 1, On his ,return he sobtled here and became a member 01 the I commit, and was active in the Canadian Legion, He was a mem- ber of Knox Presbyterian, Church, Kincardine, Survey/big ere 47tis wife, the former Mtnnie Saunders;• two' daughters. Mrs. Ronald LePine, , r' Windsor: Mrs, Harold Wright, Kineerdine: two brgthens,. Sandy Grnv Township; George, Wing' hem: and four sisters, Arany, Kin. rerdine: Mrs. Pearl Mothers Lunan: Mrs. A4mank Shaw. Rine• vale, and Mine. Gordon Simmons:' R'tm ebam. • to . ' Vi'llltam Soucln, 3rd line .of Morris, last week observed his 93rd birth- day. Relatives - who visitedhim lnoiatted 9108 ;ester, Mrs. Henry Bone, 3rd line of Morris; Mr..and Mrs. Oliarles Souoh, Blyth; his daughter, Mrs. Frank Stamper, Bluevale; and: a son -in -low, 'Wlard Seller, Brussels, Mr. Sough receiv- ed manly gilts and oards. He is in lade health, He was born on the tame where he lives and which he has farmed alt his life. Other chil- dren, who were unable to be Pres- ent ere : Leslie South, 13. C. '.Jarman, Shellbrook, Saskatchewan; Mrs. 'W. M. Young. Dungan- ran: and Mrs. .john Sellers,w Vant-., Sask. TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE FederalBuildinga — Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal" will be received until 3 p.m, (E.D.S.T.), Wednesday, June 25, 1952, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifleat- ions and coudltions attached can be obtained from the Chief of Par - chasing and Stores Department of Public. Works, Ottawa, and the Dictrlct Arohiteot, 36 Adelaide St, Ea',t, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms minified by the Department and in accordance with departmental •peeirications and conditions .attaoh- ed thereto. The Depaetnteat reserves the right in demand from any successful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit In the term of a certified cheque on a. i'hantered bank in Canada. made Payable to the order of the Hon - fluent a the Minister of Public Works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada nr of the Canadian National Rail- way Company and its constituent r moearlles nncondttinnally guararl_ teed me to principal and interest by the Dnmindon of Canada. or the aforementioned hands and a certi- fled nheoue if required to matte up an odd amount. Suoh security will serve as gnarintro for the proper Fulfilment • ' the contract. ROBERT FORTIER, Acting Secretary. •••'m't of Public Works, (1t••twe. May 22, 1952 see SALE — TT"n',- and lot on Queen St. Brnsaels wile sell hoose with or with- out Pnrnitnre. For Farther particulars auni% to Mrs. John Simmons Phone 16r13. FOR SALE 300 tquosex-Rett Pullets, 12 weeks, old, Hugh •Pearnson, Braeeels Phone 11 FOR SALE — 1 McCormfok Dearing, all nista, flay Loader, Cheap, A. J. Pearson PhoneygA FOR SALE 4 range shelter with 'wire bottom and sides, with plywood top, new 1548 yehr. Robert Campbell, Crbnbrook FOR SALE — Anotlier• week special Bray Prices, shipper's choice breeds, 3 - 4 week pnalate, pibtnpt shipment. 3 week hearvies $25,90; 4 week 330.90 Mediums, 3 week $34.90; 4 week $38.90. Also dayolds, mixed pullets, Agent Wen. Glen Bray, Ethel. :'.'ANTED— Dead and disabled farm animals wanted tor prompt pink -up. Call Percy Stephenson, Tthel, Phone Brussels 85r12, Collect. FARM FOR SALE — 100 ewes light clay loam well drained, near school and store. Brick house, attached garage, hydro bath room, bank barn, pig pen, chicken house, drive shed. Situated 3 miles east of Brussels, on road being paved. Immediate possession. Apply to Box 50, Brussels Poat, FOR SALE — A six room, two storey cottage root house, about 24' x 30'. with soft water, hydro, also veneer brick hath, an asphalt clad kitchen about 20' x 11', furnace, . hard and Karn about 26' x 40', steel root garage and ,small ben hoose. Bedag Part Lot 0 on Turnberry Street, Village of Brussels, well insulated and on a high building sight. James Mrp'adzean, Box 1. Brussels. Ont. FORSALE— Whtte brick house, 4 piece bath, acre of land in Village of Brus- sels. Priced to sell. 100 acre farm, hydro, good build- ings, 50 acres of Spring crops, never fettle eerlmg, 8 acres of bush. Priced to sell at $6.800.00, 10n acres farm, close to Village. red brick home. sun porch, steel drive shed, lame barn, 18 acres Spring crop, rest in hay and grass, Priced to sen. Farms all sizes, and also Village horses and business. J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. TENDERS FOR PAINTING lInrrie Township School Area will rereive' tenders Inc the following ennta'acts, until Jung 24th. 1. 1'.d':ting interior of S. S. No. 10. Clans room, hallway and stairs, two coats of paint or varnish on walls and ceiling, aim varnish on desks. See R. J. McMurray, Wing• haat Inc specifications, to be tom- ;'1,tee before Aug. 20. Weedily.: 1 sinless or semi• vipolcAs furnace, raltahle Inc bnrn- ing both ccal and wood In S. S. No. 12. See Gen lltrhi,, R. R. 4 Bens• sets, for specification=, Work to he completed before Aug. 20. Ralph Shaw, Bleevale, Secretary. Mrs. Robert J. Hoover Monday morning, June 2nd, 1952 at early dawn there passed to the. Great Beyond, Margarret Gibson},, widow or the late R. J. Hooves, in her 59011 year. Mrs. Hoover was the daughter of the late James Gibson and Margaret Moses, who Dame to ' Canada front Glasgow, Scotland, and settled on Lot 28, Con. 1, Morris township. where Margaret and her bnother Peter were born. Sixty taro yearn ago, Margaret Gibson was united in marriage to Robert J. Hoover of Vtrestfield, Wawauosh. Here they made their home for twelve years a.nd then moved to Lot 11, Con, 9, Grey township. Al• most seven years ago, Mr. and 131(rs. Hoover moved to Brnasels where her husband predeceased her five years. ago. She leaves to mourn her loss, two sons Harvey of London and Norman nn the homestead, Con. 9, Grey, and two daughters, Mrs. D. McCallum ffl-racel Blyth "and Miss Beth at hone. One son William predecased her niany years ago. Also there are nine grandchildren and fire great- granchildren, Mrs. Hoover was a gv6et woman of gentle disposition, with a keen mind annd never failing interest In world affairs. She was a great Incve of flowers and her kindness won Inc her many friends. Her pastor, Rev, .e. I.811 conducted the 9uneral ser - vire. taking tor his tent, "For me to live is Christ: and to die is gain." .edtnnnishing all to line the Christ, life. he paid tribute to her fine Christian witness, A favourite song of the departed. "Beyond theSnnset" was beautifully rendered by Mrs Carl Douglas and Wm. King Jr. The pallbearers were : Jas. S Arutetrmtg, Wm. C. King, James Moses, Wm. Moses, John Gaynor and Douglas Hemingway. The floral tributes were beautiful and were carried by Wm. King Ross Smith. Orvell Jones and Archie lines. Tuternn,nt 1u riruesels cemetery. Friends name from London, Tor- onto, tltnnilton, Stratford, Clinton, i.urkn,tw. Rluevale and Blyth. LEGION LADIES AUX(LIAIIY The Ladies Auxiliary to the Cenedian Legion held their business nee, : i r Jute 6811 with Com. Elliott In the chair. A letter of thanks %v.v. read from Dr. Chum for the par - co of clothing sent lo the Orpltenge at Seoul, Korea. Another box will be Marked and sent as soon es pos- sible. The Navy Tag ray till be Sere 28th. If niembrrs are asited to meet Give your hams a lasting beauty treatment with Stur. Aeons High Ouallty Paint• John"son's Paint and ! Electric Store Brussels. Ont. s A PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE at the United Church. Sunday, June 16th at 10.45 P. m, for Memoi9al Service, The Legion and Atepoliairy time sponsoring a Bingo Tuesday, Jalhe 10th. Plans are being made to help the Legion with their big defy July 1Stitt, A float wilt be entered in the parade. The rooky draw for the mystery prise wee won by Dom, Wineberg, The next sandal evening is Stine 19. Mrs. A. E. Dane --9' The death occured In Niagara Falls, Ont., on Sunday, June 1st, of Mrs, Annie Elisabeth Lockhart Dane, wife of the late John Vance Dane, in her 82nd year. She Is survived by 2 daughters and 2 sons, (Celestine). Mrs. B. Stephenson; (Edythe), Mrs. A, E, Westover; John Lockhart of Nia- gara Falls and William J. at bone. Also 2 siisters and 2 brothers, Mos. P. N. Wettlaufer. Warren, Pa.; W. G. Lockhart, Woodstock; Airs. S. Muir and John Lockhart, Ottawa. Funeral service condhuobed by Rev. A. Lene of the United Church was held on Wednesday. June 4th. from her late home. Lot 17, Con, 8, Grey t'cwnshlp. —911194911 Alrsset•s. C. Bateman. Q. Dobson. and G. Pearson sang, "All The Way My Saviour Leads Me," Beautiful floral tributes were carried by Chas. Hansuid, Percy Stephenson. Jewett Hall, Lloyd Ker. for, Gen. Dunbar and Chester Earl. The remains were born- to last rr sting place by Les. Earl, Stanley Dunbar. Earl Bowes, Wm. Smith, Fred Keffer and J. deDeelder. Interment was in Gerrie Cemetery. Friends and relatives attended front Penn., Ottawa, Woodstock, Ingersoll. Eastwood Gables, Gerrie, b'orwiclt, Listowel and Niagara Palls. 'i MONCRLEFF The June meeting of the Mafi- crieff W. A, and W. M. S. was heti on Wednesday evening, June 4411, at the home at Mata. Roy Patterson with 24 members presenit, Mrs. Riigh:tnn Ferg was leader and open- ed the meeting by reading Psalm selection 737, atter wealth Hymn 259, WILES sung, The Scripture was, read by Mrs. Eldon Manor; Peatm 38. The minatltes we're given by Mrs. Ken - McLean. The roll tail was answer- ed by naming a Missionary. Bust- nese ustnesse followed, it wa,s decided to hold tete meetings at night during the summer months. The Missionary nuilts were reported to have been sent in, and six quilled during May - A travelling apron will he used for raising funds. The offering was tOceived. Hymn 246 was sung and prayer was offered by Mre, .Tim Meehan. The t,upir was taken by 111.8 Flea, McNeueand. Mlle, Olive Snelren then flnvnnred with a solo end fhe seating closed by repeating tan keen. Prater in 'unison. 'rite W. A. Me: ting opened with the president Mrs. Joe Smith in charge. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Rill Smith. The minutes were read by Mrs. Scott McLean, and adopted. Thanks was expressed for gifts received. it was reported the Plower beds had been dug. The meet- ing closed by repealing the Mizpah benediction. Mrs. Eldon Mann was arcompaniat . for the meeting. A delicious lunch was served by the hoetes:s and her assistants. The July meeting will be held at the home Of Mrs. Mark Baillie. Arrange- ments were made Inc the garden party 1111 Jnne 11th. Arehht: 1..l . TIRES 0 ,04 • 4 ELLIOTT MOTOR SALES PHONE: 82 DODGE—DESOTO—SALES & SERV/91' - Illy Oat farm Service Dept 50 YOUR HOME ON JACK. HOW MAKING ,....."1.10.004 1�//111��` t� a /Oh �p BIRDS ARE THE RAN6E, ARETNEY OUT? ' 444. I/ r '`, !' 40.�d.e t�w� NOT50 BAD, OM BUT THERE'S A LOT MORE 10114'5 RANGE BLf51NES5 THAN MEE161NE ex. „ `ir�l►l�i W.e'�.. t. :..,•; .. , W d.1...,,...Lt VI' ���` Iiii � ��� *auk ego O A 6 EdiOtM16 4NA'N 116 MT A5 IMP0Rfi1NT: SO Dan FOitiET 1O Ulf BIZ VIP1'6,k'10W ft dill. POC. INC , : *Bili 1 ALWA� 1,40" rilllk � . A -it,, �'- 5 $4994.,,, .44dA itF'"' I S drija s al/fis 7'0 1)1447 ex „,4„.,,,, Yv,�p�, v TWO W,iys is Bigger Egg Prof A GOOD RANG SOU BET THERE ligR• PROPER HANPUN611F OW BIROS ON THE RAR 1't MEAKS PfmRTOR woo iN THE LAVIN6 .,, 'u �. ;�; �x ® ; _ ,nom ,,.�,r, , *1 d \ .w►.,i"'.."� it ..�� . coiViAN- o. e/COMPLET �4 ca t Huron /Produce N �LAtM HARRISON MZ)NCRIEFF �, r V:' ',// t.��luu�%! 101100 E 4. r "a'�a s a a IL � :.r,•,'•` 1 . �/I � 1a �J ;- - .i:, `� ..- ..`\a � Mrr•.••'�. 7/ ONT . ;N*Ilk