HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-6-11, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST ... that you should not pick the Trillium, our provincial floral ambles*. Since its three leaves are near the top of the stem, they usually get picked with the blaasoli, And as the leaves feed the root, the whole plant dies of starvation. Protect the Trillium .. • 91s part of your outdoor enjoyment. CARLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO — TORONTO — WINDSOR Mae e CLEARINty MUCi•raN SAkE Sale of Farrtt Stook and' Implements et Lot 13, Con, 9, Morrie Twp. 8 miles East of Bfyth or 4 miles Wes- of Walton on FRIDAY, JUNE 13th At 1 p. tn. , Horses 1 Middle aged matched black Peroheon team of mares, Set, braes mounted breeching harneree Cattle 8 young Durham cows, recently freed with calves at feet... 2 Dunham Cows due to freshen la June 1 Dedham Cow bred 2 — 2 yr. old Durham Steers lea- 2 yr, old Durham Helfer S Angus and Durham Steers •and Heifers, 1 yr. old Pigs S York Pigs, 150 lbs. • 1 pure York sow bred April lst Poultry 140 hybred hens 1 .yr• old 2 tucks, 1 drake 1 gander, 1 goose ' Machinery Frost and 'Wood 7 ft. binder McCormick Deering binder 7 ft. rot, like new McCormick Deering dist: fertiliser drill, like new ' Massey-73arrls inanmre spreader Massey Harris 514 mower, like new McCormick Deering drop head hay loader Sulky rake, walking Plow, riding plow M. H. fertilizer turnip drill Steel roller cultivator disc harrow { 4 section diamond harrow I Scatter, rubber tired vegeta BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D. L. M. C,. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEOb William 51. Phone 4. Brussels. Ort. DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 46 Brussel O . JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses fitted. Phone 791 Seaforth — Main Street. HOURS: 9 - 6. Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to s p.m. J. A. Monagahan, R. 0. Optomet-rist, LISTOWEL, ONT. Specializing in Eye Exanninatron and the Fitting of Mia Office in Listowel Clinic Buaidmg Horn: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.rn. daily; Closed Wednesday Pan Open every Tuesday and Saturday -Evening 7:00 to 11:3111. Other evenings by appointment Phone 534. . A. Rann & C.O. 1 AND f1MBULA.FVCF °SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embslmee PHONE 38 or 6-5— BRUS et. ONT. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Autornoitile and Fire !entrance Accident end 5icieseas Agent for Great West Life instwance Brussels, Cart Phone Office 96 -" Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co. Canada Health and Accident Co. n Casualty General Insurance Co. Brawls 43x G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Wingham 770 & 5, Kincardine 21. Evenings by Appointment. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Telephone 65 No Extra Chante for Use of Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service Dales' Flowers Exclusiyety R. R. Hetherington, K. C. WUNGHAM and BRUSSELS AT RRUSSINL3 Vaeolay and Saturday all day -- Offirt open esety i7 Mow Successor to R. D. 11A1 Ltwis Rowland (Licensed For Huron Comity) 3A'it'GNFACT1ON GUARANTW' --- PRICES REASON/3a For Eneagesssents Phone 31 "The Brussels Pore" and they *tar hillornostion arc.. write ar atone Lew. Rewle iii .Flesh be faulted alter homedisre4r Or suite to R, iL 3. Wailrs up Stephens • Gestaln in o.n alleebe'te setting of sflhl) dragons and where, aceen'ted by ferias oud eandelatbra, in Pk, Paail'e Cabbalist, Noel 131i4abeth (Bette) Coetalnexchanged wedding a Naas Saturday afternoon with Dr, earnest Glenn. Steaer*. The bride g the dewugmter o1 Mr.. and Aims, Charles Edward Ocabain; London, and tho groom is the son of D. Russell Watcher Stephens, Drusseie• Farm waggon, 16 ft. fiat bay rack Gravel box, Set sloop sleighs and flat raok Fanning mill, 2000 ib. scales No, 12 Delaval cream separator with power ebtaoltments, wheel barrow sugar kettle 3-40 gallon, oil drums 2-8 gal. milk cans, ptg crate, wales trough, root teeper, '4 H. P. Motor, Sacks, grain bags Captains, wbippletrees, ferias, shovels and numerous other articles. Hay and Grain 9 ton Timothy Hay, 12 bus. Timothy Seed. 14 bus, red Glover Seed. Household Effects Quebec heater, Quebec cook stove, Iiftdten chairs, rockers and other 1,ouseluold effects. e No reserve as fare 1s sold. TERMS CASH Alfred Haggltt, Prop, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. ETHEL MILL Wheat Ground 646.00 Wheat Whole $45.00 About June 10th Full Line or Feed FOR SALE — New and Used Lumber and Wire Timber and Fence Posts Jdne 10th Only J. C. Lamont. HURON COUNTY MEETING TO BE HELD AT GODERICH 'Canon A. A. Tramper performed the ceneteoTry, ;Gerald`, Cole played wedding' museic; and Ken LeMalre was soloist„ • The • lArtee's gown of a3rlmmeniang b, jdai satin, muted with. .lrrenh net, styled with a smugly fitted Masque bodice haling an, oval neck- line, French lace applique trim. arcund the neclatine was, repeated on the long pointed sileeves. Tile full slants, flaring out -over a starched eetnalinx,, featured floor -length meets sof lace atpptlque et both sides -which flowed into the eliamel train. The next meeting or the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers. Court House, fl•orlerieh, enmmeneing Wednesday, June 1R, at 10.00 a, m., D. S. T. All acrnunts, metier. of deputat- ions and other business requiring the attention re Council should be le the hands or the County Clerk not later than Saturday, ,Ione 14th, 1952. A. H. Eralelne County Clerk, floderieh, Ont. FREDERICK F. HOMUTH Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. O. Mrs. H. Violo Homuth R. O: Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. DEAD STOCK DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY EOR SANITARY DISPOSAL Telephone Collet: BRUSSELS 85R12 ELMIRA S64 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED MacLean - Somers A pretty wedding• wits eeientuized on SwCurday, !Day 31st at the home ' of Me. ctnd, Mrs, John Penuination, when their seater Fannie Violet 1111aeLean, daughter of Rtodmriek and Idea MceLeatn became the bride p1 George Mean earners, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Somers, all of Morris tp atehip, Rev. W, Patton of Melville Pres. byberden Church pertornned tato ceremony avt 1.30 p, m. before a bank of spring N wetts. The bride, given In marriage by her Lather,' 'wes gowned in a floordength dress of white lace and silk net over nylon with finger tip reit, Wearing a necklace and oar ring of pearl, the gift of the grooms and oau'rying red oarnlation.9, 'Tire bride's sIerlter, Darts, as maid of ibonour, wore a floor length gown of blue nylon with pinle flower headdress and sanded pink carnat- ions. 11 Frank Alcock supported the groom. Later the guests all sat at two lace The double fingertip veil of im• covered tables centrad with the ported tale Mellon, falling eon- I bride's cake and decorated with 1.y over her face, was caught to a pink candles and fflowere. Whebyw a small shirred cap. She carried a tasty supper was ,served six small band cascade of stephanotis friends .ot the bride, ceunteed with one large white ootid ' The bride's gift to her sister and and showered with Ivy. we4•tresees were china, cops and °Saucers; The groomsman received Miss Geraldine Costain, as heri1 sister's maid of honor, was pawned I a sounealn pen. In .aherueb blue nylon tulle over ice Atter a shotitt ,honeymoon the blue tateeta, the formal bodice 1 young couple will reside on the 7th topped by a brief Jacket featuring a I Con. 01 Marris, Veteckline, standeuep collas and ! ringed push-mp sleeves, brides - malls Mists Jane Strabh and Mra H, M. 13abilanttynee wore identicaiiy styled geowmts of white nylon bulls over ice blue taffeta. All three attendanes wore match- • ing mdbttens and eye veils oantgbt at the back by lemon yellow shasta daisies and ivy to blend with thea daisy banquets. The groom was attended by his ba:otiter, Dr. -Russell .Stephens, of Rochester, N. Y. ITshens were Dr. Lyall Secord, Tehamesville; (Dr, Ross Grant, Ottawa, yirilliaim P.rown, Sudbury, and George M'c- 1}lheran, London. The Highland Golf Club was the scene ref a recetntion following the ceremony. Mas. Costsln was at- Ii fared in afternoon dress of nervy triple sheer detailed with guipure lace ineaect at the neck over Cham• nagne-toned net. She wore a draped III• hat of navy silk •taffeta, white and navy accessories and a corsage Of I cymbidtren orchids. For her sons's wedding. Airs: Stephen's choose a a turquoise sSk ahanteng suit, navy arceeeortes and a corsage of small pink rosebies. Leaving for a wedding trip to Cape Cod and in the' New England States. the bride donned a two- piece Soft of navy silk shantung, with eeeaheil accents, natural straw hast. navy accessories and a oorsage I of eymbidinm orchids. On their ' return. Ter. and Mrs. Stephens will i reside in Ruffain, The bride rraa graduated in 1949 from the TTniverailty of Western • Caramel and a member of Gamma Phi Rr to Remit% The groom is a 1101 ,,nadnitP ,•t thr• TTTlrei,-;h' of Wr?Itrn Onetarin Medical Sobonl and a member of Alnha T%anna lrratarnthy, MELVILLE HOME HELPER'S The Home FTelper'e of the Mel- ville Prewhyberien Chureb, met with the W. M. -5, for their annual meet- ing on Friday, June 0th, at 3 o'clock. in elle Marble Mies Grace Stewart Stewas•I presided, and was assist• Pd Mrs. M. PIpe,who took the Scripture reading .and Mrs John Bowmen led in prayer. MP see, retaryie report was read. by Mrs, W. Smith and the tree:etre•r'e re- port by Mrs. W. Spear. Miss 0, Stewart been eelted Mins, George 'Rona to preside for the Nome 7-telperls end she introduced the great sipeaker, furs. MrCaeuiey, Melee, wIun is Presbyterial Tarest• dent tor Mettland Presbytery. Mrs, W. Somers moved a vote of thmenics in Mrs, McCauley for her very In. treeettng Iwalk, ane expt'eseed ale preeta.tion i'o Mrs, Mae for her sPrvire>a as oreanlat, And ter the organ Solo rendered, The moraine VMS tensed iw fihr ainsiinm re n hymn and rPnea4ine the Mtznah l 'nnrflletenn. The Mint, 1Tninavr.a rfimmie$tep e+tprvee acnes in the PM Mil fit the nhlteclt whit. a "AM., irrritr oat'+ room, Wed basdkuy, June 11t44, 1914 Blake - Klrkconnell A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Roman Catholic Ohuroh, Bras- eels, Sabarese morning, May 31, when Jeanne Elizabeth, daugbter of Mr. .and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell, Auburn, was united in marriage to Mr. LOUIS Augustine Blake, son of lens, W. Blake, Brussels, and the late Mr, Blake. Rev, Fr. Durante per- formed the ceremony; and Miss Deaner, played tile wedding music. The March. was decorated with tulips, Illy. or the valley and lilacs. Given in marriage by her father, the Mile wore a floor-leingth gown of white slipper satin with double. net skirt, rose•petal lane over satin bodice, and rose -petal lace coat with lily -point sleeves • a.nd' prioress neckline. Her three, quarter veil or entbroldered net • -las caught to a Juliet cap with' orange blossoms. •She parried a white prayer book topped with a red rose, Miss Helen Blake, Toron- to, sister or the bridgeroom, was maid -of honor, wearing a floor - length gown of pink net over taffetta with pink lace bolero and matching pink headdress. She carried pink and white earnatione. Miss Ruh Snelling, 'Rrucefielld and Miss Edith Deer, Auburn cousins of the bride, .were brides- maidg, Mies Snelling wore a shy - blue floor-lcneth taffeta gown, with full •skirt, filled hodice, reatchlm.g headdress, and ahoulded Veil. Miss Daer wore a floor - length gown with yellow net over taffeta, with full skirt, fitted not blouse aril harp bolero. matching headdress, and shoulder veil. Both marled pink and white carnations. Mary Kirkeonnell, sister of the bride, was flower girl in a frock of printed green nylon, with Lull skirl, sweetheart neckline, and matcbing poke bonnet trimmed with flowers. She carried pink and a white carnations and red roses . Mr. Harold Ttirknonnell, brother of the bride. was best man; and Mr. John Blake and Mr. Beetled Sullivan ushered. A reception was held at the Brunswick Hotel, , •Rringhant, The dining room was decorated with bouquets of tulips, lily of the valley, and ltlacs. The bride's stable was centred with s three-tier wedddmg cake flanked with Pink and white tapers in 511. ver 1iolders. For her daughter's • wedding. Mts. ICiriceennell chose t e. dress of navy blue printed Jer- sey with nataral colored hat and norsage of red. rosebuds ,The bride- greener; mother wore a mauve erepe dress teintmed with lane I wit% whtte acressorieg end a erne sago of pink rosebndg. For a trip to Northern Onatario, the bride donned a navy bine geisnrdine suit i with white. accessories and core I arae of red roses. On their return they 5111 live near Ri aasela. Grasse wore present from Rewrote, Bruce- i field. Auburn, iT3lvt11. Paisley. Menlctmi. Wineltatn, end l,istnw'el. e• Oo 0 Com✓ +irk// o ..k Water on Tap O • 41 r :N KITCHEN ... "Farm Life" revolves around the kitchen . needless labor and time can be saved with "water at the turn of a tap" ' made possible with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM, BATHROOM ... Protect the health of your family add to the com- forts of daily lives_ modernize with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. LAUNDRY ... family washing be- comes a pleasure . with plenty of clean, fresh running water for your laundry tubs with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. BARNS ... Why carry water? Save TIME , , . LABOUR... INCREASE ON and PROFITS and hR PODUCTava FIREI PROTECTION with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. Phone or visit us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO ilmtbd ingFixtures. xtfolr Write far 01''eti EMC For Sale by C. & G. Krauter Co. Brussels. Ont. 4, EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED London • Hamilton • it. Catharines • Toronto • Sudbury • Wlnslpeg • Hamra PEOPLE WE KNOW * * * lira. Jas. Ballantyne is visiting in London with her son J. A and Mrs. Ballantyne. • * * Mr. and Ales. . Stanley Wheeler spent a few days with friends at Woodhrigde, Leamington, Siouffville and Oslwwa, • * * Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McKinnon or Toronto and Dr, and Mrs. R. C. Robertson of Oollingwood visited at the home or L. McI{innon and Mae. A. Armstrong over the weekend, * * * Miss. Mary la. Lane of Searboro anent the holiday week -end at the liome of her parents RSV. Andrew and Mrs. Lane. .firs. Lane rat - turned with ber for a sew days. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Evans, Mrs. Jos, Tlallantene and Mies Millie Grewar were guest -at the Stephens-Oosbaln wedding in S4. Pauls Oaethedral, London, on Saturday. * * * etre, E. Rigging, site's -ere. n hroken 'u-lvie and internal rosaries in a two -oar collianu on Highway No, 26 el Morrie baric eornPer as noon on • elameay. She 1s le Winghem hoeapital, * * * Friend's from a distance atbendtng .the humeral of tote late Mrs, R. J. Hoover were Mr, end MTs. ID, L. il4heon, T-Tamtil4on; Mr. rine Mrs. Harvey Hoover and Mr. Smithson of London; Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Gamble, Mrs. Marian Langley, Toronto; Mr, and Mia. 7eames Nesson. Strla4ford, I NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice it hereby elven to all creditors having claim against the estate of J'17LTA ANN PATRICK late of the Village of Brussels in the Comity of Huron, Married woman, to send to the undersigned on or before the Fourteenth day of Tune, 1952..full perticnlara of their claims In writing. Tmm•edlatety after the peed 14th day of ,Tone, 1952. the names of tho estate -111 he dtetrlhuted amongst the parties entitled thereto heving regard only to elatms of which the Ad- mhieeratnr shall :then have notice, Meagre. Crawford k Hetherington ltarrtatera and c„ laritreaTe Ontario NAVY LEAGUE TAG TO BE HELD HERE JUNE 28 Once again the Navy League of Canada appalls to all. oitizens tb give generously to the Navy League Tag Dey to be held in Brussels on Sat- urday, Tune 28th, 1953. Canada is playing an ever-increas- ing part In world, affairs, Tne Navy League propramme is becoming larger and more valuable to the country as a whole. The training of sea Cadets s having .tl telling effect in the devel- opment of ammeter and good citizenship among boys during their formative years, For over thirty years the Navy League has recognized that it can teach mach more than drill, seasmanshlp and Novel lore — by skillfully blend- ing diseiptine responsibility and training It can "bifid men." 'rhe numher of former Sea Cadets whn held positions of trust in the Commutate and the high percentage nP deuce force sailors and officers who started their navel carvers in the Sea Cadets. testify to .bhe valve 03 Navy League services, Likewise. Nary League services to ssiiors will increase substantially es new :shipe are commissioned for Relive service in the defence of Canada. Crews which have been on active duty in Korean waters have all been supplied with comforts and Ibe traditional dishy hags. Comfort. able clubs and recrestiongl centres are tnaintained by the Navy League In our great ports for Merchant Seamen whose voyages make one export trade possible, Naval Teter an in hospitals are 1152101 regularly by members of Navy League's Last PS' Anlailiarjes, Everyone should feel tt a privilege to have a share in flna.ncleg such 4 Programme of service, DAY 'ip'rtaretters and lifiilkers. Disc, Plows, Manure Spreaders, Time and Fertilirer• !Spring -tooth narrows both wheel tractors and crawlers, , flows, Discs, $•lsreedan,. Mowers, Hav Loaders, !)malleo Forage blowers end ♦�� Runny* M. Wn -ten nt•e massirs for Niya• (=rlcksfrott Tractern. eekeeneett Dashers ter *hover heelemante MORRrT4T & WRIGHT