HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-6-11, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST Wed'ne!sdlay, June llttlt, 1.00l, USED CARS 1951 •Chev. Sedan 1948 Pontiac Coach, With Radio 1947 Pontiac Coach 1947. Kaiser Sedan 1946 Chev. Coupe 1946 Chev.Coach 1941 Plymouth Sedan 1940 Dodge Sedan 1940 Chev. Coach 1937 Pontiac Coach 1937 Chev. Coach Many Older 'Models USED . TRUCKS 1951 Pontiac Sedan Delivery, Air Condition and Sun Visor 1950 Chev. 21/2 ton Truck with all purpose dump body. 1946 Ford 3 ton Stake Riverside Motors Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gas and oils Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. Is Ethel your old Home Town? Come for Home Town Sunday, Aug- uet 17, at 2 p.m. fro the Ethel School grounds. Bring basket lunch, The Mission Band of the Presby- terian Church was held at the home of etre. E. Richards with 13 present. Donna Alexander opened the meet - Ing and Beatrice Alexander read the Scripture. Mrs. Alexander the leader read a story and roll call was answered b'v naming a spring flower. Plans for hoe annual picnic were disciuesed. After the meeting Itch was served by the hostess and afro. Wey. • Football is in full swing and the boys are doing well. Watch for the next game and none out and support your team: The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of the Presbyterian Chtu•ob was held at the home of Mrs. E. Richards, with 14 ladies present. The president, opened the meeting and all repeated the Lord's Drayer together. Mrs. Weltered read the Scripture. Matthew 18-13. The offering was .taken up and then a special offering was given for the Allocation. Mrs. M. Alexander read a chapter from the Study Book on Sontb America. The prayer from the Glad Tidings was repeated by all the ladles. After hymn 590 was sung, Mrs. Lonnsbury gm' a very interesting and belpful report of the Presbyterial held at Wingham Stress was given that we try to raise just a little more titan last year. The word f e roll call was "Grass" and next manta the word is "Beek." The minnow of last month were feud and it was 'de- cided to hold an ice-oream s*otel and a committee was as follows, Mrs. C. 'ember, Mrs. Lonnsbury, Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Krauter, it was passed that the Presbyterial Annual Meetting remain as at Present. Mrs. W. Kreuter read part of a chapter from "Danntleesa Women." Atter .the close of the meeting, hunoh was served by the hostess .and Mrs. Fear and Mrs. S Alexander. CRANBROOK The anndeersaty of Knox Presby terian Church will be held on Sun- day, June 15th; with seryloos at 11 a. m. and 7,30 p. an. Rev. Boggs of Molesworth will be guest speaker and there will be special music by the choir. The garden party will be on Thursday evening, June 19, with supper town 6 to 8 in the basement of the church and the program in the Community Centre. This will rnosist'of a play, 'Her Step-Huband" by the W. A. of Tee water United Church and other musical numbers. The June meeting of the W. M. S. WAS held at the home of Mrs. R. K. McDonald vette the president, Mrs. Hyedman presiding. :fins, John Schnook read the Soripture lesson and Miss A. J. Forrest gave a very excellent report on the Synodical, whi:nh she• attended in Hamilton. in 1nri1. The July 'timeline. will he at the Urn e Ctrs. Clara Omelead,' Sev- n,•,l ltr•111a of t+nstneee were dealt with. Mrs. Hyndman closed the m=•crime with the Benediction. Lunch was served ley Miss Forrest ant, '\T,•s. M. F..neel and a social time er itavetl. envo'•ilasl.''ton4 to Mr. and Mrs. Merron Cameron of London on the arrival of r baby daughter, Stine 7. ".1r. and Mrs. Fred Martin, Tham- paville. spent the weelc-end with Mr. and etre. Peter Raker. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE MEETING Tire June meeting of the Friend- sein t':hrle was held at the home of }ire Chas. 13ryans on Wed. evening, S'rtt• 4th, After the singing 01 the therm' song, "Blest be the Tie that Tirade" the Scripture passage was reed by Mrs. C. Stevenson. In the absence of the 'secretory, the sec- retary's report was rend by Mrs. Wm, Miller, The treasurer's re• port and Sunshine report both showed a pleasing hatanre. Letters of acknowledgement and thanks from the recipient Of the parole seet to Kneen and the birthday preeert -sent to the little boy Iu the orphans lime in England where. read. During the hnsiness part nr the Meeting it was decided to quilt a quilt for Mrs. Manning Ott ¶®ID® ge@gogCom''101 @'@Cr en Friday, June 13th. Mrs, Cousins volunteered to Nike the feepawsibll- ty of putting an afghan together. It was also tinkled to We $20, to the W. M. S. Auxiliary to help the aleft •their eileca,tion, Hein was offered !for the committee is (Merge of Floveer Senhday tor June 2ot+b, do anrange flowers and de0su'- ate the rhumb, It was euggetiteti that we he on the look out during the mummer for •ar!ttcles of clothing to include In a bale to be sent to Korea In the fail, The topic on Mtaeton/try Work among the Orientals In Can, Ada was given by Mrs. Wm. Miller. Atter the closing of the meeting a very huntorbus reading was given by Mrs. Lane. A coneetwas Con- ducted hy on-ducted-fay Mrs. Kee. Tyerman,.A•fter whditha tasty enrich was served by the oommettee Mrs. D. MoArher, Mns. Lane and Miss L. Mttohell. W. SOUCH. M'RRIS TWP. ENTER -94th YEAR Vi'i1llant Souch, 3rd 11110 06 Morris,, last week observed his. 9341 birth- day., .Relatives • who visited him Included this :sister, Mrs. Henry Bone, led line of Morris; Mr..and Ivens. OliaoIes Souoh, Blyth; hie daughter, Mrs. Frank Stamper, Btuevale; and; a son-in-law, Ward Sellers, Briussels, Mr. Souolt receiv- ed manly gifts and Dards, He is in lair healtrh. He was born on the fawn where he lives and which he has farmed alt his life. Other chil- dren, who were unable to be eras - ant are : Leslie South, 11, C. Normran, Shellbrook, Saskatchewan; Mrs. W. DT. Young, Dungan - nen: etel Mrs. John Sellers,( Vent-„ a"e, Seek. TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE FederalBulldings — Province of Ontario SEAL41) TENDE'R'S addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender far Coal" will be received until 3 p.m, (E,D,S.T.). Wednesday, Sone 23, 1952, tor the supply of coal ane coke for the Federal Buildings •tlroughdut the Province of Ontario. , Forms of tender with specificat- ions and cenditions attached can be obtained from the Ohdef of Par - chasing and Stores Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the District Architect, 36 Adelaide St. Ease. Toronto, Ont. 'fenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental .•pecifirations and conditions. attach• ed thrreto, The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful e!ld erei•, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a elm:rlered bands in Canada, made payable to the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Public Works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada nr of the Canadian National Rail- way Company and its constituent c^nuea.!'ltes unconditionally guaran- teed as to principal and interest by the •Dominion of Canada, or the afnremeotioned bonds and a certi- fied cheque if required to ma'1ce up !n odd amount. Such security will serve as c. yaineentre for the proper Fulfilment the contract. ROBERT FORTTER. Acting Secretary. " '• oemert of Public Works. mewl, 11ay 22, 1952 "see SALE — TTmrse and lot on Queen St, Brussels will sell house with or with - nut furniture. For further pariieulnrs n1!035 to Mrs. John Simmons Phone 16113. CLASSIFIED ADS. f Phone 15r5 FOR SALE 28 Chunks of Pigs Joe Ilolimnes FOR SALE 300 qussex-I3ed Pullets, 12 weeks, old, Buell Pearson, Brnesela Phone 11 , • FOR SALE — 1 McConmiok Deering, all steel, Hay Lender, Cheap' A. J. Pearson PhoneyQA FOR SALE a range shelter with wire bottom and sides, with plywood top, new laslt year. R:obemt Ciuntpbell, Ca'aitbrook FOR SALE — Another week epeeist Brag• prices, shipper's choice breeds, 3 - 4 week pullets; peerapt ,shipment. 3 week heavies $25.90; 4 week ,$30.901 Medhuns, 3 week $34.90; 4 week t $38.90. Also dayolds, mixed pullets, t Agent Win. Glen Bray, Ethel. WANTED— Dead ANTED—*D' ead and disabled farm animals -►anted for prompt pickup. Cali Percy Stephenson, Ifthel, Photo Brussels 85r12, Collect. John A, Johnston Services. under Legion ausploes, was oondaoted Friday atternwon, by the Pee, W. B. Mitchell, Kelax Oharcli, In the Linkteter funeral borne, for John A. Johnstone, 68, alto died in Kinoardine Hospital, He was a native o1 Grey . town- ship and lived there mlttil enlisting and going oversews In World War 1. On his return be settled here and became a member of the conatwt' and let, active in the Oauadlan Legion•, He Wa8 a mem- het' of Knox Presbyterian Church, Kincardine. Sisrv!ivlLng are (hos wife, the former Minnie Saunders:. doso' daughters, Mrs. Ronald LePins, , Windsor; Mrs, Harold Wright, Kinearrdine; two brgthens, Sanity Grey Townithtp; George, :Wing. ham; and' four sisters, Many, Kin. sardine; etre. Earl Matters I Lunen; MI5. Frank Shaw, Blue.' vale, and Mins. Gorden Simmons:. Meehan'. to . FARM FOR SALE — 100 acoes light clay loam wen drained, near school and store. Brick house, attached garage, hydro bath room, bank barn, pig pen. chicken house, drive shed. Situated 3 miles east of Brussels, on rood being paved. Immediate possession. Apply to Box 50, Brussels Post. FOR SALE — A six room, two storey cottage roof house, about 24' x 30', with soft water, hydro, also veneer brick hath, au asphalt clad kitchen about 20' x 11', furnace, . hard and barn about 26' x 40', steel root garage and small hen house. Being Part Lot 0 on Turnberry Street,. Pillage of Brussels, well insulated and on a high building sight, James eirFadzean, Box 1, Brussels. Ont. FOR SALE — White brick house, 4 piece bath, i4 acre of land in Village of Brus- sels. Priced to sell. 100 acre farm, hydro, good build - Ines, 50 acres of Spring crops, never failing spring, 8 acres of bush. Priced to sell at $6,800.00. 100 acres farm, close to Village, red brick home, sun porch, steel drive shed, large barn, 18 acres Spring crop, rest in hay and grass, Priced to sell. Farms all sizes, and also Village tenses and business. J. (1, Long. Real Estate Braker, Brussels, Ont. TENDERS FOR PAINTING Morris Township .School Area will receive' tender's for the following contracts, until ,Tune 24th. I, 3.ir: fug interior of 5. S. No. 10. Claes roost, hallway and stairs. two coats of paint or varnish on walls and ceiling. also varnish on desks. See R. J. Mclturrey, Wing. ham for specifications, to be com- elier(' om- els ued before Aug. 20, :. lite';rling :1 pint',,, Iq• eemi- eipeiess furnarc, canaille for burn- ing both real and wood in S. S. No. 12. See Gen. Mb-Itt'. R. R. 4 Rrns- stl . far specifiention'. Work to he etnnpteted before Ang. 20, Ralph Shaw. Rluevale. Secretary, Mrs. Robert J. Hoover Monday morning, June 2nd, 1952 at early dawn there passed to the, Great Beyond, Margarret Gibson,,, widow of the late R. 3'. Hoover, In her 38th year, Mrs. Hoover was the daughter of the late Jatnes Gibson and Margaret Moses, woo oame to Canada Bron) Glasgow. Scotland, and settled an Lot 28, Con. 1, Morris township. Where Margaret and her brother Peter were barn. Sixty two years ago, Margaret Gibson was united in marriage to Robert 3. Reeve. of Westfield, Wawanosh. Here they made their home tar twelve years and then moved to Lot 9, Con. 9. Grey towaship. Al mast seven years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Hoover moved to Brussels where her husband predeceased her five years ago. She leaves to mourn her loss. two sons Harvey of London and Norman on the homestead, Con. 9, Grey, and two daughters, Mrs, D. McCallum (Cracel Blyth and Miss Beth at honkie. One son William predecased iher many years ago. Also there are nine grandchildren and five great- graneltdldren, Mrs. Hoover was a quiet woman of gentle disposition, with a keen mind annd never falling interest in world affairs. She was a great lover of flowers and her kindness won for her many friends. Her pastor. Rev. A. Lane conducted the BuneraI ser- vice. taking for his text, "For me to live is Christ: and to Ole jus gain." Admonishing all t.o lire the Christ. life. he paid tribute to her fine Christian witness, A favourite song of the departed, "Beyond theSunset" was bea'itifttlly rendered by Mrs Carl Douglas and Wm. King Jr, The pallbearers were : Jas, S, Armstrong, Wm. C. King. Samos 1Taseex, Wm.° Moses, John Gaynor and Douglas Hemingway, Tire floral tributes were beautiful and were carried by Wm. King Ross Smith, Orvell Jones and Arch:e Moses. Interment in Brussels cemetery. 'Friends came from London, Tor- onto, T1amilton, Stratford, Clinton, letekn•,w. Bluevale and Blyth. LEGION LADIES AUXiLIAFtY The Ladies Auxiliary to tiro t :tn,olian Legion held their business met ling Jane 6th with Ctun. Elliott in the (hair. A letter of thanks w,1, read from Dr, Chun for the par- er± of clothing sent to the Orplienge nt Seoul. Korea. Another box will be 'packed and sent as soon as pea sil)11' The Navy Tag Day will be June 2491). v Vr Inemhrra are asked to meet ,crs34.1:14)1:li7. i ;,i;rp 1• ;p.'rtx7:ti'b slkt Give your home a lasting beauty treafnient with Stur- glans High Qualify paint. Johnson's Paint and } Electric Store Brussels. Ont. i A PAINT FOR EVERY' PURPOSE at the United Ohmrch Sunday, June 15th at 10.45 p. m, for Memorial Service. The Legion and A3ixillairy ase sponsoring a Bingo Tuesday, June 10th, Plans are being made to help the Legion with their big day July 181114. A float will be entered in the parade. The laky draw for the mystery Prize was won by Com. Wineberg. 7l11 next soolal •eweniug is June 19, Mrs. A. E. Dane The death occured in Niagara Falls, Ont., on Sunday, June fat, of Mas. Annie Elizabeth Lockhart Dane, wife of 'the late John Vance Dane, in her 82nd year. Site is survived by 2 daughters and 2 sons, (Celestine). Mrs. E. Stephenson; tEdythe), Mrs. A. E, Westover; Joltn Lockhart of Nia- gara Falls and William J. at home. Also 2 sisters and 2 brothers, Mrs. P. N. Wettlaufer, Warren, Pa.: W. G. Lockhart, Woodstock; Me's, S. Muir and Sohn Lockhart, Ottawa. Funeral service conducted by Rev. A. Lane of the Tinted Church was. held on Wednesday. June 4th, from her late home Lot 17, Con. 8. Grey tewmahip. —veer Messeu•s. C. Bateman, Q. Dobson. and G. Pearson sang, "All The Way My Saviour Leads Mee' Beautiful floral tributes were carried by Chas. Hammed, Percy , Stephenson. Jewett Hall, Lloyd Ilef- fer, Gen. Dunbar and Cheater Earl. The remains were born to Iast resting place by I.es. Earl, Stanley Dunbar. Mari Bowes, Wm. Smith, Fred Hefter and J. deDaelder. Interment was in Gorrie Cemetery, Frieuds and relatives attended from Penn., Ottawa, Woodstock, Ingersoll, Eastwood Gobles, Gorrie, Forwicl1, Listowel and Niagara Falls. 1.1943E „t MONCR1EFF The June meeting of the Mae- orileff W. A. and W. M. 8. was heli on 'Wednesday evening, Dons iia, at the home of Mrs. Roy Patterson with 24 members presenit'. Mrn . Blip:Men Ferg was leader and *pen - ed the meeting by reading Psalm seleotion 737, atter which Hymn 259, was sung. The Scripture wee read by Mrs. Eldon Ilan, Psalm a3. The - minutes were given . by Mrs. Ken, McLean, The roll pall was answer- ed nswered by naming a Missionary. Busi- ness ustness 4ollowrd- Tt was decided to hold the meetings at night during the summer months. The Missionary (milts were reported to have been seat in, and six quilted during May. A travelling apron will be used for raising funds. The offering was r°ceived. Hymn 246 was sung and prayer was offered by Mrs. ,Tim Meehan. The topir was taken by 1rrs Free.. McNanehe. Miss Olive Snt'iran then faeonred with a solo and the mooting closed by repeating fho T,ord's Prayer to union. The W A. Me ling opened with. the president Mas. Joe Smith in charge. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Bill Smith. The minutes were read by Mrs. Scott McLean, and adopted. Thanks was expressed for gifts r=ceived. It was reported the flower beds had been dug. The meet- ing (dosed by repenting the Mizpah benediction. Mae. Eldon Mann was ancompaniet . for the meeting. A del1nto s lunch was served by the hostess end her asaistanite. The July meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Mark Bantle. Arrange - metes were made for the garden parer nn June 11th. ,' 11, • ,Ia,ii, a he tire for thrift -wise . buyers I THE LOW-PRICED GOOD/WAR MARATHON 6.00-16 Here's real value in a go:arsae . teed Goodyear with the famous awn -skid diamond tread—a tire better built for long, trouble- free mailaaagn. 05.5 too 1De Tfiti tl re &tniir or•'� �- .cw • ay.,,i ► i►a:::_ ELLIOTT MOTOR SALES PHONE: 82 DODGE—DESOTO—SALES & SERV _ AST40,:111M ^',scar'10rettAL'C ",''°rxr .11�'yt�i7wa e+rr +a�►•1 r::i! 114, AM F Service Dept 50 YOUR BIROS ARE HOME ON THE RANGE, JACK. HOW ARETNEY MAKING OUT? t �+ �,+ ftli, e ,,,,Nerhyti/d/i-,totMe ar I//l IAN,' 1,rti11)1„__..i.+rir! NOT 5OBAD,g04BUT THEREiS WI MORE TO THIS RANGE Bi151NE56 THAN MEEASTNEt�E. - .� it .t �_ Io,/.!/Ori , , ,A t"'.,.i, ... tj :0 r]�, S ..�.�"'�� a1. ,l.h.. 'vu PROPER aIROG MEANSs IN THE t 41 ' .este.. BET THERE HANPWK ON THE RANK KmOR too LNV1N6 tS 1lS/ *AK d'' I -- OW Aid W1 *MO (44 ► .1 .`r r) • '1�'/� A0/1111116...11 MAIL A 4101 RANME 11 WNW IMPDRiANf— A i00P 6�ROMN& MMus 10 MT A"9 IMR RTAN'T 1!0 coo R IR6ET 17 UdE 1027A -6th OW , y .." OM reel UNE ► tiCn _" de 11.011 YOU 111 t ALWA'i!i MMlhtfittJM�' + / 1'Ai�,A Two Mays to Bigger Egg fol its G�� RANGE > y 1a . "r'�Q 'I �,T�� ScYE ,c3 �� W4si a �iavc s s , ,�� r� 'r . . \ I '. F rl ■!` .,� Viiiii►,,�®4 (. COMPLETE GROWItd y G MASH F, 1.7.0 ' w' ACO"' 6R191 I'� " Is/ H f .. ...,,,..�,—.�--,-.._�w sist Huron 6RUSSELS joHN LAMOtd"1" ETHEL F. HARRISON MONCR{EFS � uM/F"�4µ, �- r'� '` r �yQ� C4„ �► \) II3 A. / ,a • n Ijt 1NJ ..rwr _/.ii 1 0,,4 � /..'.�T.C.�-e0e J P '� �.� .. ol; k\ —.,r�� Frtxtuct1. .."-------N.