HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-6-11, Page 4ti ... that you should not pick tit• Trillium, our provincial floral embl•M. Since its three leaves are near the top of the stem, they usually get picked with the blossota And as the leaves feed the root, the whole plant dies of starvation. Protect the Trillium ...Rh part of your outdoor enjoyment. CARLINOES THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO—TORONTO— WINDSOR • THE BRUSSELS POST I• CLEARING AUC'1a0r4 SALE sale of Farm Stock and Implement* at Lot 13, Con, 9, Morris TWO - . 3 miles East of Blyth or 4 miles West of Walton on FRIDAY, JUNE 13th • At 1 P. m, Horse's' 1 thiddlle aged matched black peroheon team of males. Set, brass mounted breeching harness Cattle 8 young Durham owe, reeentT7 fresh wibh calves at feet.. 2 Durham Cows . due to freshen 1a June 1 Durttaan Cow bred 3 — 2 yr. old Durham Steers 1 --- 2 yr. old Durham Heifer 8 Angus and Durham Steers and Heifers, 1 yr. old Pigs 8 York Pigs, 160 lbs. 1 pare York sow bred April let Poultry 140 hybred bens 1 yr. old 2 clucks, 1 drake 1 gander, 1 goose Machinery Frost and Wood 7 ft. binder McOorrairk Deering binder 7 ft. rat, like new McCormick Deering disc fertilizer drill, like new AfasseY•Barris manure spreader Massey -Barris 51 mower, like new McCormick Deering drop head hay loader Sulky rake, walking plow, riding Meer • M. H. fertilizer turnip drill Steel roller cultivator disc harrow 4 section diamond harrow 'winged push-up sleeves. Brutes- Farffller, rubber tired wagon mails MiSs Jane Strati and Mrs. Farm wagon, 16 ft. flat has rook I3: M, Balltantynee wore identically Blake - Kirkconnell Set sloop sleighs and BUSINESS (CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEOD '!,ilium Si. Phone 4. - Brtuseft, that. DR. R. W. STEPHENS- Graduate University of Toronto ?HYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 45 - Brussels, Oita. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eves Examined. Glasses fitted. Street. 791 Seaforth Main HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to a p.a. J. A. Monagahan, R. 0, Optometrist, LISTOWEL, ONT. Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting of Causes Office in Listowel Clinic Buih ng Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday p.es Open every Tuesday and Saturday -Evening 7:00 to tlt3S. Other evenings by appointment Phone 534• 3~). A. 1'tann & Co, FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE 5ERVICl Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer -- MOE 36 or 85 -- — BRUSSELS. U4dR. Chas.. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire insurart Accident and Same= Agent for Great West Life 'insurance Brame O. Pham. ice 9t3 -" Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co. Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General Insurance Co. Phone 43x Brunch G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone ine 21. , Phone Wingham 770 & 5, Intm Ki Evenings by ppo Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Telephone 65 No Extra Charge for Use of Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service Dales' Flowers Eixclusiyely R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WING1'1AM and MUSSELS AT BRUSSELS I steedhty and Sabuday all day °filet open esery day, Phone 20st Successor to EA D. Bell Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Ileum County) SATISFACTION GUARANTIED PRIM; REA 114MB, For Eemements Phone 31 "The Brusreh Part" and day Pix iderreatlae etc,. write or shone Lew. Rowland Or write to W. IL 3 Afalhaa Stephens - Goetaln In an all -whine setting of s1uliP• dragons and Wires., eceented by' ferns end cende2abna, in St. Paul's Cathedral, Noel ]t lizabeth (Bette) Contain exchanged wedding . vtown Saturday afternoon with Dr. James Glenn Stephens, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and mans. Matlss F.+dwhrd Oostain, London, and the groom is the son of 1)u. Russell Witcher Stephens, Brufissels. ...Canon A. A. Tramper performed the ceremony, GeraldCole played wedding music and Ken LeMaire was 0010ttst. The • brine's gown of Shimmering bifida . salon, misted with .Frenh net, styled with a eangly fitted besque bodice having an oval neck- line. French lace applique trim aretend the neckline wasrepeated on the long pointed sleeves, The full skint, flaring out -over a stsrohed orkeolline, featured floor -Length, Panels roe lace aps1Ique at both sides which flowed into the chapel grain. The double fingertip veil of im- ported tulle illusion, falling soft- ly over her face, was caught to a small shinred cap. She parried a small band cascade of stephanotis centred with one large white ootid ' 'lite bride's gift to her sister and and showered with ivy. weAtresees were chine cops' and Mies,Geralditve Costain, as her Saucers,. ' The groomsman received sister's maid of honor, was gowned a.,fon'nAain pen. in ahernb blue nylon tulle over lee After a ahorltt honeymoon the blue taffeta, the formal bodice young couple will reside on the 7th topped by a brief jacket featuring a Con. of Morris. �' neckline, standeam collar and MacLean - Somers A pretty wedding was 0016101100d on Suttttrduy, May Slat at the home of Mir, find Airs. Toho Pennington, when their sister I✓4t Inde Violet 36eoLoan, daughter of Roderick and Mrs. MeoLean Weenie the bride pf George Mann Severe, son of Mr, and Mrs. William 10, Somers, nil of Morris teernshLP, Rey, W. Fn5to0 of Melville Pres- byterian. Ohnr 2s 1rertornued the ceremony at 1.30 p. m. before a bank of spring i+ieowene. The bride, given in marriage by her father,' 'mss gowned in a floor -length dress of White taoe and elik net over nylon with finger tip veil. Wearing a necklace and ear ring of pearl, the gift rot the groom and carrying red earnlatiorts. 'Bre bride's sister, ' Doris, as maid of tuoeour, wore a floor length gown of blue nylon with pink flower headdress and 'carried pink carnat- ions.'' Frank Alcock Supported the groom. Later the guests 0021 eat at two lace covered tables eentmed with the bride's cake end decorated with pink candles •and flowers, Where a tasty supper was served by six friends .of bhe bride. IThe next meeting of the Huron 1 County Council will be held in the VConnell Chambers. Court House, rryleriell, onmmenelne Wednesday, .1n*.a 58, ar le nit a. m.. D. S. T. All e'. saes natter., of putat- j le, end wirer burins. requiring ij ts,a s tentinr• of retmell should he j Gravel box, S styled gowns of white nylon tulle flat rack over ice blue taffeta. Fanning mill, 2000 Ib, sealea No. 12 Delaval cream separator with . All three attendants wore match - power attachments, wheel barrow ing mitttens and eye veils caught sugar kettle at the back by lemon yellow shasta 3-40 gallon, oil drums 1 daisies and ivy to blend with their 2--8 gal. milk cans, pig crate, daisy banquets. Wates trough, root pnuloat, The groom was attended by his H. P. Motor, Sacks, grain bags Chains, whippletrees, forks, shovels and numerous other articles. Hay and Grain 9 ton Timothy Hay. 12 bus. Timothy Seed. ir• bus. red Clover Seed. Household Effects Quebec heater, Quebec cook stove, Kitchen chairs. rockers and other e household efforts. No reserve as farm Is sold. TERMS CASH Alfred Haggitt, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. ETHEL MILL Wheat Ground $46.00 Wheat Whole $46.00 About June 10th Full Line or Feed FOR SALE — New and Used Lumber and Wire Timber and Fence Posta Jdne 10th Only J. C. Lamont. HURON COUNTY MEETING TO BE HELD AT GODERICH in t:ha hend* of the r+tvnty Clerk not later "bar Saturday. June 14111. 1952 A. A. Erskine County Clerk. andel-in. Ont. FREDERICK F. HOMUTH Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. O. Mrs, H. Violo Homuth R. O. Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. DEAD STOCK DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY FOR SANITARY DISPOSALL, Telephone Coiled BRUSSELS 85R12 ELMIRA 564 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED brother, Dr. Russell Stephens, of Rochester, N. Y. Ushers were Dr. Lyall Secord, Thamesville; pr. Ross Grant, Ottawa. William Brown, Sudbury, and George Mc- Elheran, London. The Highland Golf Club was the scene of a reception following the ceremony. 11 ins. Costae was at- tired in afternoon dress of navy triple sheer detailed -with guipure lace indent at the neck over sham psgne-toned net. She wore a droned hat of nary silk taffeta, white and navvy accessories and a corsage of cymbidium orchids. Far her sons's wedding, Mae: Stephen's chose a a turquoise silk ehanthtmg snit, navy accesenrtas and a corsage of small pink rosettes. Leaving for a wedding trip to Cape red and in the' New England Start,.. the bride donned a two. piece suit of nervy silk shantung, with eee,hell arcenta. natural straw t hat. navy .arcessnriee and a corsage nP evmhidiem orchids. On their i return. Dr. and Mrs. Stephens will reside in Buffalo. The bride was graduated in 1949 from the Univeral!v of Western frntm,•in anal a member of r:amma Phi Bets RAretty. The erenm Is a 1ne. eeier,te et, tb., Trprefeelea of [fro=fo"tt Cntartn Madtcal Rrhnnl i Ind .i member of Alnha reserve 1 r`eternity. MELViLLE HOME HELPER'S The Home Helper's of tate Mel. vitt* Prerbyterlan 4 hurrb. met with "he W. M. S. for their annual meet - ince on Friday. June Orth, at 2 o'clock, in the eaturr,h. Mise; Grate. Stewart Stewart presided. and was assist- ed Mrs. 12 Pipe. who took the Rrriprur* readino and Mrs .john Warman lad in prayer. The sec- retary'. revert wee road by Mra. W. Smith and the treasnrer's re- port by Mrs. W. Seely. Miss G. Stewart then asked Minae. flleorge Bunn to preside for the Hems T•Telper's and she introduced the gncwt speaker, Mrs. Mn2auley, Ripley. who le Presbyterial ores;. dent for Maitland Presbytery. Mra. W. Romers mord a vote of thanks to Mrs. MatlnnIey for her very In- tereeting talk, and expressed eia prenta.ttlon to Mos. Icing for her SWIVirata ns organist, and for the *12550 solo ranrlarnd.Th r oaf .+ m In.. was einserl by pie singing ne e h'vmtt marl rnneailne the Mtsnsh 1eneelletdtnn. Ti1te Home 1T•ripoe a ammIliitf'a ,carved len,"1i in the hnaemenl of the eleternit whfln n eerie! hon- waw Spent, A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Roman Catholic Church, Brine Bels, Saturday morning, May 31, when Jeanne Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs. Andrew Kirkoonnell, • Auburn, was united in marriage to Mr, Lrntis Augustine Blake, son of Airs. W. Blake, Brussels, and the late Mr. Blake. Rev. Fr. Durante per- formed the ceremony; and Miss neither, played tee wedding music. The c+March was decorated with tulips, lily. of the valley and lilacs. Given in marriage by her lather, the brill,e wore a floor -Length gown of white slapper satin with double. net skirt. rose,12etal lace over satin bodice,. and rose -petal e O a 0 0 0 Wedauesdkty, Tune 11th, 180 2uro " Water on Tap O \`y1'4, al KITCHEN ... "Farm Life" ren evolves lv around the kitchen labor and time rain be saved with "water at the turn of a tap" made possible with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. BATHROOM • . • Protect d a heths Bmf com- fortsis fof daly modernize forh of daily pU1i ING SYSTEM. with a DURO P LAUNDRY ... Family washing be- comes a pleasure . with plenty of clean, fresh running lenty with a r your laundry tubs DURO PUMPING SYSTIMIL. BARNS ...Why carry water? Save TIME ... LABOUR... INCREASE PRODUCTON and PROFITS and haveeFIREIPROTECTION with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. Phoneor visit us today for DURO Pump. and EMaii"Plumbing Fixtures. Write for illustrated folder. 11 EMC EMCo For Sale by — C. & G. Krauter Co. Brussels. Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED London • Hamilton • St Gtheriser • Toronto • Sudbury • Winnipeg - VancouMOP ver arate PEOPLE WE KNOW * * e Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne is visiting in London with her son J. A. and efts. Ballantyne. • lace coat with lily -Point sleeves * * * and prineesa neckline. Her three - Me and .lits. Stanley Wheeler quarter veil of embroidered net was caught to a Juliet cap with mange blossoms. She carried a white prayer book Lopped with a red rose. Miss Helen Blake, Toron- to, sister of the bridgdroom, was maid of honor. wearing a floor - length gear of pink net over taffetta with pink lace bolero and snatching pink headdress. She carried pink and white carnation'.. Miss Ruth Snelltn.g, Brucefielld and Miss Edith Daer, Auburn cousins of the bride. mere 'brides- maids. Mics Snelling wore a, aky- hltte flonrleneth taffeta gown, with full skirt. fitted bodice, m..itehine headdress, and should.ed veil. Miss Deer wore a floor - l' -nett seen with yellow net over ttirfa'a, with fol' skirt. fitted net blouse and tare bolero. matching headdress, and shoulder veil. Both carried pink and white carnations. Mary Trirkconnrll, sister of the bride. was flower girl In a frock of printed green nylon, with full two -ear nollison on Highway No. 80 skirt. sweetheart neckline, and , •.I Merr'4 hank corner as noon on spent a few days with friends at W'corlbrigde, Leamington, Stouffvitle and Oshawa. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McKinnon of Toronto and Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Robertson of Oollingwood .visited at the home of L. McKinnon and Mrs. A. Arntedrong over the week -end. * * * Miss. Mary E. Lane of Searboro spent the holiday weekiend at the home of her parents Rev. Andrew and Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Lane ret- turned with her for a few days, ' * * * Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Pvans, :firs. Jas. Ballantyne and Miss Millie Grewar were guest at the Stephens-Ceatratn wedding in St, Pauls Cathedral, Lnndon, on Saturday. * * * Mrs. E. Higgins. guttered n brolcen "slvis and internal injuries in a matching poke bonnet trimmed . Mendny. Stn is 111Winehnm hospital. with tlowers. She carried pink and j * * * white t:artuatione and red roses Friends from a distance attending 1 Mr IJarold Kirk+-,nnell, broth t s the Mineral of the late Mies. R T. of the bride, was beet man: and 1 ITonver were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mr. John Blake end Mr. Reginidrni TJatnilien; Mr. and Airs, Sullivan ushered. A reception was °ill, Harvey Hnnvc,r :and Mr, Rmit71aon of t. held at the Beirvevriek llotrl, London: Mr. and Mrs. Frail t'1•a.mbin, ' WAttgltam. The 'Bain: room wags Mrs. Marian Lrmglay, Toronto: Mr, le•+••trata d with bnuriuel of tultlrs. 1 awl Mrs. Tames Hessen, Stratford. ( . lily of the valley. and lilacs. The ; + bride's table was rcmtred with a i —,---- --- i three-tier wedding cake flanked • NOTICE TO CREDITORS with pink and white tapers In sal- , ver holders. Far her daughter's i Notice It lterelry Oven to all wedding. Mrs, Tllrkeennell chose i creditors having claims against the a dress of navy blue printed jar- ( estate of .ITLIA ANN PATRICIK eey with nailurai colored hal and tate of the 'Village of Brussels in norsage of red rosebuds .The bride- ` the, County of Huron, Mtarried 5rnnnt's mother worn a mauve woman, to send to the uhdersigaod crepe areas trimmed with lace j on or before the Fourteenth day of withh white areeaanrtina and a nor- I Juno, 1052. full particulars of their sage of pink roarbuda. For a trip claims In wrthing. Immediately to Northern Onatarto, thr bride ' after the aatd 14th slay of Tune, cinnnNd a navy blue getnrdine suit 1252. the assets of the estate will with whoa anressnrles and nor• 1 he tllatrihntrd amongst the parties sage of red roans. on their return I entitled thereto having regard they will live. near Brnasala. t'iueste only to claims of which the Ad. Wso". present from Rruaa'Ta, Rrnee.notice, mintstratnr shall then have fieid. Anhnrn, +T31vth, 1 alaley, ; Messrs. Crawford ,k' TTath rtngtnn Moritfon. Wiradiam. and T.istowel. i Rarrlatera and c,. 1 Brussels Ontario J sr._,. NAVY LEAGUE TAG DAY TO BE HELD HERE JUNE 28 Once again the Navy League ct Canada appeals to all citizens tb give generously to the Navy League Tag Day to be held in Brussels 011 Sat- urduy, Tune 28th, 1963. Canada is playing an ever-increas- ing part in world affairs, Tne Navy League propramme is becoming larger and more valuable to the country as a whole. 'rite training of dea Cadets 1s ha.o'ing a telling effect in the devel- opment of character and good citizenship among boys during their formative years. For over thirty Years the Navy League has recognized that it can teach mugh more than drill. seasmanship and Naval lore by skillfully blend- ing diselpline responaibtltty and training It can "build men." The number of former sea Cadets who hold positions of trust in the Cnmmuntty and the high percentage of active force sailors and officers oho started their naval carters In the Sea Ca,lets, testily to the value et Navy League services, Likewise, Nary Leal hue services to sailors will increase substantially is new ships are commissioned for active service in the defence of Canada, Crews which have been on active, duty in Korean waters have all been shppiied With comforts and the traditional ditty bags. Comfort- able chubs and recreational centres are maintained by the Navy League in our groat ports for Merchant Stamen whose voyages make oar export trade presthle. Naval voter• nns in hospitate are visited regularly by members of Navy League's 1'.adies' Auwlltaries. Everyone should feel it a privilege to have a share in financing such e programinn M service, etenaratera and Racers. Disc, Plows, Manure Spreaders, Limo and Fertillrer Sowers, Sorinp.tooth Marrows both wheel tractors and crawlers, Plows, Duca, ,treaders,, Mower's. Has i..oadets, Smalley Forage Simms R seri HIaminer "'UA M1tI, ot-e 5er4etirs &t5 f nv Cocirslarit Trectore. 'rnnlc,a,nnt Dealers ler onset. trrtelemertte MORRrrr & WRTCNT