HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-6-11, Page 1THE POST PUBLISHING HOUSE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, June 11th, 1952 $2.00 per year *2,50 GARDEN PARTY Under auspices of • Brussels United Church W. A. FRIDAY, JUNE 20th Cold Meat Supper served 5,30 to 8 p, m. GOOD P R O G R A M M C Consisting of -- Barber Barber Shop Quartette Mr. Stan Sldthorpe, Soloist Girls Duet, All of Mitchell Also other talent. Adults 75c - Children 40c GARDEN PARTY At Duff's United Church Walton on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25th Programme FOUR SONS OF HARMONY - Brantford - Admission 75c and 40c TRY YOUR LUCK ON FRIDAY 13th Seaforth Bingo $11D0. CASH PRIZE3 15 GAMES AT 20.00 300,00 1 SPECIAL 50.00 2 SPECIALS AT $75 150.00 800.00 JACKPOT TOTAL PRIZES $1100.00 ADMISSION PLAY STARTS EXTRA CARDS $1.00 9 P. M. 25c COME WITH THE BIG CROWDS TO THE "SEA FORTH BINGO" AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE • Come - See - Prove MASSEY-HARRIS FIELD DAY FEATURING FIELD DEMONSTRATIONS OF TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT HYDRAULICS NEW MACHINERY DEVELOPMENTS Including Combines, Hay Balers, Forage Hary/stere. Tillage Tools and etc. FRIDAY, JUNE 13th at 1 P. M. At Wm. McMillan 3 3-4 miles. South of St. Columban and 1 mile East • Sponsored by Seaforth Motors and Brussels Farm Equipment Massey -Harris Dealer 1►�'sFl�'�1N�•N7F1��1,3'�� Melville Church Mselahsr, Rev. W.H.R. Pullen 10 a. m. Sunday School and Sunda? School 11 a. m. Milne Worship United Church OP CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lan* Morning WorehiP - 11. o'clock The Women's Auxiliary of Canadian Legion will be our guests, Church (,chuo1 •- 12 o'clock. No Eventing Service. Come and Worship, Church of Englund Pariah *1 lirueeele Per. J. H. Karr -- Resler. Trinitd Sunday June 8th, 1953 Ot Jehf'a Chutes. OrwaN!- 11.16 a. m. Morning Prayer Susan sliest et. David's Chore'. H.n211N No Beryls* •t. Qforga's Church, Walton 9.30 a. an• Morning Prayer OMMIllefatMOIMO I FARMERS - Look over your fields and It you have too many weeds in your crops try power spraying it will pay you Many report 10 to 15 bus, more grain per acre after spraying. Phone 56r9 Geo. Wesenburg. for prices, or we supply 241) for your own sprayer. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING - June 12-13.14 "COMM' ROUND THE MOUNTAIN" The Boys become envolved in an old feed between the McCoys ,.and the Winfield while down in Keitlacky. June 16.17.18 Double Feature Technicolor "ROYAL JOURNEY* First show starts at 7.00 p, m. A close-up of Princess Elizabeth end The Duke ofEdinburgh while on a tour which thrilled the world, Don't miss the first film of the Royal Family, Also "When You're Smiling" Jerome Courtland Frankie Laine Frankle Laine heads a big coast to coasd of stars with hls awing music and fast•actlon romance. June 19 - 20 - 21 Technicolor "WITH A SONG IN MY HEART" First Show at 7 P. M. Susan Hayward DAVid Wayne The stranger -than -fiction story of nlorlcus callant Jane Froman. Eoery one will entov the all-time top songs of America, COMING - I1`` "STARLIFT" IBRUS&ELS GIRL GBAPUATES AT GUELPH Miss Nora Denner, daughter of Mn, and Mrs. James Definer, Grey tewnehip, was wmbng the thirteen nurses who graduated train St. Joseph's Ho's;vital, School of Nursing in Guelph last Wednesday after- noon, Juno 4ffl An impressive ceremony took place in War Memorial Hall, 'Optario Ag- ricaltural College at 3 o'clock p, m„ where pins and diplomas were pre- sented to the graduates by the Most Rev. Bishop Ryan, M.D., DD., Bish- hop of T-Tamilton. To climax the eventful day, the graduating class was honored sit a semi -formal dance held in the Nurses' Residence Aud- itorium, Nora received her education at S.S,• No, 3 Grey Twp„ and later attended Brussels Continuation School. On completing her three years training in August, she at present Is planning to become a member of staff of her home train- ing school. Amlong the many friends and re- latives attending the Graduation ex- ercises:, were Mr. and Mrs. ,Fames Deitner, Leo and Kathleen, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Biake, Mr, and Mrs, Louis Phelan, Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, William Deitner, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Cardiff, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliitnm Smith. and Isabelle, Mr. and Mrs. .Ken Wllhee, Mr. and Mrs, Jame,, Turnbull. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Rrev, Mise Frances Dennis, Mrs. Charles Mann, Listowel. M" r Mery Lon McFarlane, Graeme McDonaid. ,roam St, Merle. and Vie B7'Lten of Seefnrth nt1ended the rimne hold Inter In the evenlne, CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for tale acts of kindness. Messages of syn• patthy and beautiful. floral ofteringe received from our kind neighbors and friends during our recent here. avement .in the Passing of our Mother. They will never be for- gotten orgotten The Hoover Family. - Modern and Old Time DANCE In Crystal Palace Brussels on FRIDAY, JUNE 13th Music by George Smith and his Orchestra Floor and Door Prize Lunch Booth Admission Popuar Price Roy McCrelght, Florr Manager Sponsored by Brussels Fall Fair Board. FOR SALE - Modern Red Brick House on west side of Victoria Park. New modern bathroom, hot and cold water, Town wagger $3500.00, Hugh Pearson, Brussels Phone 11 g e'lrW(':'en:! ' * PaN CAPITOL 'LISTOWEL THEATRE Friday - Saturday June 13 - 4 2 shows nightly 7.80 - 9.90 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 J. m. "ROYAL JOURNEY" In new gorgeous color, the pictorial record of the visit of the then Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phlllph to Canada and United States. Every child and adult should see this film. Added features - Sports Reel Cartoon - Canada's Opera School. Monday - Tuesday June 18 17 Do you need a little love In your Ilffe? A Ittle life In your love? A Oft In your laughter? Then see Jestnne Crain -Scott Brady -Thelma Ritter In "THE MODEL AND THE MARRIAGE BROKER" TUESDAY FOTO-NITE 1st OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFED $150.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat, June 18-19.20-21 For this woman Davlr, the Lion of Judah, conqueror of Goliath broke God's own Commandment. Gregory Peck -Susan Hayward in "DAVID and BATHSHEBA" COMING Reserve the date June 25 - 20 "QUO VADIS" BRUSSELS WELCOMES SOLDIER HOME FROM KOREA Chiming notes and a band salute said a musical, "Welcome Home" to Ted, the soldied .son of Mr, and Mrs, F>enk Mitchell, on Monday of this week. Pte. Ted Mitchell, of the R.C.R, *raved a hearty reception from his faimiiy and friends, and the ,entire commlunity unite in welcom- Ing him home from the Korean war, The ehtmes of Melville Church play ed by organist 8. D, Thompson, were heard on his arrival end later the Lions Boys ann. Girls Band paraded tc ills koro and serenaded him. Ted is Use only Brussels boy who has been serving In Korea. 11 is believed he was the second to enlist in Western Ontlaino for the Korean Wax. Tie enligted on Aug. 9th, 1950 and went overseas on April 20th, 1961. He is also a veteran of the Second World War. THF UNITED CHURCH "God is Love" and "The Still Small ' Voice" were the sermon subjects i in the United Church on. Sunday, June 8, It was pointed out that, Prayer and worship are the traits that distinguish man from the animal, and that the method and at- micsphere of the Kingdom of God might well be indicated in the verse, "Not by might nor by power ' but by My Sptrit r+att'h the Lord of Hosts." The morning anthem was "Guide IIs! Gluard Us!" by Jordan - Leland, [ On Sunday morning. ,Tune 15th. the Women's Auxiliary of the Can- adian Legion will he our gussets. UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. The annual meeting of the Assoc- iate Helpers of t'he W. M. S. was held in the school room of the . United Church, Brussels, on June 3rd under the leadenshtp of Mrs. A. Armstrong, The president, Mrs. A. Lane, was in charge and opened the meeting with prayer and singing hymn 262 Mrs M. Dennis read the Scripture lesson using the 91st Psalm, followed by prayer by Mrs. Armstrong. Miss F. Buchanan read the minutes in the absence of the secretary 'Mass M. Robinson, also the treasurer's report was heard and adopted. Six calls were reported by the visiting commnittee, A Life Membership Certificate was present- ed to Mrs. A. C. Meeker, a formed worker of the Society. Mrs. H. B. Kirkby, of Walton, pa's't president of the Heron Presbyterial, of the W. M. S. was the speaker, and gave an Interesting report of the Branch Conference held recently at Til- sonburg. A deet "Working Together" was sung by Mary Beth Jewell and ' Carol Lowry. Mrs. A. Brown ex- pressed the appreciation of .the tidies for Mrs. Kirkby's address also for the oryy'nist and duet part Inc the program. The singing of hymn 348 and repeating of the 'Weeds 'Benediction closed the meeting. Lunch was then served by the As- snclate Helper's committee. RELEASE GIRLS' SOFTBALL SCHEDULE The Brussels (Blues) Play in this W. 0. 0. A. series, June 9 -Brussels art Kincardine 11-Godleric.h et Clinton 13 -Kincardine et Brussels 16 -Clinton at Brusnels 17 -Brussels at Godardsh 18 -Kincardine at. Clinton 20---CHn.ton at Kincardine 25 Brussels et Clinton 27 -Clinton at Goderlch July 2 -Gods rieh et Brussels 3-Rimseels at Kincardine 4-('.ltndon at Goderleh 7 -Clinton at Kincardine 9-Goderleh at Clinton 11 -Kincardine at Goderlch 15--Gndrrich at Kincardine 16-11rnesels at Clinton 17-1rincerdine of 'Brussels 23-••-Kinrnrdine at Clinton 24-Godericlt art Tinussels 25 --Clinton at Brasseis 29-13russels o.t Gndertoh. t^,DPV Recent vtsttora at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Spelman were, Mr. and 'Mrs. Balton Lave and Baby of Port Huron, Mich., and Mrs, Lillian lrreser sf Brandon, Mon, t,MORRIS TWP. COUNCIL Morrie Township Council Meeting June 2, 1962, The Council suet in the Townsttip Hall on the above date with ell the members present. Th, minutes of last meeting were 1 read and adopted on Motion of Chas. Coultas and Bailie Parrott. Moved by Chaa. Coulter, second- ed by ale Parrott that the tender of L. G. Bryce to re -face abutments of first line bridge and third line bridge be accepted, - Carried. Moved by Sam Alcock, seconded by Wm. Elston that the road bills as presented by the Road Superin- tendent be paid. - Carried. Moved by Chas, Coultes, seconded by Sam Alcock that we give a grant of $150.00 to the Blyth Cemetery Board. - Carried. Moved by Bailie Parrott, seoonded by William Elston that By-law N4 5. 1962, providing for installation and maintenance of Blluevale street lights be passed as reed the first, seconds and third times. - Carried. Moved by Wm. Elston, seconded by Chas. Coultes that the meeting adjourn to meet again on July 7th, at 8 p, m. - Carried. The following accounts were paid; AdvaneeTfines, advertising $1.&1 Maundeipal World, supplies14.38 Henson County, indigent tees 13.50 Provincial Trees., Tnsuiin .29 Addison Fraser, verifying tax arrears 5.00 Geo. Somers, fox bounty 3,00 Cecil Wheeler, fox bounty 4.60 Rola.. Biwilton, Lox bounty 9.00 Wallace Bell, fox bounty 3.00 Frank Kelly, fox bounty 5.00 Jim. Adams, fox bounrfv 9.00 Frank Alcock, fox bounty L50 Geo. Hetherington, spraying 260.60 A. Manning & Sons, lumber 2.64 Fred Johnsttore painting sign 5.00 Huron Expositor, Treasurers Supplies 66.50 Wm. Kelly, spraying 129.37 IT. R. Thomas, labor on hall 24.50 Blyth Standard, advertising 1.40 Relgrave Co-op., Derrls Powder 297.78 Nelson Higgins, stamps Unemployment Ins. 35.00 Harvey Johnston, Registration fees, Association of Mayors and Reeves 5.00 Gen. Sinn, Grant to Rlyth Cemetery Roard 150,00 Addison Fraser, part salary 300.00 Addison Fraser, egmalinine 17. R. S. Nn. 11 6.00 Harvey C. ,Tnhns1nn, Reeve. Geo. C. Marlin, Clerk. BRUSSERS GREYS WIN 8-7 VICTORY OVER ATW00D GIRLS The Rrussels Grays came up with an 8-7 victory In a W,O.A.A. girls Intermediate softball game here on Friday night. The victors displayed superior hitting power batting two home runs, but the Brumsels infield were on their toes, The Brussels Greys were to junior W.O.A.A, last year. and were the champolnship winners. This year they are playing. In the intermediate and will have to meet stiffer op- position. M. Elliott scored the winning run, on two base hit by Barbara Allen to end the game, Batteries Duncan end Dickson; Stephenson and Jewell. W.O.A.A. GIRLS BALL SCHEDULE The fnllowing schedule has been drawn up for the Girl's Softball Lea gun in the "W. 0. 0 A." series. Brussels Grey's play in this oohed- f, ule. ,luno 10 -Linwood et Atwood. Brua- eels at Newton. June 13 -Atwood at Listowel, ,Tune 17 -Linwood at Newton, Ba1ae- eets at Newton. Tune 20 -Linwood at Brussels. Jena 24 -Newton at Atwood, Listowel el Linwood. Jens 26•• --Brussels at Linwood, At- wood at Linwood. July 3 -Newton a4 'Brussels, July 4 -Listowel at Newton. July 7-Lfatowel et Bntssele, Jniy R --Newton at T.flstswel, The Newton games are a.B to be played at Millbank, ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Knox Presbyterian Church, Crag. brook WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY, JUNE nJ15th 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. THE REV. R, J. BOGG9, M. A, CO F. OF MOLESWORTH will conduct the services. SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE, CHOIR Everybody Invited GARDEN PARTY At Knox Church, Cranbrook on THURSDAY, JUNE 19th Supper 6 to 8 p. m. Programme : "HER STEP•HUSBAND" 3 -ACT COMEDY PLAY By W. A. of Teeswater United Church Musical Numbers Between Acts. Admission 85c and 40c USED EQUIPMENT International Binder 8 ft. cut, 2 yrs. old M. H. 7 ft. Binder on rubber, 2 yrs. old No. 22 M. H. Tractor, Practically New M. H. No. 8 Hay Loader A few Power Mowers and Side Rakes either steel or on rubber. Masssey-Harris Sales and Service J. W. Fischer, Manager Brussels Phone 55 ANNUAL SPORTS DAY Brussels Legion No. 218. at Victoria Park, Brussels on FRIDAY, JULY 18th Parade at 2 P. M. led by Brussels Lions Band. Children's Sports - Soft Ball Games - Afternoon and Eva*. Bingo and other games. - Refreshments on the ground Draw - Dance Inc Town Hall - Gigantic Fire Works at 11 P. M. Reserve Thls Date and Come to Brussels. HURON COUNTY PASTURE and GRASS SILAGE DAY Seaforth High School Grounds, Seaforth MONDAY, JUNE 16th, 1952 PROGRAMME 11.00 A. M. - Display of Haying and Grass Silage Machinery. 1L30 A. M. - Too of Hay and Nature Dieu. 12 Noon - 1 P. M. - Lunch (The Seaforth Womerfe Institute and the Seaforth Junior Tnsltitute will have booths on the grounds where light lunches and soft drinks may be secured.) 1 P. M. - 1.45 - Qualified Speakers on Soils, Fertilizers, Hay and Pasture Seed mixtures, and the latest information OR GRASS SILAGE, 1.46 P. M. - Second Tour of Plots. 2.16 P. M. - Parade 01 Gress Silage Ma.ohluory. 2.30 P. M. - Grass Harvesting Equipment at work on Hay Plena EVERYONE WELCOME - BRING THE FAMILY AND SPEND THE DAY. Sponsored by the Huron County Crop and Soli Improvement Association. Alvin Betties, President G. W. Montgomery, Secretary. PEARSON'S SHOE STORE A N D ME,N'S WEAR FATHER'S DAY, JUNE 15th SCOTT McCALE Shoes for Men $14.00 and up $22.60 Men's Fancy Dress' Shoes $4.95 and up $12,00 Men's Play Shoes; Crepe $5.95 Rubber $4.95 Cork $8.95 Stetson, Brock and Mallory Hats latest styles $5.00 to $10.96 Forsyth and Arrow Sport and Dress Shirts $8.96 to $7.96 Forsyth and Arrow Ties $1.00; $1.50; $2.00 Bow Ties $1.00 Monarch -Knit Hosiety for Men, Fancy Nylons $1.00 and $1.50 Cotton Socks Monarch -Knit Sweaters, Botany Wool $6.50 Nylon $5:96 Specials For The Ladies Ladies Nylons 51 gauge 16 Dealers 1st grade $1.26 Large assortment of Ladles Sandals all colours) $3.95 Ladles Samples. smell sizes, Reg. 4,95 to $8.96 On Sale $2.95 and WAD Girls Saddle Shoes $4.95 13 Everything ry g guaranteed 'under reasonable care and weer or money cheerfully refunded. Brussels, Ont. Phone 11