The Brussels Post, 1952-5-28, Page 61
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Chevrolet Trucks Can Save You Money
THEBR(J$SELS POST Nal ..••• 3,,10-..•47e .,.
„,r e
All Along the Line
LOOK at the facts before you buy. They'll
show you how a Chevrolet truck can mean
really substantial savings on your hauling
or delivery job. And they'll show you why.
In every detail, Chevrolet trucks are de-
signed with the customer's job and payload
in mind. Their economical, dependable
Valve -in -Head engines, famous for power
and stamina, keep fuel consumption low.
Sturdy hypoid rear axles, deep channel -type
frames, Plexi -Mounted cabs. Recirculating
Ball -Steering and other Advance -Design fea-
tures keep maintenance costs down. Value is
built in to stay in— safeguarding your truck
More Canadians buy Chevrolet trucks
than any other make. Let the facts lead you
to Chevrolet trucks for real savings —right
from the start and on through the miles.
Come in and talk over your truck needs and
see how you can save money all along
the line!
More Truck for Your Money .
Check the comparative value of Chevrolet trucks, and
you'll see for yourself how Chevrolet gives you far
more for your money. In design, in craftsmanship, and
in every last detail of their construction, Chevrolet
trucks are engineered and built to unsurpassed
standards of value,
Rock -Bottom Operating Costs
Many thousands of truck users have proved to their
own satisfaction that Chevrolet costs the least of all
to own and maintain! Valve -in -head economy, in the
92 h.p. Thriftmaster, 105 h.p. Loadmaster, 114 h.p.
Torquemaster and 120 h.p. Workmaster saves on gas.
Chevrolet's special 4 -way engine lubrication system
reduces wear, keeps oil costs low.
Engineered and Built for Your Loads
Chevrolet trucks are engineered to your payload re-
quirements, You don't waste money by buying "too
much truck" — you don't tisk work interruption or
slow downs by buying "too little truck." Frame, axles,
springs, body, brakes, and power are part of a well-
balanced team that does the job at lowest cost.
Lower, Slower Depreciation
Records show that Chevrolet trucks consistently bring
more money at re -sale or trade-in than any other make
of trucks which cost about the same when new. Chev-
rolet's market value stays up'because the value stays in.
Here is further evidence that Chevrolet is the best truck
buy—and that's why more truck users buy therm
CT -352a
Wednesday, 'Murry 2Stdt; IOG2
�ANA01 H
Meg et
Canadian National now offers an attractive Gift
Certificate covering Train Travel anywhere . , . to
any rail destination... for any amount you wish
...on sale at all Canadian National ticket offices.
Easy to buy, easy to use. Agift that's sure to please.
Any Canadian National Ticket Agent will
gladly giver you full particulars.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ritchie, Lon•
don, spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Cameron.
Ilea, IT. A. Keys who has spent
the winter in Waterloo with Mr,
and Mrs. Alvin Pride, visited last
week at the home of her son Harold
and Mrs, Keys, 14th con., and was
calling on old friends an this vicinity.
Mrs. Keys intends going to her home
in Ttrvssels for the summer.
Alex Cameron lett on Sunday for
Barrie. where he hes obtained .work �
with a consttluetion company.
estnii4seeetations are due Brettda'!
Martin for iter excellent showing in
her piano playing at the Musical 1
reetival held in Goes ich recenb1O'
when the earned sr, marks.
A very sns.ocestul "Oven Meal" de-
nion,aInaftion was held in Cranbrook
(icsmmunrty Oentre on Tues. and
Wert., May Kith and 14121. under the
fnntrtratticn of Miss Myer, Home I
I'loonomite of Toronto, aseleted by
Miss Muriel McDonald and sponsor•
ed by the Cranbrook W. T. with
netghhorese Tnstitu'tes and ladies
of the community attending.
Tueelsy tour even eiM we were t
demenetrn.ted and itampiel. pa0h
'hely present received a email ser•
v4ne. T tiring a rectae period, eev-
oral nrizi : were awarded. Oldest
leer Tiresome Mee. Ansa{tin Ttevnard,
TOthpl. Nearest bete bdem, Grace
Tramnnt. lt;thwl. Doer prize. Betty
nether, Cranbrook. Lucky draws,
Mrs. Arnold Ward, Moncrieff. Mrs.
W. Hyndrnae, Cranbrook. These
drafts were made be' little Misses
Lois Whitfield and Sandra Michel.
Wednesday afternoon Mies Myer
demnnetrated a complete oven meal,
which was sampled by the ladies
These demonstrations certainly
proved eery educational to all
present. Pree cook books were dta-
trileuded. Prize winners on Wed.
wPI•e : The lady with the largest
fanny. Mrs. Gordon Knight, Gran -
brook. Oldest lady with her own
teeth. Mrs. Shireniam, Bright. The
lady coming the greatest distance,
Mri. Arnold Ward, Monerlecte Door
prize Mrs. Sltirenwn, Bilight. This
draiv was made by little Miss Judy
Michele le Mies Myer titan conducted
a meal mala, Al the close of each
etternnnn lunch wars served by a
t''l neeer group of the Cranbrook
W. T. Mies Myer was presenter.
with a rinlnty ern and salver to re(
mind her rif her wnrlr with the
(!rsmbnnnk Mies.
eels' e Dq'S ATOMIC
An Aimee xotiree or nnwir whdrh
the rianadi,nn fkwernmenl le »lann-
toe to nsminiatIv ae a public intillty
Res a4 the heart of eerrent reseernh.
sneak Raver. Ontario. recess dhe
•r..,..,,,,Tn Peer Weekly in Its Mev lista
1 t, ,n. in the of 1151- atnmir enerev
ter inrhistr►al need ane welfare of
mankind, William Stevenson writes
that Chalk River plant is second to
none. The "cobalt bomb", latest
(saucer weapon was, born at Obalk
River, The article is iliwtttated
with a Photogrsaph in tour colors
and the front page of the roto-
greentre section shows an atomic
linmb exylosion Nevada,
With "Water on Tap"
from a DUEO PUMP-
ING SYSTEM , . , your
whole family will enjoy
all the comforts and con-
veniences of modern
living. „„ .„ .. W, . I
SYSTEM will, at the
turn of a tap, provide all
the fresh clean water
needed for Kitchen . , .
Bathroom , , . Laun-
dry , , . Dairy Barn
.,, Milk House ..•
The May meeting of the Moneriehf
Women's Inatttute was held wt title
home or Mrs. Alex Manu with 29
members and four pests present.
Mrs. Charles TDaITIswn reed the
eresiods meeting's mfntitee, and
correspondents was heard. A grant
of $5.00 wars voted to the garden
elute Repasts were heard from •the
cornet and chub committee and
from the garden olub, 'Mrs. Lind.
say McKay. Mrs, Kenneth Crawford,
0t4 Mre, Arnold Ward were named
delegates to the Gerrie dtstriet an-
neal meeting. Guests Mrs. Ashton
end Mrs. MPCsanm stoke to the mem-
here. The n104IIn went nelcen by Mrs.
Kenneth Crawford, and Mrs. Bly-
ton P'erg reporltea en the pro-
vinriel annual meeting. Mrii, re-
arm Mann prayed a plane nolo.
Mra. TTPnma'th McLean :sang one
eeleetirvrt and Mrs. Mmrit ilnl111P
goatee on am -rent evente. A lnnoh
was served by the teeteee and her
Poultry Pens ... Feed Lot
, Lawns and Gardens..
PROTECTION for 'your
Phone or visit us today for
DURO Pumps and EMCO
Plumbing Fixtures and Fit-
tings. Write for illustrated
SCOP 523
For Sale by —
C. & G. Krauter Co.
Brussels. Ont.
London • Hamilton • 11 Catharines • Toronto • Sudbury • Winnipeg Vancouver
�A>�r n� �Iiatkwolt read the mtrtust�ea of the
PEOPLE yy L. c KIV 01.1 last muting. seconded by Yvonne
Mr, and Mrs, Charles Davis are Pollard. Hymn 34 was then sung
holidaying in Owen Sound,followed by the sentence prayers,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, ,rans spent ! which were given by Yvonne Pollard
the past week in the Muskoka and Donna Smith. At our June
distriet. meeting Prod Walters is to give the
Mrs. Harold Gerrie and Warren of temperance story and the sentence
TT:smilton. spent the holiday week -end prayers by Mrs.. Tiroadfoot's class.
Classes were than formed. Hynes 270
was then sang and the meeting
closed with repeating the Mizpah
Ben edletion.
with Miss Maude Bryans,
Miss Mary B. Lane or Scarboro
spent the week end with her Paernnte
Rev. Andrew and Mrs, Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Yost of Th. May meeting of the W. A. of
Unity, Sask.. and Mr. and Mrs. E. 2. Walton Vetted Oheroh met in the
Stegner of Stratford spent last ' basement of the church, with the
week with there sister Mrs. 13. G. preesident, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull,
Walker. presiding. Meeting opened by read -
Mr. D. A. Bann and Mr. Hugh ie- of a poem followed by prayer.
Pearean rethtened home attar a fish- Phe minutes 1-5 •the last mewling
ins trip to Algonquin Park, with were read anal appmvPd. Tluank yon
Hol -
an excellent nein, some weighing earls were also read. The treasnr
ne much as 14 lbs. erre repos! woe given by Mrs, P. Hol-
Visii.nre a4 the home of lira. A. ' min with a balance or $416,20 on
Armgtreee nn sender were ter and ben&L There were several Items of
Mrs. R. TT. McKtnnoe of Bluevale, t,tiainees dealt with. The main one
Mr. Peter Mr.Tiay of Brantford and "'"'e the flerdesi Party. The date
Mr. and Mrs. Spence McKinnon of set for the Garden Party le Wed.,
Georgetown. June 52, The meeting closed
Mr, and Mrs. Prank Mitchell, have with prayer.
learned that their son Ted, who has
been serving with Canadian forces UNITED CHURCH W. A.
in Korea, is enroute borne, having The Woman's A sociation of Brea -
sailed from ;Japan, May 23rd. He sets 'United Church met at the home
was pleased to receive a box, which of Mrs. A. Armstrong last Tuesday
arrived safely, from Lhe Brussels night. Mrs. Roy 13, Cousins, presl-
Ladies Auxiliary, dent, conducted the meeting, with
Miss Tesbel Stephens, daughter of Mra, A. Armetrong at the piano,
Dr, R. W. and Mrs, Stephens, Brue• Devotional exercises consisted of a
is was among the seventybwo scripture deeding by Mrs. William
se ,
graduating nurses fa•om the+School of Teen and pirate led. by Mrs. Herbert
Nursing of Victoria Hospital, Lon- Manning, Following reports by the
don, who received their diplomas at Secretary, Miss OaiTie Mt:Craeken
an impressivo ceremony held in aMrs. William Bell, substituting
ThomehHall, U,W,O„ Tuesday night for Gm
the William
'treasurer. Mra, Walter
Mmy 201.11. She W.M. chosen vale: Williamson, $100, was voted to bile
dlctorian and as, such hard tm express organ fond,
the eppneetntion or the graduates. Onmanitteas to be in charge o!
The class of '52 Pnivenwtlty of the annual garden party to he, held
Western Ontario aohool of nursing on the aura lawn on Friday,
ways Qntertatined on Wednesday Janie 251At, were named nt follows:
Peening, May 21st, et .the Knott(' fond rxsmmittee, Mme, Samuel Da-
Pine inn, at the anneal gnvsas one
visna, MTs. Wiliam Cardiff, Mrs.
or Iliaet, Maas es In ns was ono •Tames Bryant. Mrs. John 'Rowland,
or Ilia Mei' nurses in ohnnge of air- Mra. Robert Downing, Mra. Lorne
rangentmnts.. in July she goes to Mr.s. Ctirl Hem!ngwaq, Mrs•
Toronto to anile with tate V,O,N. William TIell, Mrs. Thomas Glar.
Mee. Mrs. William 'Means: tablo
Tee A T •1'(11�T eommmtttee, Mrs. D A. Bann, Mrs.
• Welton Tolyl. Mrs. Teennoth 'Tawe
, The May meeting Walton Mission mein. "ire. Pearl Tuvwe, litre. Amalfi'
, Band was held lard Seedily morning Brown. Mrs. Adrian McTaggart,
In tlhe eherch hnareneet. Doris Mire William leveret Mrs. ,Toho
.Toiinnton, presided and Verde Pus*-'ai.ri. The finnedtr!Ion eine pa
' Wetnnn was pianist. The meeting the timelier: and eentpate end a
opened whit the singfng et hymn 4 lnsnrh followed. Thehnmteas was
followed by all the members re- testmiea by Mrs. T15smean MaTnnaid,
as/riafamts. Penilee the Third's Thayer in smitten. Mee Herbert Mennitice Mrs. Thema
Tho Srrtptnre was read by Mia Mr. ITiilnr pries T:vn MrCrnelten, end
Call, fit. Mark. /*'heeler 11. Audrey I 'ttiry 1pinrenee MrNastgltton.