HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-5-28, Page 4THE BRUS ELS POST ....rte• .rc v �. r ,, .. � . v�////%j��� i 4 A0 * f� �JfJ E�;..1 / ria �l ti • 1 i A/. 4, %/ , i Chevrolet Trucks Can Save You Money All Along/ the Line LOOK at the facts before you buy. They'll show you how a Chevrolet truck can mean really substantial savings on your hauling or delivery job. And they'll show you why. In every detail, Chevrolet trucks are de- signed with the customer's job and payload in mind. Their economical, dependable Valve -in -Head engines, famous for power and stamina, keep fuel consumption low. Sturdy hypoid rear axles, deep channel -type frames, Flexi-Mounted cabs. Recirculating 7:ta11-Steering and other Advance -Design fea- tures keep maintenance costs down. Value is built in to stay in— safeguarding your truck investment. More Canadians buy Chevrolet trucks than any other make. Let the facts lead you to Chevrolet trucks for real savings —right from the start and on through the miles. Come in and talk over your truck needs and see how you can save money all along the line! ON THE ROAD WITH THE GREATEST PAYLOAD C NatIONAG s itA1tWAY5' Irjrbgiludalit4 Trutzycif��eP. Canadian National now offers an attractive Gift Certificate covering Train Travel anywhere ...to any rail destination... for any amount you wish .. on sale at all Canadian National ticket offices. Easy to buy, easy to use. Agift that's sure to please. Any Canadian National Ticket Agent will gladly give you full partleufant. CANADIAN NATIONAL ?HE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES s A GENERAL MOTORS VACUA More Truck for Your Money Check the comparative value of Chevrolet trucks, and you'll see for yourself how Chevrolet gives you far more for your money. In design, in craftsmanship, and in every last detail of their construction, Chevrolet trucks are engineered and built to unsurpassed standards of value. Rock -Bottom Operating Costs Many thousands of truck users have proved to their own satisfaction that Chevrolet costs the least of all to own and maintain! Valve -in -head economy, in the 92 h.p. Thriftmaster, 105 h.p. Loadmaster, 114 h.p. Torquemaster and 120 h.p. Workmaster saves on gas. Chevrolet's special 4 -way engine lubrication system reduces wear, keeps oil costs low. Engineered and Built for Your Loads Chevrolet trucks are engineered to your payload re- quirements. You don't waste money by buying "too much truck" — you don't risk work interruption or slow downs by buying "too little truck." Frame, axles, springs, body, brakes, and power are part of a well- balanced team that does the job at lowest cost. Lower, Slower Depreciation Records show that Chevrolet trucks consistently bring more money at re -sale or trade-in than any ocher make of trucks which cost about the same when new. Chev- rolet's market value stays up'because the value stays ni. Here is further evidence that Chevrolet is the best truck buy — and that's why more truck users buy them! CT -3525 r srls9 rtari CRAN BROOK Fischer, Cranbrook. Lucky draws, Mrs. Arnold. Ward, Moncrtaff, Mrs. W. Hyndman, Cranbrook. These /haws were made by little Misses LOl3 Whitfield and Sandra Michel. li*edn �sday afternoon Miss Myer demonstrated a complete oven meal, which was sampled by the ladies These demonstrations certainly roved very educational to all Present. 'Prep cook books were dis- tribuded. Prize winners on Wed. were : The lady with the largest randy. Mrs. Gordian Knight, (Iran - brook. ()blest rally with her own teeth. Mrs. ahiremen, Bright. The lady coming the greatest distance, MI.'S. Arnold Ward, Monerleff. Door prize Mrs. Shiremen, Tlfiglih. This draw was made by little Miss Judi Mnrhnn. Miss Myer than conducted a meal rinds. At the close of each Afternoon lunch was served by a rJrrntrer group at the Cranbrook W. T. Miss Myer was presented with a dainty ren and saucer to ref mind her of her work with the Crinihronk iadles. WedneaddJuy, Mn'yRStdr, 1953 With "Water on Tap" from a DURO PUMP- ING SYSTEM , , , your whole family will enjoy all the comforts and con- veniences of modern living, , , ., .. et.i A DURO PUMPING SYSTEM will, at the turn of a tap, provide all the fresh clean water needed for Kitchen . Bathroom , . Laun- dry , . Dairy Barn .MilkHouse .. • Poultry Pens ... Feed Lot • . , Lawns and Gardens , . . BESIDES you have FIRE PROTECTION for 'your buildings. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS Phone or visit us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures and"Fit- tings. Write for illustrated folder. l For Sale by -- C. & G. Krauter Co. Brussels. Ont. ECOP 523 EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED London • Hamilton • St. Catharines • Toronto • Sudbury - Winnipeg Vancouver PEOPLE YV E KNOW Mr. and airs. Charles Davis are 1 holidaying in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. .vans spent the past week in the Muskoka , dis1riet. Mrs. Harold Carrie and Warren of r 14,mi'.ton. spent the holiday week -end with Miss Maude Bryans. t Miss Mary 11 Lane of Satrhnro Ispent the week end with her parents Rat•. Andrew and Mrs. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Yost of t'nity. Sask.. and Mr. and Mrs. 1;. J. Stegner nI Stratford spent last week with there sister Mrs. B. G. Walker. Mr. D. A. Rann and Mr. Hugh Pearson renamed home after a flit), inn trip Io Algonquin Park, with an excellent catch. some weighing as much as 14 lbs. Visitors at the home of Mrs. A. Aivmstrnng ms Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. 11. TT. McKinnon M Biuevale, Mr. Peter McKay of Brantford and Mr. and Mrs. Spence McKinnon of Georgetown. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mitchell. have mankind, William Stevenson writes that. Chalk River plant is second to uune. The "cobalt bomb", lateen earner weapon was born at Chalk River. The article is illustrate with a photograph in four colors and the front page of the rota gravure section shows an atomic bomb exylosion Nevada. r Mr.and Mrs, Jas. Ritohie, Lon- learned that their son Ted. who has to been serving with Canadian forces don, secant the week •end with 114/, d in 1Cnrnn, is enrnuta home, having and t.. 1 Allen Cameron, sailed from Japan, May 23rd. He Mil-. it A. KWs Who, has client was pleased to receive a 136x, whish the winter in Waterloo wieh Mr. arrived safely, from the Brussels and Mrs, Alvin Pride, visited last Ladle. Auxiliary, week at the home of her son Harold • Miss Tasbel Stephens, daughter of and Mrs. Keys, 14th con., and wast p Dr. Tt, W.and Mrs, Stephens, daughter an old friends In oris vicinity. Mrs, Keys Intends going to her home in Brussels for the summer. The May meeting of the Monorie/if don, who received their diplomas at Alex Cameron lett on Sunday for wa MfONCR1EFF sets, was among the seventy-two gradna.ting nin•ses Isom the Sohool of Nursing of Victoria. Hospital, Lon - t Women's Institute was held at the fin impressive r.eromony held in Barrie, where he has obtained work.r home of Mrs. Alex Marin with 29 with a construction company. d1 to Thomas Hall, U.W.O., Tuesday night members and four vests present. May 20th. Site was chosen vale: C-mfdras' here are due ]Trends I sirs, Charles Harrison read the dietorian and as such had to express Martin for excellent showing in , 1 prticiods meeting's Minutes, and take 'tan and of the graduataa. her piano playing at the Musical correspondence was heard. A grant The class of 'h2 TTnivArstity of festival held in oderoh recently ; of 35.00 was voted to the garden western Ontario 112 int of nursing when file /non*' d 83 marks. ! ehih. Reports wane heard from the i Wa% entertalnecl on Wednesday A very auacesful "Oven Meal', de- : coach and chair committee and • ov".iig May 21st, at the Knotty from the garden club. 'Mrs, Lind- 1 Pine Tam, al the annual gnadnation Weri.,ra�tiyn was held in Cranbrook t say M6TCaty. Mrs. Renate/tit/ f`rawtord. Community Centre on Tues, and and Mrs. Arnold Ward were named ! han,gnef. Miss Stephens gwnA aUa 1 ed.. Mny Ifitth and 14th, tinder Vas i f of the four nutans in charge of at, delegates to the Crorrie district an moom�ent-., To July she gone to instruction of Miss Myer, TTome I ! 37exinnmics of Toronto. assisted try natal meeting CAMAS Mrs, Ashton , Toronto to work with the V•O.PT, Miss Msir3el McDonald and sparser- and Mrs. tlr.rkwtn spnicn+to the mem- eAr,eDA'S ATOMIC hews. The motto was taken by Mrs. t ;/ A 7 rt,� ed by the Cratlotes W. T. with } t EADER3HIp Kenneth Crrtwfnrd, and Mrs. Bly- + nolghbnr ng Tnstitates and ladies i , ilarkwell read the nsirrutes of the last met,ttug, seconded by Yvonne Pollard. Hymn 34 was then sung followed by the sentence prayers, which were given by Yvonne Pollard and 'Donna Snaith. At our June 'meting Fred Walters Is to give the tr•niprranee story and the sentence prayers by Mrs..Broadtoot's class. Classes were then formed. Hymn 270 was then swung and the meeting rinsed with repeating the Mirpab I;enedictlnn. T1s,. May meeting of tate W. A. o! Walton United Ohnrnh met In the • honement or the nhnrch. with the president, Mrs. Wilbur Tnanbuil, presiding. Meeting opened by read - tee nr a poem followed by prtlyer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Thank yon Tarda were also read. The treasuo er's r+nor' was cin en by Mrs. P. Ho1- • nrnn with a balance of 94111,20 on hand. There were several items of hn,ine,s dealt with. The main one v-ag the Garden Party. The date net for the Garden Party is Wed„ ,Tone 2:+•i11. The meeting closed with prayer.. of the eommnnity attending. An atomic source of newer which Tuesday fent oven dishes ware I the Oanadt.an ft•overnmeni Is Diann- dernnnretra,t5r1 and sampled. each Inc to a,Imtnlater as a pnblir utility lady present reraived a small par tt+n at the heart of currentresearch Ans. During` a reeesa period, arW- chant River. Gnharlo, repents the oral nriar•a were avmarderl. Client 'r',.,.""tn fir weairly in lig May 31,a1 lad, nreaent. Mrs. Austin Balmerd, f ra•:,..", In the of nae nfnmle enereq F]thnl. Nearmyt birthday, Grace ter indsistr•fat need AAA welfrsre of Tenoned. Vithei. T)nnr prize. Betty ton Felt reported on the pro• vinstal annual renting, Mrs, VI - don Mann played a promo solo. Mrs. Kenneth McLean sant; ane selection and Mrs. Mark Satllle t fs>aoke on rntrrnnt events. A lunch was served by the hostess anti her asaiafnntts. The May meeting Walton Mission Rand was held last Thsnday mnrning In the ciirreh basement, Doris Johnston, presided and Vers Watson watt ptant',t. The merlin opened with the singing of hymn 4 followed by all the members re- pemitng the Lord's Trrayer in unlann. Tho Fierlptnre was rend by Mrs Me. raft. at. Mark. chapter in. Audrey UNITED CHURCH W. A. The Woman's Association of Brus- sels United Church met at the home of Mrs. A. Armstrong last Tuesday right. Mrs. Roy B. Cousins, press- dent, nominated the meeting, with Mrs. A. Armstrong at the piano. Devotional exercises consisted of a scripture leading by Mrs. Militant Bell and prayer led by Mrs. Herbert Manning. Fallowing reports by the seeretary, Mlsea Carrie M•eCraelten and Mrs, William Bell, substituting for ihs treasurer, Mrs. Walter Williamson. $len, was voted to the 6ngam tuns. ilom:nitttees to be in charge of the manual garden party to be held on the church lawn on Friday, June 2313, were named as follows: fend eommittee. Mrs, Samuel De- visor, Mra, Willem Cardiff. Mrs. James Bry+ams. Mins. John Rowland, Mrs. Robert Downing, Mrs. Lorne Nichnt. Mr.n. Curl I•teminoway, Mra. William Rall, Mrs. Thomas Gar- riaa. Mrs. Wiliiam TOvons: table nrimmtttee. Mra. 1). A. Rano, Mrs, Wilton Todd. Mrs. 'Kenneth Clays O min. Mr.. Pearl Tame. Mrs. Anafna Brown, Mr.. Adrter M0Ta,g#art, Arra iv111i.nt Tbcans. Mrs John a R"wt's ,l Tt+e itenedietinn rinsed g the mnnfrnr. Hold contends and a Tunrls tnitntvrd. Thr hnaless watt sarieited by Mrs:. T/near MnDnnnld, 'tit.'a Hr-rhnrt Mrnnntn"'. STra. Tham.n•s *Tillie 'bila', Run 1tiaCrselten, amd I tIl', Plnrenre Ue•fauultton,