HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-5-28, Page 2•
I ;
et suet ,
• Hockey in the major liphere is a hard
game, a hard-hitting game, bnt we believe
that one player, whose body -checking was
the terror of opposidg forwards when ihe
was at the peak of his rugged career moves
into well-earned retirement with a keen
appreciation of the sporting spirit of old,
time ice -enemies who might have crashed him when he pad not
Much left with which to combat them, but didn't.
No one, ever played the game harder than did John Sherratt
(Black Jack) Stewart, . at ,the peak of his career with ' Detrieit
Red Wings, or when he first joined forces with Chicago 'Hawks.
Black Jack Stewart, 185pounds of brawn, muscle and courage,
Was rated one of the most punishing body -checkers in the
National Hockey League, He hit with shattering force. He and
Jimmy Orlando, in the bey -day of both, formed a defense for
Detroit Red Wings which, kept many an opposing forward awake
nights, 'counting the teeth he might not have after the next
Stewart was still a great hockey player when be was
traded to Chicago Black Hawks, But the crashing, hard-hitting
type of game he played finally bounced back on him, as if retri-
bution had set in. A disc slipped in his back, -forced him to quit.
With typically grim spirit, he fought this off, took daily hours
of exercise even while fiat on his, back in bed. He came back to
play, apparently recovered,. Then he ran into even greater mis-
fortune at the beginning of the 1951-52 season. He crashed into
a team-mate, fell backwards, struck his head heavily, and sustained
a severe concussion,
Even after that, Jack Stewart came back again. But quickly
it was apparent that all. Stewart had Left was the light of battle
that blazed from his dark eyes, and the grim set of his mouth.
That was enough to render many opponents cautious, as they
recalled his body-checkingprowess, but it soon became evident
that Stewart couldn't hit a body -check, that he was depending
on skill and experience to foil opposing players.
And here this observer saw what he believes to be one of
the finest sporting gestures made in hockey action. For years
Stewart had been a star, a player who asked no quarter, gave
none. He was a hockey player's hockey player. But when in the
closing chapters of his career, when he might easily have been
knocked over, perhaps badly hurt, if crashed by an incoming
attacker, other players seemed careful to avoid him. It wasn't
'through caution, at this time. At least, that's what we are sporting•
minded enough to believe. It was out of sheer respect for a
once -great player who in his hey -day would have mowed down
the invaders. Briefly put, the boys just didn't want to hurt Jack
Stewart. They had too much regard for his courage, for his great
record as a hard-hitting, game and accomplished defensive star,
now not quite able to defend himself.
So this observer believes Stewart carries into his retirement
A recollection that sporting spirit runs high among the playere
Of the League.
Your comments and suggestions for ibis column will be welcomed
by Eimer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Tonga Sf„ Toronto.
Ordeal At Sea Cured
Dying Woman ..
Can you imagine yourself.maroon-
ed in the middle of the galeLievept
North Sea, sick and helpless, in a
tiny fishing smack?
Such •was the nightmare - that
astonished our grand-parents—the'
lone ordeal .of .a sixty -year-old
Shetland woman named Betty
Mouat who, critically ill, was being
rushed to the mainland for urgent
medical attention on the bitterly
cold January 30th.,, of 1886.'
The Shetland sgjlack Columbine
'was so small that it required a
crew r.f nnly three men. The little
cabin had no bunk, and Betty
Mouat was made as comfortable as
possit,?e nn sacking
hwept Overboard
An hour a"ttr sailing a heavy
squall struck the smack. The skip-
per and plate were swept over-
board, but the • mate managed to
grab a. rope and was hauled aboard
again by the third man.
The two then launched a boat
in a fruitless attempt to save the
skipper, who'vani.hed in the waste
of waters. When the two turned to
row back to tit; Columbine they
maw that the smack ais,3 was well
on iter way to being lost.
By some queer freak the gale had
trimmed her canvas and the vessel
was spanking Seaward as though
steered by an invisible helmsman.
In the rising wind chase was im-
The two men, after a fierce
struggle, reached Lerwick and re-
ported the disaster. The only two
steamers in the harbour at once
put to sea, but although they
searched for twenty-four hours they
saw no trace of the Columbine.
', All this time the invalid, was
trouching'in the dimly-lit cabin of
the smack in deadly fear. She did
not know what had happened to
the crew, for wind and water had
jammed the hatchway, making her
a prisoner.
As hour after hour passed she
realized that something—she knew
not what—had happened to the
crew. Pier only provisions were a
cndplc of biscuits and a quart of
milk. After two days she had eaten
her biscuits and little remained of
the nmilk. On the eighth day, awak-
ing 'out of a delirious dream, she
heart the ship grounding on a
shore. booking out through the
tiny cabin window she saw fisher-
men running along the beach, and
eventually ' one swam out to her
with -a life -line. When he spoke she
'did not understand his language.
National Heroine ...
For over: .a week the Columbine
had' scudded across the North Sea
and had some safely to the shore
of Lepso, in Norway, 280 miles
from Lerwick!
Betty Mouat could only tell her
story by signs; but within a few
days she was world-famous. News-
papers put her in the headlines. A
public ovation as a national heroine
awaited her, and Queen Victoria
sent her a letter with a present of
$100. '
Strangest• of all, Betty Mouat
completely recovered from her
illness and lived another thirty
He's Got His, Goat—Pablo Picasso, renowned painter and sculptor,
dispiays one of his newest creations, a semi -abstract gear, ex.
teaufed in bronze, at the Annual May Salon in Paris. Picasso's
controversial work has often 'gotten the goat' of some art patrons,
Desert island Samaritan
Here's a "must" for world travel-
lers, Compact, poeket-sizealidget
incorporges an accurate slide,pile,:
two calor pencil, magnifying glass,
eraser, depth gauge, lewd chamber
and detachable straight -edge ruler,
This handy wrinkle mtaktires 634
in,, weighs 0,8 oz.
* *,'�q
Whisker Helper
Touch of the finger tip f releeses
ready-made lather which' ie` said
to "wilt mast stubborn whiskers"
from strlall•size tuber Sixty shaves ,
per unit.
Three -Brush Rush
Triangular fibor polisher has. three
counter -rotating brushes for speedy
operation and polishing,'intO nor.
ners, Featuring simple push button
arrangement brushes can be chang-
ed quicklyor felt pads added.
* * *
Multi -Use Tool
Designed for home craftsmen, new
combination tool has six auger ,
bits and three chisels, packed in a
cherry wood case. Bits are polished
and machined to close "tolerances.
Handle of red Tenite plastic,
* * *
One -Wheel Tractor
One wheel garden tractor features
streamlined hood which is said to
preventtall grass or weeds becom-
ing entwined in engine mechanism.
Run by 2% h.p. motor, has "natural
grip" handles with finger tip con-
* * *
Midget Microfilmer
Compact, portable microfilming
camera is magazine loaded to allow
inexperienced operators to take
pictures without loading or thread-
ing film. Cartridge hdlds 50 ft.
16 mm. film—enough to copy 1,600
letter size documents.
* * *
Lubricating Pencil
Lubricant in pencil form is said
to have many applications in home
and workshop. Construction de-
signed to prevent hand or clothes
* * *
Aluminum Wall Tile '
Plastic coated aluminum wall tile
comes in white and light green,
So14 in 12 -tile sheets, it can be
nailed or glued to surfaces.
* * *
Oarlock Plate
This formed steel plate unit .pro-
tects boat oars at the weakest
point --the oarlock pin—by prevent-
ing the pin from cutting 'into the
oar. The device can also be used
for repairing cracked oars. Unit is
marketed with rust -resistant coat-
ing, in sets of four plates, with
rivets and installation instructions.
* * *
Air -Powered Screwdriver
Featuring pushbutton control per-
- milting instant reverse action, new
air -powered screwdriver is designed
for high-speed production purposes.
Ro/al Sport—Cheered on•by the crowd, 18 -year-old CroWn Prince
Alcihlto of Japan takes a, hurdle in fine style in one of the many
difficult jumps he made„at a Tokyo equestrian meet. He is seen
in many public places and; has entered a co-educational school to
continue his, formal education.
Higher (!) Education
Clyde Lovellette, the big All-
American basketball player at the
University of Kansas, says , 45 or
50 colleges inakle "offers” to him,
when. he was still an Indiana high
school lad. The offers ranged up
to "$10,000, a new car and a house,"
Kansas, Lovellette says, 'did not
offer anywere near so much as some
other- schools, but he is glad he
went there. The story has been that
''the altitude of the Mount Oread
campus (about 900 feet above sea
level) was' good for his asthma.
Be that as it may, he offers an
interesting list of schools which
sought to enroll him, including:
Indiana, Purdue, Notre Dame,
Kentucky, Georgia, Georgia. Tech, ,
Nebraska, New York University,
George .Washington, Williain and
Mary, North Carolina, North Caro-
lina State, Southern California,
TennesseeVanderbilt, Princeton,
Tulane, New Mexico State, Wyo-
ming, Michigan, Michigan State,
Illinois and Northwestern,
Lovellettesays he was "never
so upset" as when he was under all
this recruiting' pressure, But that
is the price of higher education
these days, isn't it?=St. Louis Post
Reversible Work Gloves
Fitting either hand, new reversible
work gloves have a coating of Viny-
lite resins, said not to crack, scuff
or peel, but to be resistant to water
and most chemicals. Made with
coated wrists in. either short or
long gauntlet style, as well as knit
That flyweight tight over in
Tokyo the other day in which
Yoshio Shirai brought Japan its
first world title by outpointing Dado
Marino, seems to have been a rather
unexciting bout, that is for those
who like a Brite of mayhem and a
few kn ek'inwns mixed with their
box -fighting.
TG cid-timers it recalled another
flyweight championship bout fought
just about 29 years ago, in the Polo
Grounds, New York, in which an-
other dark-skinned fighter from
the Smith Pacific was one of the
participants. That was the tight
between Ranci,o Villa, a black-eyed
windmill fighter .out of the Philip-
pines, and the Pride of Wales—the
"mighty atom" Jimmy Wilde. And
while h was a lucky punch that
spilled doom Inc the wonderful wee
Welshman, chances are that he
wnulri have been beaten; anyway,
* * *'
But his defeat, just the salve, was
midi a thing astobring tears to
Ole eyes of Bell who admire cour-
age--- 55 the author of "Fights
Never to he Frlrgntten" puts it. Por
on lhat night of June 18, 1923,
nndrr a blaze of artificial lighting.
it was apparent from the moment
the Iwo stood together to listen to
the referee's instructions that noth-
ing chert of a miracle could bring
Wilde thrryugii on top. it was the
same old story of youth versus
age- the Welshman's chance of
winning was five years or so hack
on the fistic. trail.
* * *
When Jimmy crossed the At-
lantie to hang his world's flyweight
title in tate balance against a worthy
fnln±.tn, there were very few fistit
r', 1v110 believed he really
sneset u,ne hack"; nevertheless,
.r .. , 5?It.'9i i15 }vas 111e record
tit his, admirers
4,1 .1 1,41, ,‘,11 Lope. They fig
-,,,,iiv the first time
'.., es.,s,i isrliliant career
he was meefitig a boxer of 'his} own
poundage. He would not, be, as
was his custom, conceding from five
to fifteen pamds to, his adversary
and on that account he Blight come
out on top and retain his theme
pionship, '
Fondling this delusion, the Wilde
admirers discounted the prophecies
of the more expert, that Wilde's
last appearance prior to coming
over saw him knocked out in Lon-
don by the heavier Pete Herman,
former bantamweight champion.
Since that occasion, sonic two years
before, Jimmy hadnot drawn on
a glove in a real ring contest. Ile
was thirty-one years old and the
settled father of a family brood,
* * *
Against Wilde's heroic past, the
glamor of his prowess and tlpc
rusty remains of a once uncanny
ring skill, Villa brought up tre-
mendous fortes. The Filipino had
an advantage of ten years in the
matter of age; he offered a wild
and irresistible ambition and will
to win, tireless- youth, a ,sharp
punch, fine timing and judgment
of distance and perfect 'pYysical '
condition. Trained to a razor edge,
his body deprived of every vestige
of fat and his usually round Orien-
tal features sharpened to gaunt
lines by unremitting work on the
road and in the gymnasiu'nir little
Penn's looked the victor all over
as he squared off against the, solid
white -skinned, slow proving Wilde.
* * *
Added to Villa's splendid physical
condition was the element of luck.
If ever chance favored a rilig'gladi-
ator.. it was on the side of •" Pancho
the Poncho" in his bid, for.dt;worid's
SEDICIN tablets talon .)cording le
directions is a sole way 10 induce sleep
ar quiol the nerv*l when WO. 1.150
Era : Storesonl lorsedieln Yoronte2.
"I`was just having a cup af,cofs
fee when the cold snap hill';
championship. This assertion spould
not be construed as implying that
Villa's vietory was lucky, but fore
tune undoubtedly favored him and
hastened tile doom of the game
little Welshman.
* * *
Just as the bell was sounding to
end the second round, Villa swung
assicious.overhand Tight for Wilde's
jaws jimmy heard the gong and in-
stinctivety dropped his tlarids, At
the instant he turned his head•; to-
ward his corner, Villa's fist, .des-
cending with terrific speed, caught
the Welshman squarely on the
chin and dropped hits like 'a that.
He was knocked out then and there
to all intents and purposes, and by
a blow which landed after the bell
had sounded. Nevertheless, it was
purely unintentional on Villa's' part
and Patsy Haley, the referee, could
not disqualify the Filipino because
he could not Stop a swing already
started on its way as the bell was
rung, ,
Wilde's secbnds rushed to the
centre'of the ring and, lifting up
the little champion, bore him to
his corner, where they restored him
with ice packs and other liero4c
treatment. But thereafter Wilde's
goose was cooked. From the second
round on to the finish in the sevetith
he stood up under as frightful: a
beating as any ring gladiator ever
endured. But he faced it like the
gamecock he was, always 'trying,
never backing. up, taking the fiercest
sort of •punishment"without a
whimper. The pitcher had gone to
the well once too often. The "years
that the locust had eaten" were
gone beyond recall. But great as
he was when at his best—and there
were many who thought and still
think that, poundfor pound, he was
about the finest Piece of fighting
machinery ever seen—jimmy Wilde
was never greater than he was,
that June night, in defeat.
Those who argue that fright
won't turn hair grey --lend an ear,
Ilse. James Wright, of Greencastle,
Indiana, reports that her black cat
suffered such a Scare that his fur
15 turning white!
• "Kitty WAS coal black Angora
until he tried to catch the canary;"
Hrs. Wright said. "Now hes gra-.
dually turning white." -
She said the cat knocked over',.'
the bird cage and a coupple of
flower"poi's about' two weal's t ago
and 'the clatter' frightened the cat
so' much be his] under a chairefor
hours. The eanary was nnpeetllrbcd,
a Fully inslnlled • in your own
home or collage, a complete
Sewage Disposal System for
-rural dillrittr, He rupning
Water required, fAeddl'ale
tort, budget harms. Wille or
Call fop 1,501101de1 and all
l RUH(14 SEWAGE.y1ttsosai a: de
} ., EQUIPMENT,Li1'diT51t Evgb.
206 IOUNDAS sr:, WEST lie. 6261
• :.•'TothfoNto
115; MAIN> E, "HAMILTON -11,8033)
FOR the egg Predueer, -there le only ono
cocoon, for Guying 4phleK :and tweeting
it l0 maturity. 'rent eseeoR''10 owe lute'
(tureen. She 1s, going to cost her ownor.
real money if 550 dOeSn't have; hist' :egg
Produetlen inheritance, Whether - ahs Jaya
155 Milt or 200 eggs oho will take 1he
some Lenient, labour and tged coat. ItIeb
egg production eblilty fa 'tberetoro moral
imperlrlltt to the Aeons(' egg 'peodneer l
then', all ether motorn, tomhlned, eevedtlo
steam have tato of - 0.O.1, hl•eeding habit
of them, 20,1050,1 prlcea fur 'May and
Juns, (7100 alerted chicks,older pullets,
capons, turkey pointe, • f`.
'MEDDLE 0200021. HATCHEnsgS LTD,
Forgo. - - Ontario
NOW—Deny )Hicks—at theme een0g!}Ulolial
prlcee — ter June ,— dWerni7t 61di0Ont.
Started pullet.' shipper'O chole) brookle—
t! week - I•IeavY bl•eede - 212.00; - 4, week,
adk itnteherydor ingenta Aldol havetdnyeldb,
Pullets. or mixed. Bray Ilatcbery,- 110
John Nt, 3imnitlon.
150US1s Furnlohinga and' GltWare Busk
twee in western Ontario town Good
Mega hto41t--104dern, T3ui1d)n5, • good , JL0n5--
tion—well Established. Picture sent en
requeat, .Amdy.:tat PL C. ALnuLeul,, heel:
E,t510 5 1luatne,o Broker, Wingtigm,
Ontsu lo. •.. .
• t-'41)11121Nti AND CLEANING
Rang 550d anything Beene dyeing in gleam •
In07', Write in ns (0r Information - We,.
are glad to answer your -(Mention.. 00.
951101en! H Parker'. Dv. work. Limited,
001 TnnR. Rt. Tnrnnlit
roe tiA 1.11
Uae Ny-Min 11u01a farillizen tQ, start your
tobacco and loon cle. Excellent yields en
vegetable crone side dressed with Hy-A11n,
New low WIN '61240 fo',/,' gallon drum..
Ask your local dealer or Mile fly-Troue:
Company 0f Canada Llmited. Cornwall,
On la cin
,F11110'0IISOUtAJi OF. USES (IN.
'arts and Service C,CD order,, (tiled
0,0mpt1Y' A large 00001•fm001 nt' meow
Idltlnned motorcyclesat reasonable, R41000. ,
410' College Street,- Termite
Beat for African Violeta, eay0 Joan FERTILIZER,
011 Copeland'.' Violet FIouse ,9 or.
can 06c,. nak your5our local dealer or write
FIj=Troua Company of Canada, Cornwall.
-Ontario., ..i-'
9: REE CIRCULAR ON 1105 TO.fa005
IETTL•'n,aFteTCAN V10LE'rS. •
Hamilton's Largest Tire Wore Since 1033.
Used Tires, 57,09 And up, Retreaded Tire.,
650 ,k 10,111.00. Other alma, priced 05-
cord)ngly. Vulcanizingand retreading ear-
v1ed: 'All work guaranteed. All, orders,
C.O.O. 52 00 required with order. Nd par
ebargoa ono War, Peninsula Tire Corpor-
ation, , 00 King Sheer west. Ilnmilton.
Phone 7-1822-
White porcelain enamel stool 26, x 12
right or left hand drnlnboardt the alivaye
popular 10 x 25 einglo,elnkl atso,•dedge
141110 double bowl arid double dralnhoard
sinks and 0 one-nloeo combtnattomdnun•
dry tray and sink with sliding draloboard:
bathroom sets. Catalogue with Instailltilon
diagram. Stew/need bathtub6. 100,00Q see,
S D P 1' L 1 E 5, Mail 04dcr Division.
BEAUTIFUL Pedigreed Colne Pardee, 2,
mouth', old; stud. s,rvl*e, boarding.
Each nahnoeh Collies, 1000 .Byron Street
South, Whitby, Ontario.
T1510.10221D0L'5 1NVE5T\rE21T INCOME
_On account of 0er10u0 operation, phyeleinn
orders me 10 05050 to Arizona. Rug Brick
Apartment and Store Block—bueleat'sec-
tion, London, Ontario Fourteen tenants.
Present. Income, 58,000, may be Mere/toed
to £10.000. — £20,000 will handle. would
consider email Ontarle farm ae part pay-
ment. Quick action x•111 make you 120,000
If you are lucky, and secure ode unusual
bargain, Address:., Owner, P.O. Box 82,
'Station "A' , Toronto.
GET your Tourist WboloIsletd and Lug-
gage Stickers. U S. Canada, England,
Bermuda, Cuba, Hovland,. Ireland. etc.,
201 each, 130X 260,COLBORNE, ONT.
CORGI CAALPIRG? Taira along a WIL-0-
FLE.Y mottrcoa, ...Lers- on.. two Toles.
Light, Durable. Springy, wonderful bleep-
lns, write John Enotmnn, Portland, Ont.
A 'TRIAL Every sufferer of Rheumatic
Pains or Neuritis should fry Dixon's
335 Elgin ' Ottawa
$1,25 Express, Prepaid •
relief, Your Druggist sena CRESS.
SLEEP like n new born baby—deem. peace-
ful and mend. Take amazing non -habit
forming "ltoroom Tabtele'... Rush 11.00.
for liberal enmity—also 100 tablets ter
56.00, lmsnrlat Induetrtea, P.O. Ilex 901,
• F E M 1 N E X •
One woman toile another. Take superior
Whelp., alleviate oaln, dire
tress and nervous tenoton associated wttb
monthly oorlods.
„ 86Ap Peetpald In - (Gun maims'.
IVEY suffer It there to something that will
help you? tiundroda of thouaandu 'of mete
have been cold of a money back guar-
antee. So ene2 to use. Atter your tYmn-
tone havebeen dlatmoscd as Aotlrma, you
owe 1t to yourself to try Aethmen0trin.
Aok sour Draggle!.
BANISH the torment at dry eczema roshen'
and weeping skin troubles. Poore Eczema
Salve will not disappoint you.
Halting, scathe, burning eczema, acne,
ringworm, stnfplffe- and atilbtels tont, 00111
respond -readily to the. etalnlaoe ndorinop
ointment, regdrdieeo'01 hew elubborn or
hopeloa,,thoy .sen
'PRIME seats PEE inn
Sent Peel Free on Roelof nt Price
789 Corm 91 : ID • corbel' n1 Logon.
roma 'n
A8 mem has
ns, dtrg,0 ndlv7Yh t' ear psoas
tiers }halt gives, mitrv01000 , AuPPort and
Iv ler to tired, weak or ntralned back.
-,John' Euetman, • Portland,. Ontario -
N6113KEK1 5'r1101
, I6ONl0XS17C$I,ESJ - ''')S12 oPtrene, 111510.
t ooie1drty,: red er el'tlurIl wtllewo, Gh1-
nOIIQ '57009, - dOYen 53,00. Cnrag, ns,
16 o4", 63.00. .11.19 42.50 Pur 100,
lr0mer Nnruorleo, White Vox, Sael,oteho-
QPI')ttrrtirstx;ID0 505
MENtmelt .lotto Bt,
JUIN CANADA'S 1.EAD1N(1 141411101
(Mont Opportunity Learn
Meagan; dign1000 profeseton, 0000 wages,
Thouoande of suesoastul Marvel graduates
America's Oreat0,1 50,007
• Ilivel role() Catalogue: Free
Write or Cal/
MA11VEL f1AIRDRf6S81,NO 5(175005.2
800 Bina, 61 w., Toronto
14 .King St . Hamilton
7s, Blienn St•,,-)tto w0
NEW SECRET.. 00005ce f Habit Slopped.
Fred information . ilelenger. Plmmondob,
Alberta. G.
0,0 To'bucco Eliminator, a aclentlae treat-
ment, .oaletdy stops craving for tobacco,
tido the Brawn of nicotine 0, Ring Phar-
moped, -,Limned. P•0 Box 073, Landon,
Ontario. •
8r i1T"a'home business In spare tam.
Make extra -money. Experience not en•
ern(I 1, J,Iteraturo free, EASTERN SPE-
'5C1ALT1108 AGENCY, 1106 St. Coolie Rd,.
Three•Rivero, Quehcp.
DOLLARSS. DAILY, at home, In soar°
time, mldreaoine, mallIng, for eutabllehod
nattonal en
Experience s
/WY. ,A41 }AIWA„7,Wrl:Schmidt Enter-
prtoas,.Dept, 100, Mineola. Nov. York.
for, 46005. Award Free, and learn the
• �'yset",0 d2tty-;gill•,,AO's.:-gt, pl .Corporeal
being things and be exempt' from all
Dieet'seo. Sickness.' Order tree-pf fee today.
FACT CREATORS, etas 'nine Road Ext.,
Warren, Ohio.
Your,elt, Ih "your' own fume :kxocrlencod
Aur00000 ,0,05 Olnkern Bud tonchcrn 1n.
s rust yea, entirely 15 }ban, In B3
':1000on0.,, Apyone Dan,Jeprn, the One art
of rug -making through thdso simplified
• lessons;' enrhuolusttc rennone51 Plug shown
to this couroe by men and Woman, and
' -'organized Mho. who arbd.lglarning this
skill for profit or alt a bobby, has 010000''
ed 0 to otfer'thb bourne 1130 mall. All
materitHe and nec000ary ew)ppment MIP -
Plied di low cddt, 'Write. today, printing
name and eddr5ea.,,po9.rly, fort free infor-
mation. Oriental hug Selma f Inetrue-
lion,. 0920 Strathallnn.Tilvd,, Toronto, 10.
aR 05700)50 every inventor -List ut In.
1001100, and full Intneenmtlird sent tree,
P he, 0555500 (40: RrSlgl,red t'o,snt (osor•
nor. 272 Rank Street. -Ottawa'
FE'CH0tt6TUNRA Hall A bemoan,, Pe.
tent',Snllelmrs; Edinhllnhtdl 1800, 860
Bay Street. Toronto Rnnklel nt Warm..
1)00 n8 request ,
TEAOHE0S WAgi•ei i
WANTED Qualleed Proleituul Teacher
•ler- Sealers, , notmr: 0PHnelnal). /Sermon
School, 7ownehlp, School. Area o1 Mayo.
Starting' ttto 1162:62 tdr0. Baldry £2,100,
State,ngallaetotlona-, 0590510505, and acme
of taut In peeler. ' A. W. ltlmsboltom,
8eeretary-Troaqurer,. H012on,,, gntorte.
WANTED . •.:1
TWO men who want to earn 46000 to
58000 yearly. Salem experience 001 ne000'
envy, Car en a000t. Should, be able to
start Immedlatcly. Runty giving phone
number to: D. McIntyre, Room 1101, 00
•Olehm00d St, w., Toroata.
Itching,, Burning
Toes and Feet
Here is a clean, stainless antiseptic 011 that
0021 do more to help yoo set Nd of your trouble
than anything you've ever ustd.
51,c acdon,50 J,IQONE'S EMERALD OIL is
so puWerfulIf• penetrating that the Itching 1s
quickly stopped, and in a short time you arc rid
Of that bothersome, fiery torture. The same is
Imo of aarberte i eht Salt Rheum, Eczema and
many other irritating unsightly skin troubles.
You can oblate MO01•f8'Bi:SM$RALD OIL
In the original bottle at any modern dmk Mora
' - It 15 sate to 1001sod /allure in any of dsce ail-
ments Ls rare Indeed.
Ingrown Toenails
Nall Fix relieves pain Instantly and
removed Ingrown portion of null In a
few applloattone. 41.60,
Guaranteed remedy. no mild. gore for
children. 705
Removes ,erne And. c011une0 In 10 min-
utes. Guaranteed Remedy, 755. At your
d000510tor aient pnatpaid.,by —
Then wake up your liver bile'.'. ,
jump out'di bed sarin' to so
Life not worth Hebei Donny ho the fiver)
50,' s fact) If your liver bile le not flowing
freely your'S1bd may no11•eligest . , gas
bloats up your stomach .. , yon fool con-
at1patad and all the fun and sparkle go out
of life. ThoYe. whoa Fon0001 mild, gentle
Carters Little Livor Plle. You sea (Aran
help stimulate your liver bile UR moue again
,tin poutingoul stn 1400 atilt to ttvo pints e
day into your digestive tract. '11d13 should
fix you right up(nrdko you feel that herby
dsye aro here again. So don't May mink got
Cartons Y.itUo Liyer PIR,, Always have them
on band, Only 86a *dao ntsydrugelet,
ISSUE 22 — 1952
, . WITH ,