HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-5-28, Page 1THE BRUSSELS OUST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, May 28th, 1925 $1075. BING" SEAFORTM M.E`iiFOR -AL ca14h"RE Friday, May 30th 115 ‘GAMES •A .20.00 -300.00 2 -SPECIA'L'S AT 50.00 100,00 '1 'SPECIAL AT 76:00 76.00 JACKPOT!- SPECIAL 600.00 -TOTAL 'P1 (2ES `$1,075.00 THEY' MUST BE WON ! /AliM1SS13N PLAY STARTS 'EXTRA CARDS 9 P. M. . 25c • $1.00 THE =UNITED CHURCH Me :bete of ,tdse lrrlendship- Circle led. the worship praise in the; United Church ou Sunday morning, May 25, rendeiing ,two eetthem, "The "World Needs A 'Prtedd 'f ike Jesus," by AolGee ,and Tovey and "He' Rifted Me," 'by Homer 'said GabribL The r attsterte dfreme was rielenrclsbip and F0U welelli."' • Masons from Motel] Huron• Dist- ritit were carr -guests a the even. Ing 'worship, A male "quartette, Mesare. 'Thos. "Pierce,' Thos.''Straoh an, Stanley alid'Lloyd'Wheeler, sang two numbers, "The Name te'Jesus" by 'E3. S. 'Lorenz and "1 'Am'Listen- ing"' ListenIng' by W. S. Marshall. ''rhe ser - Mon, was. erthon•was. basad on a textfrom First Teter: "Live like tree men, only do not make year freedom a pre- text • for mieconthuet; we 'like ser valets of God. 'Honor all men, love the 'brotherhood; reverence.' God; bourne the ' King:" NOTICE • The 'Brussels •Muted ,Church are holding a :rat'den Party on'Frlday, June 420th, under auspices of the W. A, Watch -for further annouce- memL. ,UNION UNITED CHURCH GARDEN --PARTY on THURSDAY, 'JUNE 6th Followed by a short Play entitled e'ORANGE 13L-OSSOM8" -and variety numbers. -Supper 6 to 8 •o'clock Admission 75c -and 35c Melville Chore/1 Minister, Rev. W.H.F. Felten 10 a. m. Sunday School and Sunday School 11 a, m, Divine 17.1.rahip United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane M.orning worship - 11 o'clock Rev. A. W. Barker will pr'eaoh. Subject, Hungers of the Heart Mrs, Barker, soloist, will assist the choir. Church School - 12 o'clock. Evening Worship - 7 o'clock. "The Love of God" A hearty welcome to everyone Church of England Parish of Brussel Rev. J. 14. Karr - Rester. Whitsunday June let, 1962 et. Ja'm's Chtimt. entomb - 11 a. m, Holy Commiunien goad* 11ioII St David's Chureh. Hance 2,80 p, m, Holy Oometenion St. Georges Church, Wa11M 7.80 p, m, Holy (iommaniton LIONS NOMINATE -NEW SLATE:"4F OFFICERS *1'he maim' sniper meelfisngrsr•tore • local Lions Ciub was held ]I5onda7 nleht *ith Lion president, Wen. Pumnbiil4 in charge. Regular blueiness included '.the reading'eyl roll Ball, =del6tees end, correspondence by the secretary. D.. M. MaleTavish. Mhe Lions ,convent ion `1e be held ,in London, :lune -8th _• to lith was discussed. Lion Selwyn icemer, ,presented Keys, to 100y members, 146. Wine- " berg slid Bert Johnston and pins. were anvard'ed for perfect attendance.: Lion'Te. B. Cousins presented the: rep'or't •oY the nlomineting .committee 1952 salchows - President Selwyn Baker is1' Vice 'Pres, Harvey Jdhnston 2nd Vice Pres, Max C. 'Oldfield ' 3rd Vice Pres. Stan, Meehan Direotore ,... Jack McDonald, *Ffarohi lhomas, Gordon Tenfight, D. A. Rana Secretary W. Todd Treasntre R G. McBride. Tail Twister ,., ... Jas. S. Armstrong Lion Tames. Albert Wood Lions W. Todd and R. G. Mellride'. withdrew and Wm. Martin 'w181 fill , the office as secretary and. Graeme McDonald that of treasurer, 'beteg nominated 'for that position, Lion W. Il'.- Todd reported on the sale of tickets for th.e car and Lion R. B. Consine on the T. 13. Clinic to be held here- and In Ethel to the near f utnre, Lion IT, 13. •Aden• was winner of the nuettamary draw and was also made euetodlan of the rooster for •hein¢ arhsent at 'the bast meetine, Tion R. R. Causing shnwed film of rote-eaflne tr'ia'dic seenes taken en bis Irin there .and also ones of the Rrrusaele "Variety Review" and nbbera. A brentemne aumw» was served by the ladiee M Rt. Teem's Church. -FOOTBALL RESULTS Tcesda.y Night at Victoria ;Park Walton 0 - Brussels 1 EGENT TH}',ATRE Seaford), Ont. NOW PLAYING- Thurs. Fri. Sat. Technicolor "THE GOLDEN HORDE" Ann Blyth David Farrar The Great Geneh's Khan fights - with -a beautiful Princess. Ten thousand hooves thunder out of Asia. So don't miss this page torn from one of History's most speotal cuter chapters. June 2 - 7 One Full Week "MA AND PA KETTLE AT THE FAIR" Marjorie Main Percy Kilbride It's All New - It's All Fun. - We a taughdaden comedy, with the screen's funniest couple. The county fair provides a rural riot Save yourself a disappointment, and Come at 7.80. COMING - DOUBLE BILE. "THE RETURN OF RIN TIN" Mid JTHE ENCHANTED VALLEY" LEGION LADiES AVRILIARYf The T:Jadtee A tiaetliery tq the ''t7an- atilan Legion attended the :Zone Rally le Stratford, May T2tlh, `where 14 A9yaliarleg wk a represented.. A pleaean"G .evening Was Octet and one of this Mystery 'Prizes was won by Mrs, Joe Baker, Bnwesel0, "'lube busi- ness meeting was held 'INiay 15th. The Bingo Was hold let the Town Hall, May ?'Sire and the 'prizes were 'iron by the fallowing *People - 15 •--• $10 games - .David Hetet- .legs, Hervey SteifliOnson, Mrs, Cbraniohael, Monktote Mrs, Thos. Davldsole Donald 'McLean, Mrs. Jim Adams, Lorne 'Dealer, Mitchell, George '73ae'k:er, ;Peek :Marius, Listo- wel; istawel; Elmer Armstrong, Isaac Nixon, Luolonew; S, Pox, W. Marks, T.tartewei; (Split 8 ways, Jack Lowe, Maes, 'Fred Stefdtenson, JObn Oasier, MitchreiI); ('Sj>'ltt 2 ways, Reg. Wiataon and Allen McKeroher), 835:00 Specials, Frank Shaw, Geo. Smith. $50.00 "Special, Mrs, Charles Shaw. ConsalallHon Prize, Isaac 'Nixon: Lurkmmw,' 810.00. 'AN 'OPIPORTUNiTY FOR SERVICE 'Sunday 'June' 1st, Is Shut-In's Day Tn. every • count -Malty there are many iudividuels confined to bones -,and 'hospitals' because of ill health or physical iitsabiltty. Many have -no 'frleiids and tbey spend long -days waiting `for the step of a 'friend tbat se Tom comes. The 1rocian00 passes their door, and flowers are always for others. In '; every community there are fine r Cheistian people who are most Willing -to serve, w0ao 'have the time -to do 'it, ' hnt who do not know ' Where they can go To serve. 2n your own neighborhood, in • llospttals. rest ' homes and other such 'inatitutions the onportnntty -to he 60 sereice to other presents itself, Tf you wand know a new t -atdrenture in neighborliness search out tbese people, not only on Shnt- 'hr's'Day 'hut nn res.nry days through r the year. -Ten n ill' Pind est lop comes nit to htm who seeks it for lemsetf, 'but to' him who seeks 1t 1 'for other nenerlt• . • Let nos remember 1 the shut-ins, -end render whn3 ser. -n*kee 'we ren tie •them, whenever the rownrtnnit.v IFiord s• "earn irle6 ^rsATrva I wish to thank all those who so Itindlysent ,meilowers„•coeds, letters 1 lrreela:ted. Mrs. John Snell r TENDERS WANTED - Tenders will be reoeived by the Council of the Township . of Morris to reface bbe west abutment of the third line bridge and the centre abutment of the bridge nearest the west end of the first concession. The Township will supply the steel and the cement. Contractor kindly tender by the yard. Tenders must be to by 2.80 P. m., June 2, Lowest or any tender not nee- nessarlly accepted. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. and gifts while I was a patient in ,Clinton. General 'Hospital. Thanks also to those who •vistbed ore. These acts of kindness are,•deeply a13 - '')W MOW t:9W4Ayr't'k ^(ki THEA RE LISTOWEL 2 Shows Nightly 7.30 - 9.30 p. m. Saturday 2 p. m. Thur. Fri, Sat, May 29.3'-81 Music - Singing - Dancing What a joy to see M. G. M's - Technlcolor Musical "AN AMERICAN IN PARIS" starring Gene Kelly and Introducing the new French oo-la-lovely Leslie Carson. One Full Week Monday to Saturday June 2 - 7 Atilerica'a funniest family are back again 3 performances nightly 6-8-10 p.m. "MA, and PA KETTLE AT THE FAIR" NOTE -There will be No Foto-Nite Tuesday, June 8, and no registration Monday, June 2. Foto-Nite will be resumed June 10. MOMMOMMOMMMOMMOON COMING June 11 1243-14 Royal Journey June David and Bathsheba ST, JOHN'S CHURCH RECTOR AND WIFE .GIVEN PRESENTS A. Meeting of St. john's Anglican Cbma•ch members awl friends wee bald. In tare ehureb basement last Friday niglut 4g dionour Roe, John. H. Kerr and Mrs, Kerr, • who leave soon for cls new chaige at A•Ivinston and Inwood, During a shtort program, Allister Bird read an address, and '04d111,am b'icent'oheren made a presentation Of a purse oe money to Mr, and Mrs, Herr, Madre regret 15 Telt in the cnmmunilty nt the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Kerr. Their devotion to ilhe pariah Ie evkleneel in a stronger congregation; and much credit is given to Mr. Kerr':s work anti plann- ing for tile rebuilding of the ebnreh follon%ing fte destruetlon by fire In Fphreary 1947. Mrs, Herr has else been president of the Vo - nettle Auxiliary. a member nT the Women's Guild, and a teacher in the 'Snniiav School,. Plans Por 6111- ing fhe vacancy here are 1161 yet rem -Vete. BRUSSELS LION'S tTLUS CARNIVAL The names listed below are in acknowledgement .cif oonti•ilnutions re- ceived up to May 3661 and are taken from full 'books o2 5 tickets which 'have been turned in by the ticlret sellers. It is interesting to not 'Etat 40% of the tickets sold to date are to people outside of Brus- sels and Ube surrounding district. Tt 'lod4 as though oer'Liono are trowelling afar and not covering the territory around 'home: Many are 'holding off until the lastfew days, 'The prizes are well worth a 85.00 'donation so be sure and get one early. Plans are being made for two meats of fun and a good hall game ie, being planned. There will he 500 Free elclrsts to school children of 'Fluidic School age and under for a prize each might. 'The draw for these 't•l faire place about 10 o'clock end fee ticket holder must be on the grounds. Hand 'Mils will be distributed shortly with full particulars, The Zonal Lions will appreciate yrnur :rrpportfor this -worthy cause. 85.00 Donations Napper, Mrs. E. R. Avery, 14I2,43, Joe McMaster, Dr. E. Seat, J. M. Rahe, Bob Bruce, ,Torn Montgomery, G. W. Ramsay, George Mc.Domeid, MTs. T. L. Thomson, Carman Felker, Idrnie Galhralth, George Robinson. A. C. Fxe1, Jerry Crawford, Alvin Lake, John Work. Jahn Thomas, Mrs. Harold Plant, Lawrence McKercher, Alan - Plant, Mrs, Tleen Thomas. Mrs. Herold Thomas, Mrs. Harold Waxman, Sam Turnbull, Wm. Leach, Mrs. W. Couaims, Roy B. Todd. Roger .. Dennis. 0. M. TCnight, Walter Hingill, Mrs. Songhai Smaladon, .Fred McGee -in, Gordon McCall, Stewart 13Pn11Ptt, Ronald Travis, Herb T3ryees, .8aek Bennett, Ross Cunningham, Bob Watson. W. N. Roltnn, R, 't', Hamilton, Wilt Higgins, Nelson Elston 13111 Bradshaw, Garden Tlneker, Mnr. McArter, Iran Bolger, TTamld TTtynue, Mrs. Jack Reid Doi Melihhen, W. A. Donations PemrIce John 82.00 Rrnwn, Wa,tann $1.00 Continued next 'week owing to lack of spare, BRUSSELS FIREMEN SAVE HOME Fire damaged the home of Mir. and sere, W. A. Stalebery, in the early hours of Sunday morning, The rear portion of the house was des- tr'oyed. Fi6flcdent sorvtce py the night operator at the telephone office Miss 141. Robinson, and prompt re- pause Of the firemen brought the fire under control before it spread to fire rest of building, though smoke and water caused considerable dam- age. It is reported that the loss is covered by insurance. Me. and Mrs. Stanbury came to Brussels Strop weeks ago from Goderich and moped :into the home nn William Street, recently Inv ciaesed from UIOyd Workman. BRUSSELS SCHOOL. EMPIRE DAY MUSICAL An Empire Day Program was pre- sented by students of the Brussels School, grades 1 to 9, in the Town Ifall on Thursday night. under the direction of the music supervisor,. Mrs. M. Douglas assisted by mem- bers of the school staff. Mrs. W. C. ' King was ptnniet and the Hallman; organ, courtesy of the Halloran Manufacturing Co., Waterloo. was Presided over by Donald V. Cor- bett. demonstrator. A program of singing, foils mane - Mg and music delighted the large ardlence and showed ability and ex- eellend inetrwction. The students, Mrs. Douglas, and the teachers re- ceived well deserved praise and emcee for the evident progress made in music Instruction In the school. Appropriate costumes enhanced mange of the numbers. Hartley Fischer, chairman of the /= school hoard, made brief opening remarks. paying tribute to the work of the nutAle supervisor. In the Patriotic Ensemble, tite - May Queen was Helen Wilson, at- tendants Joan Wilson, Jane Ranee Felon Welmsley, Maureen Sullivan. May Pole Dance, Grades 6 and 6. Trieb Lilt, ('„tris Grades. 7 and C. Road to the Islas Highland Sebot- tisohe, Girls Grade 9, and Miss Canada was Ca:therin Leach, - Juninr Chains, Grade 1 and 2. A Dutch Ciop was danced by Jane de 'Boer and Klass de Boer. The Cirnus Grades 3 and 4. Rhytlrmn Rand. Junior Room. Intermediate ('hoar •crudes 5 and 6, with Ronald Trane as soloist In one number. Ringing dame :7ttninr Itnom. Tenison Choir. Grades 13 and 4. ("larinet solo, Robert lien- nerly. Tlmlhlo Trice flirts Grades 7 and C, be Armes Line, Esther Fmfth• P'ertherr, Snllirnn. Rlizaheth Mrers• Andre,' D,•nridson and Diane SLeNeer. Also Erne Pirt ('hair by tbP ramp grades, snxnphnne solo. I Terrill 'Kentnede. A ehnrt nee, the Tiff of Stephen Pewter - eminent - :lime Rebore Kennede; 'Mrs, Faster. Sheila Porter: M1ranada. Marireen eepir:in; .TeenTP. afar, .Agnea Hierens: P1senile. Mery Willis; Sienhen, Ileeeiae Leach: Friends of Stephen. S. Alderson. J. Meehan.; T.. doge, T Smith- S Bilek. F. Snwvor D. M,'rter. T.. Deceive] P, rd mer and .6 Grower. $2,00 per year - $2.50 U. taxa. In Cranbroob Community Hall THURSDAY, MAY 299th, MUSIC BY ELLIOTT CARUTHER'S ORCHESTRA Dancing 10 p. m, to 1.30 a. m. Lunch Rooth Admission Popular Prices Sponsored byv Crranbrook'Hall Board Everyone Welcome DANCE ANNUAL SPORTS DAY Brussels Legion No. 218 at Victoria Park, Brussels on FRIDAY, JULY 18th . Parade at 2 P. M. led by Brussels Lions Band. Children's Sports - Soft Ball Games - Afternoon and Evening. Bingo and other games. - Refreshments on the grounds. Draw - Dance In 'Town Hall - Gigantic Fire Works at 11 P. M. Reserve This 'Date and Come to Britssele. GET A FREE CHEST X-RAY The Mobile Chest X -Ray Clinic will be held at 'the following places on the following dates - Ethel, Weed ., , June 11th - .Brussels,'Wed., June 11th - IN MEMORIAM McKAY - In loving memory of Mother and Grandmother Mrs. Ida ; L. MMfcKay. who passed sway two years ago, May 25th, Roy, Amite. Helen and Shirley. I 10 A. M. to 12 NOON 2 P. M. to5P.M. 7 P. M. to 10 P- M. Thursday, June 12 - 10 A. M. to 12 NOON 2 P. M. to5P.M. 7P.M.to 10 P.M. NO 'PUSS -- NO BOTHER - DOESN'T HURT RESULTS CONFIDENTIAL omproOMMOMMOOMMOM CARO OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity of thanking my many friends, for all the , kindness daring my recent illness, The lcvely „lowers, treats and cards A 'were very much appreciated. Special 1 thanks to eh the members Of the , ' Rebekah ledge. Norma McNair. THE HUMAN SIDE OF EISENHOWER In an exc111sive interview, Ma's, } Gage Lent,'the woman who managed 1 the l3taenhower's home at Columbia I tlniversity, reveals little known I tales nivel General Tke'e private life,' in the June ist issue of the NEW Color Gravure AmerIean Weekly, diet:libeled With The Detroit Sunday Times. Start Them Young Junior farm club work is rendering a practical service to Canadian agriculture. The organization and its leadership train young people in the best farm practices andhome economics, which lead to "self- help and community betterment". The „'Canadian Bank of Commerce has pleasure in sponsoring this new booklet, in xecognition of the Valuable work being done by the Junior farm clubs across Canada. You can help to widen the usefulness of this organization by taking an interest in its work, and giving it your support and encouragement. pet this free booklet from your branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce, geeeeq