HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-5-21, Page 4THE MUSSELS POST Give your home a lading beauty treatment with Stur- geons High Quality Ponti, Johnson's Paint and Electric Store Brussels, Ont. Anntoononnononiiiironnini a<I 1 6 ... that you should not pick the Trillium, our provincial floral emblems. Since its three leaves are near the top of the stem, they usually get picked with the blossom. And as the leaves feed the root, the whole plant dies of starvation. Protect the Trillium ... it b part of your outdoor enjoyment. THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO—TORONTO—WINDSOR PEOF'1,4 W E KNOW *. Mr. Peter R eicaY Of Brantford is visiting ribs, A. .Armstrong and Donau McKinnon, He formerly lived on the 8th Con, of Grey. * * * Amide Willis, who was injured n few weelna ego In an accident on a Great hakes boat, and lies since been In hospitai et Sant St. Diane. Mlnli., was able to return to his his home here. on Saturday. • * * Miss Dean t. Macleod of Lackner( was a guest of Miss Bessie Moses on Tuesday. * * * Glenn and Mrs. Wheeler, Ronald and Janice agent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wheeler. # * * Mr. Howard Barran or Troy. N. Y., who served overseas with Mr: M, Wituaherg claming the, died W,artd Wee iv bnlidavin'r at the home of '.lir. awl Mrs. M. Wdneherg. They snout a few days tide week wtlbh their rnrmer cnmmandine officer in Leasing, Mich, BRUSSieio UNITED CHURCH The Rev. Glen Eagle of Clinton occuPied tate pulpit of the United Church on Sunday morning, May l8. Hee subject was, "Stewerdehtp". An wxohange of pulpits was made , throughout the Presbytery of Huron. •for the purpose of emphasizing Stewardship in the Church. The , minister of Brussels Munch Preach- j ed in James St., Exeter. The are them. "Joy in Serving Jesus," was sung by the ohoir at morning wor- , ship. in the evening She subject was "Peter's Darkest Night" u Next Sunday morning members of the Friendship Circle will form the choir and lead the sendce of prayer. Next Sunday evening at 7.30 ltas:an from the North Huron Dts- trirt will he meats of the congregat- ion. FOR SALE — Rubber tired wagon, 3 furrow plow nn rubber; Permanent Pasture Seeds. Liquid Fertilizer for lawn, eardene and field. Also all sizes of weed spraying equipment, and I am now ready to rid your lawns, awl fields of weeds. by custom snravtng. Why grow weeds? I will prnvide spraying material for ri-ra . •: nor nee Enquire from Gen. Wesenhure Phone 66r9 TO KEEP MAY 24th WEEK -END FREE OF ACCIDENTS Holiday week -ends bring unusual traffic hazards to Ontario. More drivers and pedestrians use the streets and highways. More miles are travelled. More time is spent out of doors, and thousands of children are re- leased from school. All these factors swell the normal traffic volume and increase the danger of accidents. 1 earnestly urge all citizens, and all leaders in com- munity and municipal life, to encourage widespread awareness of the need for safer driving and safer walking. The traffic accident record can be kept down --if each of us does his parf. The Department of Highways is conducting a planned attack on accidents. Let us all work together to keep the approaching holiday period free of accidents. GEO. H. DOUCETT MINISTER a ST. JOHN'S GUii.P. NOTICE , The Morris Trey. Cen)etory Board are eaalint a bee et the McCrea Cemetery, Bolgr,avo, to clean up the grounds, neet Monday, Aiay 2Gth, AS interested peelito are asked to conic out and ltblp. The Mis!y Meeting of 't31e Wo• . metro ,Guild was held as the home of Etre proaldent, Mrs, G. Davis: The meeting, opened with a hymn fol. lowed Uy prayons In unison. Mrs. A. MorrisoP, read the Scripture from James lot Chapt, Ifrom 17, M1nates of the last meeting were given by rtdao secretary Hies, Wm, 'iisoher, turd treasurer.* repent by Mrs. H. Ruyan. Correspondence included an Invitation from Melville Guild to n Violet Tea on Wed„ May 26th, The June meeting Is to be held on the, 1st Thttl'aany, at the liome of Mrs, Wm. Wohfurntuy. A stnawlierry tea was diactulsaed for June, but was left over for next month's busi- ness. Plume were made for next - Lions Club dinner, play 26101, A presentation of two pieces of Cry shat ware was made to Mrs. Rev. 'Kerr on behalf of "The Guild and W. A." Mrs. H. Bryan, doing the honours. Mrs. Kerr was surprised end pleased and thanked the ladies it a few words. Meeting closed with Prayer, lea was served by the host- ess assisted by Mrs. Bryan, MacLaren • Kearney A quiet wedding took .plane in St, Andrew's Presbyterian Mance, Perth, Ont„ on Saturday, April 19th, when Mrs. Gmace. Kearney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cameron of Beldame, Ont., was united in marriage to Ronald MacLaren, son of Mr, Alex MacLaren and the tate Mrs, MacLaren of Balderson. Rey. R, B. Miioay officiated at the service. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. W, Blanchard of Brockville, Ont., sister and brother, In-law of the groom. — The Lanark Fera. BRUSSELS COUNCIL Brussels, May 5 The regular meeting of the Mun- icipal Commit of the Village of Brussels was held on the above . dame. All members of Council were present. Minutes of the last regular meet- ing were read, and adopted as a- mended, on motion of J. H. Strett- on, seconded by R. A. Bennett Accounts as follows were author- ized uthorized for payment on motion of A. McTaggart, :seconded by C. L. Work- men. F. Duncan, fox bounty $2.00 W. Sellers, fox bounty 2,00 J. Brewer, Sox bounty 5.00 Brussels Hydro. street lights and hall 114.79 W. Baeker and Son, relied 16.18 W. E. Willis. relief 29.47 Rruesels Creamery, relief 3.80 5 R. Elliott, March and April, relief Brustseis ITIwe., misc. scot, W. Henry, labor D. Hall, labor W. Workman. grsvel A. Higgins. truck on streets W. E. Willis. nleaning supplies Brusseis Cnnl Vard, hail foal A. Oakley, labor, streets and dieuitas 52.36 Resolution moved by J. H. Strath en, seconded try R. A, Bennett, That the Village purchase 6 Traffic Signs "No Ti Tune", some to he placed at the three main Intersections of the 'Binge business section, ---Motion Carried. R:esoltntien moved by CI. L. Work- man. seconded by A. McTaggart, That $10.00 each be paid to la, iTe.tin:gs and A. Wintle, to cover neat of replacement of drainage tiles. —Motion Carried. Resolution moved by R. A Ben- nett, sernnd,ed by A. McTaggart, That the 1901 Tax Roll he accepted from the Tax C''oliector, and the otatement or unpaid Taxes for 1951, 3m prepared and returned to the (looney Treasurer at Godertob for collentien. —Motion: Carried. Bueln,ess of the meeting being ronrinded. Connell adjourned on nlnlire, of A 1Vie"•rigout. 'seconded by C. L. Workman. 47.81 8.35 6.00 6.00 4.60 10.00 4.00 40.29 NOTICE Under government regulations I urgently request, alt growers in the North part of Huron County which. includes garden plots as well as 1 field Born to have all refuse of i corn either burned or burled, before{ the 20111. day of May. Peneltiee are provided for the non compliance in the Plant Disease Act. Porn Tinter Inspector, Thos. Dougherty, P. C. Mx 927, GGoderlch, Ant, CLASSIFIED ADS, FOR SALE — i6 Little Pigs, weaned. Iionatd Mulligan Phone 84r12 WANTED -- Cattle tor pasture by the month. 1lenryn McCauley Phone 1:2r6 F'35 SALE -- quotidian Beauty Rengette, for sate oheap,, Apply et the Bnuesela Post. FOR SALE — Heatllue, EleatArec Rangette, al- .inoet new. Phone Brussels 92x, FOR SALE -- 6 6 room brick cottage, running water, curly to A. Higgdaa% Phone 16xr2. FOR SALE — 2 Registered Hereford Billie of serviceable age. Herd fully accred- ited. Apply to Bert Beacon R, .R. 1 Blyth, Phone 22r4 Blyth, Wetlttesday, May Plat, 14liik FOR SALE — Geut your supply of hard body wood, also limb wood, available now. 1\lakee good summer burning. Mel. Jermyn Phone 53r12 'Brussels HOUSE FOR SALE — Bungalow in Wingbaan, six rooms, modern bathroom and kitchen, bal once of house recently redecorated, wear to sohooi, N. Maynard, W4ng- ham, oANTE D— i)ead and disabled farm animals —acted for prompt pick-up. Call Ter -^.y Stephenson, rithel, Phone 1 Arsasele 85r12, Collect. FOR SALE — Milkin•g Machines, New and reed, (various makes) Lovel. H. ' tcGuire, Wingham, Phone 698W, Surge Dealer (inquiries invited). FOR SALE — 500 Hardy Chrysanthemums, will bloom this year and every year, Delrio Roots and a complete line of vegetable and flower plants. Barker's Green House, Seeforth Phone Seatorth 356. — Turn West at the Seaforth Creamery. FOR SALE — Look — Bray prices 1 ''For May. Started pullelts — shipper's choice o* breeds — heavy, 3 week $27,90; 4 week $32.90. Medium, 3 week $34. 90; 4 weeke $33,90. After June let 3 week heavy breeds, $25.00; 4 week 330.90. For clusbomer's choice of breeds, ask us for prices. Also day - olds. pullets, mixed. Agent Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel. FOR SALE — The trustees of Burns Church T4ullett, offer for sale by tender the shed. Located 331 mites East of Londesboro. Shed is 54' x 20'; two- thirds of roof covered vetbh good steel. Tenders will be received by the undersigned till Monday, May 28, 1952, highest or any tender not nee Seen sdlly ere -aided. Kelland McVitMe, R, R. 1 Blyth. FOR SALE — New Cockehutt Cultivators, Heavy Duty Wagons and other New Cook - shut/ Implements, also used AIIde Chalmer Tractor, at Bargain Priest John Bnmietead & Bon, Phone Wingham 466. FARM FOR SALE — 100 acnes light clay loam well drained, near school and store. Brick house, attached garage, hydro bath room, bank barn. pig pen, chicken house, drive shed. Situated 3 miles east of Brussels. on road being paved. Immediate possession. Apply to Box 50, Brussels Post FOR SALE. — Y_^ A six room, two storey cottage roof hnuee, ebeut 24' x 304 with beth, an asphalt clad kitchen about 20' x 1t'. termites, ?nerd and enft water. hydro. ' also veneer brick barn abnnt 20' x 40', steel root ^nrsee and smell be hnnsa. ileimg Part tat A on 'i'nrnberry Street, Villues of 'Brussels, welt insulated mud nn a hiciu hnildtne• afeht. Tames Afewndeann, Rex 1. Rrns•sete, Ont, geo4aeofiatAtag4 EVAPORATED MILI( The smoothest custards, the creamiest mashed potatoes, the Iefnp:ingest pumpkin pies are made with Evaporated Milk. It's rightly called the food of 1001 uses! Use it to make white sauce the way your family likes it ... velvety smooth, delicately flavoured. Try it in luscious cake fillings and frostings! You'll never be without Evaporated Milk again. It's another nutritious dairy product that's really good for you. Write for tempting new recipes made with evaporated milk a DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 409 huron•Sb Toronto BUSINESS SS CADS C. A. Myers, M. DD., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGFAP WB can St. Phone A. Bresseis, Otet- DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telophoee 45 — Brussels. Oast. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist. Eyes Examined. Glasses fitted. Phone 791 Seaforth -- Main Street. HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9.12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to S p.m. Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co. Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General Insurance Co. Phone 43x Broods G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St, WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Winghatn 770 & 5, Kincardine 21. Evenings by ,appointment. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Telephone 65 No Extra Charge for Use of Funeral House Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service Dales' Flowers Exclusiyely J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, L1SI'OWEL„ ONT. Specializing in Eye Examination and :the Fitting of Glomes Office in Listowel Clinic Building Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. dalY; Closed Wedeaeday Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7100 to 0110. Other evenings by appointment Phone 1134. D, A. kann & Co. FUNERAL AND A:MBULANCF SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 55 - BRUSSELS. c11NT. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Creat West Life Insurance Co, Mame Klfflee 90 Brume's, Ont. 4Iet1-i€rintgton, K. C. WINC,HAM and RRUSSi!E 3 AT 1 RU SEL" Tuesday and Saturday all day — Offict open every shay. '!'hone 20v --. Successor to E. 0. Beg