HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-5-21, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST PUBLISHING, HOUSE An Empire Day Programme will be pre- sented in the Town Hall by the Brussels, School (Grades 1-9) on the evening of Thursday, May 22nd at 8.15, under the direction of the music supervisor Mrs. M. Douglas, All Welcome Silver Collection Village of Brussels PROCLAMATION In accordance with the usual custom, I hereby proclaim Victoria Day, SATURDAY, MAY 24th A Public Holiday. and call upon all citizens to observe it as such. Business will be carried on as usual on Monday, May 26th. R. B. COUSINS, Reeve. NOTICE MIIk Delivery In Brussels as usual on Saturday, May 24th. Creamery will be Open on Friday evening until 10 P. M. and will •also be Open on Saturday until 12 Noon. BRUSSELS CREAMERY PAPERING AND INTERIOR DECORATING' Best of Materials — Paper and Paint Supplied Prompt and Efficient Service W. G. TUCKER Phone 90 Bruss�1s. Ont. THREE ACT PLAY "Aunt Minnie from Minnesota" put on by "Evergreen Farm Forum" In the Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY, MAY 23rd at 8.30 p. m. DANCE AFTER THE PLAY to WIlbee's Orchestra Admission to Dance and Play Adults 50c Children 25e Lunch Counter Sponsored by Morning Star Rebekah Lodge. wavrowortvwzgral Melville Church Minister, Rev. W.H.F. Fulton 10 a. In. Sunday Sohool and Sunday Sohool 11 a. m, Divine Worship United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Morning Worship — 11 o'clock Friendship Circle Church School — 12 o'clock. Evening Worship -7.80 o'clock Masons of North Huron District will be oua• guests, A hearty welcome 10 everyone Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr — Rester. Sunday After the Ascension May 254h, 1962. IL John'% Church. •neeeeto- 11 a.m, Morning Prayer Sunday Cobou1 et. David's Choral,. Renfros 2.30 p,m. Blvening Prayer 1t Worge+S Church, W&MMs. 7.80 p. m. Evening Prayer imioirolierow CARD. OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for their kindness, sympathy and beaut- iful flowers, in our recent bereave- ' ment. The Perrie Families. I NOTICE — The Morris Twp. Cemetery Board are calling a bee at the Moorea Cemetery, Belgrave, to clean up the grounds, next Monday, May 26th Ail interested people are asked to come not and help. Wednesday, May.2lst, 1952 -1 MEN'S SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Stone School vs. Srluseels — May 26 Belgrave vs. Brussels — June 2 Bluevale vs. Brussels •— June 9 Sunslnino vs, Brussels — June 17 Wroxeter vs, Brussels — June 28 Ethel vs. Brussels — June.30 Belmore vs, Brussels — ;7uly 14 Brussels Games Away — Brussels les, Sunshine — May 29 Brussels vs, Wroxeter — June 6 Brussels vs. Delmore — June 12 Brussels vs. Blneval.e — June 19 Brussels vs. Beigratve — June 26 Brussels vs. Ethel — July 3 Brussels vs. Stone School — July 7 Engagement Announcement Mr. .and Mrs. Oharles Edward Cos- ta in os-tain of London, annornce the engagement of their ' daughter, Noel Elizabeth, (Bette), to James Glenn Stephens, son of Dr, and Mrs, Russell Witcher Stephens of Brus- sels, The marriage will take place at 3 o'clock, on Saturday, June 7th, in St. Paul's Cathedral, London. • REGEP]'T THI\ATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING— May 22.23-24 Technicolor "I'LL GET BY" Bill Lundlgan JJune Hauer Harry James plays his trumpet through thls musical romance. You'll sing an dlaugh with Dennis Day and Jeanne Crain. Next Mon, Tues. and Wed. "FORCE OF ARMS" William Holden Nancy Olson Don't Just consider this another war picture. It tells you of one of the greatest loves — on the battle fields of )taly. Next Thurs. Frl. Sat, Technicolor '"THE GOLDEN HORI5E" Ann Blyth David Farrar The Great Geneh's Khan fights — wlth a beautiful Princess. Ten thousand hooves thunder out of Asia. So don't miss this page torn from one of History's most speeta- cular chapters. COMING ONE FULL WEEK "MA AND PA KETTLE AT THE FAIR" Brussels Home Games — HURON FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION NORTHERN SECTION SCHEDULE May 21 — Holstein alt Ethel May 26 — Ethel at Atwood May 26 — Holstein at Listowel May 28 — Listowel at Ethel May 29 — Atwood at Holstein June 2 — Listowel at Atwood June 4 — Mwood at Ethel June 5 — Listowel at Holstein Jame 9 — Ethel at Listowel June 9 — Holstein at Atwood June 12 — Ethel sit Holstein June 16 — Holstein at Ethel Jane 18 — Atwood at Ethel Jun, 19 — Listowel at Holstein June 24 — Holstein alt Listowel June 26 — Listowel at Ethel .lune 27 — Ethel et Atwood June 30 — Atwood at. Litstowel July 2 — Ethel at Holstein_ July3 — Atwood at Listowel July 8 — Holstein at Atwood July 10 Ethel alt Listowel July 10 — Attwood at Holstein July 14 — Listowel at Atwood NOTICE — The Brussels United Church are holding a .Janden Party on Friday, June 20th, under auspices of the W. A. Watch for funbher annouce- m eat. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Roy Bennett and family wish to express their most sincere ap- preclht4on to frlanda and neigh- bours for the many messages of sympathy and acts of kindness shown during their recent bereave- ment. Also for the beautiful floral tributes. TENDERS WANTED — Tenders will be .received by the Council of the Township or Morris t0 reface the west abutment of the third line bridge and the centre abutment of the bridge nearest the west end of the first concession, The Township will supply the steel and the cement. Contractor kindly tender by the yard. Tenders must be in by 2.30 p. m., June 2, Lowest or any tender not nee- cessarily accepted, Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. CAPITOL, LISTOWEL THEATRE Nightly at ,7.30 p.m. Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. Friday, Saturday May 23 - 24 John Payne, Arleen Whelan In "PASSAGE WEST" The never before told story of a spitfire an outlaw and a desperate band of pioneers who blazed an amazing adventure through the West. Mon. Tues. Wed. May 28.27-29 "BRIGHT VICTORY" A picture you cannot afford to mise. Humour, love and couarge make It truly great. Costars Arthur Kennedy and Peggy Dow. TUESDAY FO'1<'O,PIIT1! 1st OFFER $2(10.00 • 2nd OFFER :140.00 Monday Attendance Card Plittlrt. Thur. Frt. Sat. May 29.3'41 Gene Kelly, Leslie Carson in MGM's, superb Technicolor musical of an Ex. G. I. in the city of romance. Win- ner of eight Academy Ayarda. "AN AMERICAN IN PARIS" Coming — One full week June 27 "MA and PA KETTLE AT THE FAIR" IS YOUR SUBBCRIBr,ON PAST DUE 4 YOUNG MUSICIANS SCORE • SUCCESS AT COUNTY FESTIVAL Scholarship, Shield, Special Awards Won Young people ewe Brussels and cornmuntly distinguished themselves in various classes at the recent. Iluron Collette, Mutase Festiv'ai held irr Goderich. In both vocal and insttruaneetal classes they captured sclnolarsilips and special awards. Th double trio • from Brussels puhlle school won the Goderich Pub- iic School Board Shield awarded for double trio from urban aohools, This meant that the glela, Agnes Lane, Hetes Smith, Dorothy Sullivan, F,lizabeth Myers, Audrey Davidson, and Diane McNair, were singing in competition with groups, from much ; larger school, :sncth as, Goderich, Clinton Seaforth, ect., with 87 marks. They and their music suR- ervisor, Mns. Douglas, and their toucher. Mr. K. L. Ashton, deserve , n great dent of credit for their suc- cess, This trio and other scholarship and award winners from this community appeared on the Feettval Concert pogram on Friday of last week 'Those were, Marion Hemingwby, daughter of Mr. and Mals. Carl i Hemingway, who was winner of the County of Huron Scholarship for brass and reed solo classes with her cornet solo, "Bless This House", Robert Kennedy. e sen of ?Jr. and Mrs. R. W. Kennedy, who re- ceived the Bdackston Furniture a- ward for woodwind classes, and Hebert Kirkby. Walton, the God- erich Blue Water Band prize, for brass classes. These three winnere are members of the Brussels Lions Boys and Girls Band under the dir- ection of A. C. Robinson. Also ap- pearing on the final concert from this d'istriot were, winners of the Ahmeek Chapter, LC.D,E., scholar- 1 ship for girls vocal solo under 14 years, was Mary Dennis, Walton; ane John Jewitt of Hullett, who was a- , warded a wrist watch for boys vocal i solo 14 years and under, and Mart lone Scheberth and Mayda Beuer man, Walton, winner of the rural ' school vocal duet. The C.K.N.X. shield for rural rhythm hand went to S.S. No. 3 Hallett and the Huron County shield for rural double trio to S.S. No, 4 McTClllop, Congratulations to all these young Temple for their sums. Piano class results were reputed in last week's paper. other results were as follows Boys vocal solo (14 and under) Robert Murray, Walton, 88 Vocal Solo, Girls—Dianne McNair, 78 Girls Duets — Elisabeth Myers, Agnes Lane, 81. Eatehr Smith, t Dianne McNair, 80. Duet boys and or girls (14 & under) Joyce Hoffman, Etoile Moffat, 1 Bluevale, 80. Doris Johnston, Audrey Hackwetl, Walton, 83 Marlen Schebath, Mayda man, Walton, Walton, 84 Phyllis and Marilyn Fear, Bel - grave, 78 Clarinet solo (12 and under) - Margaret L. McCuteheon, Bay- field, 84 Clarinet solo (16 and under) Robert Kennedy, 85 Euphonium solo (18 and under) Marie Elliott, 84 Alto solo (10 and ruder) Ronald Jacklin, 82 Alto solo (14 and under) Herbert Kirkby 86 Doris Jahnatou, 86 Alto Saxophone solo (18 and under) David Kennedy, 83 Russel Fear, 85 Cornet solo (10 and .under) Yvonne Pollard, 80 Joan. Johnston, 81 Murray Jacklin 80 Reid leacicwell, 85 Kenneth Pollard, 80 Cornet solo ((4 and under) Marlon Hemingway, 86 Boss ,Tacklim, 88 June Jacklin, 82 Audrey Rockwell, 84 Cornet solo (16 and under) Doryx Johnston; 83 ,Tune Rockwell 82 flornat duet (16 and under) ,Tune and Audrey Blackwell, 84 (lornteli duet (Open) Trona Watt and Russell MoBeth, 85 Alto Saxophone Deet (26 and under) Jean Jewell and Danboro Alien, 86 Ttobert Mann and Tinsel 'Fear, 85 T. B. X-RAY CLINIC i ETHEL, JUNE 11th BRUSSELS, JUNE 12th The Iluron County T. B. X-ray Centc for Brussels, Morris and Grey will be held in Ethel on June litia and Brussels on June 12th, 1 Keep these dates in mind and watch for further particulars. Mrs. Roy Bennett The community of Walton and district were shocked to learn on Wednesday of the sudden passing of Viola Long, beloved wife of Roy Bennett, in her 57th year. Mrs. Bennett has not enjoyed the beat of health for the pard few years, but her .death came as a distinct shock to relatives and friends. Born in Cranbrook, she was married in 1917 at V aiton to Mr. Bonnett, whn survives her together with one son Ross at .home and- a dughter 'tors. Wm. (Marie) Covets of Mc- Killop, two steters Mrs. Sam Burgess, Blyth, and Mrs. Sara Campbell of Regina, Sask., and two brothers, Claire of Brussels, and Garfield of Santa Monica, Calif. Also one grandelanght:er Active in all centre organizaitines and con• minify affairs she will he greatly missed. The funeral was held Friday at 3 p. m., from her late residence in Grew township. with Rev. W. M. Thomas coeducting the service interment In Brussel cemetery. Pallbearers were D. Ennis, H. Sellers, Ti. Bolger Willem Bennett, Geo. McArthur and J. Clark. Those who carried floral trihnnes were Roush Bennett. M. Long, John Bennett. R. Travis, N. Travis, H. Hartwell tinct Fr. (hula. Mrs. James Perrle With deep regret we record the Passing of a fine woman in. the per- son erson of Je_rsie McNair wife of James Perrle who departed from this life on the 14th day of May, at her late residence John St., Brussels, after . a lengthy illness. She was the daughter of the late James and Sarah McNair, born on October 3rd, $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. DANCE In Cranbrook Community Hall THURSDAY, MAY 29th MUSIC BY ELLIOTT CARUTHER'S ORCHESTRA Dancing 10 p, m. to 1.30 a. m. Lunch Booth Admission — Popular Prices Sponsored by Cranbrook Hall Board Everyone Welcome BINGO -In Brussels Town Hall on' MONDAY". MAY 26th DOORS OPEN 8 P. M. PLAY STARTS 9 P. M. SHARP 15 Games at 510.00 a game 1 Special Game $50.00 2 Special Games $25.00 each Jack Pot Special Game $60.00 with 40 numbers to be called 1f not won. 510.00 .Consolation. General Admission $1.00 Extra Cards and Special Games — 25c a Card. Auspices drussels Ladies Auxiliary to Canadian Legion. In ald of Welfare Work. Kidd Baker With Ada and the Pine Ridge Mountain Boys Star of Radio, Stage and Records WiLL BE APPEARING IN PERSON — ONE NIGHT ONLY. In Brussels Town Hall on Thursday Night,May 29th FLOOR SHOW STARTS AT 9 P. M. Modern and Old Tyme Dancing After Show. Admission — Adults 75c, Children flie 1573 at Lot. 20, Con. 14 Grey Twp. ...c She spent her early life there and at- tended school at S. S. No. 8, later learning the dressmaking In Sea - forth. On Murch 20th, 1901 she was united in marriage to James Perrle. They lived on the 151th Con, of Grey for a number of years, later moving to 12th Con. where they re- sided for 30 years until taking up residence in Brussels in 1937. On March 20. 1951 they celebrated their golden wedding. She was a fateful member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Cranbrook. Besides her husband she 1s sur- vived by two sone, William and John of Grey township, also one sister Mrs, Margaret Perrle and two brother William and John McNair all of Brussels, and seven grandchildren. The funeral service was held from ter late residence on May 16th. and WAS conduoted by ,her minister the Rol. W. M. Hyndmen of Cranbrook and her nephew the Rev. D, IC. Perri'. of Dromore, Ont. A beautiful solo, "Sale in the arms of Jesus," was Rung by Miss Margaret' Perris, granddaughter of the deceased. The pallbearers were Jamas Anderson, Bert Bray, Bevan Elliott, Leslie Switzer, John Mitchell and George McNair. The floral tributes were lovely 1 showing the htgb esteem In which the deceased was held. Flower - hearers were five granchildren,, James, Donald, Magaret, Daa'ld and Jean Perrle, interment was made in Brussels cemetery. TEEN TOWN Teen Town Party was held in Brussels Town Rail on Friday, May 16Th, with a fair turn out of teenagers from Rrnasels and vldnty. A program of games and modern and old time dentes was followed. Winners of the spot• daises wore Ken, and Betty Alcock, while the elimination dance was won by Glen Bridge and Gloria Clark. The next mooting wilt be an Friday, May 30t11, ammoeStalellemeMOISISMEMIEREISMISAIO AND LABOUR Install a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM for Greater Profits . . save TIME and LABOR doing daily chores , . a DURO gives added comfort and convenience in hone and barn . . . Running water at the turn of a tap "speeds up" every farm chore. There Is a DURO Pump for every farm need. KITCHEN , Eliminate old "pump and carry" — ?Toth running WATER ON TAP saves TIME and kitchen drudgery. TRUCK GARDENERS depend on a DURO WATER SYSTEM , assured of plenty of moisture when needed, 13A Why carry water? Clean fresh running water at the turn o a tap saves WO and TIME -.water gleater PROFITS tool Phone or visit us today for DUI1O Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures, Write for illustrated folder. /115 For Sale by — C. & G. Kreuter Co. Brussels. Ont. , EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED lesdos • Wilton • Si. Catharines • Toronto • Sudbury • Winnipeg • Vaetnlitf NCO hill