HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-5-7, Page 6UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS MUST BE RENEWED EMPLOYERS! ---Please send all unemployment insurance books for. 1951-52 and previous years immediately to the National Employment Office with which you deal, unless renewal arrangements have already been made. They must be exchanged for new books. Before sending in your 195I.52 insurance books, make.note of the date to which stamps are affixed, so as to avoid duplication in the new books. Renewal of books is important to you, to your employees and to the Coxnznission. Please Act Promptly. TO THE INSURED WORKERI—Have you an insurance book in your posse aiuu? If so, please take or Bend it to the nearest National Employment Office for renewal immediately. If you Bend your book, enclose your present address so that your new book may be sent to you promptly. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION C. A. L. MURCHISON Comm/mow. J. G. BISSON R. J. TALLON CR61 Commadoner Comuwuon,r 1 FOR BALE — New Cockshutt Cultivators, Heavy Duty Wagons and other New Cock- ghtett Implements, also used Allis- Chalmer Tractor, at Bargain Price. John BO ietead & San, Phone Wtngham 465. FREDERICK P. HOMUI1ri! i'km. 13., L 0. Mrs. H. Viola Homath R. O. Carol E. Hoaxutii 3. O Phone 113 Harrhton, Ont. CRANEROOk Moletees Day will be observed In Knox Presbyterian Church on Suit, day, May 11th. Sunday School will be held at 10 a. m. and regular ser- vice of wonted') at 11 a, m. Rev. W. M. Hyndulan attended the meeting of Synod held fu Sarnia last week., Mrs. W. M, Iiyndman was the guest speaker at South Kinloss Presbyterian tehurob on Saturday at a MtaSfrn Band Ral.ty. Mr. Herbert Jeschke, Fraser, Mteh, spent a few days with Mr. Paul Jeschke last week. The seventh and final meeting of tire Canbrook Cook Nook was held at the home of Mns, Mao Intosh on Saturday, May 3rd. The first part of the meeting opened with the theme song, minutes and roll call. All members were present. "Vegetables Around the Year" was the main hople. Some time was spent on storage. Plans for our demonlstration which will be on vegetable plates. 'Phis demonstrat- ion is being held on Tneday night at the Institute meeting. Our leader gave noour home assd'gnemen,t and the meeting elased with singing. "Clod. Save the Queen.', The Lathes' Aid met at the home of Mrs, Sbuant McNair on the even- ing of Alprtl 2Stt1. The president, Mrs'. M. J. Engel. opened the meet- ing with a short reading on gardens, followed by hymn 55,. The Scrip- ture reading Matt. 21.versea 14 to 23. was read by Mrs. Stuart Evans OPPORTUNITIES EXIST FOR COMMISSIONED RANKS There's a service career for women ... Limited numbers of women are being accepted now in the regular service of the expanding Royal Canadian Air Force. In the R.C.A.F., there are many jobs especially suited to the ability of women—jobs from which women can release men for other duties, or give valuable assistance. Women may be accepted for enrolment in any of the following trades: FIGHTER CONTROL OPERATORS • COMMUNICATIONS OPERATORS CLERK -ACCOUNTANTS • MEDICAL ASSISTANTS • RADAR TECHNICIANS • ARMAMENT TECHNICIANS • METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVERS • SUPPLY TECHNICIANS • DENTAL ASSISTANTS • SAFETY EQUIPMENT TECHNICIANS The women who are accepted into the R.C.A.F., receive the same pay, rank and trade groupings as for airmen. To qualify, you must be.single be between 18 and 29 ... and have Grade 10 education or the equivalent. Veterans up to 40 years of age are eligible. See the Career Counsellor at your Nearest R.C.A.F. Recruiting Unite- OR . WRITE TO: DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL MANNING RCAF HEADQUARTERS, OTTAWA, ONTARIO SERVE IN DEFENCE O1; FREEDOM WiTH THE Force CAF -74 -WS THE BRUSSELS PAST and MA A. J. Forrest read the ineditetalon; Mi's. Ot bvin Caineren led in prayer. The miu.utee of the meeting were read and approved on motions of Miss S. McNeer and, Mies• A. J, Forrest. ->.- Carried, Elev- en members answered ,t1no ~.all Dail and seven new members were added. Collection amcunited to $2.80 with 70c fees, Several genre of business were broughit,„up and dire , cussed, It was moved lay We. Maurice Cantonal] and seconded by Mrs. Frets Smelldcn bah an electric. ' tan be contacted to see aboat wiring Iwo heavy duty hot pllates. Carried. It was moved by Mies. Allan Cam- eron and seconded by Mies Forrest that we hnv two dozen tee towels, materials for .table clathe. two Palle and a dipper. — (tarried. The quest - inn of having a Carden Party was dtaen1nnd and itt was moved by Mrs. Alban Cameron and seeondhd by i Mrs. Earl Damn. that we have one, Carried. Jane 10 was chosen as the diet, Oommet,teesg were 57) - emoted en lane attar tables. pre- reemme. berth. and etc. Mrs. Allau Cameron invited the members to her home for the next nleetdnr with Mrs. Murray Huether, j 1 Mrs. Wilfred Strickler, Mrs, Stuart McNair and Mrs. Glen Huether on I the lunch committee. It was also decided to clean the; church before Anniversary. It was moved by Mrs. Maurloe 1 Cameron and seconded by Mrs. Earl' Dann that each person -taking cers to Blyth he paid on dollar. Carried. The meeting olosed by ainging hymn 571 and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison Lunch was served by the hostess and the Iunch committee. w„ u u 1 R Y CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE -* Deuk Eggs. Dogulas Meahau Phone 68r19 FOR BALD — Y— Prin'eess Pat Stove, steamer kitchen, Andrew Turnbull aruitable for Phone 28r0. FOR SALE — 10 chunks of pigs and_one hog, 1-3 H. P. gas engine; pair of 80 1 8'/x" area, lethal and wheels. M. A. Fraser Phone 11,r19, FDR -SALE — A hunch of Piga,ready to wean, and a bunch weaned two weeks, also some potatoes, also a man's bicycle. L. Quereagesser Phone 83r14. The Young Womens Auxiliary held. its Easter meeting on Thursday, evening, April 24111. with a good representation from Union United Church Missionary Society and the Senior W. M. S. of Cranbrook. The President, Mrs. Earl Dunn was in the chair an•d, opened the meeting with the singing o1 hymn 220. The Scripture reading was taken from Matt. 28. verees. 9 - 20 and was read by Mrs. Murray Huether. Mrs. Earl Dunn led in prayer. after which all repeated the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was answered by 13 mem- bers. 'Phe minutes of the previous mooting were read and adopted on motion at Mrs. Stuart McNair and ercnnde.d by Mrs. Murray Hvether. The offering was then received. Miss Margaret Perrie accompanied by Mrs. W. M. Hyndman sang a solo, "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer". tiro. Tevndanan gave 1 very timely address hosed on .the verse, "Lo. T ant with yen always, even unto the end of the world," The meeting rTesedby singing hymn 617. follow- ed be flip 11itznah Benediction, A rnr<a1 hoer feline -ed in the hose. meat. D. P. SAVAGE MANAGES LISTOWEL THEATRE Mr, D. P. Savage of L istewei, who was formerly manager of the Maitland Spinning Mills. assumed the position of manager of the Capital Theatre. Lletowel., last week. HP eneceeded the forvner Peggy Francis, who has been manager for the past five years. Mr. Savage is well qualified far his new posit- ion as was et ono time acttvely 0081- neoted with (5han•tangne shows witch which he travelled extenaly, ely. THE VOICE 'OF TEMPERANCE The drinking habit is getting a terriftle hold on the people or North Annerica. Multitudes of men and vie man are becoming heavy drinkers. The New York T4mes,reports 700,000 • nbarnmtte alnoholice In New York State or almost one person in every twelve of the itemization, The Times prescription Per this evil to to treat the alcoholics es atrir men. Well and rood — but the effective way le enrh en Ilinesa hi to wipe nut 11s ranee. Yellow fever could newt have hams brought] under control merely by treating Its victims as sick men. T1 le net enoneh for the nntarin government to hoeftteliap sir aevanre3 nlrnhoiir•a as she( men Whet to it dolor to nreyent them ^+rtrhtnR t114 (Bannana Certainly it t1 tenetpe lr r1,r- wrna" dlreetinn labral Ir ieereneee the reeeher of iitTitnr anti.,',., TR the mean time more 8111 n»•rr of nor 0nnnla 101th wnnler, unci +n..,, ire heenn,1ae the hole ' .. • •i 1, n,•. nir.n❑ vin"ttne of eiront •T, 1' - :1r1rt HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE — In Brussels, comfortable honee with water works, hen house and gansge and a good garden. Mary Lamont. LAND FOR RENT — Attractive number of acres, some Plowed and some to be Plowed. Apply to Geo. E. Pollard, Phone 56r13. FOR SALE — Modern Red Brjok Ranee, new modern bathroom, hot and cold water, 'ideal location. Phone 11 Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE — Cenaent gravel, fill livered promptly. Phone Arthur Ruttan 1Vodnesday, Mao' 1t4, 1942 or sand, de - 44r6 Brussels WANTED— Dead and disabled farm animals wanted for prompt pick-up. Can Percy Stephenson, Ethel,. Phone Bruseeis 85r12, Collect. FOR SALE Milking Machines, New and Used, (various makes) Lovel H. McGuire, Wiegham, Phone 593W, Surge Dealer ('inquiries invited). FOR SALE — There are Bray pullets for im- mediate mmediate shipment 3 - 4 weeks — cockerels in 1 imited quantities. dayoid, started. Dayold chicks L. order. We've full information, — agent Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel. FARM FOR SALE -- 100 acoes light clay loam well drained, near school and store. Brick house. attached garage, hydro bath room, bank barn, pig pen, chicken house, drive shed. Situated 3 miles east of Brussels, on road being paved. Immediate possession. Apply -to Box 50. Brussels Post. FOR SALE — A six room, two storey cottage roof house, about 24' x. 30', with hath, an asphalt clad kitchen about 20' x 11', furnace, hard and soft water, hydro, also veneer brick barn about 26' x 40', steel root garage and smmail hen house. Beteg Part Lot 0 on Tarnbea:ry Street, Village of Bnusaels, well laenlsted and on a higb building sight. James MrT"'adzean, Box 1. Brussels. Ont. POULTRY PRODUCERS TURN DOWN PLAN The results of voting on proposed Poultry marketdhag scheme, as m leased by the Farm Products Mark eding Roand, and the 0114.110 Min tete- of Agriculture. 001. T. L Kennedy. showed a lack of interest on the part of fermiers and pauitt) producers. This scheme would not have been considered vales~ a minimum of 31 non voters voiced their opioninns. This was prevtauely agreed neon by the renreaenhatives of the Ontario Pnitlfry Pneend'ers. and bhe Min Teter. Tinder the culture governing en'1, vatev, at ]Pent 50° of the olteihie voters meat vote. one et these vnt.inar two thirds mast vase "Pea;rr ai-mdiro with r0 nr the 115 enlmd. too and distrlots hr+nrd from. n.rn 'Ntarkdtinm ash rine Voe . - " OM. ',0, . - 78888• ,nninrllV AIR 1�rnn1 ,rete 14 51R. - „hni',' AT.,nt n.ltnn MIA fee aa.o, 'o,. . n ere. mntnN... •6n• f Mol ,•.let 1• 010 nr.,.1r1 Don't waste labour, , , U}s Sturgeons High Quality paint For lasting satisfaction. • Johnson's Paint and Electric Store Brussels, Ont. A PAINT FOR EVERY PI#RPOSE BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C• PHYSICIAN and SUJRGEOP W.Ltttam Ste Phone 4. Nriei,eI4 Oat DR. R. W. STEPHE 4S Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON T1 0w 45 — Brussels, OM. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Exaasined. Glasses fitted. Phone 791 Seaforth -- Mein Street HOURS: 9 6. Wed. 9-12.30e Sat. 9 a.m. to -Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co. Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General Insurance Co. Phone 43x Brussels G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., . WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Wingbam 770 & 5, Kincardine 21. Evenings by appointment. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Telephone 65 No Extra Charge for Use of Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service Dales' Flowers Exclusiyely J. A. Mcnagahan, R. O. Optometrist, LISTOWEL, ONT. Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting of Glasses Office in Listowel Clinic Buidang ilotara: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday p.m, Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 to 9:34. Other evenings by appointment Phone 534. T'l. 'Henn & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SIMVIC : Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 35��� — BRUSSELt CWT. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Autor$o't'ile and Fire Ins¢rztnce Accident end %eknoe Agent for Great West Life Inns -ante !''hone Office 96 --- Brunets, that. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSE;'..3 AT BRUWSELL _'eezel y are ®aturday all day — Offict open every.: day. rUCPOle 2(2s Successor to E. D. Bei .414 Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron Comity) eet t S SFACT1UN GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONABLE cos engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" ser! Ow Falx iatormeline etc., write or phone Lew. Rowland wit 6s tacked after immediately Or wrMe to R. ft. 3 Walton. HUNTING is one of the most popular fall pastimes, and we in Canada have the finest bunting grounds in the world, In the field, however, we should all remember there's another season next year, and many more after that. Observe game laws today and you'll have plenty of sport tomorrow, if