HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-4-30, Page 8INE Calverts J 11.11 C 1111 M N
..�p by%r'YiZ:l9Ni:. t .. i .
Ue 1
i"THIS COLUIVIN, fs a composite` -d a VOICi l
dh-;,: f•
,cryizlg..iii tlte'"I'ialdernea�t 74_ a an
gaged ed in the futile 'process of 1 g the
stable after the horse has departd Bp
wilderness or not, this voice is ,•still in fadOY '
.of the. Grey Cup final being pihYed
home -and -home series, between the eastern
western: football Winne?s;' Pretty nearly everybody)' elttee has
and the, Canadian Rugby
declared to the football
t ineiuding
Itself, but we still,llaim the.tight _ta speak our piecerlan behalf of
Jane, east and+ylest, tflegause we happen to think that under the
present one -game final; the fans don't. get a faii✓'break.
We grant freely that tha,ene-game football final is Toronto fe
the greatest sports show Canada produces, and/that
dium at Torontp,..with •its, tarpaulin -covered field .
s tted
than any other place hi the Dominion for such an event. On the
drama , of a' one -game final, and on the setting and equipment,
ther'e's not the slightest argument,
But theivarld's baseball Serieg and the `Slettley 'Cup series de
reasonably dramatic events t0.o. Yet they are not settled in one
game, in a city which may be a•zleutral fbattite-ground, many milts;.
from the home -sites of the contedding tea£n. The folks who madet
possible, by their seasonal box-ofiiee,contributions, the very exis-
tence of the winning teams in the American and National baseballll
leagues, and in the National Hockey Z,eague, get a chance to s
their beloved heroes in the final classic, and that's more than you
can say, as a general rule, of the Canadian football final. And we
happen to,�i ink.this.isn'p.fair tto the fags' w21od1aA,a3supported tke
kink n ll� ;y it
winning te,�li"ms. •
To this radical observer, the one -game set-up is the height.,.,,
t of frustration for'•fandoni in the home cities of the winning teams,
sterriething.alefn•to fhriiWtng trtetaudience out of a theatre just as
the dramatic finale',# a •gripping thriller is about to begin. ,"
Perhaps we're wrong. We're merely offering the opinion thdte'``
the Grey Cup could follow, in lesser fashion, the pattern of thee
world's baseball series or Stanley Cup series, and be settled b'
home -and -home games, one in each of the cities whose team won
the title. We believe the fans'in Ottawa, 1Vfontreal and Hamilton'
would like to see the team they made possible playing for the top
honors. So Would fans in Winnipeg; Edmonton, Regina and Cal-
gary who under present plans, can't get a peek at the play, , + .
at least.nat,wltil television comes in.
While we're in a mood which is not one of sweet reasonable-.'
ness, wee might ds well disagree, too, with the hoist to eight.
imported players per team, as against seven. This, we believe,
furnishes double discouragement for Canadian athletes seeking
a football career.' Eight imparts minimize their chances of making
any of the major teams, and the salaries necessary to lure Amerk .:
can players here leave little money, comparatively, for Canadian
athletes, thus obscured in their own game.
We believe the C.R.U., as an economic measure to protect°
clubs which are spending too much money on imports as it is,,
should have reduced the number of imports. But, after all, we're,,.
merely a voice crying in the wilderness.
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Culvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto.
S*ovv .araty .11 Were
Thrown Overboard
5onie ycara ago the capt in of
a 13ritish; eteallt'tr-trading 1 tl Pane
ams found tate perfect anslfer Um;
4hP,•Atow,,, 9i�: Atabiem,
• W1?eitigtwq,,,of these alnfnvited
pueSts appeared when his sit'? was
Cte 'iii
1 or -
Mit' to' en e
sd' rel'• lies s
tiered the shin'` to change course so .
as to bring it to within threllniles
of land.
Then, .fitting,,lifebelts to the ,staw-
aways, Ise had them tlirowit into
the sea and left them to swim
a 'shore:
This abrupt method earned him
a .repeii;anti„from; the authorities,
but ,at least it served its ptltpose
in dissuading, any more of ithe$o
sea-traniYs from hiding aboard hie
ship. 1;•
Stowaways arena thorn in the
side .of all f3riti,;h shippingieam-
panies,, :It is became the. captains
ti k$
t 010
treat 'them fairiv that they 1
Biltfsh`a$hips .lather than f
ones, flit 11 1,1 ' , 1 '
Once .a atowbway'fs' 'disc
,on af3r6001 ship- the capt 1
responeihle fpSS him and, h
clothe'adrl'feed'him until the
Ir reeehiilleort•.
of .Starvation
'4"I'heif the Offender' handed}, over
to the civil'lhutlhoritiee. and un-
less he "cad prove British n 'tion-
ality, .he. is, deported,
This loophole • about natio ality -
encourages many subjects from
the Dominions and Colonie0 to
hide on ships bound for Bibitain,
whence'they are lured by rumours
of bjg money, plenty of work; and
no colour bar, Once there, they
are more often than not allowed
ttl staj'C ' .
^• But stowing away is, at"the hest,
a perilous way of travelling. Many
of them get flattened, down in
holds and die of starvation or
NOE' long ago a ship put into.
Liverpool with two stowaways who,
had died •from exposure on the;
long journey from South America.
Hints About Using
Your Sewing Machine
In the midst of spring sewing
or not we should try and get the
most out of the sewing machine.
o matter how busy you may be,
"here should always be time to
s1seck these points:
Machine should be kept clean
pnd well oiled. Thread machine
properly, make sure needle is
straight, sharp and fitted up in
place properly.
The needle should be of the cor-
set size for the number of thread;
both should suit fabric. Bobbins
should be wound evenly and not
o full that they are tight in bob-
bin case.
Check upper and lower tensions
they pull. evehly ,on the thread.
wer' presser foot' when testing
rapper tension. Adjust pressure on
preses r 'foot tr nnatfei al 10 be
titched. . �.:»..
Secure ea h. seams - by ; ;tying
needle and bobbin threat at each
effd. ,"Y
y' titch
,bias seams br seams 'in
o{jgn 44.4 fabrics such as net
o i,pr- paper to , preyek picketing.
vTaon't . stitch over, pins • tip'liss
t.A 1
Il as,
attachmen n o3
whine $ TI
slag fabric shouldn't be pulled
,.�s •i£ is being stitched,
Machine sheetldn't be left open
*hen not do -use, nor should press-
:$oat be lowered directly on feed
dog?, k1
,.” l��I'' Tis ears to th of feed, dog
i i .
d u i i
rlil r ai,,i'i
NEW and
Car Shampoo
Why not treat your car 'td a
shampoo? Novel"car washer oper-
ates on the principle of a .paint.
spray gun. Shampoo solution is
said to be free of all grit' and abra-
sive and will not harm either
paint or brightwork. Fits all stan-
dard air and water hose.
* * *
Rolling -Door Cabinet
Steel finished, Hi -Bake enamel,
white plastic -rib, cabinet fits tinder
standard wail cupboards for stor-
ing food or dishes. Door remains
open orclosed without springs or
catches. * * * `
Polystrene Brihtles
I' Sni,table for •:hair d cleaning
brushee,eas well as industrial
appl' tions, neiir bris les are said
to tough, flexible d abrasion
reant. Available i "_a range of
at ctive colors, they are claimed
too be immune to most chemicals.
* *r
P"tective.Coaling !`e;
pw black
an rmet 1 strudtureexposed to
corasgbve conditions fatsapplication
by spor brushi Comiosed
,MfProcessed coal tPitch' in a
stabilized -water emulftpn, it is said
to..have ;eScteltent adhesion. Dries
d toml„ claimed into tough film t at }s
withstand tempe tures from sub,
zyJro 'rtol 2bgr. F. , j
Milk Support program—An unique milk support program is Institut
sed near Copenhadeli, benmark, by Julie, the Jersey. Julie injured
her leg, and amputation was necessary. The frugal veterinarian
fitted her with an artificial limb, and Julie now romps in the
pasture nearly as well as before.
P aygirls-lust averltiing a: collision on Omplayingi'field: at lnver-
leith, Scotkdnd; two'eturd starlets.#ypovicle a tensa+moment in"the
ScotlandrEngland ladies t ternatlonalyJppr'.gase,game. The formid-
able defender from Scotland„right, prevents a breakthrough, but
'the Eni liah1asses'won the contest, 12 oals,,to 4,
A rumor swept Hollywood that
Producer Leo McCarey was going
to attempt a screen, adaptation of
'Adam and Eve,' and one morn-
ing`a fdmous star of the twenties,
i still dressing like an ingenue al-
though she showed ;signs of crack-
ing around the edges, applied for
the rote of Eve. McCarey eyed her
.sourly and commented, "It's true
I'm going to do a version of 'Adam
and Eve' -but not with the ori-
ginal cast.”
A S1:x tT C'
As nobody probably remembers,
not so' long ago this column
emitted a mild beef Co the effect
that modern baseball, especially' in
the upper brackets, was sadly
lacking in colorful characters. Out-
utside of Satchel Paige, we alleged,
today's diamond -dusters -off duty
-could very well be mistaken for
a bunch of bank clerks or fodrtli
year university students, except
that the latter would show a
whole lot more verve and zip.
* * *
Right away one of our readers
threw us a slider by inquiring
"What about Bobo Newsom?" And
we had to admit that we had clean
forgotten that Louis Norman New-
som is still in the Big Time --if
you call Washington Senators Big
Time -ail of 225 pounds of him.
* * *
And if Bobo Newsom lacks color,
then Uncle Joe Stalin is fresh out
of enemies and ill-wishers.
* * *
Take the time, some 15 years
or so back, when the Washington
Senators opened the home season
Yankees as
with the New York Y a
their opposition. President Frank -
lm D.Roosevelt and
1 all his
were present, and Newsom was on
the mound for the Senators. In the
third innings 'Ben Chapman drop-
ped a bunt toward third base. Bobo,
instead of watching what was hap-
pening, , was staring at the Pre-
sidential box -or maybe it was a
blonde in Row 'Three. Anyway,
when Third Sacker 0=sie L'tur'ge'
fielded the ball and threw toward
first, Bobo forgot to duck, and
the ball hit Newsom right behind
the ear.
* * *
Bobo was hurt pitntS ; in fact,
his roars of agony could be heard
as far away as the Bowie Race
Trach. But he stayed in the game
for six innings more. What is
more he. won a 1 to 0 decision
from the great Lefty: Gomez. And
it wasn't till he got into the dress-
ing room that they discovered that
his jaw had been broken,
* * *
"When the President conies here
to see Bobo pitch," quoth Mr.
Newson;, "01' Bobo ain't gonna
disappoint him,"
* * *
Bobo has been quite a traveller
in baseball circles. Ile hit the
upper brackets first with Brooklyn
back in 1929, Then he labored for
Jersey City, Macon, Little 'Rock,
Chicago Cubs, Albany, Los An-
geles, St. Louis Browns, Wash-
ington Senators, Boston Red Sox,
Browns again, Detroit Tigers,
Senators once more, Dodgers,
Browns, Senators, Philadelphia
Athletics, Senators, New York
Yankees, 1';ants, Chatanooga, Bir-
mingham. and -now back to the
"This ,;i Bobo's . fifth term in
Washington," he announced, to
start the present season, "which
makes Bobo one up on Roosevelt."
* * *'
As you have - likely already dis-
cerned, Mr. Newsom has the habit
of talking of himself in the third
person. To this he adds another
"habit of addressing the person he's
talking to as "Bobo" as well -
which makes his conversation
rather hard to follow at tithes.
* * *
Bobo not only thinks he's pretty
good. He freely admits it. In fact
they say' the phrase'"He's the only
man who can strut sitting, down"
was minted as a description of him.
And,, strangely enough, there were
times when he was just as good
as his opinion of himself.
Back' in 1940, for example, he
was with the Detroit team which
won the pennant. Newsom was to
collect a nice bonus if he, won 20
games and already had 19 of them
in the hag. In a double-header he
was scheduled to pitch the second
game; but• the first was a tough
•Baker signalled'
one and Manager g
to, the hull penfor a relief pitcher.'
* * * f.
To Bakers utter
amazement outl-
of the pen strode nobody else but;
'IO you wait there you'l car
tah,ly sac this la it Ong (IN ante
Newsom. ,"Get back. there, you
dumb-bell," yelled the manager.
"If Bobo ain't worrying none,
Bobo," .replied that worthy, "you
shouldn't ought -'to neither.". See,
Enloe proceeded, to win the first
,game-tjlen won the second as
well, ' * * *
There was the, time when Earl
Averilf rashctf back a screamer
which caromed off- Newsom's
knee.. .Bobo..ltowtt:d ,jn pain but
managed ,tp„ nobble • over, field the
ball and throw Earl out at first.
He continued to pitch but eventu-
ally fist the' game. 'In the dressing
room be- shbufed to the trainer,
"Bobo, thinks' 'his leg is broke."
It was,' too -the kneecap com-
pletely. shattered.
Bobo lied' the Unique distinction
of pitching a no -hitter --and losing
the game. He was pitching for the
Browns against the Red Sox in
1934 and toiled the regulation nine
innings• withoutgiving up the
semblance of a hit. Then, with two
out in the tenth, he allowed his
first bit, and it `lost him the game.
13y' no -means,dhe luckiest hurler,
who ever,lived,,Bobo.Newsom. But
it wotifd be a gross mis-statement
to say that he lacked -or lacks -
color. Or guts! Maybe he won't get
very far in his fifth term at Wash-
ington. But there are plenty who
will be pulling for him to come
Being Sorry
Won't Help
Last year lightning crashed down
into Canadian forests 940 times
and reduced to ashes about 400,000
atres of good timber,
That was a small part of the
story. Man did a much bigger job.
He blew into a pull of smoke 1.6
million acres.
Every year the ratio is the same
-four fires to one are due to pre-
ventable causes. Every year the
press, forestry associations and
timber firms, service clubs and
radio stations warn the public that
eight -tenths of forest fires in the
coming year will be man-made and
could be stopped. And every year
80 per centof forest fires go on
being man-made..
Every year 4,400 irresponsibles
turn two million acres of wealth
into waste land that won't be fit
for timber or agriculture for an-
other 75-100 years. Last year's
4,400 irrespousibles can, each and
every, one of them, claim credit
for destroying enough' wood , to
build' 20 five -roomed: bungalows.
Most unsuspecting arsonists
w'.1;1e11. discgyered'and infoltilid this
year no doubt as always' in the'
past, will trip over themselves tell-
ing the authorities how terribly
sorry they are.' A lot of good that
dues. The time to be sorry is not
after the event.- It's before,
The forest is a pretty good friend
to all of us -•and tri half a million
Canadians it's their bread and but -
,ter, 'To (ilt- export trade it is vital.
It's time we treated this resource
with a little more ram and respect.
--From The Financial Post.
1 •
TII718 ye,r*-yes•--rlaht now --try
Ohtrkp, You too will feU In 301515 with
them." Beware of the hlrh coat of low
Price. remember yo when yon tame aro CMS-,
ley for price, you use aaer,aatad broil; fat..,
lose, whether you .aloe a goad hen ora
poor:hen, ,t a'IH Mite the game care, teed
and labour, Yat a chick with genuhtg
breeding back of It will 101' 100 to 100
mere gage a. year. We used. 01£m' 4000
51.5).P: pedigreed cockerels 10 our matinga
Ohs year. Also etarted cblrke a1a'01
broiler chlcllo, alder pellets, cepone, tor.
key point%, Catelaga0,
summon-0Am. peal; market prle,, 4a•
l moot on sr pullets, store eidetic, oitd (fay old.
For c5ck0,'elg or mle,3, any olds and•
started, aodeo In advance Sony 1latchery,
120 Jobn N., Hamilton,
811103 that lay 200 cage or mare return'
extra profits to You. Twentydive years
00 reran) breeding and culling work ghee
You pleetY of 01150 month after month,
When you eelcet chicks,. thin 'hal., be..
ours: to eeleet Ton Nato,. They Imvo
lots of R O.P. ltfoedla,e back 0f them
Alen etarted chicks, alder p011000, cepone,
turkey puults. Catalogue.
Guelph .;- Optarlo
IMMEDIATE delivery, popular breeds.
Order from ad, wltly,nlopoeit."512,80 Per
100 non -sexed:: heavy ao,ker010 Teem 83.90
-pullets from 021. Two, weer pulling
020.901 3 week 034.910- • 4 'weep 5041 00,
Galt Chleiser:ea Galt, Ontario,
BOOTH -Best location. P it 8ton105.
S 00, 01510 yin, renah tat Horn
mad "Tee 'roam- Rog T.:S. Afar tr.
Ont o
MEATS, Groceries, 8mallgarea, Confess-
ontentlom my. Gpnllweekly ty nSVet• 3 Wvitig
rromg to rear: 00110e,t prloe - 05.500." Ill
health reason for sr1ling. 1 Located pn
Main Street, Nowm4tk0t; APP180 Al 'D.
Jan'le, Phone 1078, or 1028W.
nv108' O AblD CLEANf-Na
BA VE you anything needs dyelu5 or clean.
Write...to .un for Information. We
are glad la answer your Queennns. D0•
partment H Parker's Dv0 work. Limited.
191 reinge St , Tomblin
roe 'SALE . 1-"
iron BALI?
0105535 001070 B11T,V15--For auto relief,
Your 008810lut sons 015L"SS,
1511001 TURES
0' redeem Bu5dl Tires. New RubUor,
80 cents per foot. Old tires replaced.
52.00 :each. welsh d'' Tlniter, Edmund
Street, ('011510,, Place, Ontario. Plaine
Bl1Or(D brunette, ,.bronze Intim Media
APrIL " Afay, Juno Imteb.. Government
approved. 1000 clean, 8pruceros Turney
Fenn, 'R, s. DurilfVitlo, Ontario,
BATTERY won't, take A 0180000? Don't
trade 'or leak it, Formic 33-n brines
it baa5cit to ilio. 51.00 prepaid,, Must work
'0r .menet' reel30,10" Box 85, New Lots
Station, Brooklyn 8, Now York, U.S.A, •
OITA SODyaltles, East 'roxno,'(lood Struc-
ture. 520,00 per acro, 0 acres up. Mall
cheque, number acres wanted, 1£lndman,.
,- 411. Dslawaro St„ Dallas' 8, Texan.
olt5; detAses. l`IMIES'
Planta and varnlahes, 50000105 •Motor.,,..
Electrical Appliances, Refriger-atore, Fast
Freezers: '11111 Codlers and Fero Orandere t,t'
Hobbyshop Atorhlnery DRAiere wanted
1Mtet warro Grease and OII Limited..',
Parte end Service. C.O.D. orders filled'
Promptly, A largo assortment of ree00-
dlCloned motorcycles at roaeonnbls prlcco.
410 College Street. Toronto
200 gallon steel tar coated 131.05 cash
with order. also ,epodnl savings slues
800 to 600 gallons tar and alarm coated.
Limited stock underwriters label 200 lint -
Ion painted oil tanks 148.00 while they
last. •tVrlte for catalogue stainless enamel
minks, combination laundry tray and sink,
streamline porcelain enamel laundry tub,
showers, stoves. refrigerator., 011 burn-
er., pressure systems. B1ICESSBD BATH-
TUBS 560,00, right or lett band drain
Lovely Martha Weellington and Rich -
ledge otalnlese three piece bathroom set,
white or coloured. Ail oh,pmento delivered
Your nearest railway elation. 5, V. John-
son Plumbing Supplies, Stree0eyl01e. On.
5101W1005 STATION on BlgbwaY 17, 80
mile. west of Pembroke, Modern rest
' t'a0mm end lynch collator, '5 -room cottage.
Ne ,tmltailone. to Aro pouslblUtlea of this
. all., Confect Dox 1,00,Deep River, Ont,
AT LAST wo halm same Pug Peonies,
male and tamale, ,mall cobey, children'■
pots, Short Stop Kennel, 090 Markham,
NATURE'S HELP Dixon's Remedy for
Rhddntatie i.• Pules, 'Neuritis,. Noltheusands
praising it.
335 Elgin Ottawa
'•:' $145 Exprd'1s i puld
r' :71el 4-* h1"•4.�''nn11 11' N`r;lt.,�J'l •,
One dvnalhia tells "anoth�i•;•1 ,°r,ko rU8000or
"FEMMES" to 6etc alleviate pnln, die -
1100. and 0500500 teneln5 associated with
'mnntbly p6Mnde,
80 00„.fostoaid In plain wrapper,
500 HEALTH SECRETS (801151 ME-
THODS) -.Practical ways to Self -
Improvement. •Stamp '0rmas•'«{rue""-Catw
Health Produdu Agencies
1100 St. Cecile ltd.,
?Throe River's. Queues
Positively and safely by 'A[yer's Corn
• ,nemover,” - sselstdction guaranteed, r Send
51,50'10: Went and Sons, 578 Manning
AVenlw; Taranto+
If Edgar Wallace was the fastest
writer of our time, Alexandre
Dumas undoubtedly was the most
prolific. He wrote and published,
according to his own testimony,
1200 volumes. He once turned out
sixty full-length novels in a single
year. He said, "It should be as
easy for a novelist to make novels
as for an apple tree to make apples,"
and he proceeded to prove his point
by writing nearly 70,000 pages of
fiction in addition to sixty-four
playa' and innumerable volumes of
travel and essays. He was the first
and, so far as is known, only famous
author to hire a corps of ghost
writers and put the production of
books on an assembly -line basis.
One day he met his son (the author
of Camille) and asked, "have you
read my new novel yet?" "No,"
said the son. "Have you?"
Dumas owned a theatre, a news-
paper, and a magazine, slept only
four hours out of twenty four, and
was involved in over a hundred
lawsuits. Forl
.les hehad twelve
dogs, three apes, two parrots, two
peacocks, a vulture, a pheasant, and
a cat, He entertained so lavishly
that when he rented a chateau in
the country, the railroad's receipts
for the local station increased 20,-
0;000' francs the -first summer. He
,lived like a 'prince of the Arabian
Nights -and died a pauper.
'Dumas wag born.in 1802, -the son •
•of a`falnous:general of Rtte'TTieneli
Revolntton'aiul :the- grandson` of a
Negress of Santo Domingo. In one
„ye11T (1844). hr produced .tmy' of. tile
;,1)530 .pnpular;:no5510 'ever A vcittemi ,
'rhe Three Musketeers and The
Count of Monte Cristo. He dis-
sipated a huge fortune by unbridled
extravagance; on his deathbed tin
1870) he wryly remarked, "I came
to Paris with twenty francs. That
is ..exactly' thr' 0101)1 with ssllii•hl'1 ;
Prof,: "1Vhat is the 1:01,1 nut
standing • l,rothtrt that c11 110 try
has ,given to the world?"
Soplt.: "Blondest"
leo - 3 ft. Stakes 53,110
100 - 4 Ft. Stakes *Oct
too - 00 0. stakes $1.00
too 4. 0, stakes 55.00
Tylnt) Wire - 1Oc lb,
'11 rin, no fall
106 Fer5usen Avo, N, Horollte,.
Phone 7.9251
6455/)010 the tbrmenr of'' hry otzeina rae'hee
anti weyplps , skin troopt,le✓1 Poet's Eczema
Salve ,ld n..nol 'dieapikllnt .you. .
itching, °patinqe,, burning eczema, aces.
ringworm, plmplee and ethlote'e foot, will
respond readily to the etalnlese 045100ce
ointment. regardleke of bow stubborn or
hopeless they poem
PRICE 82.50 PER .IArt
Sent Pop, hint .,n tiecolpl of ,Prh,e
409 Quern S, E Corner nt £Alg3n.
Toronto .
Great Opportunity -Learn
Mama Mangled orofeeslon. good woes.
Thousands of euccsmetul Marvel graduate.
Amerlea', Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Free •
Write or Can
866 nlnor St. W,, Tommie
44 King 8L, Hamilton
72 Rideau 8t.. Olt4we
Use Tobacco Eliminator. a ectentlfle
treatment Quickly elope craving for
tob0aco, ride the &Yetern of nicotine.
King Drug Pharmaceutical Cbemlets (Al.
bortol. P-0. Box 573, London, Ont,
NEW SECRET. Tobacco Habit Stopped.
Free Information. Belanger. Plamondon.
RED KOCI1, now, amazing. race of straw-
berry world. Hugo berries. lromendoue
yields, Redder, sweeter and hardier Plant
and Mak name year. Pelmo Park Peren-
nial Garden, Weaton, Ontario.
Play plan by ear, 0010kly. Easy short.
cut System. Gives tricks, 70000,re, for
Playing correct base, main neral in play-
ing by ear. House of Wallace, Dent. AZ.
1178 Phillips Place, Montreal.
AN OFFER to every Inventor -List nt la-
ventlone and full information trot free.
rhe Ramsay Co., Regletercd Pelops Aller
neva 272 Rank Street. 0110505
FE'l'HE 115T00NI1 A VCR se Company. Pa
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