HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-4-30, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST POST PUBLISHING HQUSE S T Order. Next Winter's Coal Supply Now, Reduced Spring Prices are Now in effect, Car of nut and stove Anthracite, also Alberta will arrive periodically throughout the entire Summer. A car of the famed Old Company's Lehigh Stove Coal expected shortly. Order Now and take advantage of the price while it is at its lowest. BRUSSELS COAL YARD Phone 68x2 LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE Nightly at 7.30 p.m, Sat. pat. 2 p.m. ' Wed. April 30 Bob Hope, Hedy Uamarr In ',MY FAVOURITE SPY" Thur. Fri. Sat.. May 1-2.3 CLARK GABLE In a powerful outdoor .drama "LONE STAR" Mon. Tues. May 5-6 Fred MacMurray, Eleanor Parker In The Rumantic Comedy "A MILLIONAIRE FOR CHRISTY,' TUESDAY FOTO-N1TE lst OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFER $100.00 Monday Attendance Card. MAL. Wed. Thurs. May 7-8 JOHN PAYNE In A Technicolor, Drama of the South Seas "CROSSWINDS" Coming Soon — The Year's Greatest Western "BEND OF THE RIVER" a® Ilhe preacher came along and wrote on a fence; "I pray for all." The lawyer wrote underneath; "1 plead for alt." Tho dootor added: "I prescribe • for all." The plain citizen wrote: "T pay for all" COAL Order To -day For your Next Winter Needs. New Low Spring Price. Chestnut Stove and Alberta Expected Very Soon. PHONE 6R M. C. OLDFIELD rlialinli MMIROWO Melville Church Minister, Rev. W.H.H. Fulton 18 a. m. Sunday School and lisle Chs 11 a. m.—Dtvine Woreitp ETsnjng WorstiIp-7 o'clock United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lana Morning Worah1P-11 o'olook Dedication of Organ harsh Sohool-12 o'oloct. Evolving Worship -7,30 o'clock "Od0)fellowp+' Service A W eicome To All Church of Englund. Perish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Ken' - Rester. 'Third Sunday After Fuer Maly 4th, 1962, St. John's Chutes, IPVWUIr- 11 am, Holy Conwnunion Sunday School St. David's Church. Heafrpm 2,80 p.m. Holy Commentate Georggh Church, Watt* 7,80 p.m. Holy Oom nw ton The Venarable Archdeacon J, W. 11. Mille, ISiocaaan Commissioner will prey h' at tzll Qhurohe0, J. E. Brewer "REBEKAH DANCE and 3 ACT COMEDY PLAY "Aunt Minnie from Minnesota" on Friday. May 23rd Watch tor further particulars. Engagement Announcement Mr. and =Mra. Wilfred Fischer, It, 11, 3 Bnussols, announce the engagement al their daughter, Betty Doreen, to Mr. Ross Douglas Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Knight, R. R. 2 Brussels. The wedding will tett place Mos 24 In St, Jahn's Anglican Church Brus- sels. WINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL OPEN NIGHT The Wingltam District High Sohool will hold Annual Open Night on Wetlmesclay evening, May 14411. from. i.en to 10 o'clock. Every one inter- ested in our school District is invited to come to see tbrough the selmet and meet the staff and hoard members. There will be displays of pupils work in the usual academic subjects, commercial work, agriculture, shop work and home econonilds. There will also be a abort programme of physical :du0,1tinn work in the recreation rnnm. All parents of pupils now at rchnol. or in the senior grades M nubile Retinol are especially invited. EXETER TOPS CENSUS GAIN IN HURON COUNTY An analysis of sthe recent eon - sus in Huron Comely shows some intereating facts. A comparison between 1.941 and 1951 figures for the towns; villages and bowvnsliips in the. county may prove illuminating to our clUzens. Taking the OMIOiat returns' it will be foiled on examination that the following •peraontage gains and losses are discovered, The total popntation of the county from 43,743 to 49,200 gives a percentage gain in the decade of 12.6. in tbe lest of towns, Exeter made a gain 01 60.2%, Clinton comes second wit a 34.2% gain, Wingham 31,4%, Seaforth 27.5% and Goder1 h 8.2%, in .the tillage list of three liensoll gain was 7.3%, Myth 7.2% and Brussels a 1.7%r loss, pop- ulation 813. Among the bownship 'municipal- ities, seven allowed gains with *be =following percentages, Tuck- ersmith 78.6. Stephens 78. These are two township with R. C. A. F. Stations, Stanley 19.2%, 'Purn- berrg 5.1%, Goderioh Township 4,9%; Hay 3%; and Mullett 2%, The townships showing losses are Morris 1.4%; Usborne 2.1; MclHIllep 2.14; Howiak 4; bast Wewanosh 5.0; Colborne 8.8; West Wawamos% 10.1; Grey 11; and Ashfield 13.2%. The total gain in .the' county of 538 of which 3209 are acctntmted for by the townships containing she air netts. BELCRAVE FiVE DAY - MUSICAL FESTIVAL IS SET Plans have now been completed for the Belgrave Musical Festival sponsored by the Belgrave School Fair. The first day will he held in the Forresters Hall, Belgrave, all day, May 15011, with Bernard Htrons of Kincardine, as adjudicator, The final session will be held the even• Ing of May 16 in the town hall, Wingham, with Garfield Bender 1 adjudicating. Every •eitlont Ls being made to make the final •concent es enitentalndnng es passible. C, R (3onites is chairman of the festival and , Mrs. L. Faunae secretary. The ctirentors are Mrs. M. MoDow ell, Mtae M. daolrgon, Mrs. CI Channnev, Mrs. L. Wlghiman. Mrs. C TT. Wilde. Mrs. L. Ilan, Mrs, R. J. Maekenale, M. trashy, and Ii Cnmahbell, • REGENT THI.ATRE Seaforth, Ont. MAY 1-2-3 • "MEET ME AFTER THE SHOW" Betty Grable MacDonald Carey Betty Grable sings and dances her way into your heart. Don't miss sdeing the. picture for mirth and mnslc. MAY 45.6 'THE STRiP" Mickey Roon*'y Sally Forrest THE STRIP — Hollywood's fabul- ous street of glamor and golden dreams. The road that leads to fame and fortune. ` MAY 8.9.10 "THE JACKIE ROi#INS'ON STORY" Jackie Robinson Ruby Lee An exciting story of a Negro base- ball player who hits the road to ?me. A plea for racial tolerance by an International League en- thusiast, CALLING ALL HOMEMAKERS A most interesting demonstration of the wonderful Inglis Automatic Washsng Manhine will be given in the store of C. and G. Krauter Co... on Saturday, May 3rd, at 3 o'clock. See how this marvellous completely automatic washing machine ,fills, washes. rinses and empties auto- matically, ThLs is the chance of a life -time to see one et the most amazing laboursaving devices yet invented, and right at home, without going to some large cit. Everyone interested is invited to attend. There Is absolutely no charge. you e're under no obligation, and in addition: =there is a lucky doer Prize. Wednesday, April 30th, 1952 $2,00 per year - 52.50 U. EA 111, FREE MOVIES The Bilin; "Water on Tap`" wet show you the many ed•rantages that • pressurized water eau bring to your fame or hueane, An Interesting flint on "Water Softeneasl' will also he shown, , demonstrating the' attrings and conveI>,ienoee 4bat Can be yours with the installation of a water sofitener. ''There will be ad- ditional attractions. Alt the Brussels Town Hall on. Friday, May 9th, at 9 p, m. . Sponsored by C. and G. KS -tauten, Brussels, pot, !Brussels Liam OUP I Lion President, Wm. Turnbull, I presided at the regular stepper meet-' Ing of (the local Lions Club, on h 'Monday night. Misses Maty Lou. McFarlane a14 1 Sheila Porter were guests soloists; with Lion L. D. Thompson as pianist. Mrs. G. McDowell favoured with hannoious readings, Lioll D. M. MarTavish, secretary, called the roll, read the minutes .and dealt with the correspondence. [ ..,.Tail twipter Lion 4. Woad led the sing :song with Lion L. D. Thompson LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY al the piano, 'P1 " Ladies Auxiliary treld their Buts(ness included a report by social evening on April 24th, with ' 1 "n G. Knight that arrangements 32 members present. path member had been made for a T. B. Clinic to was given a consage and Com. he held in Brussels. and Ethel on Sarah Stephenson entertained with June 11th and 13th. two songs and Corn. G. McDowell, Lion J. S. A,rmstr=ong chairman gave two interesting ,readings. A rf the, group. north nI the river, re - few games of Euchre was played ported„thurt a net profit of $229. was and the members were served a realized from the recent pressnta.t- lovely lunch in tbe newly r•edecorted ion of the stage show. "Variety kitchen. Com. Meadottx won the Review” The amount was tanned door prize and ,Com. Sinclair, SPeir. over to the elub for welfare work. Stephenson and G: Lowe were lucky Lion R. J. Bowman reminded the ticket lholdera. • c'vh n8 ;the Lions convention to be PAPERING AND The business meeting was bald held in London on June Ruh to 11th. Mondeo. April 28th imeteatl of May Deports were given by W. Todd on 4111, with 21 ladies present. Com. the eels et tickote on a car. and Wm. 1 BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH Dedication Service of the ,Kallman Elect- ronic Organ will be held in The United, Church, Brussels, on Sunday morning, May 4th at 11 o'clock. A hearty welcome is extended to everyone. DANCE In Brussels Town Hall an Thursday, May 8th Music by — Earl Heywood and the C.K.N.X. Barn Dance Gang Admi3sion 50c Lunch Counter Sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary to Canadian Legion Elliott was In the ehair The Navy ma" m end M. Wineberg nn the Tag Day was set for .pure 28th. The' Urine Heokev Tournament tilt was Iodises will canvass for the Salvat- • held in Gnderieh. Tion D. 4. Ranoslid,ion Army RM Shield Fend later in wee' given permtesinn "e levee slid May. All members wishing to et• rm.-tired grid R=a-i++Ms rs'dv to bP tend the Raley in Stratford will Set VT. - meet •al ,thee Auxiliary roams, May ' Lion Wilbur Turnbull won the 12 at 6.90• p. m. A rate is to be set for draw on the guessing contest. Lion a Bingo sometime In. May. Cent. M. W. G. Leach. who wee absent. was Rvtlenge wen the Mystery prize. Oar made 'custodian of the rooster. next metal will be May 15th. The supper was nerved by the the women of Melville Presbyterian Mrs. Leslie Fear ' Church. There passed away in. Clinton Community Hospital on Friday, DISTRICT DEPUTY PRESIDEST April 18111, Jennie Rebecca Bell, vISITS•HURONIC REBEKAH beloved wife or Leslie Fear of Myth. LODGE IN CLINTON Bi in her rd year. More than 60 members of theMrs. Fearwas the only daughter Huronie Rebekah Lodge attended of the late John R. and Mary . meeting in the lodge rooms. (Oliverl Bell of Morris :township. Clinton, on tbe occasion of the Tn 1914 .she became the wife of official visit of District Deputy James. Leslio Fear and they resided Presidenm t. Mrs. Ado. Arstrong. in Morrla township, until five years Brussels. Mrs. Armstrong spoke to ago when they went to Blytb to the meeting on lodge work. to make their home there. ' w Mrs. Fear as a member of Blyth meted Church and shared in alt Its activities as long as her health Permitted. She was a deroted wife and loving mother and respected by all who knew her. The many beautiful floral tributes were a token of ,the high esteem in which she was held, streneA review. Besides her sorrowing husband sbe leares to mourn two daughters, (Meryl Mrs. J. A. Higgins of Drum - ho, and'(Mabell Airs. D. B, Smith of Morris, and three grandchildren, Joanne and Wayne Higgins and Fioyd Smith. Two brothers, Frank, of Morris Two.. and Robert of Strat- ford also survive. The funeral serv'teee were held on Monday, April 21st, at the home and in Blyth United Church. The i Rev. R. A. Brook of Blues'a:le of. fidat.ed in she absence of hem men - inter Rev. Ohas. 3. Scott. inter- ment was mode in the Tirussel% Cemetery. The pall :hearers were Chas. Michelson, John MoNiohol, Laurie Scott, M41lan Richmond, Herman Deer and Fred Rutledge, The floral :trilrnee were carried by stx nephews: Bert, San anti Tea Fear, Wtallace and Kenneth Bert and Lorne Hunting. Friends and relatives attending the Humeral from a distance were from Drntmubo, Toronto, London,Winston,Stratford, Wtnghn, Clinton and Ethel. RED CROSS NOTES — Toronto — Increased use of whole blood in medical therapy and sur- gero in Canada madkes the need for additional blood donors imperative, according to the report of the nat- ional Blood Transtusion Service Presented here to -day at •the enteral Central Council meeting of the Canadian Red Cross Society. "Need for our service oont4nues to grow due to the increasing var lett of conditibons for winch wvhoie blood therapy to used to -day, the increase to certain types of surgery now merle Possible by adequate sapnlies of blood and increased hospital bed eapaoittes,"' said Ver non C. Hale, chairman of the nat- ional Blood Donor Committee "The n bilker of d2nbd•s +re- quested to meet demands increased 48 per cent over the previous year. A total .01 261,893 hotltles were col - looted from vomitory donors, an Increase of 38 per cent, but this still fell short of the dennanud,"' Some 117,337 ;patients reoelved free transfusions of whole blood 111 1951. Clindanl tib tests, performed free. by Red Cross on request of physic - lath attending tropoctent'mothers ,tans ebtandling egpieetant mothers tat 70,08'1 In 1051. Five thousand bottles of plasma for use of t4ie armed forces at h01110 and abroad were delivered to the den'entment of national defence by the end 'of 1951 anti the total coil- initlmrml of 10,000 fora ane year nertod is expeitted to gen for:Seed its the end et this month. The department of civil defence lies naked the Soetete to hivestlgate the maximum amount of pistils which might be matin eneilabie for at.nhttmilinha?. •i i• Sbe was Introduced by Airs, j Arary Nediger and thanked by Mrs ' M. Wilson. noble grand. A gift in reeitemhrance of her work during the past year with the Clintem 1 members was presented by Mrs j Ethel Gould. The degree raptatn. 1 Mrs. Many Nedtger. pelt on Tart dt t the degree work for Mrs. ASA.. ; WALTO'Ni Personals ; Mr. and Mrs. ,Toho C. Buchanan and Mrs. Ken Rae and fontly of Stratford, visited with Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Haolcwell; Mr. anti Mats. Don Grey, Stratford, with 1Mtenda Mane; Norman Spates. lta8 1alten a poattion with Frank Kirkby, nonIrecntm'; Mr. and Mrs N. Gill end son, and Mrs Gill sr., of Mon9001. with Mr. ant Airs. Frantz i 1 111,7, SPECKLED TROUT SAESON OPEN MAV 1st The Onttnrin 115113ng eeebnn for speokie4 trout epeshs May 1st, 00 Tiuursdey, 14 runs until Sept: 191ih. The same dated apply to brown, ratnboWee eat era end tiatntloans trout. INTERIOR DECORATING Best of Materials — Paper and Paint Supplied.. Prompt and Efficient Service W. G. TUCKER Phone 90 Brnssels On • r. r• %e'T r 1ST r., :VAr,Nrrr Rev. Mr. Fulton is attending the Presbyterian Synod which isbeing held to Sarnia this week. * * * Miss Doreen Long is in Clinton hospital where she underwent an appendectomy last Saturday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. Busohldn and daughter, Karen, Mitchell, were week -end visitors with Brussels friends. * * * Mr. K. L. Ashton has 1esumed 1 teething this week after remold -1 lug front am operaltion during the fleeter vacation. I * * * Sirs. William Gander of Charing Cross, has returned home after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs: Harold Kerney. * * Mrs. Chester Rlintttnl and Miss 1 Wanda Rintoel of Galt, were 'week- end vtaitere at the home of the j Simmer pa0'ents Mr, and Mrs. E. Pollard. * * * Mr, and She, Ray Fear, Mr. and Airs. Fred Pepper and Airs. Many Sperling all of Clinton, were Sunday visitors tvitb Mr. and Airs. Herb. Manning. A visttar 4o tbe village et.tended 1 thumb and afterwards a resident naked hem whet he thought of the service, , "T liked the service very meets" i said the visitor, "but 0115 thing i uezle 1 rite; wvlhy ltd the congrega- tion hurry out so quickly atter the Bena'diettoe 7" "Wets." lite native replied, "the sexton makes them leave tlheir umbrellas In the porch, and those who set out lane haven't melt of a choke." From the "BLUE BOOK" of Famous Trains LIVING-ROO ariof Canadian National's smart bedrooin-buffet'Maut can worlds the charm and informality of yaw awe living -rood la lease friendly surroundin;.: you an read, chat cc watch the landscape through broad pittlaaaa windows. At sight yea will elesp restfully la )latae' own privets MOM Howavet you travel, is liosutge car, sleeper, drawing moat to coach — anywhere, anytime, enkCanadian NadoeaL R it pitr You'll enjoy, too, Maytag at Canadian National hotels — they're conveniently lowed in t�llelea from coast to coat. iter r strsvdi'ws wsJ lefe tseNow rotordisg your btwitwrw awns Neatens arrive[ t.e*dt, see, write or pbost yosr l.aa Canadian National Passenger Aria: CANADIAN NATIONAL SHI ONLY RAILWAY IIURVINO ALL f8N PROVINCIS