HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-4-23, Page 61
. .0
. 4
0 -Snorting gesturee, in which Ibis column
is primarily intereeted, act the sports scene,
That' e traditional. There'll be many of them
thin year, gs in every other year. Alpaca
and profeasional *port will both contribute t
their quota,
But at year-end, we doubt .if you'll find
one to excel, in its spontaneous spirit, that developed in Montreal,
before a fanatic hockey crowd, one night last January,
You'll require a bit of bacIrground, perhaps, to more fully
appreciate this. Maurice (Tbe Rocket) Richard, is the idol of
Montreal sportdom. What Babe Ruth and Christy Mathewson
were to baseball: what Lionel Coacher, Red Grange and Jim
Thorpe were to football, the Racket is to Montreal's vast hockey
public, pies, That January night, Canadiens were playing one of
their bitterest rivals, the powerful Detroit Red Wings, and as an
additional attraction, if one was needed, Richard the Rocket was
to receive the award in recognition of being the Hockey Player
of 1951, so selected by and for an American magazine devoted to
So it was, in reality, a Richard night, a Richard crowd, come
to pay homage to an idol. But unbelievably, because of one spon-
taneous sporting gesture the whole ehow was stolen by Richard's
arch-enerny of the National League right-wing ice lanes, quiet,
hard -shooting young Gordie Howe of the Wings, who just then
was battling Richard tooth and nail for the N.H,L, scoring lead.
It waen't that Richard, unable to play because of injury, and
clad in civvies, didn't get a great ovation when he stepped out on
the rubber runway, while players of Red Wings and Oanadicnst
stretched in a line across! the ice pounded on the ice with their
sticks to make their own contribution to the occasion. It wasn't
• that Mayor Houde, g master -craftsman of words in such events
didn't speak with eloquence. All that went smoothly as per routine
• schedule.
When the presentation was finished, and Richard had marched
back to the promenade and. was just about to disappear into the
crowd,. Howe suddenly skated. away from his position, wheeled
over, and called out, "Hey, Rocketl" When Richard turned,
Howe doffed his glove extended his hand, and the two rivals for
top goal -getting honors in the National Hockey League shook
hands warnaly.
It was a sort of genuinely unrehearsed spontaneous gesture
that caught the big crowd completely by sermase. Montreal crowds
are appreciative of dramatic moments and color in sport, and they
felt, rightly, that here was one of them. For a few seconds there
eyal stunned silence, Thr eta crowd whq had come to eheel the
Racketa. hblasted out underous roar thet even exceeded the
waernth-•with whIch Ric ard bad been received1 because this Cheer
was, Loran eVent unexpected. It was a cheer unreh'ear,sed, and
theroughly, warnily genuine.
Before young Howe skated quietly back to his right wing
position, a press photographer asked him to shake hands again
with Richard, but Howe, no actor, had already contributed a
sincere gesture, and was in no snood to add any studied theatrical
touch and trhook his head smilingly; '
And after that, he went on to core the 'goal that put him.
even with the ailing Richard. And the pro-Canadien _crowd cheered
him again, even for that,
Your comments pnd suggestions for this column will be welcomed
yk Inner Ferguson, eilo Culvert House, 431 Yong* St., Toronto.
Although our personal angling
tit pretty much confined to the
fish and chip shops and St. Law-
rence Market, what with the trout
season just about to open, there
doesn't seem any reason why we
shouldn't devote a bit of space to
She sport piscatorial. And, speak-
ing of Se Lawrence Market-To-
WOMO-Veri might as well tell about
featly furniy incident that occur-
ied down there.
* 95
Sid Perkins is the name of
very large sea -food stand down
there and overhead is a large sign
. • reading "IF IT SWIMS WE
SELL IT." One afternoon a
gentleman, slightly bemused by
the grape, stood reading the sign.
"Does that thing mean what it
says?" he demanded of the pro-
prietor, "It certainly does," replied
• the latter.
"O.K.." said. the inebriated one,
"tipst bring me Esther Williams."
• i
*According to Bob Turnbull, who
should knee; -.what he writes about,
•, ear Department of Lands and For-
ests is considering some changes
In the legal lengths for game fish
and in the method of determining
said lengths.
* * *
As things stand now it is pro-
per to measure a fish from the
tip of the nose to the base of the
tail fork. What they are consider-
ing now is the adoption of a new
method to measure front the tip
of the nose (awe closed) to the
tife.of the tail, with the lobes of the
latter held together to give the
maximum strength.
* *
Legal length limits might then
become 11 inches (now 10) for
smallmouth and largemouth bass;
15 inches (now 13) for walleyes;
32 inches (now 30) for muskies;
trout -speckled, brown, rainbow
and Aurora -to remain at 7 inches,
since these have more or less
square tails. Kamloops, a spring
spawner, now also 7 inches, may
be raised to 12.
Most anglers will applaud such
changes. In Otnario we have been
over -generous to the angler in the
foregoing respects. Many would
like to see trout raised to 9 or 10
inches, bass to 12, for anything
under these sizes isn't worth keep-
Score 10 points for each correct answer in ,the first six.questions:
1. A facade is a:
•e -Front of a building --Kind of food -Fish -
,• animal,
2. Generie 13.1irkotateevias'ea 13;4ish offiar ahathe:
-Boer War --Boxer Rebellion
-American Revolution ; -Wifld War II
3. The auther qf the novel Yana Ettre Was:
-- t " • • 1
Emily Dickinson - orothy Parket, ' -Etiii4 Poe r
-Charlotte. Bronte
4. Who said, "Tbere's one born every Minute?" •
-Papa Dionne, -Gearge Drew P. T. Barnue
-1Iet. C. b. Howe
L. Alaska was discovered bir
-Dane ' -Englishman •-Norwegian
6. Which of the following is not en officiatelanguage of Switzerland
-Pr ends • -Italian• -German -Spanish
t. Listed below are four occupations and opposite thent, ituribted
are tools used in those jobs, Match them, searing 10 pointv rtr
each correct aeswer.
(A) physician -T,-square
• (B) machinist• --stethoscope
• (C) draftsman -mita box
(1)) carpenter --ealipers
Total your points. A. score of 0-20 is poor; 30.60, average; 70.815,
wearier; 90-100, very superior.
Doggy Playground -A little German girl readies her pet for a
treadmill "solo" cit a playground especially designed for canine
amusement in Frankfurt, Germany. Question is: Which rider Is
most amused, The park prbject is aimed at keeping dogs off the
r city's streets.
ing, but for the moment we're
happy to see a step in the right
direction being considered,
* *
There aresaid till be earriethirig
men on this continent -and most
of them are "rarin' to go." Some
of course, being bass, pike and
rnuskie speciklists merely markidg
time on the trout strewn, much to
the disgust of the brook, brown
and rainbow brotherhood, who
complain that they would be able
to enjoy more solitude and less
competition if the "outsiders" could
be eliminated.
* * *
The others retaliate by pointing
out that they would be able to
get better results from their min-
nows and Worms if the fly fisher-
men Were not moving up and
down the streams swishing Ilies, to
the peril of the eyes, ears and noses
of contereptative anglers.
High, cold and discolored waters
provide normal conditions for the
early anglers, and while they exer-
cise their prerogative by complain-
ing and by mouthing loud vows
to remain at home on next year's
opening, there is an increase rather
than a diminution in their numbers
from year to year. Anglers, like
taxes, are on the increase. In view
of the expanding fishing pressure,
many conservation agencies have
abandoned all hope of providing
enough trout to keep their legions
happy, and are content if they can
stock enough fish to provide tdkcn
sport. * *
Anglers are convinced, and some
ichthyologists back them up, that
trout do not begin active feeding
until the water temperatures hover
in the late 50's, and as opening
day temperatures usually linger in
the very early 40's, the results
usually' conform to the theories.
This argument will be settled in the
reasonably near future, for scien•
tints of the University of Califor.
nia are doing research on the
matter. * •
The scientists expect to find out
what happens in streams during
the cold -water periods, what fish
eat, If anything, during this period
and what insects are available in
the watery larder at this time, In
addition to settlittg the cold -water.
feeding dispute: the survey should
be able to work out a means of
regulating the insect populations
of streams, thus providing more
food for the fish. and, of equal
importance, more lith for the an
The spring freshets of the past
two seasons have done consider.
able herrn to the insect life in a
number of popular trout streams
The scouring of the stream bed,
the movement of rocks and the
deposits of silt, have resulted in
the decrease of great numbers of
insects that provide food for trout
and. ieeepiretien tor fly liesheanten,
-With the deetruettoit 'of these in
sects in the'larval and pupal forms.
the insect population of a stream
can be • affected fpr several
TrOuf ,16st 4through frneelier
call'be replaced:1)dt llieretetOctfil g
'Ineclele.4* 900 a ineohjem.' '
.1 hi, pi ularh titurtlially soK,
ed by a small irrOun .14 -1411514
vania anglers a kw jecerse.eag,u.
although is the process 0,01 this,
activity paasing motorists. were `e
convincediethey were le cloeeetrro
ximity tea gram of escapedelutte,
tics. Wjfen zine of the Small tram'
streame suffered from lack ef
•sect life, the group reale tome
etude "butterfly" nets, • converged
op t nearby sfreanr with abuedalit
insect life, and •gathered thousands
of flieu. The insects were fronds
°fled in closed trucks, transported
to the fly.harren stream, and re.
leasH1 ,eerre The results, in a few
wrrr tt hr.rir .1 ser he hielilt
Oriana Atkinson, clever wife of
Critic Arook e Alkinsen, accore-
r peeled lehr ettiebend thelSoviet
Union and, Teturned With a rather
jaundiced view of the situation.
She tells of meeting one Russian
girl who seemed very nervous and
• distraught. overtired," admitt-
ed the girl. "I've gone without sleep
for two whole nights rehearsing
for a spontarieous demonstration
He Was A Big Man
—So Were His Follies
• 'Irerything ,,that Whit Alcor
Wright did was A grand scale,
A singe of hills spoiled Whitaker'.
View from his bedroom window
neer Galelming, England, so they
had to fie removed,
One day he decided he would
llice an under -water ballroom.
Soon, there RI was, with a glue
roof so the goldfish in his quarter..
mile -long artificial lake could
watch the dancers below,
This was Whataker's Folly -
one of the most extravagant homes
built in England., It took 2,900
workers to put up the $2,352,000
house that could ,do credit to the
under -water ballroom.
Even when he was found guilty
of fraud in his stock exchange,
dealings and sentenced to seven
years in jail, Whitaker was equal
to the "occasion. He swallowed
cyanide and died 15 subsides after
sentence was pronounced.
That was in 1904.
-Today the auctioneer's men are
maiming. over Whitaker's Folly,
cataloguieg the contents for auc-
tion. The peesent owner, Sir John
• Leigh, can't afford to keep the 77
servants Whitaker planned on.
Whitaker Wriiht was a big man
in financial circles in the 1890's -
all 250 pounds oflhirn. He floated
compeniee like little boys float
paper boats. He fraternized with
the Prince of Wales, who became
Edward VIL
But the authorities finally caught
If it weren't for Wright's Folly,
his name would be all but for-,
gotten now.
•But wholcould forget a man wito,t
'built* ,74 -foot -long bridal
irooso, with piano, harp, zither, Chi-
nese gong and 40 -odd windows? Ofrz
the 32 bedrooms? Or the deer ark
closed in by a e300,000 stone wale
But soon auction customers will
"Who'll give me a bid on this,
fine, glass -walled, under -water bill-
iard room and cocktail bar?"
le .
1 Will Not Shut Up—Releasing a flow of choice turtle -talk, old
shell -back of the London zoo lets the keeper knoW that he's not
a bit pleased with that foot -high fence, around his dwelling 't
Lest 'We Perish
Another generation, not very far
in the past, remembered well these
words of the Savior from the 16th
chapter and 26th verse of St. Mat-
"For what is a Man profited, if
he shall gain the whole world, and
lose his own soul?"
Today that text is shortened by
many. It becomes:
"For what is a man profited?"
The intern. is in the profit. The
soul seems forgotten, or perhaps
just placed in a deep freeze. The
idea is that expendables are expen
Success is reckoned' in material
, t
things: in money, or social position
or political power, or even in here
edity "Ile comes of a good family,
-a %cry good family," is often
heard, The idea is to get "up them"
by whatever means and to stay "up
there" by whatever 'meatis.
Indoctrination begins early. Col
• lege athletics often become semi, -
professional at the best. 'The em
phasis is on winning -on having the
best team and most famous coach
-and there is no subterfuge which
11' TIM -at4mptdli" tirairici- th1.4..eitt1e
The Fever has even spread to the
high schools. Nor are sports the
only activity, affected. 1119 ectuear
, tional. .,ayste,refroyo,Ne1t student
ethediicerstaw fi,,,,,,iy, 0sYsielli
• ePoung; follow therb• d examtlie
of ietting' Iseelli4tThe , 4 )ti oWieder,e
' 4
While tills ie'gbitig:bi Irtlie good,
'of .thelr eldepa „, ' e,.,,
' eitizeieeand tlfeIpbd.ifei hbor lives il
hit Vida) liar* noticed except by
those who appreciate ...hie worth,
and they are few lo- the &theme of,..
'world hallyhpo. Good deeds &eel&
stintidde • liatirt,,,,,,Ildoteyesty,g011,onilorir,r4dccoitt:Itzel
when the tabulation int Amass te
The Washington scandals sheep 4
ed ,the • notion. But they did not
&Calf overnight. They took root
45 moral fabric decayed, They )il
flourished in the favorable amps- e,
phere of "whet's wrong with that?" 4
and "everybody'e doing it." And
the indignation which greeted the
disclosure of corruption will not
produce reforms unless there is
also a moral regeneration.,
"For what is a man profited, if
he shall gain the whole world,'and
• lose his own soul?"
The answer is the same as it was .
two millennia ago and as simple. If
the .people do' not went to perish; 1.
they must follow the precepts of
Christian morality.- Salt Lake Tri- ,
. buns. f
.--- - 1'
. • ,.
Limn McCarthy, who has broad- l'
cast the details of practically every i
important horse race in the past
decade, can' make the chillest event t
m the world sound exciting by his
rapidefire, staccato delivery. You I
can imagine the pitch to which he i
worked himself , when four horses l'
eanie into the stretch of one big l'
race absolutely neck and neck. A i.
. rank outsider won by anose, and
' wheo it WAS led into the winner's
eirclee McCarthy, limp with excite -
„ L
,ent, croaked into the miceophone,
"What a dayl What a dayl The
only one Who'fiain't gone absolute•.
.tx nuts is the, base."... ,,, •. .
ekt-Iliat” moinent, radio lietenera
heard a resounding etgetieeAeretiq'l
keown humorist grab11
and. hollered,,eH.ey, folks,'the horse
iit4 Irlifil .McCerthyl'l ,,, . ,
...,,,, T.,
1 0ti
rot of :i Seil,dirtg. 2L.AMer.
icon R evofu &M. ',314C hi.1 I rot t e -,Brame. 4- T.:ellitennin.,5-D'anel
6 -Spanish. "7,.....stethostope; (B)
calipers; 1C) T.scitrare; ?p,x. Mike
' ba*."e„, ,, ,
, e
uatiu oiliescs
110.00 VIRG 100 •
leer ehistre,' noweroxed. riniate, SSI„._ per 4,
100-4 welt tittlfet-Arleeett.‘'41I4aPox,0
week Math rimy wherein from 18100.
Order :ruin ed, alta emelt, Gott Miele;
erten. Galt, onturio.
81151011111.4PALL north mariret 1/11C011 do.
Inniti on Valk 11111411 • 01111/10. Prowl
e mollient on pullet*, steeled 155 1,0 old. .
Par cockerels or mixed. day olds und
started, order in advance. Dray nnichorv,
100 John No Hmilton,
WE'LL erntinue 10 mprove our OMEN,
ws can 057 honestly that there Lae
not been a single yea: In: all the 10 Veen
,• Italto been hatching woke when there
hem not been 001110 Improvement In Tour •
strum, Thorn wIlt ho more next year And
the 10.11 after. 'We Intrchatied over 4000
R.0.17. pedigreed ceelterele to use in OUr
mantes Otto row, It will pity you to
purchase TWeddle Binh Quality ahletra, •
whether your want them fOr tavern, remit.
ers, capons 01 401104.11. 4.1110 AMMO('
enleite, older pUllete, turkeY yobbo, Peen'
catalogue, .
Tweronme ranoet tiaioniditnat fern;
Fergus Ontario
000131-13ret-,location, at 'Pert Stanley..
Speeiallzbfg Preach Pries...MI Mune.
made leo cream. nos 737, 05. ionyyt,,
MEATS, Groceries.. StnaiiivarA, Goatee.
Romp.. Good weekly turnover. 2 living
repots in rear. Selling price 00,000, 111
health reason for "dolling. Uneaten on
Mato Street, Newmarket. 'ith»IYI A, • id,
Jarvis, Phone 10721 or 1,42.83V;
MBA poRD, op:TA itio
Old Eatabliehed hien's and -.Ladles' Wear
Business, ideated in ono of the best.
Mottoes sites in town. ,SbowIng good,
turnover and profit. Geed lease. Cosh and
tertno.....hthiphadipt Erskine,. Bon 200, Zett.'•
ford, I, Ontar40:1/1
e..overgei 5100 OLEANINO
HAVE yob; .14ed910.4elpr•TelpStn. ,
Inge TYPIR 'fO us for lifformation We
are glad to onovitet rout oneationo...De,
Partment Parkar'4•TIve7,9241.14
701 l'ongo SI . Terence
..1;1*Ps. 44.1:g0•7,
_ 011.5, GREASES,. TIROS
• s'aetStiIid rhitiiteherl" Electric Mown
Electrical Applianceo, RefrIgeratoro, Fast
Vrcepers, Allis m:tient, and Weed Grinders.
• Elobbiatiop Machinery Dealers wanted.
.. Write; %Tem (Iron tut ond Oil Limner'.
TOrdntd. ,
Pa.:111'4nd Service. 0,0.17 orders fillet)
Promptly, A large assortment of remit.
dttloried .motorcYcles reasonalde prices.
't Et) 'College Street: Toronto ,
tire mtitedine SEPTIC TANITS
s 204 gallon""sted tar. coated 127,00 cash
with order, Mao 'mocha ertvings Mon
000' to 500 gallons 401, and clays coated.
Limited stock underwriters label 200 gal.
*Palated oil tanks 548.01/ while they
inst. Wtite Aar Catalogue stainless enstng
Make, combinatlen laundry tray and mink.
streamline perecialn enamel laundry 506.
/Mowers, sterna. refrigerator., 011 burn-
ers. pressure srnteme. RECESSED BATH -
via 500.00, right or left hand drain
Lovely Martha Washington and Ride
ledge atathlese three piece bathroom eat.
white or goloured.. All shipments delivered
YoUr nearest railway station. S. v. Jobe.
son Plumbing Suppliee, Street/wine. Ore
lte-t :111TELLIOENrel
Give 2 to 4 itiblb.
spoons Aril. 81 a littlo
worm vi,istor to animal,
toles alleV. At deal.
ors' for Itiyaors.**•,'
1" itabber Buggy Tires. New Rubber,
80 eanut per foot. Old tires replaced,
52.00 each, Wash & Baker, Edmund
Street, Carleton Plan, Ontario, Phone
GENUINE Lonislana Cypress Knee Table
tempo Beautifully band finiehed Orlg•
Male. No two alike. Without !Outdo's.
ELK Pootal Note please. GEBRARDT,
000-13 Main, Pineville, Louisiana,
250040 brensted, bronze turkey' Doane,
April. Dfay, Juno hatch. Government
approved, LOOT. olean. Spruceroe Turkey
Farm, R. 8, Dunaville. Ontario,
READ THIS -Every sufferer of Rheumatic '
pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's
335 'Elgin • . OtloWa
41.25 F.,aptc;I trepoid
CRESS auenote 13/LL4'E--Yor amax.111[
relief, Your Druggist sells CRESS.
One, W011100. 44.1119 anOther. Take anemias
•••FE51110120 to help alleviate pain, die
tree. and nervous tentrion aesnciated with
monthly 101104,.
80.00 Petitintid In plain terarner.
880 jL,El1N T. EAST.,
-whii•a6iN ,3(5'1i!
"They'ee too biasecl,"..,
, • ,1:
'43ja4d6?1 1.
"';'eah, yoe know -bias An')
bias thatt„, e •
icgb „YQI) ely
jqiNIVIO4TgAg44g0m: 5171,
leeetereeteeee flirearn , brine free Vela.
5e044. ' • ' • '
•Ilepith- Prequels Ageoelee •
- .
0015288 AND GAi.I.0TI8143 REMOVED
PositivelY, rtpd 501515 57 "Myer', Corn
Reirt02c2c. eetiolereetion guaranteed. tend
1140 tor elem. And Saa b 878 !donning
r. tr,
nynoto, Toronto,) • • • .;
ANISH the torment nt My -eczema reeks.
9310 0000108 skin troubles. ?We Stemma
Solve Will not disappoint you.
sealing, burping eczema, 0005.
ringworm, plipplee 'and attileteie foot, will
(8001104 readnY 'to the otainicoe odoriees
rn or
0140bent,. 'regerdlees nt how etubbo
hopeless they seem
PRICE 15.50 PIM R TA •
Sent notti 1Yree no neeelpt of Price
0E19 8060,, qt lc Porn. of (Armor
BE A Hair .,.
401N CaArNmAiD0ApliL,LtrnAtiDyiNartli1.
Plattsant dignified profesolun. 1001 '08000,
Thousande of successful Marvel gr.:loathes
, marina', Greatest Outten,
Write or Call
illuetrated flatalorme trees
MARTEL 8A1111311100131140 001100518
000 Rinor St W., Toronto
44 ittno St., Hamilton
79 Rideall IL, (Mem
• 07,0 'Tobacco10ttlot0otpi. a scientism
treatrnebt - quialtly eta.° craving for
tobacco, rids the °yakm of nicotine.
King: PO. 'Pharmaceutical Cherelate tAl.
On(o). 1.0.' 130x 073, London, Ont.
'W'AttiC20ES REPAIRED, Pully guaran-
teed. Estimates free. Wholesale prime.
Perry, Zoom 10, Yong° Street Arcade,
Toronto: •
• Minieter: -Deaconese and Teachers.
Wholly TAblical, non-aectarian, Write
Kingdom ofHeaven Educational Inetitute
Inc., ma 'MOM. Mee 0."0.A.
NEW SECRET, Tobacco Habit Stopped,
Wen Information. Delancey, Plamontion,
74015010111 tiTtiCli
05011 1(1011, now, ,aatiming, rage of ;draw-
•' berry 'world. Huge berries,' trernertdous
TtIttegribrdelaerna speetor P0:111•12'aggi'410%!
0,501 Carden. Weston. Ontario,
491 OFFER to every Inventor-Liat or In.
ventions and toil information eent fres.
rtie Rambo). Co. Regletered Parent Atter.
r1011. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa
PETNERSTON13413011 & Company, Pre.
tent Solicitor., Establiehed 1800. 150
Say ,Street, Toronto booklet of Infronna.
lion on rectums
FOOL V001 friend.' Tour lettere remeDed
from California 205 each. Mudge for-
warded. 03.400 per month. California
IToune. Dot 1131. Dept. 11.. Long Beach.
STA5191 ELTING scientifically corrected.
Bookie, even 1011 information. Write
William, 1)9nnlAnn 541 1 Jere', Straet,
0051148RCE soecialiet rot:Mired -for Mod-
ern Rural High School., teaching CiTtalr
System Duties to begin Zettterninte 1.
1952. Excellent opportunity for qualified
ineciallst. Salary Scale, batted on exper-
ience, starts at 02.200. Send full portico.
tare with application tot I. Edward PerrY,
EMPervieor of School,, 1Cnowiton, Qesbett,
Wouldn't you like to jump out of bed
reefing fine?
Not cut to par? ... you may troffer from an
Upistt .system. If yaw sat eallettortted your
food any not digest freely,.. gatttbey bloat
, op your atm:each ... With.' fun eMd trperkle
1 mei:4511 toifte,fotigat) 11,213248 . :53
- vogOarispillieb114)1; you ettick-gi f from
oontiPatiotkianfrito.iildp promofe 0 flow
of digest:tile juirna.: Sot& yonll 'I that
happydelo arellefekbeldatmtks to Cortex's'
Why et4. sunk? Get iCeeter's Mile Liver
''..4111.1.. Alyyaly. bay: ?hem et:1mnd. firtly 80e
iSSDE 17 1952
i‘ , •••••, \79\
4- 't
ge y uYckiV4, '
quick way to getliFfn„../
tittuvat, s it good ?,Just,
t ARitirEs
- 0-