HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-4-23, Page 1THE BRUSSELS 1 POST PUBLISHING .HOUSE. Wednesday, April 23rd, 1952 $2,00 per Year - $2.50Uro 'u. A 3 -Act Comedy "Chintz Cottage 6y 1 ie Y, P. U. of Londesbor'o - - WIII be presented In ;,russets Town Hall on Friday, April 25th AT 8.16 P. M. Under the auspices of St. John's Ladles Guild ADMISSION ; ADULTS 50c, CHILDREN 25o A Play "Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick" In Ethel Twp. Hall on Friday, April 25th at 8.30 p. m. Under auspices of W. M. S. ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25c PROCLAMATION In Agreement�. '';lth neighbouring MunicIpalttie, the Council the 1Va')1age of Brussels Hereby Decrees that Daylight Saving Time ' come Into force on SUNDAY, APRIL 27th and remain In effect until Sunday, September 28th Signed, R. B. Cousins, Reeve. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN of AUCTION BALE - 2nd Annual Registered Ayrshire Sale to he held at Barrie Fair Grounds on Thursday, May 1st at 1 p. m. For catalogues write to Gordon Strath, Elmvale, Secretary, W. S. O'Neil Auctioneer. LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE Nightly at 7.30 p.m. Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. Fri. Sat. April 25-26 Randolph Scott, David Brian In A fast moving wester in Technlcotor "FORT WORTH" Mon. Tues. Wed. April 28-2940 Bob Hope, Hedy Uamarr in ',MY FAVOURITE SPY" TUESDAY FOTO•NT TE 1st OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFER $70.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. Thur. Frt. Sat. May 1-24 CLARK GABLE In a powerful outdoor drama "LONE STAR" COAL Order To -day -for your Neat Winter Needs. New Low Spring Price. Chestnut Stove and Alberta Expected Very Soon. PHONE 65i M. C. OLDFIELD 1"I Toyed when .to the ,house of God go up, they said to me." Paalm 122. . �7 AtraNeAttAles0 Melville Church Minister, Rev. W.H.Q. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Gass 11 a. m -Divine Worship Evening Worship -7 o'clock United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Morning Worship --11 o'clock The Fruit of Light (Auaroh school -22 o'clock. Evening Worship -7 o'clock Love is Life Church of England Perish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Karr - Raster. April 20th, 1962 First Sunday After Easter sista Jahn's Cheetah, *russets -- 11 a, m. Morning Prayer Sunday School tit. David's Churah. Hanfrya 2.30 P. en, .livening Prayer et. George,. Church, Wakes 7.30 p. m. leveeing Prayer MORRIS There passed away in Saginaw, Allele., on April 16th, Gideon. G. Hood in his 90th year. Mr. Hood was a son of the late Geo. and Mrs. Hood of Susnhine, Morris township, and w411 be remembered by many of the older folks. He was born in Ettrick, Selkjekshire, Scotland, Jan. 11, 1882. The family moved to Canada when he was a lad of eight. In 1894 he went to Saginaw, Mich. He was confined to bed for the past nine months and has been blind for the past two years. His only' child "Meanie"; Mrs. Jas. 0 Day passed away in January 1941, and his wife t ea eormer Lizzie Little of Morris, Twp., in Dec. 1943. He has since lived with a ,grandson and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 0 Day of 3062 Lapeer St., a brother Alex of North Branch, Mich., is the only surviving member of a tam' ily of ten. Mrs, .Tamps Michie in a nice and visited him two weeks before his passing. CRANBROOK _ The fifth meeting of the Cranbrook Cook Nook was held at the home Of Mrs. -Mac McIntosh on Saturday, April 19th. The meeting opened in the usual manner with Miss Doreen Menzies, president, pre- siding, The minutes were read by ' Helen Knight and the roll call was answered by all bhe girls with a picture of a supper dish. Salads were the main topic. Hveryone helped made cabbage salad, potato salad, a tossed salad and a relish plate. After the home assignment we had a salad lunch. The meeitleig was closed by singing, "God Same The, Queen.'t "VARIE`1•Y REVIEW" STAGE SHOW SMASH .HIT The presentation rof the stage ebow "Variety Review'' was greeted went entleuelastio approval, when it was presented in Brussels Town Hall for three nights, Thursday it played to a packed house and, Mon- day and Tuesday nights the per. formers again Laced capacity audiences. Warm words of praise were heaped upon the cast, Meade and comedy with beadutiful costumes and lighting effects amide it a stage above Haat was declared, splendid ententainanent '. Well worth see- ing 1 Divided into two parts, junior and senior, the junior show was delightful and brought 'a storm of melange for every number. The senior portion, replete with mesio of various types, lovely young ladies in beautiful gowns, cosfnme animb- ers, comedy, and a smelt chorus line, wee received with spontaneous enthusiasm. REST IN PEACE The motariet was busy shovelling snow from around his oar which had' slipped off a side road, when a etr'trrger hailed him, "Stuck in the snow?" he asked. "Oh, no," .the mortoriat barked, "My engine died here and I'm dig- ging a grave for It," Ken. Ashton's orchestra, conduct- ed, in his .unavoidable awbsence by Norman Hoover, provided appreci- ' aced members at various times, Mrs. H. Thomas, Mr. G. R.71np- bell, pianists for the junior and senior show respeotively, and Mre. R. W. Kennedy, under whose ddredt- ion, "Variety Review" was staged, were presented with gifts of ap- preciation for their work. Lion J. R. Armstrong, chairman of the group who sponsored ;the show assisted by Mae Myers, ,winsome little maid bt j the junior section, made bhe presen- tation on Tueaday intent, For the first part of the show, a junior review, David Kennedy made a capable piaster of ceremonies, and Mae Myers was the maid- Mrs. Harold Thomas was the pianist for the junior stars, Elaine Wood, Er- leue Wamsley, Lina Todd, Mar- garet MCCutoheon, Fred Stephen- son, Wayne Davison, Joan Thomas, Dorothy Sullivan, Catherine Leach, Susan Martin, Kathryn McTaggart, Ann Fulton, Pamela Porter, Evelyn Chisholm, Jean Jewell, Jim Edgar, Joan Johnston, Carol Lowry, Mary Beth Jewell, Frances Myers, Irene -REGENT THEATRE. Seaford), Ont. APRIL 24.25-26 "THREE GUYS NAME MIKE" Jane Wyman Van Johnson Three guys fail in Love with the one girl, fight oved her and Isar their jobs, You'll love this roman- tic comedy. APRIL 28.29.30 "CL1OSE TO MY HEART"' Ray Milland Gene Tierney A tender and compelling' drama fill- ed with vivid emotion. A true story of the joys and'hazards of adopting children. It will reach the hearts of all parents. - COMING -• "THE STRIP" BRUSSELS WOMAN 40INS "90'e" CLUB lndtiatlau Tao the "Oyer -Ninety 010" was on Wednesday of last week accorded to Mrs.' David, 0. Ross when she celebrated her 900 binbaday. She was the former Maeda Tone Ames, daughter of Semuei and Mary Forster Ames, born be Grey township. Of a family of eix brothers and 'five Ostlers, ' two sfsbera are still living. Mrs. Alex McAllister of Oaicv111e and Mrs, Joseph Durgin of Canton, Maine, She receivedher education in schools of Grey township and Brussels and as a young; woman taught school. She was married to David C. Ross on Sept, 16, 1884 and they enjoyed the Privilege of celebrating their sixty- fifth wedding anniversary, Mr. Tics died in September, 5e50. Per the happy occasion, a.11,, of Mrs. Ross' family of four daugters and fwo sons were present for a faintly dinner in her honour. They are Mrs, R. J. (Luella) McLaueh- lIn. and Miss Gertrude of Brussels. Mrs. Gifford (Doris) Swartman of Sioux Lookout, Mrs. Monro Blain of Toronto and Dr. George Ross of Winb'ham and Dr. Vernon, of Lon- don. She has seven grandchildren. During the afternoop, many friends and relatives calked to of- fer good wishes and congratula- tions to Mrs, Ross. Beautiful bou- quets of red roses and baskets of spring flowers had arrived at the home for her and she carried a nosegay of roses and sweet Peas. Messages of congratulations and cards of good wishes surrounded. the rooms. Mrs. Ross Is enjnying good health. MELVILLE YOUNG WOMEN'S GUILD • At the invitation of Mrs. W. Ful- ton, the Young Women's Guild of Melville Presbyterian Church held tate April meeting at the manse on Tuesday night, Mrs, S. Sweeney and Mrs, A. Higgins were in charge of the devotional part of the meeting. Jean Cardiff and Jean McFarlane contributed a duet, The president, Mrs. C. Krawter, conducted the bust - nese sesslon. All plans are complete and Etiaabebb..Myers, Jane Rana, for a Violet Tea in the school room Agneas Lane, Esther Smith, Lavarre ' of the Church on May 28, when and Dianne McNair, Audrey David- Mrs. J. Copeland, Cookeville, will son, Army Willis, Shirley Stephen- give a lecture on African violets son, Maureen Sullivan, Gloria teheir care and culture. ; Clarke, Lorraine Smith, Rochelle Wdneberg, and Mary Agnes Trig-( Mrs. Clara Robinson 1 gins. Delightful songs and dances Mrs. Cora (Speiran) Robinson, featured tbts part of the program formerly of Grey townshtj, died in ' and the costumes added greatly to Edmonton. the effect. Ten year old Mary Anne Two survive, it Baker. granddaughter of Mr. and ch. Mrs Joseph Baker gave a splendid Isbanl� (T�a) 'f�ndae,� ewan, and Berra, of 10dmonton. performance of a Russian dance dressed in a native costume. The second part of the review was given by an adult .cast with Walton C. Todd as master of cere- monies, and accompanied on the Marto by G. R. Campbell. The per- formance of the chorus line was fine and smooth and indicated a great deal of work and practice. Their attractire costumes of black satin were trimmed with sliver; and selves tiaras; and shoes completed their ensembles. Members of the chorus were Madalon Ryan, Gwen McCutcheon, Esther Raymond, Ger aldine Stretton, and Marie Elliott. The whole effect of the stage was• tine, evening dresses of every shade mingling in a ehimmering rainbow effect, •sill highlighted by lighting effects controlled by R. B, Cousins. Members of the dancing stars were Helen Johnston, Doreen Long, MarJje Bennett, Mshgaret Speer, Marie Storey, Tsabel Spell-, Betty Cxausfnsti Doris Pullman, Gordon ,Lane, Mary Lou McFarlane, B111 Ring, Graeme McDonald, Trane and Hedy Tomaezewslbt, 3,avrie and George Cousins, Murray Tiers, Bill end Rob Renee Ivan Campbell, Tan Matheson and Murray Leng. 1Tembers of the Lions Oiab, J 5. Armstrong, D. A. Rana, 1!. Thomas, A, B. Ailon,,It, W. I sandy, R. B, Cousins, S. McDonald, M. O. Oldfield and Wm. Martin provided comedy Beams and amusements during the Duals. Mural credit for the success of the show belongs to the ladies of the rostnme and decorating committees. Mao to Mals. R, Kelly make up artist Anti for lime of cosmetics. UNITED CHURCH W, A. The W. A. of the United 4lturoh suet on Tuesday evening, April 15th, at the home of Mre. A. Armstrong. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Armstrong in the absence of Mrs, R. 33, Cousins with Mrs, James Bryant at the piano, The meeting was opened by singing hymn 268 followed by Scripture reading Mark 16 1.11, by Miss Eva McCracken, Mre; P. McArthur lead 1n prayer. Minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer's report were read and adopted. The Good Cheer contmittee reported seven calls and one box sent. The next Lions Club supper will be looked after by the C's of the W. A, Mrs. R. ("auslns and Mrs, W. Bell were Chosen to represent the W. A, on the new 'Training School committee. The next meeting of the' W. A. is to be in charge of Misses McCracken, 'Wee. 1). N. McDonald, Mrs. T. Miller and Miss F. McNaughton.. This. -pari of the meeting closed by sinning hymn 406 followed by the Mizpale Benediction. A. social hour was enjoyed by contests arranged by Mrs. W. G. Learh followed by a dainty lunch provided by the Its of the W. A. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Armstrong for use of her home and also to the eommittee it efiaree. PEOPLE THE KNOW * * * Mr, and Mrs. Louis D. Thompson spent the Faster week with relatives in Toronto. * * * - Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Warwick and three sons of Owen Sound were Sunday visitors with relatives in town. * * *, Mrs. D. Plum returned home this week from Toronto where she spent bhe past month with her daughter Dr, Lois Plum, who injured her , back in a fail down hospital steps. i Dr. Plum has recovered sufficiently to• return to her duties at the hospital. * t * Mrs. Gifford Swartmau, of Sioux Lookout, and Mrs, R, M. .Blain. and Karen, of Toronto, spent a week with their mother, Mrs. D. 0. Ross, al the time of the 90th anniversary of her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Champion, London, also visited in Brussels for a few days to be present on that occasion. Chorus Line Featured BRUSSELS COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Idea. lcipel Council of the Village of Brussels was held on the above date. All members of Council were present. Minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted on motion of R. A. Bennett, seconded by J. H. Stretton, On motion of C. L Workman, seconded by A. McTaggart, the fol- lowing accounts were ordered paid; C. & G. Kreuter, repairs to Hall furnace $ 11.35 Brussels Hardware, relief fue 28,86 C. T. Davidson, fox bounty 2.00 G. R. Campbell. registration fees 15.50 Cordyear Tire, 214; in. hose 242.15 PruasMa Creamery, relief 8.80 Baker and Son. relief 18.73 W. E. Willis, relief 21.64 Brussels Co',cl Yard, relief and Hall fuel 78.96 A. H. Oakley, labor, street 25.35 Pearson Edwards and Co. Municipal Audit 251.62 W. E. Willis, cleaning supplies 1.54 A. Higgins, sanding roads and garbage 7.50 f1. A. Workman, streets 14,00 E. S. Gregg, hardware 1.98 B. Pease, labor, drains 4.00 County of Huron, indigent hoepjtalization 58.50 Brussels Hydro, street Ilgllting and Hall 114.58 R. W. Kennedy, ads and notices 4.50 Reeve Colleens reported the re- sult of an interview which had been held with Inspector Scott of the Provincial Police. concerning Police matters in general in the Village of Brussels, and also the advis- ability of the hiring of an egperiene- ed full :time Police Officer for the Village of Brussels. The Council felt that the hiring of such an Officer would be too much expense far the Village to under- take at present. However it was thought, Haat the meter could be investigated further, and dealt with at a later meeting. The Clerk was instructed to write letters to ewe persons who were renalug nuisances in the Village. warning that suitable action would he taken if conditions were not remedied. Ruslness of the meeting being concluded Connell adjourned on motion of C. L. Workmen, seconded by R. A. Bennett CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S CLINIC DEFERRED UNTIL MAY 21at Due ;to 'tits inability of savers, specialists to be in abtendance once tate earlier done, Huron Conner Crippled Children's Clinic will he held a fornight later, in Olintbouo• Wednesday, May 21. The main clinic will take Ida** In Huron County Health Unit, but the eye and speech section of the Clinic is scheduled for Wesley- Willis esleyWillis Yenned Church T;all, in order to ease the congestion in the Heaitib Unit. 0, H. Epps, Clinton, secretary,. Huron County Crippled Children's Survey; reported today that tote total 0:114PS to he dealt with at the Clinic will be 276, comprising 14.E orthopaedic.. 26 hearing, .eYee glut, and 46 speech, It will be recalled that in thea very secessful Clinic held at Clinton Two years ago, the total number of cases were 132 so theft apparently. the problem has en- larged daring the past two years, and parents becoming more acuter aware of the excellent service Pro- vided. The children undergoing treed - merit at the Clinic will range up to 19 years of age, but the Commiltete is anxious to hold down the limfd In 10 years, as far as possible. Huron County Crippled Children's; Committee met in. Huron County Health Unit. Clinton, to consider the various applieations. The survey and Clinic are being operated by the Committees under the sponsorship of the Ontaxba Society for Crippled Ctiildreee, Haran. County Health Met, and the ten Lions Clubs in Huron County - Bayfield. Blyth, Brus- sels. Clinton. Exeter, Goderjctt,. Howich, Seaforth, Wingham, thee - rich - as well as the Grand Bend& . club in Lambton County. Those requiring transportatfee to the Clinic an May 21 are re- quested to get in touch with members of the local Lions Club, which is co -sponsoring this worth- while effort, o• PUT CLOCKS HOUR AHEAD THIS SATURDAY NIGHT Brussel goes on Daylight Saving' or "feet" time at 12.01 a.m., Sunday,. April 27th, in other words, we make• the change as of Saturday at mid- night, so residents are reminded to net their clocks ahead one hoar upon retiri8g April 26th. If you don't you'll be an hour late for chulrch Sunday mornings as ,la° church services here will be on ear, Light saving time. in "Variety Review" A feature spilt In the stage ahOW "Varlet 'Review" held in the Brussels Town Hall, under the aatspices of the Brussels Lions (Rub in ald of welfare work. The chorus line shown here are. lett to right Marie Elliott, Esther Raymond, Madalon Ryan, Gowen Me0atchAtua, and Geraldine Stretton. The show played three nights to a laid house.