HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-4-16, Page 8-111116 THE BRUSSELS POST AtRittAtMOIleAVAVAVACNOliteMSVPWAttOWMAIVAVAIMAUMOStleMOWO For Pleasant Rooms Sunworthy Wall Paper The New Patterns and Colorings will give Glamour to your rooms. See the New Patterns — Right in Stock — No Waiting. Wall Paper Tool Kit — Special $2.25 Practical Tools for those who do their own papering. STATION 3r1' RUGG1TT sad SMITH Rexall Drug Store BRUSSELS. thsfl Phone 24 OOD'S Brussels, Ont. Made Measure Clothing Sae In appreciation of the great response to our recent sale of FLEET STREET and TIP TOP Tailors clothes, Tip Top Tailors are now repeating a new great reduction offer on some of their lines in Gabardine and Tropical Cloth's. You save a $10 hill on which ever line you choose. Cloths offered in this sale are reasonable and will tailor into very smart and serviceable Suits for 'LADIES and MEN. THIS OFFER UNTIL APRIL 22nd ONLY - READY TO WEAR FOR THE FAMILY AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF DRAPERY MATERIALS EXPECTED SOON. CRAN BROOK. Among the holiday visitors in and around the village were Misses Yvonne and Sue Noble, Hanover, with their grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Noble; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Parton and dauglrt'rs, and :lir. and Mrs'. Morgan Cameron, ell of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cameron: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, Thames- ` ville, at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Baker, and Mr. and Mrs. Art Nieholls, Broedbegen, with ! Miss E. M. stew). j 0Tj Mr. John Menary was able to Leave the Wjngham hospital and at present is wtith his sister, Mrs. Peter Baker. L McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE SHELLUBRICATION, SHELL HOUSEHOLD AND SHELL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DUNLOP TIRES Guaranteed repairs to all makes of cars and trucks Ports and Accessories. Austin Sales and Service PHONE 77r6 BRUSSELS, ONI. 1 q Call Now — Before Spring Rush Estimates Free Wallpaper Sold — 1952 Patterns Best of Paint and Varnishes Used The Decorator WALTER PRATT Walton Phone Brussels 48r9 For he MILKING HER Mia your grata witle • Purina Cow Ciao./ Sr plor.wt la Rieke a reel lbii mIlk-making ration- _ _•1'• PURINA COW CHOW FOR DRY COWS To help build dry ga calving g It oubleWS up for reduca and extra milk ahea;d. feed Purina Bulky.Lai and arta � half and half, BUI.IC 4AS i ltd OATft Brussels CPeanIery years, and considerable parts of the 200 acres are now ov'e'rgrown 1 with thorn brushes, some of them I so big that they prevent •the nese of a treeplanttng machine. If trees can be established on the tract, it should some day be an art- 11 tractive parcel of woodland. The Maitland River flows through the tract, dividing it into sections.. Planting is being done by the De- lkapetanent of Lands. ams Forests for 1 the county of 'Huron, with Zone I Forester Stuart Hamilton and Zone Foreman Ed. Moore in obarge ; of the worlc. PHONE 22 uRUGSKLsi BEGIN TREE PLANTING IN COUNTY FOREST TRACT I NEAR BRUSSELS Planting of lire Stevenson tract, a new part of She Huron County Forest, has started and is expected to continue for two weeks more. The tract comprises 200 acres in the Maitland valley, about three miles west of Brussels, and was bought by t'be county of Huron in 1 1960. The Stevenson tract is to be platted partly by hand labor and partly by a tree planting madhine. Titre land .was once in pasture, but has not been farmed tor some BRUSSELS FARM SUPPLY Full line of New (ase Tractors On Hand And Spring Implements 1 used No. 11 M. H. Spreader, like new 1 used Forage Blower 1 Milverton Hay and Straw Shredder 1 used John Deere 3 Bottom Plow 1 used Case Tractor Spreader on rubber 1 used 3 furrow 1 H. C. Plow, like new, on rubber 1 used 13 run I. H. C. Fertilizer Seed Drill, Tractor Hitch 1 used 1949 G. M. C. Truck 1 ton stake 30,000 miles, new rubber. 1-1938 Two ton Ford with good motor. Grass Seed It will pay to make us your headquarters for Grass Seed purchases. We have all lines and our prices are right. We have the best in permanent pastures at the cheapest prices. Also handle Lundy Fence Products and all lines of feed. Ethel PrOd uc Ethel, Ont. i,nd Bray's Produce at russela, Ont. IN MEMORIAM McCULLOTIGE—In laving memory of a dear Father and Grandfather Ernest McCullough, who passed suddenly away, one year ago, April 19th, 1951. He bid no one a last farewell, He said good-bye to none, The Heavenly gates were opened wide, He gently entered home. We often sit and think of yon, The things you used to say and do,. We wondered why you had to die, Without a chance to say good-bye, ;.Ever remembered by the McNeil famrBy. Jkis Start .nf,1oys 'Watchmakers Crn led iy ,,. ,...11.. 11.d1•n ,../11010 Don't Run the Risk of Losing Your Diamond Let us examine it Free and advise if it needs resetting. An expert repair job is a lot cheaper than replacing a lost diamond. W. G. LEACH Jeweller Watchmaker Brussels, Ont. mowitImmumma Machine Shop Now Open For Business Lathe Work Acetylene Welding Electric Welding Professional service in each line. Suitable equipment for all agricultural andindust- rial repairs. Two men at your service at all times. We sell and service the McCulloch, I. E. L. and Disston Chain Saws. Dealer for Dairy Milk Coolers GEO. E. POLLARD Phone 56r13 Brussels, Ont. DIAL 9a0 CFPL 7 DAYS A WEEK 12:25 Noon (Monday to Friday) STOCK MARKET REPORTS Wally Herbert reports from Easton Fisher Wednesday, April 16th, 1952 ..,.._.__ .•-'.�,........� .1..111.. .. brussels Farm Equipment USED EQUIPMENT M. H. 30 R. C. Tractor W. C. R. C. Allis Chalmers Tractor 22 M. H. St. Tractor Allis Chalmers Combine M. H. Manure Spreader No. 27 M. H. 12 ft. Combine No. 26 M. H. 10 ft. Combine Masssey-Harris Sales and Service J. W. Fischer, Manager Brussels Brussels Phone 55 PEOPLE WE KNOW NIr. diobent Armstrong of Erin is vdsi,tieg with his brother Mr, W. L, Armstrong... Mss: Betty Anderson, of North Bay, President. of Rebekah Assembly M. Ont., was the guest of Mr. and II Mrs. Jas. S. Armetnong during her official visit to this district, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Tibbo, Til- bury and itir, and Mrs. Robert Joyce and Miss Marie Joyce of Toronto were 'Laster guests with Jas. S. and Mrs, A'mstreng. Relatives from Toronto attending 1 the funeral of Mr. William McInnes C on Saturday were Mrs. Wes. Arm - 'strong, Mts. Glen Armstrong, Mrs. 1 1 om Armstrong, Mrs. Harold Arm - 1 etrong and Mrs. Allister Macrae. Murray Cameron, former Brussels boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. rack Cam- eron of Elmira, underwent a serious 1 operation in Victoria Hospital, Lon - I don: Murray ,has suffered several I years from a hip condition. The 1 operation is reported successful, li and, expecte to need the aid of 1 crutches for only a year. A. pleasant gathering took place at the home ?Sr. Ernest Dennis in Brussels on Saturday evening last, when members of his family held a surprise party in honour of his seventy-ninth birthday, His two sons, Hersey and Melville of Grey, and his two daughters, Mrs. Harold Thomas and Karl Neill of Wood• stock, were present with their families. • Of the fourteen grand' ehildren, ail were pre4enit except F.C. Charles Thomas now stationed In Claresholm, Alta. Four of the five great, grandchildren were able to be there also, Archie Dennis of Woodstock entertained with. guitar music. A delidllous lunch was ser vel, ineludtng a lovely bthtlbday cake with candles which had been made and decorated by Mrs Ray Durst and Miss Joan Thomas. , WINGHA•M MEMORIAL SHOP Always • large stock In CANe& Granites to Chose Mn, All modern machinery. famous tor Cemetery lettering a speslaly Artistic Memorials at very reasonable price R- A. SPOTTON Phone 256 — Wingham, Ont. WOOL T. T. JACKSON, Seaforth, Ontario Is now collecting wool for grading and sale on the "Co-operative Plan." SHIPPERS may obtain sacks and twine free of charge from him or his Licensed Operators. Canadian Co -Operative wool Grower. Limited 217 Bay Street Toronto BABY CHICKS Pullets and Cockerels Six Breeds Sussex Sussex x Red Cross Red x Rock Cross Rock x Leg. Cross Red's COVENEY'S Chick Hatchery Mitchell, Ont. PHONE 132 MARKET PRICES PAID P R DEAD STOCK - HORSES -CATTLE HOGS • rrt rrtipW. COW Cr GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Week - End Specials Misses Criskay Blouses in blue, green, pink mauve and white, sizes 12 and 20, _ ' Special $1.38 Misses Crepe Blouses, . long sleeves, lace - trim, sizes 12 - 20, Special $2.98 Nylons 60 gauge 15 Denier (Subs) Regular $1.95, Special $1.29 42 gauge Nylons (Subs) Regular $1.65 Special $1.00 Women's and Children's Rayon and Cotton Sockees — newest spring shades Special 25c and 29c 100 % Women's Nylon Blouses in mauve, blue, turquoise, white and lime, Sizes 14 - 20, Special $6.95 Men's Corduroy Reversible Sport -Jackets in wine, blue and green, sizes 36-44 Special $12.95 Boys 'Gabardine and ` Satin Lined Windbreakers, Sizes 26-34 - _ Special $5.95 Large Selection of Men's and Boys Gabardine Slacks, triple seams, Special $5.95 and $9.95 Just arrived -- large selection of Men's Sportshirts in Gabardine, Plaids, Checks and Rayon $2.98 up New Spring Shoes for the whole family At New Low Prices. Also Reduction of $2.00 pair on Work Boots THE ARCADE STORES Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Blyth, Ont. - - Brussels, Ont.