HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-4-16, Page 1USSEL O T PUBLISHING HOUSE A 3 -Act Comedy "Chintz Cottage" By the Y. P. U. of Londeseoro WII1 be presented In Brussels Town Hall on Friday, April 25th Under the auspices of St. John's Ladies Guild ADMISSION : ADULTS 50e, CHILDREN 25c Wednesday, April 16th, 1952 $2.00 per year - luso U. �8, A Play — "Granpa's Twin Sister" In Walton Community Hall on Thursday, April 24th Presented by Seaforth Junior Farmers and Junior Institutes Sponsored by Walton Y, P. U. ADMISSION 40c and 25c A Play "Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick" In Ethel Twp. Hall on Friday, April 25th at 8.30 p. m. Under auspices of W. M. S, ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25c Formal Dance In Cranbrook Comirmunity Hall Friday, April 18th Sponsored by the Hall Board Music by Ken. Wilbee's Orchestra Adm'ssion $2.00 couple Lunch will be served. NOTICE RESIDENTS OF HURON COUNTY Is accordancewith Section 14, Schedule "B" of tate Lobito health Act, — "no 7n•iety-vauslt, cese'pool, s septic flank or reservoir into whicb a privy, water closet, citable or sink Is drained shall be established until the approves of the Medical Officer of Health fs obtained" Appljeatiops for eny such install - aeon • shall he made to the Medical , Officer of Health. Huron County Health Unit, Clinton, Ontario. CARD OF THANKS. ' Mor sincere thanks is here given to ail those who expressed their empathy, in so mangy wayis at the .dime of the death of may brother. It was, all deeply appreciated. Mrs. Gordon McDowell. RUMMAGE SALE In Ethel Township Hall on SATURDAY, APRIL 19th At 210 P. M. Sponsored by the Boys and Girls Mission Band of Ethel United Church Lunch will be served. COAL Order To -day for your Next Winter Needs. New Low Spring Price. Chestnut Stove and Alberta Expected Very Soon. PHONE 68 M. C. OLDFIELD rilitViirMEMOWAMER Melville Church Minister, Nev. W.M.P. Pollen DI a. at. Benntay &hod sad Bible Oka 11 e. m.—Divine Worship Evening Worship -7 o'clock Tl T Church of England Perish of UrusssM Nov. J. H. Kori - Realer. April 20th, 1062 Djrst Sunday Atter Easter St. Joint% ChurchTVNS S • 11. a. m. Morning Prayer Sunday 6ehcoi St David's Church. Holten 2.30 p. m, ravening Prayer St George's Church,' Walton 7,36 p, m. Eiveeidng P•rai'or OP CANADA " Minister Rev. Andrew Lane wonbiP-11 e'cbock Tb Sweetmeat of Mardi Lord's Supper.r. nrdi 8eboo1-Z2 o'eloek. ve Eaijng Worship -7 o'clock he Parable• of The Talents. Every, member is urged to be preeeaat Sunday morning to "Do Me im feawmnbranc of Mel" United Church Morning 1 iIp 1 ogt,7 pJ s '9W EelUSSELS YOUTH SERIOUSLY INJURED 1' son of Me and Ait,l1, Willis, x Airs. W. 10. Willis, is in Sault Ste, Marto, Miele, hospital with sericite, ti,jtn1i1ii ae<srjived in an a(i01dent tlfat occurred on a Great Lakes' grain freighter on wleoh lie recently swilled, lIe suffered a broken heck and a broken arm, when Ile feel 40 feet though, an open hatch. The arm is .the same one Amble had broken several weeks ago while playing hnrkegy. Word received from the dootor In charge said hs his condit- ion would be critical for 50105 days but he anttjcipatted a .complete re- eoverp. Ardtluie's many friends hope for his complete recovery as rapidly as possible. • THE UNITED CHURCH Appropriate Easter messages and ntustc marked the services in the United Chturoh on. Sunday, April 13. The sermon subjects were, "God's Power" and "The Thnnra.us Way" Easter enfeeble were rendered by the ohoir and an Easter sato by Miss Mary Lane of Searboro, Mr. Deltoid V. Corbett of Brame-. ton presided at the console of the Hallman organ on demonstration for the day. On Monday evening, Mr. Corbett gave a rachial and again demonstra- ted the fine quality of the organ. Vocal numbers on the programme were, taro quentettes Messers, Thos. Pierce, 'Stanley Wheeler, Ross Strachan and Lloyd Wheeler, be- companted by Mrs. Ed, Martin, A duet by Mary .and Gordon. Lane. A star by Mary Lane. Miss Toyce Thomas gave a hutnoraus reading. Atter the recital the congregation met in the eohool ropm of the caned' for a social hour and to voice re- action en the organ, Atter discuas- ion and ckonstlderabton decided. to purchase' the tnstrnment. The ladles served sandwiches, rookies end coffee. CARD OF 'it•IANKS I Wish to express my sincere thanks to all the kind friends and neighbours wbo sent me treats and smokes and visited me duringemy Thiess. S•pe+etal thanks . to ,the Odd Fellows for their boxes, of treats.: Their kindness and under- sltatnding were deeply appreciated. AVM• Jack Willis. INCATICMAKA LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE Wed. Thur. April 16 - 17 James Mason, Ave Gardner In "PANDORA AND THE - FLYING DUTCHMAN" Technicolor MRS. R. W. STEPHENS ELECTED PRESIDENT OF MAJESTIC W. I. The April meeting of the Majestic W..1. was held in •the Library on Tlwnsd5ay S8ternoon with a good etitendantOe. The meeting opfned. with. the "Ode", followed by the Mary Stewart collect. The minutes of the Numb meeting were read by the secretary Mrs. J. G. Spear. Mns. Spehr gave the financial re- port showing a subdtai1tial balance, , A. report of the euchre parties was giveur. TI1e prizes, for the Music testevsal was lett over 3191 next meet- ing. Achievement day is to be at Clinton on Aprtil 15. Mrs. 0. Davis reported that 14 girls had completed the amuse, Transportation to Olin- , ton was sunanged. At tale May meet- j Ing the girls will give a demonstrat- ion of the work completed. Tche motto, "A community is like a athip, Everyone should he prepared to take the Helm," wee very care ably given by Miss Bessie loses. 1 "Balmy Birthday' was sung to three ' of our members. Fri. Sat. April 18 - 19 Allan Ladd, Mona Freeman in "BRANDED" Technicolor Sat. Mat. 2 p.m.—Eve. 7.30 p.m ' Mon. Tues. April 21 • 22 Lana Turner, Selo Plnza, , Marjorie Main, In "MR. IMPERIUM'1 Technicolor TUESDAY FOTO- NtrE 1st OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFER $70.00 MondayAttendance Cart. Iw¢t. Wed..- Thur. April 23 • 24 DOUBLE FEATURE Note—lsi performance at 7.00 p. m. Frank Sinatra, Esther Willieme, Gene Kelly In the Re -issue of "TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME (Tehnlcolor) Pius Adule Murphy, IMII Mauldin In "RED BADGE OF COURAGE" The roll call was answered by us i finding out who our Sunshine Sister lead been in the past year. It was a real Christmas feetivtal with gifts ! going in all ddredtions. Mrs. 13.. W. Stephens gave a reading entitled, I "The Rest Rooms of 'Tllsonherg". w•htph wtae .very appropriate in Brits - eels at this lime.. "Oven Meals" is to be given in. the Library this week.- Mrs: H. Spear quoted the prices ef the various sizes of flags. this was lett over for the May meeting to deride. The -reportsof the standing coan- mitteee were then given. Mrs. H. Spejr then took the chair and in- etalled the followinc slate of cffieere for 111,52.53. President Mrs, R. W. Stephens 1st Vice PressMrs. Carl Hemingway 2nd Vice Pres..... Alm. Will. Turnbuil See.-Treas. Mrs. J. G. Dpeir Disteire Director Mrs. Douglas Hemingway Pianist Mrs, D. Heningiwuy Branch Directors Mrs; Maier, Mrs. 0, Davis, Mrs. SL Cousins Auclitore .... Mrs. C Log, Mrs. A. Cardiff Press Reporter .,.. Mrs. W. J. Petrie Conon rs of Standing Committees: Agriculture and Canadian Industry Mils. Wm. Turnbull, Mrs, T. Wheeler Citizenship and Education ..., Mrs. A. lane, Mrs. W. Miller Comnrintlty Adtavities and Public Rehstions .... Mus. W. Evans, Mrs. Wes. Kerr Historical Research and Current Evenits ..,• Mre. A. Brown, Mrs. Lorne. Nichol Home Economic, and Healtb.,.,Mrs. K. Sherrie, Mrs. J. Brytane Resoluitions Mrs. H, Spelt* Sun:sbine Commtttbee .,.. Mitre Beth Hoover, Mrec C. Long Guest Book Mao. Earl Cudmore Mrs. C,. Davis was appointed as convener for to selenre lunchcoan- initteee for the dances, The Sane shine collection wee taken and the Meeting was dlesed wtji b singing, "God Save me Queen." A delicious,, lunch was serteed by Mrs. W. Turnbull, Mrs, ld, Willson, Mrs. 7. 'Wheeler, Mrs: M. Wtneberg and Mrs: 1C. Minnie. CARD OF THANKS We wish 00 express aur sincere tltantte to attr Mende end neighbours for their 'kindness during the illness of lieshnhd and farther, and for their sgempathy end floral tributes at: the lima of our sail heretta mie13t Hee, Win, McInnes And tdinder. ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT WELCOMED ESY-LQDGES The 1. 0. Q. F. Hall was the steene cif a pleweanl• gathering wllsn about 150 members of •bite Rebekah Lodges ,Oilman and Godencclt were 14115513_ of Morning Starr Ledge. Brussels for the official visit of Mre. Beatty Anderson, North Baty, Ontario AsseIublb' President and Mrs, Ade Armstrong. l). D, President of Dis- ta•iclt NO. 2.3, Visitors were, also Present from Teeswater, Wingham and Ripley. Officers of Hereina Lodge, Clete ten officially opened the meeting. With Miss Jessie fettle Noble terand of the Brussels Lodge Pre- siding. ro-siding. Mrs. Anderson Owes intro. deiced by Mrs. McDowell. Mrs Arniedtrong by Mee. Rann. and Mrs. , King of Teeswater. Asi.s+'smbly Pianist , by Mrs. Winnb"rg. They were officially detenmed by Mrs. Doreen McCreath. Miss. Anderson gave a splendid address. \Irs. Armstrong D. D. P., Mrs. King of Teeswater, Mrs. Patter- son of Ripley. Mrs. Bennett of Hingham and others spoke briefly. On behalf of the 3 lodges Mrs. Arnisbrong presented Mrs. Anderson with a gift anti on behalf of the local lodge Mrs. Lillian King pre- sented Mrs. Armstrong with a gift. Goderjoh Lodge exemplified the Degree in a. very capably. manner on two candidate's. A very delicious luntali was served at the rinse by members of Morning Star Lodge. William Robert McInnes .On Thursday, Aprjl 10th, Willieun Robert. McInnes. a life long resident of Grey township, enttee•ed`into rest in the Wingiiam General Hospital in his 73rd year. He was born an the 1401 concess- ion of Grey, the only son of the late Andrew and Jane 3iclnnes. Following his marriage on Tune 28th. 19/1 to Florence Armstrong of Brus- sels he toolt np residence on tat 22 concession 9, Grey. He was a faithful member et Knox Piefihytatilan, .Chechen , Ethel, and was ordained as a member of session of that church in 1025. He is sundved by his, wife, a deatgluter. Mrs. Stanley Fischer, . (Delta) of Grambrook, a son Stuart of Galt, four grandchildren, and one stater; Mraz James E. Brown. (Lizzie) of Rolls, 13. C. The funeral se1-1ace was held from the D. A. Rann funeral home, Brussels on Saturday, April 13tH, at 2 p, nt., with his minister Rev. Hyndnnan in charge of the service. Interment in the Brussels cemetery. 'Phe pa,bearers, vete m19nbers of Session: Stanley Dunbar, George Hutchinson, Ted Ridhards, Ross Cuntrlingham, Ross Stevenson, and Welland Kreuter. The floral tributes were carried by Arnold Noble, Ivan Fischer, Freennan Querengesser, Ronald l:rkmier. WINNERS OF FIRST.BAPMINTON TOURNAMENT HELP HERE The serene 1 wonners of the badminton tinirnatmlen t held un 1lednesdnesday, April 9th. were l.i:,l05 Pullman anti John Edgar vs. Luis Daddis and Oliver Riley. The final winner, Wert. Doris Palbnen :f rid John Tldgan'. elemental winners ,on 'Thnr•adey, April loth. were ,roan llryens and Thigh Pearson vs. Annette Willis ltd (libson Willie, The final winners were Annetta Willis and Gibson Willis. Micas, Doris Pulbrnan and John rehear •played off with Annette 'Willis and Gibson Willis for the ellean9rfenshjp. A.naierte and Gibson wan and received e box of chocolates. NOTICE — F,avestronghing, and steel roofing. For estlmatee Phone Brett 108 T: ek Nethery, nr 32r21 James Scott. Prompt and eonrteaus service, VISITS BRUSSELS Mists Ja'un Vatteteno Simpson paid a Long s111t1eiptibed visit to this village last. wetik. Mims Simpson i.. ntie, datightes• of 0111 late Added 1'anetone Munson. *nose parandts tvelle'among the 1111311 llSt1• lei's. Bey grandfather. William Venfaltnne, ran a grist nujll. tate re- mains of which can stall he found 00 the river bank a sheat diatance above the dein. Addle Vatietene, who metaled A. B. Simpson of Antigxmish, Nova Scotia, died in 1323. Mjetr Simpson who is:_ nurse on the staff of Sunnybraxrk hospitlal. Toronto. had lank wished to visit Brussels and the at•enes whicl1 were familiar to her mother and her grandparents. when they lived in the house near 'Victoria Park, n,ow octet:Med by Mrs. T. Miller Sr. •S11e contacted people whose nasties had long been known en her eel -tame she had n«ver be' fllt•e mel them. GARDEN CLUB The dost meeting ul: the Glialdger Club for the Iitiiesuts Area was held. a: the Library. i;iy'teen gishr w''53 ln•esentt. Viet4 . following were el ted to r:ffioo : 'Fo President Margarot Perrie Vire Pres. allege. lOteek Secretary Marton Heningwau.y Pianist Soan Wilson 13.0. T'iuni t Agnes Lane, • Pre.,, eeeutner .....,Joan Meehan I4 aa. decided to call' our club the"Brussels Busy Biddies". Vaal. member received their seeds atsft paaniihlets on Friday. April 11th. Pont Books Books n•ere dismissed and. it was derided to have our record Rook. yellow with green lettering. Our leader Tbelrnn Mahar aseisted by Mrs. Wilson dismissed the oh- jective of our ant) and What k expected of each gir1. Thelma Mater ser1•r d the girls with candy. then Stage Show 3 USSELS TOWN HALL THREE - BIG - NIGHTS THURSDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY April 17th April 21st April 22nd At 8.15 p. m. Sharp Music — Singing — Dancing — Comedy — Novelty Numbers — "Variety Review" — Junior Stars Elaine Wood, Eriene Wamsley, Linda Todd, Margaret McCutcheon, Fred Stephenson, Wayne Davison, Joan Thomas, Dorothy Sullivan, Catherine Leach, Susan Martin, Kathryn Mo. Taggart, -Ann Fulton, Pamela Porter, Evelyn Chisholm, Jean Jewell, Jim Edgar, Joan Johnston,' Carol Lowry, Mary Beth Jewell, Francis Myers, Irene Myers, Diane Myers, Jane Rann, Agnes Lane, Esther Smith, Elizabeth Myers, Joyce Thomas, Donald Edgar, Barbara Alien, Shells Porter, Lavarre McNair, •Audrey Davidson, Mary Willis, Shirley Stephenson, Maureen Sullivan, Gloria Clark, Loraine_ Smith, Rochelle Wineberg, Mary Agnes Higgins. MAID—MAE MYERS M. C. — DAVID KENNEDY PIANIST—MRS. H. THOMAS Senior Review agar.'CHORUS LINE Madalon Ryan, Gwen McCutcheon, Ether Raymond, Geraldine Stretton, Marie Elliott. STARS — Doreen Long, Marie Bennett, Margaret Spehr, Marie Storey, Isabel Spalr, Betty Cousins, Doris Pullman, Gordon Lane, Mary Lou McFarlane, BiDI King, Graeme M6 Donald, Irene and Hedy Tomaszewski, Lawrie Cousins, Murray Keyes, Bill Rann, Bob Rank Ivan Campbell, Geo. Cousins, Ian Matheson, Helen Johnston, Murray Long. LIONS — J. S. Armstrong, D. A. Rann, H. Thomas, H. B. Allen, R. W. Kennedy, R. Se Cousins, J. McDonald, W. Seep, M. C. Oldfied and Wm. Martin. M. C. — WALTON TODD PIANIST — 13. R. CAMPBELL KEN. ASHTON'S ORCHESTRA. Admission — Adults 50c, Children (under 12) 25c Sponsored by Brussels Lions Club in Aid of Welfare Work "14 £+: <: 1 i^i.tall :ry TEST THE The Big 12330" W.B., 105 h.p., Custom Dodge. Lowest -priced ear with Fluid - Drive. Also available with Dodge Gyro -Mahle tranemisalon at extra cost. The ideal family ears of the low-priced field. Smooth riding, roomy, economi- cal.Wheelbase Is 11831", engine power 97 hp, AMAZING NEW "ORIFLOW RIDE" AND THE MONEY -SAVING The Dodge "Hardtop" with glamorous now two-tone exterior and interior finish gives you the distinctive styling of a convertible co durabilityabined Fofhh a permanent steele convenience, s[ p. On n es 4f 11811" W.B. with 97 h.p. engine. The popular all -steel, all-purpose vehicles, with the comfort of a Sedan and immense e ` load-oarrying capacity. The Savoy is most k ' x inxuriously styled inside and out. Easy - handling 111" W.B., 97 11.p. engine. . .1161. DODGE OVERDRIVE. (Overdrive oval'Iablo of extra ELLIOTT MOTO S LTD. BRUSSELS, ONT.