HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-4-9, Page 8imicammssimillr THE BRUSSELS POST «x3 FOR EASTER SHOPPING WOOD'S FOR THE HAIR Phone 24 •– Brussel}, Ont. Pram .. $1.75 Toni 'Refills, $1.54 Ready To -Wear Hudnuts 85c Egg Creme Shampoo .. $1.25 REVLON Their latest "Paint the Town" Pink Lip Sticks , Nail Polish .. 65c Cutex Nail . Polish Remover 35c Hudnuts Refills •• $1,75 Shadow Wave .. $2.85 Roll Wave Hair Brushes $1.00 and up Bachelor Deodorant 55c Yardley's April Violets Cologne $1.85 — Talcum 75c and $1.50 Easter Candy — Betty Ann Chocolates A Super Assortment — 1 lb. Boxes $1.10 Peppy Chocolate Coated Mints 75c Chocolate -.Easter Eggs 5c and 10c You will enjoy seeing our display of Easter Goods, especially the beautiful Easter Cards priced at 5c, IOc, 15c and 25c each F. ,T® S ;0TH DRUGCAST STATIONER Rexed Drug Store ii' z fPHUNE Nei. -- BRUSSELS. tior -. MealeOlifiAteMMOSVM At DOG TAGS All owners of dogs are requested to purchase their Dog Tags from the Clerk G. R. Campbell. All dogs without proper tags by April 19th vill be destroyed. By order of the Chief of Police. W. H. Bell. 4f. BRUSSELS ARM SUPPLY Full line of New (ase Tractors On Hand ,gid Spring 'implements 1 used No. 11 M. H. Spreader, Iike new 1 used Forage Blower 1 Milverton Hay and Straw Shredder 1 used John Deere 3 Bottom Plow 1 used Case Tractor Spreader on rubber 1 used 3 furrow 1 H. C. Plow, like new, on rubber 1 used 13 run I. H. C. Fertilizer Seed Drill, Tractor Hitch 1 used 1949 G. M. C. Truck 1 ton stake 30,000 miles, new rubber. 1-1938 Two ton Ford with good motor. Grass Seed It will pay to make us your headquarters for Grass Seed purchases. We have all lines and our prices are right. We have the best in permanent pastures at the cheapest prices. Also handle Lundy Fence Products and all lines of feed. Ethel PrOduce Ethel, Ont. and Bray's Produce at Brussels, Ont. SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1 am now equipped to pump our your Septic Tank, also do all other kinds of pumping, such as flooded cellars etc. IRVIN COXAN Phone 75r4 Milverton, Ont. Why wait, pick out your Clothing Needs Now and enjoy them for Easter. The Racks are Full of Many Smart Styles for the Family. Thousands of Gift Articles including : Beautiful Lingerie, etc., and the incomparable Grandmere Sweaters. Boxed. t• Ai�°N5,+� �s. Ae a' Call Now = Before Spring Rush Estimates Free Wallpaper Sold — 1952 Patterns Best of Paint and Varnishes Used The Decorator WALTER PRATT Walton Phone Brussels 48r9 141, chi e R iota, I' oei'einesM Lathe Work Acetylene Welding Electric Welding Professional service in each line.Suitable equipment for all agricultural and indust- rial repairs. Two men at your service at all times. We sell and service the McCulloch, I. E. L. and Disston Chain Saws. GEO. E. POLLARD Phone 56r13 Brussels, Ont. Mar the ' MILKING HERD • Fr,�1•, a P cow Om, S.pplemeatt. ,.aka a real 14% mfik•maklat rattan. PURINA (OW CHOW F DRY COWS To help build dry cowaupforreduced calving Itroublos and extra milk ahead, feed Purina BuliiyLae and oats —half and half! auu .us BULKY -LAS and OATS Brussels Creamery Busse1s Farm Equipment USED EQUIPMENT M. H. 30 R, C. Tractor W. C. R. C. Allis Chalmers Tractor 22 M. H. St. T.ractor Allis Chalmers Combine M. H. Manure Spreader No. 27 M. H. 12 ft. Combine No. 26 M H. 10 ft. Combine Masssey-Harris Sales and Service J. W. Fischer, Manager Brussels PHONE 22 BRUSSEL, Essisalassesasasamstuanwessasinosstssmawssuussom v,..„„,,, WINGHA114 MEtVMOR}AL SHOP Always a large stock In Choicest Granites to Chose from All modern machinery. famous for Cemetery lettering a specialty Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. R. A. SPOTTON Phone 2Ss — Winghatn, Oat. I SLURRY SEED TREATMENT SERVICE This new, highly efficient seed -treating method uses a solution or slurry which assures excellent, uniform coverage of seed with disinfectant ... yet adds less than half of 1% moisture to the seed. Seed Treatment is low-cost crop insurance Seed Treatment protects grain against smuts, seedling blight, root rot. It kills smut on seeds and protects against soil -borne diseases—but does not weaken gertni. notion. See the Gustafson Slurry Treater at work Next time you're in town, drop in and see our new Slurry Seed Treater at work. Tt's a smart piece of maeJiine y, We'll he glad to answer any questions show you how Slurry Seed Treatment Service can save you money and time. We .use CERESAN .M the most widely used seed disinfectant in Canada 000000 JMF-C, ADAMS & SON Brussels, Ontario NOTICE — 21oor sanding and finishing, also carpentry. Prompt service guaran- teed. Apply to A. Green, Phone 484w, Win.gham WOOL T. T. JACKSON, Seaforth, Ontario is now collecting wool for grading; and sale on the "co-operative Plan." i SHIPPERS may obtain seeks and i twine ,free of oharge from him or . his Licensed Operators. Canadian co-operative Wool Growers Limited 1} 217 Bay Street Toronto I .-�, —_ 1 1 AUCTION SALE iI Auction Sale of Household ENecte= l In the Village of Brussels on ISATURDAY, APRIL 12th at 1 P. KJ Chesterfield and chair I Sofa bed, chest of drawers 1 2 small tables, 1 3 piece Mahogany bedroom snit' I 1 corner cupboard # 2 single beds complete Kitchen table and chairs Two heaters (coal or wood) Coal oil heater, Brooder stove Kitchen stove„ Hall tree 2 cots with mattresses Kitchen cabinet Sewing marline, sealers Canned fruit and vegetables Garden hose, wheelbarrow Garden tools, garden cultivator Lawn mower, floor lamps Table lamp, dishes This 6 x 9, Congoleum rug 6 x 11 Mats, bedding, step ladder Daisy glass churn Wash boiler, 2 tubs, 1 wash stand Small Daisy Churn 2 rain shelters, Vacuuum cleaner TERMS CASH Mrs. L. Aldworth, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auotloneer. BABY CHICKS Pullets and Cockerels Six Breeds Sussex Sussex x Red Cross Red x Rock Cross Rock x Leg. Cross Reds COVEN.EY'S Chick Hatchery Mitchell, Ont. PHONE 132 Brussels Phone 55 WORKSHOES:' I have them in leather; •cork; panco or panoline soles; light shoes, heavy shoes; built in arch support shoes, for stout feet or narrow feet. In prices ranging from $5.95 and $6.50 for economy shoes to $10.95 for army- pattern- shoes with an extra half sole and heel and toe plates. Come inlet me fit you with a pair. The boys are not. forgotten I have Oxfords and Shoes from 11's up to 51/, — $4.50and up. Plastic Gauntlets for the Trapper — $1.50 pair. Let Armitages help you with your Spring Cleaning. Kindly have them in by Tuesday noon. - Dent9s Shoe Kepair_ Brussels, Ont. SHOP and SAVE for EASTER Women's and Misses' Shorty Coats in the latest styles — $22.95 up Wornens and Misses' Suits in Gabardine, Pic -n -Pic, and Flannel Worsted, Sizes 12 - 42 — $32.95 up. Women's Nylon Blouses — $4.95 up. Nylon, first quality, full fashioned — $1.29 up Young Men's Slacks with triple seams, drop -loops in Gabardine, Pic -n -Pic, and Sharkskins — $9.95 up., Young Men's reversible two-way Wind breakers, Corduroy on one side, Sharskin on the other, in blue, wine and green $12.95 Menta Gabardine Topcoats — $24.95 Mens, Young Men's and Boys New Spring Suits — Now in Stock Shoes for the whole family in the New Spring Styles at Low Prices. THE ARCADE STORES t+r�... Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Blyth, Ont. — Brussels, Ont.