The Brussels Post, 1952-3-26, Page 1TRUSSELS 'POST ,FUST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wennesday, March 26th, 1952 $2.00 per year - $2.50 Ua 1•> H, M. 5, PINAFORE PRESENTED BY HURONIA MALE CHOIR In Blyth Memorial Hall on Tuesday, April 8th. at 8.15 P. M. Sponsored by Huron Young People's Executive of the United Church of Canada Reserved $eat Tickets at 75c each from Lawrie Cousins, Brussels. An Invitation What ? Case Farm Power Meeting The proper use of Labor Saving Machinery can easily make the difference between profit or loss In your farm operations. Come and learn about some Advanced Farm Practices which can help you reduce crop costs. Selection of Farm Machinery, Making Quality 'Hay, Soil Conservation and other subjects will be discussed. SOUND MOVIES AND SLIDE FILMS Where ? -Brussels Town Hall When ? Thursday, April 3rd, 8.30 P. M. Come — Bring Your Family and Friends TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the• underedgned up until 8 p. m:, April 7th for bhe contract of re -decorating the Morris Township Hall inside and out. Contract to be completed by the end of May. Lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. TENDERS WANTED — Tenders for the spraying of Cattle foo Warble Fly in the Town- ship of Grey, will be received by the undersigned until eight P. M., March 12th. State price per head per spray. • Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk. NOTICE — The Council of the Township of Grey will receive tenders for the work to be done .on the Lynton Quipp, Buttery, and MoNemght Drains until Saturday, April 6th, at 2 p. in.. Plana and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Ethel. Security will be required. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk. TENDERS WANTED — Tenders will be received by the undersigned for crushing and haul- ins 18,000 cubic yards or more of gravel to any place in the Township of Grey. Crusher to be equipped with 3.4 inch screen. A marked cheque for $300. must accompany each tender. Tenders to be in by 3 p. an., April eth, 1952. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk. Melville Church Minister, Rev. W.H.F.. Fulton 10 a- m. -Sunday School and Bible Olana 11 a, m. Divine Worship 311vening Worship — 7 p. an. 1 4 Church of England Parish N Brussels Rev. J. 14. Ken — Renin The Fifth Sunday 3n Lent March 80th, 1962 St. Johne Chorea, firaaaale-- 11 e: m. Morning Preillt 8hndsy School Bt. David's Church. Hcnfrys 2.80 p. m, Welling bane iambi, lielt001 St. Georges Church, Welton 7.30 p. m. livening Prayer United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Morning Worship -11 o'clock Church SohOoi-12 o'clock, Evening Worship — 7 o'olook ^�-- She's Coming "Aunt Minnie From Minnesota" A Three Act Play put on by S. 5, No. 4 Grey Section In Ethel Township Hall on THURSDAY, APRIL.10, at 8.30 p.m. sponsored by the Evergreen Farm Forum in aid of Community Advancement Dancing to Wilbee's Orchestra Lunch Counter Admission — Adults 50c Children 25c HELEN RINTOUL RECEIVES CAP 'AT GALT GENERAL HOSPITAL Miss Helen Rirutoul, iaursein training, daughter of Mrs, Rintaui and the late Chester IL1ntoul, of Brussels, reee4ved her nap in. an impressive cawing ceremony at the •• Galt General Hospital on March 19th, Itelen was one of eight prospective nurses, the class of '54, who reach- ed the highlight in their career, Each of the girls was presented ar pert of the ceremony, with white, leather covered New. Testaments. TEEN -TOWN DANCE • On Saturday night, March 22nd, the bi-weekly meeting of Brussels Teen Town was held, with a good crowd of teen-agers in attendance, 07 now applied for membership, 51 , of them on Saturday. Singing games, relays and a variety of t dances were enjoyed by all. They included square dances, shoe dance, waltzes, French minuet and snow- ball dance. Winners at the elinin- anon dance were Mrs. Porter and Fred Campbell. The orchestra con- sisted of MT. and Mrs. George Evans, Mr. McNair, Mr, Noble and MT. Wesenberg, Next party will be Friday, April 4th. UNITED CHURCH W. A. The Woman's Association of Brus- sels United Church met at the home of Mrs. A. Armstrong on Tuesday evening. Mrs. R. B. Cousin pre- sided 'and Mrs, J. Bryans was pian- , ist. Scripture was read by Mra. S. Wheeler. and sentence prayers were offered. led by Miss Carrie Hingston. Ij In the absence of the secretary, Miss C. McCracken. Mrs. J. Bryan read the minutest and the treasur- er's report was given by Mrs. W. Bell. Ways and means of- raising money were discussed, but nothing definite was decided. A social hour was enjoyed. A singsong wes led by Miss C. Hingston; Mrs. J. Bryan told the legend of St. Patrick; Mrs. Dean Davison nontribuied two Trish solos; Miss Princeton gave a reading oh St. Patrick's birthday; and there were contests for all Lunch was served by Miss Hing Ston, Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Cousins. CART) OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends, for their kindness and sympathy in our recent bereave- ment. The Ritchie Family. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take - this opportunity to,/ gond friends and neighbours, who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers and treats, while I was in Wingham Hospital and -shut - 1n ant home, Special thanks to Rev. Lane and Dr. Myers, and to the hospital staff. It will always be re- membered; Fred Stephenson REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. March 27-28.29 "HALLS OF MONTEZUMA Richard Wlldmark Walter Potence Ulrst show starts at 7 p. m. The great story of the war In the Pacific. The unsung heroes of World War II who fought to the last fox hole. LIONS ENTERTAIN FARM FRIENDS Monday -- night was "Farmers Night" at the local 'Lions Club. Each member had as his guest a farmer. Guest speaker for •the occasion was Bob Ca.rbert, farm editor of C,K.N.X. Wingham, who gave an interesting and enlightening address on the subject, "What Is Happening To Agriculture Now and In The Future." Lion Graeme McDonald entertain- ed with a vocal solo, with Lion L. D. Thompson at the piano. A musi- cal number was contributed by Lion Selwyn Baker and Orval Harrison on the banjo was 'well received. Lion president, Wm. Turnbull turned the meeting over to Lion Harvey Johnston who is chairman of the Lions Agricultural committee, Lion D. M. MacTavish read the roll call and minutes of the last meeting. Lion W. l'odd reported on preparation made for the Lion Chrb Carnival to ,be held on June 2.7th and 28th, and distributed ehe tickets for the draw on the Chm ear and refrigerator. Ladies Night was planned for on April 7th. The draw was made for the $50. prize and, was won by Stewart Grant of Teeswater. The regular draw won by Harold Keys. Lion Tauter, A. Wood led in sing- ing and Lion Tail Twister Jas. S. A1'mstirong enlivened the meeting in his capacity of collecting rev- enue. The rooster, given into the rare of a member of the club who was not in attendance at the pre- vious meeting added to the fun by escaping from his crate and mingling at will with the members and their guests. The bounteous supper was served 11y the ladles of St. John's Church. A.V. OW cs'WOOt AV LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE Mar, 31, April 1-2 ' Technlclor "BRIGHT VICTORY" Arthur Kennedy Peggy Dow The sightless men are trained at Valley Forge Hospital .to become useful oltlztens. It's tense drama with deep touching romance. April 945 Technicolor "FLAME OF ARABY" Maureen O'Hara Jeff Chandler The desert drums beat ort their rhythm of romance as all Araby. cheers. Upon winning the care he claims the princeao as hie bride. Wed. Thur. Fri. March 26.27..28 James Masan. in "THE DESERT FOX" Saturday ONLY March 29th DOUBLE FEATURE Jim Bannon, Little Beaver In "RIDE, RIDE, RIDE" Clnecolor plus Leo Gorcey, Peneva Grey • in "ANGELS ALLEY" Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. ---Eve. 7:30 p.ae LARGE AUDIENCE NEARS LISTOWEL CHOIR The goncea't in Melville Presbyter - Jan . Clrrrch here last Wednesday night, featuring the. Lorne Willits Radio Choir from Listowel, was a treat for music lovers. It was under 1 the auspices of the Harmony Chub, and attracted a .large number from i this community end from outalde Paints. There wee a varied pro gram of, vocal music, the 8o1oiat being Mies Marie McCallum, Miss Evelyn, Middleton, Carl Sties, Cyr11 Bamford, and Joe Leathern, Mr. i. Willits played organ solos as well as j organ and piano selecHons with Miss ! Margaret Wearring, After the con-, cert. lunch wes served to the choir by the men -there of the cinab. SUCCESSFUL CARD PARTIES HELD BY BRUSSELS W. 1. Tho first euchre panty sponsored by the Majestic Women's Institute was held in the Town Hall, with 27 tables in play. Mrs. M. Wineberg made a cake on which tickets were sold and realized $8.00. Mrs. Robt. Gemmell won the lucky draw. Priz- , es for euchne went to James Turn- 1 bull and to Mrs. Alvin McDonald of Walton. Mrs. Wesley Kerr won the , lulcky chair prize. Luacb was ser- ved, The second euchre card party was held on Friday night. Prizes went to Mrs. J. Brewer and Ross Nichol. The lucky chair prize to Ma's. Emerson Mitchell. Tickets were sold on ft chocolate cake. made by Mrs. E. Cudmore and $12 was realized. The lucky draw went to Mr. Jack Maier, Tlhe proceeds of these panties are given to help in- stall washrooms in the town hall. NOTICE — Meeting of Directors of the East Huron Agri. Society will be held in the Libary at 8.30 on Monday, Mar. 31st. Please attend anyone else in- terested will be welcome. Geo, Wesenburg, Sec, PERSONNEL OF R. C. A. F. STATION CLINTON, TO HAVE "AIR" SHOW Plans have been laid to start a series of programs over OKNX, Wingham, . in which personnel of R. C. A. F. Station, Clinton will be featured. The program will, continue for 13 weeks and personnel from all across Canada who are stationed at Clinton, will participate. It will feature singers and instrumentalists, and even the show's announcer will be an airman. He is FH., Sgt. Art Combs. Art was auditioned. by the program's producer, Bob Clank, and was found most suitable for the job. Other key figures in the produrt- ton fn the &haw, which will carry the title "Your Air Force Review:' are Sgt. Frank Hammon, who has been annotated musical director for the series, LAC Dick Ward and. Sgt. Fred Barcley have been appointed as liason personnel for the radio station to audition talent at the Clinton school. The program is recorded each Wednesday afternoon In the station theatre, and already Munk enthusiasm has been shown. Group Capt. D. A, L. Hutton, C. D., commanding officer of the Clinton station, expressed his appreciation to the personnel who are taking pant In the series, He emphasized the importance of recreation among service personnel, and lent Brat that this, form of entertainment, even though in most eased, world he carried out by amateurs, would he an asset to Their present plan. During the course of the programa, new talent will be added each week, and over the entire series a great majority of the personnel who bare shown abRity. will be heard. Technical operations for the Programs are in charge of Painter Pnrdonn of the radio station. it is hoped to continue this forst of programming even further, end after this 13 week series mein*, if the iutoreat is :still shown by person- nel of the Clinton sdarttnn, a fitrther series will he considered, "Your Mr Force Revue' will be' heard starting Sunday, Manch 30th, at 3.00 o'elook over C. X, N. X. Men, Tues. Mar. 31, April tat Ricardo Montalban, Cyd Charlene "MARK OF THE RENEGADE" Technicolor TUESDAY FOTO..INTT12 sat Offer $200 Monday Attendance Card Milan. Wed. Thur. Aprft 2-8 Van Johnson June Atlyeon Int Ili "TOO YOUNG TO KISS" 0. N.R. WIRELESS DESTROYED BY FIRE The wireless set at the Brussels C. N. it station was destroyed by fire during t he early hours Sunday morning. Tho fire is believed to liave been caused by the storm that night. The blaze was seen by Tan Matheson croon after it started and dhe fire department was summoned and brought it under control before any extensive damage was done to the building. CALF, SWINE CLUBS RENAMED AS 4-H A meeting of the junior girls' and boys' calf and swine clubs, spon- sored by the East Holum Agricul- tural Society, was held in the Brus- sels Public Library Tuesday evening. Mr. J, Butler, assistant agricul- tural representative, Clinton, pre -1 sided. He explained that all Jun- ior clubs will be named the 4.13 elubs in future. Mr. Butler also gave I an address to ,the group and com- mended their past work. Meetings of the new 4-H clubs will begin in May with closing dates for entries set fos' mid-April Mr. Butler stressed the importance of regular summer meetings. in the election of officers for the 4-H Calf Club, John Knight was elected president; Glen Oliver, vice - President; Marilyn Bolger, secre- tary-treasurer. ecretar'y-treasurer, For the 4-H Swine Club, Glen Oli- ver is president; Jenny Van Vliet, vice-president. and Ronald Smith, .ecrefarp-treasurer.. Club leaders are James W. Smith, for the calf group, and John Wheeler, for the Swine Club. MELVILLE YOUNG WOMEN'S GUILD The Young Women's Guild of I Melville Presbyterian Church met 1 at the home of Mrs. Wm. Martin on j Tuesday evening. The devotional` period was in charge of Mr's. Hart- ley Fischer and Mrs. Janes Mair, Mrs. H.'Fischer continued the ,study on Presbyterianism. Mrs. Calvin Kreuter presided for the business session. Owing to uncertainty about whether the Earl Terry singers would be able to come, it was decided not to count on them, but to have a Violet Tea on May 28th instead, Miss Copeland of Toronto will come and speak on African Violeta Lunch was served by Mrs. Fischer. Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Mair. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mrs, John Watson who passed away, 3 years I ago, Marolt 24th, also Mr, John Watson who passed away on July nth, 1924. Ever remembered by Family. IN MEMORIAM DANCE In Walton Community Hall on' Friday, March 28th Sponsored by Walton Football," Club Music by Ken. Wilbee's Orchestra Admission 50e Dance to the music of Earl Heywood and C. K. N. K. Barn Dance Gang In Brussels Town Hall on Tuesday, April lst Dancing 10 to 1 Lucky Door Prlga Admission 50c per person Sponsored by Ladies' Auxiliary B 5 S L. Progressive Euchre and Lost Heir In Walton Community Hall on Friday, April 4th Lunch served and a short musical programme will be presented Admission : Adults 50c. Children 25c Ladies please bring sandwiches Everybody Welcome Under auspices of Brussels Lions Club Stage Show "Variety Reviews" 3 — BIG — NIGHTS In Brussels Town Hall on Thursday April 17th Monday Tuesday April 21st April 22nd At 8.15 P. M. MUSIC - Singing - Dancing - Comedy — Novelty Numbers — Beautlful Costumes — Special Lighting Sponsored by Brussels Lions Club in Aid of Welfare Work e_/kis Store rmyteys 1latrdnrabery Ctrtfied Don't Run the Risk of Losing Your Diamond Let us examine it Free and advise if it needs resetting. An expert repair job is a lot cheaper than replacing a lost diamond. W. G. LEACH Jeweller Watchmaker Brussels, Ont. ALCOCK — In sweet and loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Richard Alcock, who passed away on March 25th, 1949. So many things have happened Since you. were called away, Things that you would have enjoyed Had you been left to stay. Sc many things to share with von - In just the usual way, Things that could be s0 much nicer • If you were here today. We cannot bring the old days back, Your hands we rs,nnot touch, Bat God has given us wonderful memories Of a wife and mother- we loved so much. — Too dearly loved ever to be for- gotten by your loving Husband and Family. SAPS RUNNING — With the advent of finer days, many residents of the commemiter have tapped their maple trees in the hopes of gathering in a few gallons of nature's , sweetest lux- ury. Halvever, conditions have not been the most favourable and to date the run of sap has been disepopintinfly light. Hopes are entertained that at this' early date night frosts and sunny days will still co- operate towards an im- proved rain and at least an aver- age verage yield of syrdlt. Shoes Shoes' h WORKSHOES: I have them in leather; • cork; panco or parvoline soles; light shoes, heavy shoes;, built in arch support shoes, for stout feet or narrow feet. In prices ranging from $5.95 and $6.50 for economy shoes to $10.95 for army pattern shoes with age extra half sole and heel and toe plates.. Come in let me fit you with a pair. The . boys are not forgotten I have' Oxfords and Shoes from 11's up to 51/, — $4.50 and up_ Plastic Gauntlets for the Trapper =- $1.50 pain'., Let Armitages help you with you? Spring Cleaning. Kindly have them in by Tuesday noon. Dent's Shoe Repair Brussels, Ont.