HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-3-19, Page 8OUR NEW SPRING WALLPAPERS ARE HERE PAPERING TO BE DONE ? Then visit our store, and see these fas- cinating New Wall Papers, .with colors beautifuly blended in latest patterns. Prices are still very reasonable, and for the outlay will show more than ordinary results in the way of repairs. Home Furnishing. Begins with Sunworthy Wall Paper. For the wood -work, we have Multi -Use Enamel in, White, Ivory, Cream and Colors. F.R. SMITH Off,raltd Rexall Drug Store MUMMA Earl. sTLIYH011e No. U THE BRUSSELS POST Grass Seed It will pay to make us your headquarters for Grass Seed purchases. We have. all lines and our prices are right. We have the best in permanent pastures at the cheapest prices. Also handle Lundy Fence Products and all lines of feed. Ethel Produce Ethel, Ont. and Bray's Produce at Brussels, Ont. amtik kit WOO Phone 24 -- Brussels, Ont. CHILDREN'S WEAR Coat Sets, Jackets, etc., are now being received for spring wear in the smartest styles and colours. Come in and see them if we haven't exactly what you had in mind we will be glad to try to get it for you. DRESSES A splendid assortment from Tots oto Oversize, including sub -teens. CORDUROY JACKETS for Casual Wear These_ aresuper for the young crowd - smart and durable. WOOL A ,table of shrink -resisting 100 % Pure Wool at Clearing Prices. 1 vat AUCTION SALE I 190 ft, hay cable, 200 sacks Clearing Auction Sale of Farm 200 Lbs. Bell's Mineral Stock and Machinery at Lot 17, 1 10 x 12 colony house (like new) Con. 12, McKillop Twp. 2 miles I 'Electric brooder (like new) East of Leadbury Corner 15 new chick shelters FRIDAY, MARCH 21st 'at 1 P. M. Other poultry equipment Cattle I Forks, shovels, chains, eta •1 Holstein. Cow, 5 yrs, old, due In TERMS CASH April , ROGERS BROS. it 6404/1"611v TOMORROW Z* ps. f.r.ka 14475 Glum* emk,ded Prasasd and beautiful in every wog ..:mMIM•ly. beautiful designs ..lima awoke tie year nwk1fi4711iwesypari*verplute. SewsisurabcMEwdl.gdlsNay now Select your IOW p*Merw sectey REMEMBRANCE ETERNALLY YOURS F IR5T LOVE ADORATION Ery oM Zarari W. G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels The Store for Beautiful Gifts SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1 am now equipped to pump out your Septic Tank, also do all other kinds of pumping, such RV•�N red OXAN cellars etc. I, Phone 75r4 Milverton, Ont. 1 William Welsh, Prop. 2 Holstein Cows, 3 years old due in Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. April 1 E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 6 Holstein Heifers, rising 8 yrs. old due In March and April 1 3 Hereford and Durham yr. old ,,.Ii is need of Minerals, Fertilizers Pigs i 2E choice, Chunks from or Seeds for Spring Seedings; Order 100 to 16500 lbs. 1 them now, we have Ladino, ASte}ta, 1 York Sow with litter 4 weeks old Red and Alalke Clovers, also white or yellow sweet clovers, , Timothy, Brame Grass, rescues, or any int:s- tare you prefer. Grain of all kinds FARMERS — For Chia '' MILKING :kg; Mh./ourgra'wA aarira cow CY. a •', Sr s a realif ,asks • real mak-making ratios -:•• PURINA COW CHOW F o R.-• DRY COWS To help 'build dry cowsupfor reduced calving Itroublir •ad extra milk ahead, feed Purina Bulky -Las and oats —h•If and half! BULKY -LAS and OATS WedueadaY, Wrell 19th, 1002 Brussels Farm Equipment Brussels. Creamery PHONE 22 • BRU8SELe reasimmimsaisamsoillomumwsns CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Household Effects Gordon Jackson, Auctioneer, has been Instructed to sell by public auction for STUART F. NICHOL Lot 20, Con. 9, Grey Township - 4%z Mlles East of Brussels, on County Road on SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd At 1 P. M. Sharp Poultry 100 Hybrid yr. old hens Machinery International Farman F. Tractor at a right Price. gee or phone 2 Furrow International Pian Geo. Wesenhurg. 13 disc Cockshutt polder drill (new) Drop Head Corlrahutt Hay Loader (new) Cockehuutt Mover (like new) 4 Section Diamond Harrows (new) 2 section Spring Tooth Harrows Corn binder 7 ft. Binder All Steel Rubber Tired Wagon 16 ft. Flat Hay Rack (new) 2 Wheel Trailer Viking Cream SeParstor large else used 6 months, Milk Pails Roll et New Woven Wire Femme 100 if. snow fence ' 32 ft. extension ladder Quantity of plank and lumber 2 gas barrels Coleman Lantern; 2 Aladin Lampe We have a zood line of USED TRACTORS 22 M.11. Tractor, used 2 years 70 Oliver Tractor, Rebuilt 101 M. H. Tractor, Rebuilt D Case Tractor, in good condition 30 M. H. Tractor RC, good condition No. 11 Spreader, A 1 condition If you arein the market for a New Implement or a New Tractor call in and ask to look them over at our show room where everything is inside and not weather beaten. - Masssey-Harris Sales and Service J. W. Fischer, Manager Brussels Seaforth•Phone 141 Brussels Phone 55 Household Effects 6 -Piece Breakfast Suite Kitchen Buffet, Phllco Electric Radio, Cabinet Model, Blectrlct Iron, Fess OilSpaee Heater, Large size (new), Coleman 3 -burner Gas Stove with Oven De Forest Fledtria Washer, Electirc Lamp, Small Kitchen Table, Round Extension Table, Cellar Table, Kitchen Mirror and Clock, Dining Room Extension Table, Occasional Chair, Odd Chairs, Iron Bed, Springs and Mattress, Wooden Bed, Spring sad Mattress, 32 -Piece Set Dinnerware, Wash Stand, 24 -Piece Stainless 1 Silverware "Moderns" Design Fail Line of Everyday Dishes and I- Sfverwtare, Crocks, Sealers, Food Chopper and other articles too numerous to mention. Pigs York Sow, due March 10 2 York Sows (open) Cross -Bred Sow, due May 24 Cross -Bred Sow, due June 4 12 Cbmnks of Pigs, about 100 lbs. Hones One Saddle Mare and Saddle Cattle Hereford Caw, due March 26 Brindle Cow, due April 12 Ayrshire Heiser, rising 1 yr., vaccinated against Bangs 12 Durham and Poll Angus Yearlings Miscellaneous. Collie Dog, Spayed Female Quantity of "Used Lumber Pig Trough's. Chop Boxes Feed Barrels, Quantity Ctro`nlar Wood, Range Shelter Colony House 10' x 12', exterior shingled, Colony House 10' x 12+ Full line of Chick Feeders and Waterers 9 Wire Fox Pens and Guard Fence 80' Extension Ladder 20' Extension Ladder Roto -Cult Lawn Mower on Rubber (new) Man's Bicycle TERMS CASH No Reserve As The Farm Is Sold Gordon Jackson, Anetfoneer .... •••. ..,.Stuart F. Nichol, Proprietor ..., .,., ,,..Geo. Weseneberg, Clerk . ............ Spra Motor Ltd" Presents — Spraying equipment for farme, garden and fruit growers, for weed l sprayirsg Row crop spraying, white- washing or disinfecting around the farm also for Liquid Fertilizer which is easily_applied to the fol- iage to all kinds of crops, lawns or 1 garden and Fertilizer applied this way is six times more effective I than root treatanent for quick growth and early maturity. We have a spray for all your farm needs, also Litter carrier equip- ment, (Steel Stanchions and water howls etc., See or phone Geo. Wesersburg, Agent. SLURRY SEED TREATMENT. SERVICE This new, highly efficient seed -treating method uses a solution or slurry which assures excellent, uniform coverage of seed with disinfectant ... yet adds less than half of 1% moisture to the seed. Seed Treatment is low-cost crop insurance Seed Treatment protects grain against smuts, seedling blight, root rot:. It kills smut on seeds and protects against soil -borne diseases—bat does not weaken gertni. nrnion. See the Gustafson Slurry Treater at work Next time you're in town, drop in and see our new Slurry Seed Treater at work. It's a smart piece of machinery. We'll be glad to answer any questions ... show lou how Starry Seed Treatment Service can save you money and time. We use CERESAN M - the most widely used seed disinfectant in Canada J. C. ADAMS • & SON Brussels, Ontario WINGHAM MEMORIAL sHOP Always a large stock In Chased Granites to Chou from All modern machinery. famous for Cemetery lettering ■ lipeclailly Artistic Memorials at very reasonable pries,. R. A. SP!'ITAN Phone 2NR — Wingham, chit. Separators end Niihau. Dice, th .Mess.. spreaUme and Fertilizer Sowers, Spring -tooth !lacune both wheel tractors and crawler% Plows, Diaee, Spraaiwe, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers and Homer MN.. We alae ase repair Oar Oliver Coekshatt Trashes& t lnIemsnt Dealers ter Oliver Implements MORRITt & WRIGHT Telephones 4 and 11, Slytb, OM. Stenographer — Bookkeeper Wanted. Applications will be received by the undersigned, until March 2Q. 1952, for the above-described vacancy. Applicant will please state qualifications and experience. Eligible to either male or female applicants. A. H. Erskine, Clerk, County of Huron. Specials This Week 9.25 cu. -ft. Refrigerator • $387.00 Electric Washer . • • $129.00 48 Piece Dinner Set • • • . $13.9$ Radio and Record Combination $59.00 Fancy. English Tea Pots • • , • • _ $1.19 Plain White Cup and Saucer • • • • 29e Richmond Enamel • $1.00 Qt. GREGG'S HARDWARE Phone 17- Brussels See These Specials Al The Arcade Store Come in and See Our New Spring Fabric Display' 41•1•111111NOs Cotton Criskay in beautiful Spring Shades 36" wide 98c Flowered Percales 36" wide $1.39 yd. American Cotton Prints in beautiful flowered and striped patterns 79c yd.231111 40 New Spring Patterns in Canadian Cotton Prints 49c, 59c and 69c yd. Printed Crepes and Plain Shades in Latest New Spring Patterns 42" wide — $1.98 yd. up. Choose a McCall Pattern for all your Family Needs. THE ARCADE STORE, Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Blyth, Ont. — Brussels, Ont.