The Brussels Post, 1952-3-19, Page 1THE BRUSSELS
Tenders for the spraying of
Cabbie for Warble Fly in the Tows-
ship of Grey, will be received by
the undersigned until eight P, M.,
March 12th, State 'price per head
per spray.
Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk,
The Council of the Township of
Grey will receive tenders for the
work to be dome on the LYsaton
Quipp, Buttery, -•-and McNaught
Drains until Saturday, April 6th,
at 2 p, m.. Plans and specifications
may be seen at the Clerk's Office,
Ethel. Security will be required,
The lowest or any tender not neces-
partly accepted.
Pldylthe M. Cardiff, Clerk.
Tenders will be received by the
arndersigned for crushing and haul-
ing 18,000 cubic yards or more of
gravel to any place in the Township
of Grey. Crusher to be equipped
with 3-4 latch screen. A marked
cheque for $300. must a40ompavy
each tender. Tenders to be in by
3 p. m., April 5th, 1952. Lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted.
Edythe -M. Cardiff, Clerk.
Mrs: S. F.`Davison and family
wish to empress heartfelt thanks
end appreciation to friends and
neighbours for the many aots of
kindness during the illness of a dear
husband and father and for ex-
apressions of erne thy singe his
It is a 'hopeful sign when certain
.business organizations ask prospect
,Nue emlloyeea-"Do you Use alco-
holic beverages.'' 11 .the answer is
in the affirmative the job will re-
main open. Even a welt, -known
brewery -magnate makes this regula-
lion mandatory for certain positions.
It would be well for ambitious young
people to have hr mind this leading
question -"Do you drink i" Their
answer will either open or close
doors of opportunity before them.
- Advt.
The Brussels talons Cub Band
Tatto date has been set for
Wednesday, July 23rd. Kindly keep
this 'date open and watch for
further particulars.
Melville Church
Minister, Rev. W.H.F. Felten
10 s. m. Sunday School and
lllb1. Claw
11 a. m. Divine Worship
Evening Worship - 7 p. m.
United Church
Minister Rev. Andrew Lam
Morning Worship -11 o'clock
CJsarch School -12 o'clock.
Evening Worship - 7 o'clock
` Church of England
P ariah if SruINN%
Rev. J. H. Ken Reeler.
The fourth Sunday in Lent
March 23rd, 1952
SC .en's Charm, lanneele--
11 a. m, Morales Pria7W
Sunday School
at. David'. Church. Merry.
240 p, m. Wrathy Prayer
S ema w Selma
St. George's Church, Witte
740m. Evening Prayer
Wed nesday, March 190952
$2.00 per year - $2.50 U. . 44.
The Stage show "Variety Review„
will be presented in Brussels 'Down
}loll for three nights in April,
rehuntday 1.7ih, Monday 21st and
Tuesday Um 22nd. 'Ibis was origin-
ally •sehednuled for the latter part of
this month but was postponed' to •
eliminate interference with Easter
examinations. Watch for bills and
advertisements; "Variety Review"
will be a deiightfull chew full of
hilt tunes, comedy, snappy chorus
lire, novelty numbers, smart dance
routinesand lovely ladies in beauti-
fo.l costumes. This show is being
produced by members Of your corn
camimnimity. Dont miss it. ,Aril
17th, 21st and '22nd.
The Majestic Women's Imsbitute met
in Ibbs Brussels Public Library on ,
Thursday, Maroh 13th with a large
The roll call, "If you didn't live in
Brussels -when would you rather
live." A. short course on "Oven
Meals" will be held in the Library
on the afternoons of April 16 and
17. A buying committee of Mrs S.
Wheeler, Mrs. Dbuglas Hemingway
Mrs. Ti. Shurrie add Mrs. Jas. Bryans
was appointed. 'Phe correspondence
was read. Plans were made for the
two euchre parties to be held in the
Town Hall oro. March 20th and 21st. 1
Mrs. Jas. S, Armstrong was appoint-
ed convener of the lunch committee.
Mrs. M. Wtneberg volunteered to
:make enquiries about getting a play
for the Palace to be. used at Fall j
Fah' time. Committees were ar-
ranged to cater for the L.O.L. dances t
It was decided to have a bazaar in
December as usual. A few trlslt
songs were enjoyed.
A very special feature of the
meeting was the presentation of a j,
Guest Book by Mrs. K. Shurrte and
Mrs. S. Wheeler in memory of
their mother, Mrs. Wm. Rands, who
was a chartered member of the
Institute. Appointed to Prepare a
new slate of officers for the annual Ili
meeting in April were Mrs. 0.l
Davis, Mrs. K. Siam-rie and Mrs.
S. Wheeler.
Announcement was made of the
W. T. conference scheduled for April
30, May 1 and .2. The motto,
"Children have more need of models
'loan, of critics" was very ably given
by Mrs. Harold Spells Mrs, W. H.
F. Fielbon delighted the ladies With
a humorous Trish reading. The Sun-
shine coileotion was taken, The
singing of God (Save the Queen,
brought the meeting to a close. A
delicious lunch was served by Mrs.
H. Speir•, Mrs. R. W. Stephens, Mrs.
W. Turnbull, Mrs. W. Todd and Mrs,
S. Wheeler.
Students and teachers of Brussels
school had an unexpected holiday on
Tuesday and Wednesday of this
week. A minor explosion nlew some
bricks out of the furnace'and school
seasious bad to be discontinued
while they were replaced.
Seaforth, Ont.
The Kansas 'reenter (Jack C'i ynne)
presented a program in the Brussels
Town, Hall lasik Friday night to an
t udience that filled Jbe hall tided not
even standing r•OOrn was available
and a large nuru'ber+ of peoplebad to
be refused admittance. The con•'.
Bert was sponsored by the local
Lioab •Club. .
Prior to the program the orchestra
conducted by K. Ashton entertained
with several pleasing numbers.
Rev. A. Lane was chairman. for
the occasion. A Varied programme
was presented. The three versatile.
Noll sisters Charlotte, Amine and
Donelda, from Walkerton, delighted
the listeners with their piano accord -
Ian, guitar and banjo playing. These
talented young ladles are a welcome
addition to any program. The ven-
erable Shorty Campbell with his
display Of rope -twirling, ball juggl-
ing, mastery of the whip and knot
tying completely fascinated the
younger members of his audience.
,Also oontribrutdng to the program
was Scott Pawson with 'bis guitar
and cowboy songs. Robert Kennedy
with clarinet solos, 'accompanied
at 'th.e piano by G. R. Camibell,
Clark Johnston, Herbert Sdteetton
and the Kansas Harmer, , Canada
singing violinist. Unfortunately Mr.
Thynne was suffering from a cold
and was unable to do any singing,.
but entertained . In his usual novel
manner with violin playing,' jokes
and reading.
The large antendance at this Kan-
sas Primer concert was t ipioal er (lire
crowds -that attend wherever he prey
seats a programme.
March 20,21-22 .
"MISTER a80"
Mister 880 plays cupid for the secret
service and the United Nation. The
money was counterfeit but their
Love was genuine,
A. harpy and hospitable weekend i
was spent et the home of Reeve and .
Mrs, Roy B, Cousins, Brussels,
when they gbterved the 2911e an-
niversary of theirwedding. Mrs
Carmine was formerly .Miss !Lima
Lawrie PhIllilfs of Woodbridge, and
they were married et her parents'
:1J,orr'is Township CouncilMeeting;
Mar011 3, 1952.
'Ire Council met in the Township
Ball on the .bore date with ail mem-
bers present,
The Minutes of the last meeiing
were read and adopted on ruction
of Chas. Coulter and Sam Mcock.
home on Match 16, 1837, by Rev. Moved by Chas. Collates, seaoutled
Herbert Lete. They have tour of a by Bailie Parrott that we jour the
family, Lawrie, Betty, George, and Association of Assessing Officers,
John all at home. - Carried,
On SatuTdby evening, 50 friends Moved by Wm, Malan, seconded
called 10,offer congratulations: A by Bailie Parrot that the letter from
pleasant time was spent playing Wimgham Libary Board be tabled
cattle, ' atter which Rev. A. Lane until a future date. -Carried.
read an address. .and Mas. D. A. Moved by Chas. Cquites, seconded
Bonn lmeseat'ed the celwith by vtmEuston that GeoHeQrer
,silver' candelahn+a. A Burchebrants was ingltonrhe. engaged as Spray Super -
served. visor et 90 cents
per hour plus 10
An anniversary dinner was sere
cents per mile. - (ja'rr'ed.
ed to more than 40 relatives. Those
'Moved by Wm. ,Elston, seconded
present Included the guests that by Glias. fiorrites that the Clerk write
had been al their wedding, „ma bo Turnberry Connell to have them
the exemption o1 two, Mrs. Cousins' t.
extend their hydro oontract so that
mother, .Mrs. Phillips, 82, of Wood- the street lights in BLuevale may be
bridge, was able to be -present also extended to Mrs. Bernardo, gate,
Reeve Cousins' parents, Mr, and
Mrs. A. B. Cousins. The home was -Carried.
brightened by baskets of daffodils, Moved by Baillie Parott, seconded
tulips. srapdragortils and rosea, by by Sam Alcook •that we advertise
•In the evening, open hojise was for ,tendersto halve the Township I
held, when Mr. and Airs. Cousins' Hall redecorated inside and out,
were at home to marry friends. Mrs. contract to be completed in May,
James Bryans invitedthe guests to -Carried.
the tea-room. The lace -covered. Moved by Bailie Parott, seconded
table was centered with a bowl of by Wm. Elston. Beit Resolved that
Pink sweet peas, on either side of for the purpose of certifying Ban-
whioh tall pink and white candles ployment by Morris Township as
glowed in triple silver candelabra.
Tea was poured by Mrs. W. Spence,
Mrs. R. F. Downing, Mrs, A. Lane,
1 Mrs. C. Buscblen, Mrs, D. A. Rana,
Mrs. .7. S. Armstrong, Mrs, Wesley
McWhirter - Clark • t Herr. and Mrs. R. Walker .served
In a pretty ceremony Saturday .the guests. Other assisting were
afternoon in . St. John's Anglioan, 1 Miss Margaret Robinson and Mrs.
Church, Brussels, Kathleen Marie Walter Williamson.
Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Relatives and friends who were '
H. Clark, Morris• township, was ; present at the Silver Anniversary f
united in marriage to Mr. John 1 were r Mr. and Mn,. A. 33. Cousins
Alexander McWherter of Brussels, 1 and Audrey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
son of Mr. and Sirs.. Wliliam Mc- Mitchell and Jane, Barbara Banks,
Whirler of Stalwart, Saab. Rev t Bob Scott, Mrs. J. D. Phillips,
J, H. Kerr officiated at the ceremony 1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Phillips,
at 2.30 o'clock and the music was Shirley, Sandra and Normae, Mr.
played by Miss Betty Carter. The and Mrs. Ed, Phillips and LeRoy,
bride wore a gown of white slipper I .lean McLean, Mrs. Bruce Keffer l
satin with lily point sleeves. A 1 and Janice, all of Woodbridge; Mr
fitted bodice was embroidered ,and Marvin Mitchell and Cheryl,
with rhinestones and the trill skirt and Mrs. E. L. Kaiser and Don of
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Cousins of Aurora and Mr, and Mrs.
Owen Hamilton of Goderich.
(aer:aded to the floor in soft folds. I
She' wore a tiara: headdress and a j
rhinestone studded shoulder veil.
Her flowers were a bouquet of red
roses and carnations. The bride
was attended by Miss M. McWhirter, 1
sister of the bridegroom in a gown
of mauve velvet with matching
headdress. She carried a bouquet
of yellow chrysanthemums. Grooms-
man was Mr. Frank Alcook, cousin.
of the bride. A reception was held
at the home of the brides'ss parents.
•Mrs. Clark wore a wine -colored
gabardine suit with a corsage of
orchids and 'lily of the vailety. Later
Mr. and Mrs. McWhirter left on
n trip to Toronto and Niagara
Falls. The bride travelled in a
maroon gabardine suitwith blue
topcoat and black accessories•. Tire
couple will reside in Pm -seals.
�l� z• .�si�'a�c'(•1 !a':�- :tom* ^r `G�
March 34-22-26
"RIGHT 0503113"
June Allyson Dick Powell
A prize fight drama combined' with
tense romance. See the girl who
admired' one man but loved the
March 27.28.29
Richard Wlldmark Walter Faience
Ulrst show starts at 7 p, m.
The great story of the war In the
Pacific. The unsung heroes of
World War 11 who fought to the last
fox hole.
Wed. Thur. Fri. March 19.20.21
Red Skelton, Esther Williams,
Howard Keel in
Mrs. John Ritchie
Mrs. John Ritchie,, a life -tong resi-
estdent of Grey township, died at her
]home lot 10, con. 17, Sunday in her
79th year, after being in. failing
health for 20 years and seriously 111
for the past six months. Bonn in
Grey township, she was the former
Dorothy Isabelle McAllister, daugh-
ter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam McAllister. She was married
in 1904 to Mr. Ritchie, who sur -
wives. Also surviving are three sons,
Clifford, Grey township; James,
London. Kenneth, Sealortb, two
daughters, Mrs. Cecil (Jennie) Lyd-
diattt, Blyth, Mm.•. Walter.(Osabelle)
Shortreed, Walton: and one brother,'
W. J. MoMliator, Ayr. She was a
member of Duff's United Church,
Walton. A funeral service was con-
ducted at the family home on Tues-
day ad 2.30 p. m. by Rev. Morrie
Thomas of Duff's Church, Burial
was in Brussels cemelterY.
Saturday 'Only March 22nd
Jimmy Durante, Terry Moore In
Sat: Mat. 2 p.m. -Eve. 7.30 p.m. i
Mon. Tues. March 24.28
Va'n Heflin, Patricia Neel,
cGigl Berreau In
1st Offer $200
'Mond'ay Attendance Card flit►(
Samuel F. Davison
Atter a lengthy illness of branch-
iae asthma; :Samuel Fleming
Davison, retired hardware merohant,
',tossed :away at his home in Brussels
on Monday, March 10, ill his 70t11
year, Mr. Davison was the young-
est .eon of the lade Wm. and Ann
Davison% He was born in the town -
of Greenock, Bruce County, where
he farmed for some years and then
going to London in 1918 where he
was employed with the Marsh Con-
tractors. In 1925 he bought the
Gerry Hardware in Brussels and
carried on a successful business for
19 years when he was forced to re-
title due to i11 health in 1944, In 1912
he married Mabel Rushton of Port
Elgin, who survives. He is, also
survived by one son Dean of Brue-
sole and two daoghters Edna, Mrs.
Pearson Young of Stratford; and
Mary, Mrs. Jack Bryan of Morris
Township and seven grand -children.
Miss Jennie Davison, a sister of
Paisley also survives. The funeral
service was held Wed/bestiary after-
noon from the •family home. The
pallbearers were Wm. Little, Thos,
Walker, J. Fulton, Elston Cardiff,
E. Bryans, all of Brussels and D. H.
Young 'of ,Sebrtnlle. The floral
tributes were born by B. Gregg,
K. Rlbey, A. Rdbey, T. Rtbey ail of
Paisley. H. Davison, Hamilton; D.
Thede. Port Elgin; and E. Thede,
Kitchener all nephews. Rev. A. Lane
officiated, assisted by Rev. J. H.
Kerr. Burial was in Brussela
cemetery. Friends and relatives
were present from Toronto, Kitchen-
er, • Hamilton. Yore Digin, Paisley,
.graph (1) of Part 11 of the First London, Stratford, ,Sebringviiie,
Selsedule to the Unemployment t Formosa and Mitchell.
Insuurance Lot and of special orders
made: by the Unemployment In
suiance Commission there g'nd:er Nie
following be and they are hereby
authorized to issue certificates -
Geo. Martin, Clerk of Morris
Township. - Carried.
Moved by Sani Al.eock. seconded
by Baillie Parrott that the appli-
cation. of Harry Goll he accepted
as cpraymon at 8.5 cents per hour
and Miller AicArter aahelper ad 75
cents peh hour. - Carried.
Moved by Chas. Coultas, seconded
by Wm. Elston that the tender of
Geo. Radford. to supply, crush and
deliver approximately 15,000 cubic
yards of gravel at 68 cents per yard
be accepted subject to the approval
of the District Municipal Engineer.
- Carried.
Moved by Chas. Coultas, seconded
by Wm. Elston that we purchase the
Model 507 motor grader from the
Dominion Road Machinery Co., as
per tender snbjeot to the approval
of the District Municipal F.nelneer.
- Carried•
e e e
Dr. and Mr's. L. MlcOrrl c e n
Berwiok, Penn., were visitors last
week with relatives here.
e 0 *
Mr. and. Mts. Harry McIntyre ot
Wiklie, Sask„ spend the week -end
with their oonedn Mass Mary Lamont.
• + *
Word has been received this
week by Mrs. Ken, Shurrle of the.
death, of a former resident of Brirs°
soil,. Mrs. M. A. Robinson et Zion
U, .0, A., who Will he remember -
Moved by Sam Alcock, seconded
by Wm.°Elston that the road bills
as presented- by the Road Superin-
tendent be paid. - Carried.
Moved by °bas. Cqultes, seconded
by Bailie Parrott that the Meeting
adjourn to meet again on April 7th,
at 1 p. m. - Carried.
The following accounts were paid:
Associatinn of Assessing
Officers 310,00
Dept. o Htealt, Lnslrlin .29
Chas. T. Davidson. Bonds on
Tressturer and Tax Collector
County .of Huron. Indigent fees
Geo. Martin, License for truck
and. hydro ,far hall
Mrs. IRobC. Craig, Relief
Daily Commercial News,
Myth :Standard, advertising
Harvey Johnston, Expenses to
Ontario Association of
Rural Municipalities,
C. R, Comites, Expenses to
0n1bario Association of
Rruvul Alundoibaiities
Wm. Elston, Good Roads
Sam Al000k, Good Road
Bailie Parrott, Good Road
Sam .Alcock. Trip to Guelph
with sprayer
Ceoll Bonze, Fox Bounty
Raba, Johnston, Fax Bou'n'ty
Jack Warwick, Fox Bounty
Chester Higgina, Fox Bounty 2.00
Jas. Phelan, FOX Bounty 2.00
Nelson Higgins. Umromplereeni
Stamps and Postage 85.00
Harvey C. Yohnslton, Reeve.
('leo. C. Martin, Clerk.
1 BIG DAYS 9 BIa DAYS ; ed by manly of the older members
Wed. Thur. Fri. March• 26.27-28 Oi the eommuntty as Mary Moratee
who tantghd: music and oil painting a
Jetties Mason to
"THE DESERT FOX" goad many setons age.
cittawa - The Queen's birthday
will be celebrated in Canada, Melts
day, Zane 9, State Secretary Brad-
ley •told 111e. CeleIllissien. Friday. He
said an or'del-ln'cauucii was passed
by cabinet Friday authorizing a 250'
n1at 'atiou to that effect,
The monthly meeting of the Wo-
men's Guild of St. John's. Church
was held on Tuesday in the 5, S.
room, Meeting opened with the
singing of the hymn "Rook 01 Ages°'
followed by a prayer by the preei•
dent Mrs. G. Davis, Mrs. J. H. Herr
read the less on from Ephesiamis 501
obstpter. Minutes o1 the previous
meeting were read by Mrs, Wm.
Fischer. The Bishop's letter, from•
the March issue of the "Huron'
Church News," was read by Mra,
Morrow and Airs. Davis: It was de-
rided to bring a play from Londea-
boro on Frdet9, April 25th. A menu
was Prepared for the next Lions
Banquet which is to be Farmers
Night. Mrs. Kerr closed the meeting
with prayer. .Tea was served by a
committee of lefts. Wm. Fischer,
Mrs, Kirby. Mrs, Mitchell.
For installatbon of a public walla•
room in Bnassels Town Hall.. Esti-
mates to include remodelling of
rooms to accommodate these welsh
rooms, and the supply and install-
ation of all plumbing; heating and
eleetieal fixtures required. Por
further information contact Council
Tors C. L. Workman and A. Mo -
G. R. Campbell, Clerk.
In Cranbrook Community Hall
Friday, March 21 at 8.39 p. m.
Under auspices of Brussels Lions Club
Admission 50c
Everybody Weldome
In Aid of Injured Hockey Players
Of Brussels Hockey Team
In Brussels Town Hall on
At 9 P. M.
.Music by Wilbee's Orchestra
Lucky Door Prize
Admission 50c per person
lis Store Employs
'Mu -hinders Called ay
Don't Run the Risk of Losing
Your Diamond
Let 'us examine it Free and advise if it
needs resetting. An expert repair job is a
lot cheaper than replacing a lost diamond.
,Jeweller Watchmaker
Brussels, Ont.
Have Your Papering
and Interior Painting
Done Now
Prompt Attention Is Assured By
Getting Your Order In Early
Larry Fischei
Phone 23-r-15 Brussels