HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-3-12, Page 1Wednesday, March 12th, 1952 THE BRUSSELS POST -PUBLISHING HOUSE P'OST $2.00 per year r X2,50 Ue �a ICE CYCLES OF 52 APRIL 15th : Thru To 19th "MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED NOW" Featuring for the first time on roe "THE STUDENT PRINCE" Evenings Reserved • $1.50 - 92.00 - 92,50 Saturday 'Matinee 'Only - Reserved -2.00, Childs Half Price KITCHENER MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM CARD OF THANKS I would like to "express my sincere thanks to all kind neighbours, friends and relatives who sent cards, flowers, and treatsand those who . visited me during my illness at home and in the hospital. Their, kindness and understanding deeply appreciated. • Florence M'eGavin. wee A CARD PARTY (Progressive Euchre and Lost Heir) will be held In Walton Community Hall on WEDNESDAY MARCH 19th At 8.30 P. M. Sponsored by the Library Board A musical program will also be presented and lunch will be served. Admission, Adults 40c, Children 200 Ladles please bring sandwiches. 'CONCERT AND DANCE Personal Appearance of the KANSAS FARMER . and HIS ENTERTAINERS _ Featuring — Canada's Only Singing Violinist, Radio Artist, Vaudeville Star Clean Entertainment for the Entire Family FRIDAY, MARCH 14th 8.15 P. M. At Brussels Town Hall Under auspices of Brussels Lions o Club DANCE AFTER CONCERT Admission for both 50g r� Melville Church Minister, Rev. W.M.F. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Chas 11 a. m. Divine Worship Evening Worship — 7 p. m. United Church 1 . OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Morning Worship -11 .o'clock March School -12 o'clock. Evening Worship.-- 7 o'clock Church of England Parish of Indwell Rsv. J. M. Koro — Reeden. 8M Sunday in Lent March 16th, 1952 K dente's Chaaron, flnnNN-' 11 e. m. Morning PiiyM' Aundly School et. David's Chump. Henfr)/a 2.80 p, m, Droning Profits' ein11h1 Stand •t Geer/.h Church, waMsn 7.80 p. m. livening Prayer ry0 NOTICE — The Coudrobl of the Township of Grey will receive tenders for the work to be done on the Lynton Quipp, Buttery, and MoNaargh:t Drains until Saturday, April 5th, at 2 p. m.. Plans and specificatlone nray be seen art the Clerk's Office, Ethel. Security will be required. The lowest or any tender npt neces- sarily accepted. Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk. FARMERS — If in. need of Mineral's, Fertilizers or Seeds for Spring Seedings; Order them now, we ,have Ladino, Alfalfa, Red and Alsike Clovers., also' white or yellow sweet clovers, Timothy, Brome Grass, rescues, or any mix Lure you prefer. Grain of all kinds at a right price. See or Phone Geo. Wesenburg. TENDERS WANTED — Tonder -s for the spraying of Cattle for Warble Fly in the Town- ship of Grey, will be received by the undersigned until eight P, M., 'March 12th, State price per head per spray. Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk. TENDERS WANTED — Tenders will be received by the rundersigned for crushing and haul- ing 18;000 cubic yards or more of gravel to any place in the Township of Grey. Crusher to be equipped with 3-4 inch screen. A marked oheque for $300. must accompany each tender. Tenders to be in by 3 p, m,, April 5th, 1952. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 10dythe M. Cardiff, Clerk. ESTIMATES WANTED — For installation of a public wash- room in Brlussels Town Hall, Esti- mates bo include re -modelling of lingers visited en Sunday with Aries R. M. Steiss. rooms to accommodate these wash ' rgmna, and the supply and install- ation of all plumbing, heating and FIELD CROP COMPETITION HURON COUNTY CRIPPLED The East Huron AgrtcUltural SOC. CHILDREN'S SURVEY, iety Is-sporlsorin:g a Field Crap Corn - petition of Clinton Cats variety thig Year. The minimum being .3 acres for each entry. We need tnvo more entries to complete the pltiect, We expect to have the seed on March 18th, so anyone wishing to enter should contact she Secretary 11y Sat, March 15th. Seed to cosh about $1.90 per bushel to entrants. The meeting for the Junior Clubs will be heat in the Library on Mareh 18, et 8.30 p, an. Any boys or grits wish- ing ishing to join the :Punier Calf Club or Swine Club skater he present or get In eantaot with the Leaders .las. Smith and .Jack Wheeler befor the meeting. We are having forms printed to •disbrdbute among our business men and farmers for donations towards the Fall Fair. We would like to i have our prize lists printed earlier this year, as we are anxious to have any changes made and if any pre- sent them to 'the Secretary. Remem- ber the neat six months will be busy one. and Pair dates being Sept. 25th ; and 2611,. there are only six months left to get ready. Geo. Wesenllnrg, Secretary. CRANI3ROOK The Women's Missionary Society i of Knox Presbyterian Church met Wednesday afternoon in the hoarse i of Mrs. R. K. McDonald with Mrs. W. M. Eynelman presdtng. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in ufri- con and Scripture passages were read by Mrs. Calvin Cameron, Mrs. E. M. ,Steiss and Mrs. Allen Cameron and current events by Mrs Robert ; Campbell. The topic was taken by t Mrs. Mac Engel and readings on British Guiana were given by Mrs. Lynn Evans and Miss E. M. Steles. Mrs, Hyndman offered prayer and and several items of business were i disciussed. Miss A. J, Forrest Pre- sided at the piano Lor the singing of the hyanne. :Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Fred Smalldon. • There was a large crowd in at- t tendance Friday evening .for the , social evening sponsored by the E Library Board. Rev. W M. Hynd- , man acted as chairman far the.pro- gram consisting of solos, readings, 1 piano numbers anti a one.aet comedy "The Bngginsville tJpltOt Society," 1 Dr. MoMaster's picturesof Mexico were shown by Ross Knight end the , Pordwich Orchestra provided mustc for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cameron and daughter 'Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cameron and two little sons, all of Sarnia were week -end visitors i with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cameron. Mr, and Mrs. Art Nicholls, Brod- electica:l fixtures required For NOTICE — further information contact Council lors Cl. L, Workman and A. Mc- Taggart, G. R. Campbell, Clerk, REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. MARCH 13.14-15 "FRANCIS GOES TO THE RACES" Donald O'Connor Piper Laurie Famous Francis the falking mule In another ...big comedy hit. This le top-flight light entertainment. March 17-18-19 Technicolor "CAPTAIN HORATIO' HO RN BLO W ER" Gregory Peck Virginia Mayo Through surging action and blazing sea batltes England's great navel hero returns end falls In love with a highborn lady. News Reel - THE LATE KING'S FUNERAL — MAR. 17.18.19 1st Show at 7 P. M. March 20.21.22 "MISTER 880" Mister 880 plays cupid for the secret service and the United Nation. The money was ceunterfelt but their loVe Was genuine, COMING "RIGHT GROSS" The Ladles Guild of St. John's Guild ere presenting the play from "Chintz Cottage" from Londesboro on April 2501. Keep this ds,te open. LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE Wed. March 12 Donald O'Connor, Piper Laurie "Fretted)," (The Talking Mule) In "FRANCIS 0058 TO THE RACES" 3 BIG DAYS • 3 BIG DAYS Thur. Frl. Sat. March 13-1418 Bud. Abbott,' Lou Costello In "COMM, AROUND THE MOUNTAIN" Sat. Mat. 2 p.m.—Eve. 7.30 p.m. Mon. Tues. March 17.18 June Haver, William Landigan' 1n "LOVE NEST" TUESDAY FOTOMITK I et Offer $200 ' Monday Attendance Gari NM*. 3 BIG DAYS 3 B10 DAYS Wed. Thur. Fri. March 19.20.21 Red Skelton, Esther Williams, Howard Keel in "TEXAS CORNIVAL" Technicolor With :the, co-operation of the Ontario Society 20i• Crippled Children land Huron County Health Pelt, the ten Lions Chiba Of Huron I County, and one from Lambton' County, have banded together to conduct a Huron County Crippled 1 Children's Survey, The immediate object of this Sur- vey, is to discover children who might benefit from medical mei surgical treatment, but whose par- ents are not in 'a position to provide such care. - - However, the survey is expected tc ascertain:, the name at every child in Huron County handicapped in any way, irrespective of family fin- ancial coneider•atlons. With this end in view, the Oen ' co-operation, of ,the Tinbl4c is earnest- ly requested. TEEN-AGE PARTY SUCCESSFUL EVENT 11 will be recalled that a very successful Survey and subsequent clinic, were conducted in Huron Comnty two yearn ago.. The 195e County Committee was organized sat a meeting of various representa'ti'ves held in Huron County Health Unit, Clinton, - with the following representatives in attendance: General 'chairman, Dr. E. A. Mc- Master, Seekorth; secretary -treas- urer, C. H. Reps, Clinton; medical, 1)r. J. A. Addison, Clinton; teachers, J. H. Kinkead and G. G. Gardiner, Public School Inspector, Godorich; Huron County Health Unit, Dr. R. M. Addis, directors, and Miss_ Nora Cunningham, Supervisor of nurses; Children's Aid Soolety, Mise Clara McGowan, Blyth; Ont- ario Society for Crippled Children, Miss Clare McGowan, Blyth; Ontario Society for Crippled Children, Miss Elizabeth Wallace, London; Public Relations, R. S. Atkey, Clinton. Lions Club Representatives: Bay- field, James Cameron; Blyth, W. N. Watson and Fred Howson. Brussels, Robert Walker, • M. C. Oldfield; Clinton. K. B. McRae, W. C. New- combe; Exeter, W. G. Seidon, IC. J. Lamphan ; Seaforth, John Modeland, C. J. Wildon; Zurich, Russell Grainger, R.. Ilsley. Other Lions Clubs which will participate are : Goclerieh, How- lett, and Wingham, in Huron County, and Grand Bend, in La.mbton County. It was decided that reports on possible cases Must be in the hands of the various local committees by Wednesday, April 9, The next meet- ing of the County Committee wit' be held in Clinton on Wednesday, April 16, for screening purposes. The Clinic will be held Wednes- day, May 7, at Huron County Health Unit, Clinton, with an eye clinic on the sante days in Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton. Miss Elizabeth Wallace, Reg, N., Ontario Society for Crippled Children, shrhmitted a report of the Survey and Clinic held May 10, 1950, when 107 patients were examined, inoluding 57 othopaedic, 30 eye, eight bearing, four speech, and one hernia. New eases reported at the time were : 40 orthopaedic, four neur- ological, 38 eye. 1.8 herd of hearing, 11 speech detects. At the teen-age party held in Brussels Town Ball on Friday night, 106 persons paid admission, and a ,n'aumber paid their membersip fee in the club. Seyeral Trial games were played, Music for dancing was sup - lied by beth a record player and by an orchesitr•a consiating of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Evans, Mr. Gaynor mid H. ,T, 'Stretton, , George Weser - burg called off for the square dances. In an elimination dance, Marie Elbert and Paul Somers won the -prize; and the spot -dance win- nets were ieabed Eckmier and Jim Edgar, The conveners al' the committees ere as follows: games, Joyce Thom- as; dances, Shirley Stephenson;' refreshments, Joan Thomas; mucic, Sheila Porter; pubs city, Merle 101- ]iata; decoration. Ether Raymond; press reporter, Dnuglee Leach; con- trol committee, George Cousins Bruce Edgar, Mrs. .Tames Turnbull and Mrs. Peetele Ethel, helped with the lunch. MELVILLE W. M. S. 'Phe W. AT. S. of Melville Church held their March meeting in the school room on Friday at 3 o'clock. Mrs. W. H. Fulton presided, assisted by Mrs. N. H. Cardiff who gave the Scripture readihug and MTs. Jas. S. Armstrong led in pfayer. The sec- retary, Mrs. W. Smith read tithe min- • titles of the previous meeting and MTs. W. Speir gave the Treasurer's report, followed by business arising ,from letters received by the sec- retary. Mrs, 0. Davis reported five parcels sent to Ted Mitchell, Korea, word has been received from him, that the first parcels sent. have ar- rived safely. A fetter of thanks was read from Miss Graee'Stewart, for flowers, cards and letters received by her while in Victoria Hospital 2,ondon. The expense tea in con- neation with our a'upply work for Missions is to he held at the home of Mrs. Cleve Seeker on Thurstioy. March 27th. wall Mrs. W. Spear. Mrs, Robt. 7lhomson and Mrs. Jas, S. Armstrong assisting Mrs. Meeker. Mrs. Gerald Gibson nave a very Interesting topic, Chapter 3 of "Meet the South A.mpricnnse." Mrs. J. Work had charge of the Cn•renf Events. The meeting was then rinsed with the Ringing of a hymn 'and repeatthg the Mizpab Benedict- ion, PEOPLE WE KNOW Mea. Jas, S. Armstrong viebted with Mo. and Mrs. M. Laycock and family at Waterdown. Air, and Mrs, Roy Cousin will be at ,home to their friends on Sunday evening, March l6th, on the occasion of their 26111 wedding aumlveresry. Robert Kennedy took third price sat the Stratford Kiw•itnis Moate Festival receiving first class hon- ors du the otarinet class tinder 18 years. Lownie Cousins along with others is vdalting the Research Farms In St. Loris, Missouri, sponsored by the Purina Feed Co. NOTICE — The directors of the Cranbrook Coannrhumlty Centre are holding en Blaster Formal Mimeo on April 1801, In Craubrook Community 13ai11. Watch for farther particulars, MELVILLE HARMONY CLUB Melville Harmony Club met in she primary room of the Church last \\'ednesrday. evening. Rev. Fulton, president, opened the meeting with hymn "Lead Kindly Light'' and led the group in prayer. Mr, Fulton t then introduced the guest speaker, Rcy, \i. Baillie of Bluevale. Mr. Millie came from Downpatrick, Ireland, which is supposed to be the burial place of Saint Patrick. After giving an interesting story of St. Patrikc's life, Mr. Baillie pointed out that even though -we think of the Patron Saint more as driving snakes out Ireland and teaching the meaning of the Trinity by the use of the shamrock, we still owe him a great deal as the leader of a movement that spread throughout the whole country. Mr, Wilfred Shortreed moved a vote of thanks on behalf of the club. 'During the business meeting five new members joined, Tickets were distributed among the members to be sold for the musical ooncert to he presented by Mr. Larne Willits and his choir DTI March 19. A social hour followed with games and contests eondnoted by Mrs. C. Kreuter and Mrs. Wm. Martin and lunch was served by Mrs, J. Maier. Mrs N. Rutledge, Mrs. W. Martin and' Mrs, A. Logan. BORN To Mr, and Mrs. 1b, COurebesne in Winglram General Hospital on 31areh 8th, a daughter, a sister for Doreen Anna. ST. PATRICK'S DAY PROSRAM Next Monday morning, March 17th commencing at 10.45 a program of Irish Airs, and well known Trish songs, will be played on the Carillon - lc Bells from Melville Church tower, In honor of St, Patrick's Day. I THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE The only sunadly Christian ape- i mural au strong drink is abstinence, I '4 man Is re:qunnthA+ .to God and tar 6nciety u, male tine beet poeslblae• use of hie el rength and his, abilities. The chances ore that 110 will not de this If he muddles his brain witic al. tibid. Abstinence is one guar- antee that he eau Measure up t0 this responsibility. Fur the inolweuoe rte exerts on others, his example is hiss most eefective medium of Influence He may be able to handle his liquor but in .the company there are 000*- whn are fighting a losing battle, againsit liquor and there /nay' her young people who have never touch- ed it, If he is considerate c'n t has any conscience about it he wale obtain for their sakes. In the last analysis abstinence is the Oha3e'b- Ian approach to strong (hints—Advt.. LIONS CLUB BAND TATTOO WILL BE HELD HERE JULY 23rd The Brussels Lions Cl,'ub Band Ta•tlo date hap been set Wednesday, July 23rd. Kindly keep this date open and watch for further particulars, for NOTICE — Several books are missing from the Brussels School Library. each family in rho community co- operate by ,checking the books In their home and return any narked Brussels School to Mary Agnes Higgins. Would BORN To Mr. and Mme. Gordon Nicholson at Dr. Miyer's Nursing Home, Brus- sels, on Wednesday, March fith, 'a son, St. Patrick's Social and Entertainment at Duff's United Church Walton Friday, March 14th at 8.30 p. m. Admission - Adults 40c, Children 20c A Play — "Calm Yourself" Will be Presented by the Y. P. U. of Cavan Church, Winthrop In Ethel Twp. Hall on Monday, March 17, at 8.30 p. m. Under the auspices of Ethel United Church Y. P. U. Admission — Adults 40c, Children 25c EUCHRE BOX SOCIAL DANCE In Cranbrook ,Community Hall Friday, March 21 at 8.30 p. m. Under auspices of Brussels Lions Club Admission 50c LADIES WITH BOXES — FREE MUSIC BY WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome Melville Harmony Club presents the LISTOWEL RADIO CHOIR under the direction of Mr. Lorne Willits In Melville Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, March 19, at 8.15 p. ]in. Adults 75c School Children 25c BENEFIT DANCE In Aid of Injured Hockey Players Of Brussels Hockey Team In Brussels Town Hall on TUESDAY, MARCH 25th At 9 P. M. Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Lucky Door Prize Admission 50c per person Have Your Papering and Interior Painting Done Now Prompt Attention Is Assured By Getting Your Order In Early Larry Fischer Phone 23-r-15 Brussels