HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-3-5, Page 8• THE BRUSSELS POST Wodnesdla1, !M4ixph Kb, 1962. .w nt '�� W r 4 +3 .AV �'' '� ii i 1 II To Fight Those Stubburn Colds Rexall Bronchial Syrup ..60c �o Iver Compound with Creosote •• • $1.25, � ck�h h ars 43c Thermogene 59c Medicated Wadding • • • • Puretest Cod Liver Oil • • $1.15 Bot' Cherrosote 60c Fast 2—way Cough Syrup • • Stainless Chest Rub . • •35c Buckle's Cinna mated Cold Capsules 35c Wampole's Tasteless Extract $1.25 Cod Liver Oil •••• Bayer's Aspirin — Bottof 100 Tabs.f 24 . 79c Kleenex Men's Size .. 35c Facelle 3 Ply Cushioned Tissues Men's Sze . 22c Pkg. COUGH DROPS Pkg. Vlck's • .. , • Smith Bros. • 25c Sucrets • . • • • 36c Me1oide Eu 15c lOc 35c 3$c F.R. SMITH "Kr"' 'padRexall Drug Store gU HUli N.. Mt -- iRUssil , r%• ld Grass Seed It will pay to make us your headquarters for Grass Seed purchases. We have all lines and our prices are right. We have the best in permanent pastures at the cheapest prices. Also handle Lundy Fence Products and all lines of feed, Ethel Produce Ethel, Ont. and Bray's Produce at Brussels, Ont. .Phone 24 WOOD'S Brussels, Ont. Spring Dresses Now in Stock. A Smart Selection at Reasonable Prices To be sure of Early Delivery on Tip Top and Fleet Street Clothes It is wise to Choose Your Cloths Now The Spring Styles for both Ladies and Men are Very Smart. Y/k Bf11fRS1ANOSBIffIIER YIEI/JS Accurate -planting JohnDeere•VanBruat Grain Drills promote better stands and big- ger yields—increase your profits. Adjustable -gate, fluted force-feeds, low - wheel design and other advanced features assure bettet field performance. See us soon fon details. JOHN DEERE -VAN BRUNT Grain Drill This is the time of year to look after your farm equipment. We have a few good used tractors. Come in and look them over. W. J. PERRIE' Phone 58 Brussels, Cnt. Per eh* of MILKING HERD oda .n.u. `stew Supplement to make a pool IS ,ih..ahli,take- PURINA COW SNOW 111111.111.1.1111.11 DRY COWS To kelp Wild dry sows up forndocs, d salving ;troubles and extra milk .bead, fend Purina &dky.Las and 'oats half and balfl 'BULKYLAS_undo ATS. Brussels 'Creamery PHONE 22 BRUSSILS Awa■as..c } 4 HERE'S THE VERY LATEST IN • FOR GENTLEMEN 1 ae BuLovA 9 xctUru GROUP When you give a fuse gift, bs inn it's the finest of la kind-. "The Excellency Group" M a fi pPinica roN —11 Jewels N5.00 6. nenedrott-•!1)s'w s 646.311 C. T111AIVUR--21 Jewels 155.0I W. G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels The Store for Beautiful Gifts CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements w41 be held at Lot 18, Con. 11, Grey Township %a mile East of Cranbrook on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19th At 1 p. m. Sharp W. M. Scott, Auctioneer. Blair McIntosh, Prop. CLEARING AUCTION SALE 'Of Farm Stock and Machinery At Lot 11, Concession 4, Morrie Twp. 2I/ miles East of Belgrave FRIDAY, MARCH 7th at 1 P. M. 1951 Ford tractor fully equipped; One Way Dien; Ford double disc buckrake; 1934 Chevrolet sedan; M. H. 7 IL. binder; Hay loader (nearly new) ; N eional milking machine; M, H. manure spreader; M. H. 15 -run fertilizer drill; farm wagon; Panning mill; 1 oil space heater 20 cord of maple body wood. Horses — 1 black Clyde mems, 10 years old. Cattle — 1 brindle cow. fresh; 1 Ayrshire sow, milking; 2 Durham caws, due time of sale; 1 Hereford cow, due In Mereh; 2 Durham cows, due in April; 1 Durham heifer, due in July; 4 Durham hirers, bred; 2 - year oldlHolsteln heifers; 9 calves ristna 1 year old; 2 pound calves; 1 rod Rnrham hull. 2`yeara old. Pips — 2 York Rowse bred; 11 pig, 130 lbs.; 7 nhunles 12 9lbw ; 9 ehiniks, 12 weeks. old. Hay—. 25 ton of mixed bay. TERMS CASH Har+t4 Jackson, Auctlonedr. Mitchell Elliott, Pron. E. P. Chesney. Clerk. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm StocK, Implements and Household Effects will be held at Lot 18, Con. 9, Grey Twp. 4 miles East of Brussels on County Road on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th At 12.30 p. m. Sharp SLURRY SEED TREATMENT SERVICE Nurses 1 middle aged Clyde Team Set of back band harness and horse Dollars Cattle 6 Young Dual Purpose Durham Cows, all due to freshen in May 4 Heifers, rising 2 years old 3 Durham, Steers, risings 2 yrs. old 4 Durham Calves, 1 year old 2 Baby Beef ready for market Implements -•- 7 ft. M. H. Binder, Deering Mower 6 ft. M. H. Hay Loader, Sulky Rake Pig crate, Pig trough, Bag track Renfrew 2000 lbs. scales, gravel box Set of sloop sleighs Large quantity of rope Frost & Wood Side Rake, Land Roller, Manure Spreader Grain Drill, 13 run Spring Tooth Cultivator Riding Plow, Scuftter Rubber Tired Waggon (nem) 16 ft. Flat Hay Rack 2 sets.of Diamond Harrows Sling Ropes, Scoop Shovel Fanning Mill, Hay Car 1,9 ft. of practically new Hay Rope Hay Fork and Sling Chain 6 ft. Steel Water Tnontgh 11 barrel of Molasses, • Electric Fencer, Brooder Stove 2 — 8 gal. milk cans, Piano box Chains, Forks, Shovel, Sacks and many other articles. Hay and Grain Quantity of Mixed Hay 250 bu. of Mixed Grain 509 bu, of Erban Oats 100 bit. of Galore Barely All Grain Suitable for Seed, Household Effects Dinin room table and 6 chairs Walnut glass cupboard, rockers Occasional chairs, Hitchen chairs 2 bedroom suites, Finlay cook stove Quantity of antique glassware and china and other dishes, TERMS CASH E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Charles' W. Penfound, Prop ON YARN= WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Always a large stock In Choicest Granites to Chose from AH modern machinery. ramous for Cemetery lettering a specialty Artistic Memorial, at very reasonable prices. R. A. SPOTTSN Phone 256 — Wingham, Ont. Separators and Milkers. Disc, Plows, Mutate Spreaders. Lime and Fertilizer Sowers, Sprieg.tooth Harrows both wheel tractors and crawlers, Mows, Discs, Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Snwdley Forage Blowers and Hamner M.. We also ave repairs Oar Oliver Cocltahsstt Tirasiws, tnnplemset Dealers for Moor implements MORRrrr dl WRIGHT This new, highly elTicient seed -treating method uses a solution or slurry which assures excellent, uniform coverage of seed with disinfectant ... yet add's less than half of 1% moisture to the seed. Seed Treatment is low-cost crop insurance Seed Treatment protects grain against smuts, seedling blight, root rot. It kills smut on seeds and protects against soil -borne diseases—but does not weaken gain. IIpit on. See the Gustafson Slurry Treater at work Next time.you're in town, drop in and sec our new Slurry Seed Treater at work. It's a• smart piece .of machinery. We'll be glad to answer any questions . . show you how Slurry Seed Treatment Service can save you money and time. We use CERESAN M — the most widely used seed disinfectant in Canada J. C. ADAMS & SON Brussels, Ontario Mrs. Mllvert Sellers Largely attended funeral services for Mrs. Milvert Sellers, were cos- ducted in the 'United Church, Wroz , eter, by the Rev, El. W. Todd, and interment made in Wroxeter Ceme- tery. Pallbearer were Frank , Sellers, Henry Wheeler, Roy Sellers, , Leslie Fortune, Allen Munroe, and Percy Copeland. Survirdng is one daughter, Mrs. Leslie Hetherington, Toronto, Mrs. Sellers was the last member of the tamely. of Mr. and Mrs. George Oaaentore, Bluevale. After her marriage she lived on a farm near Bluevale !until she and her late husband retired to Wroxeter. She was edipfva In Wantjsn'e Inat3twte work, GOOD FOR ALL KINDS OF BAKING W. L. Baeker & Son SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT - BUTCHFR SHOP Phone 6 lines*, National Sew and Save Week March 1st to 8th Come in and See Our New Spring Fabric Display Cotton Criskay in beautiful Spring Shades 36" wide 98c Flowered Percales 36" wide $1.39 yd. American Cotton Prints in beautiful flowered and striped patterns 79c yd. 40 New Spring Patterns in Canadian Cotton Prints 49c, 59c and 69c yd. Printed Crepes and Plain Shades in Latest New Spring Patterns 42" wide - $1.98 yd. up. Choose a McCall Pattern for all your Family Needs. THE ARCADE STORES Store Wide Bargains for, the Whole Family Blyth, Ont. — Brussels, Ont. Telephone. 4 and 113, Myth, OM..