HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-3-5, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE -- G e Ho9atein Dow, milking geed, Fifth Annualair Anglia Brown Phone 7a Brussels, Sponsored By The HURON CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION to be held in the - CLINTbN DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, CLINTON Friday and Saturday, March 7, 8 $500.00 IN PRIZES Special Educational Displays on Reforestation Special Programmes Friday evening and Saturday afternoon Auction Sale of Ten -Bushel Lots Saturday afternoon Junior Seed Judging Competition Saturday morning ALL ENTRIES TO BE MADE AT THE AGRICULTURAL OFFICE, CLINTON, BEFORE TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1952 EVERYONE WELCOME ADMISSION FREE EVERY FARM A FACTORY ... :. and your livestock and poultry are conversion units. High quality balanced rations are needed to bring out top production. Toward the end of your stabling period, before the livestock go on pasture, you may need to supple- ment your home-grown feed in order to get the best results. Your Commerce manager will be glad to discuss the matter of financing the purchase of feed. He represents a bank that has for many years taken a keen interest in promoting better farming and in looking after Canadian farmers' banking needs. Why not pay him a visit? GET YOUR COPIES OF THESE BOOKLETS :.: They are available at any Commerce branch: .1. More Power to You 2. Keeping the Farm to the Family 8. Pasture on the Production Line 4, good Breeding Showa 45, Quality Makes Sales . An Eye to the Future f. Loafing for a Lining • Mrs, R. W. Knechtel Passed away in Winnipeg, Mrs, Isabel Knechtel, 82, the former Isabel Moore widow of Dr, Robert Knechtel, Born in the diatxiot of Brussels, Ont.., aIrs. Knechtel Dame to Win- n0peg in 1897. When her bntbsand retired in 1916, bhe family moved to. Souris, butreturned to Winnipeg in 19,36. For .over 50 years, Mrs. Knechtel had been closely associated with greater Winnipeg's 'welfare and community organizations. She helped organize Winnipeg's first fresh air camps for children. Long associated with the Canadian Rod Cross, she was one of tihe principal organizer for the Manitoba branch during the first world war. She woe, bhe first president of the Kindergarten Settlement Association and a member of the executive board for over 50 years. first vdee*resideat and a member of the boarki of the Y. W. C. A., Mrs. Kneolntel was prominent in that organization's expansion firming the Peat half century. She was a mem- ber of Knox United Church and a life member of the Women's Miss- ionary Society. .Surviving her are one sister, Mrs. D. A. McQunrrfe of Rainy River, a brother, Robert Moore of Grand Prairie, Alta., and a niece, Mass Janet McQuarrie, who resided with Mrn. Knechtel. Dr, Knec.b4el died in 1942, 'Ile funeral service was held from the Clark Leatherdale funeral chapel, JAMES' !TOWN The March meeting of the Walton C. G. I. T. was held at the home of Leona and Doris Johnston, Edna Martin opened the meeting with the call to worship, followed by the singing of Hymn 261, The scripture was read by Margaret McArthur followed by prayer, Hymn 214 was sung followed by all the members repeating the "Purpose." in the business part of the meeting Edna Martin offered to have the n,ext nesting at her home. For tho tc:pie Mrs. Thomas our leader gave a veru interesting talk on Handel. Hymn 388 wee Rang. All the members sang Teas ‘and tine hostess served a delicious lurch. FOR SALE — Soft Maple and Elm tops, Most wood for the marav, ,Tames 'Stevenson Pb on. Rn,1 FOR SALE -- 12 good chunks of pigs. Ronald Mulligan Phone 84112 FOR SALE — One' Gander and Two Geese. Pave Shtels, Gahm Survey. FOR SALE — 22 A,utomatlo Winchester Rifle, in good condttlon, Donald Kai Phone 12r9. FOR SALE 12 pigs, 6 weeks old, weaned, Thomas. Bernard Phone 36r9. FOR SALE -- Goad Good frame house, with bath- room, 1,4 acre lard, barn and fruit krees, reasonable for quick sale. Kenneth Beggs Phone 77r10 LIVESTOCK WANTErf — FREE THERMOMETER—Plus cash for dead or disabled horses or cows Phone collect Brussels 72, William Stone Sons. Limited, NOTICE -- 91.00 trial , offer, Twenty -live DeLuxe Personal Requirements. Latest Catalogue included. The Med- mo Agency, Box 124 Terminal A l'ormuto, Ontario. WANTED— Dead and disabled farm animals wanted for prompt pick-up. Call Percy Stephenson, Ethel Phone Brussels 85r12. Collect. PROPERTY FOR SALE — ITouse and lot in Brussels, bathroom, furnace, modern kitchen with built in cupboard, and insulated. Apply at the Brussels Post. NOTICE — Floor sanding and finishing, also carpentry. Prompt service guaran- teed. Apply to A. Green, Phone 464w, Wingham TENDERS WANTED — Tenders wanted for supoOyfng 15 cords of 'hard body -wood to be de- livered to Duff's United Church, Walton, by April 30th. Tenders to be in the hand s of W. J. Leeming, R. R. 2 Walton by March 15th, FOR -SALE — P,ray pullets. You can't do better. 1'or the egg markets you have your eye ou, Hatchery has them for immediate delivery, dayold and started. Mao cockerels, Order nixed chicks in advance. Agent — Wnm. Glen Bray, Ethel, FOR SALE — 100 acre farm, real good buildings. t:ydro, price 57,500.00. .-150 acre Lerma, good buildings ,xation. -• :no acre farm, good location_ aydro, pressure system and bath. 2-100 acre grass farms, 1-50 acre grass farm. 1-88 acre farm priced 55,8M. buildings. 1-50 acre farm, good buildings, J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Phone 84 Dm/est.-1a HELP WANTED — MALE Men! Here's your chance to earn a better than average income, A permanent full -tune business Dan be yours selling nationally known Watkins Products. Previous ex- perience not necessary — we train you. Men between 26 and 55 owning n car or light truck preferred. For part Iculars without obligation write The T. R. Wanting Co., 350 St, Roeh St., Montreal, Wednetsday, 1\8areb 644 19e ar 4.44e - !OEC ILENE This year again the Red Cross Appeal presents us with a challenge ... and an opportunity. New victims of war wounds, greater need of lifesaving blood" transfusion services, the inevitability of great disasters of fire and flood., . all must find the Red Cross ready. As the need to alleviate suffering grows, the generosity of Canadians grows too. But today the task is almost beyond measure. There is the challenge. The opportunity to help is before you. Give TODAY to carry 011 tomorrow's work of mercy $5,222,000 is urgently needed to XEEP YOUR RED CROSS STRONG Gifts to your Red Cross are wisely used. Each year the accounting is approved L.: auditors of the Dominion Government. Local Campaign Headquarters and Telephone Number USED CAR PAW'S Axles and wheels suitable for trailers and farm waggons, Transmissions, Driveshafa, Heads Sealed beam units, Glass, Generators. and starters etc. Dozen of good used tires air tubes in all popular sizes. Norman McLean, Seaford, 3i mile south of .tracks, Phone U. FALLS FROM TRUCK WINGHAM, March 3 — Garfield Westlake, 17, R. R. 1, Wroxeter, was admiiter to General Hospital here after be fell out of a truck he was driving. He suffered brush burns, coma - Moms and a fractured left hand \Olen the door of his truck opened throning him to the roadway. MARKET PRICES PAID PPR :DEAD STOCK. HORSES - CATTLE •" HOGS . TELEPHONE COLLECT BRUSSELS 85R12 ELMIRA 564 0-.RDOK.YOUNq, .:L I M.tTb .t :;`,.s`, MYSTERY 'OF WARNING DREAMS Dr. J. 13. Rhine, noted Duke Univ,raity p,Ysc:hologislt, recounts dreams of people who actually have forseeu future enrenis. Are warning dreams that come true mere coin- cidence or can people really fore- tell future? Read Dr. R.h re's il- luminating article in this Sunday's issue of The Anreriaan Weekly, exclusively with The Detroit Sun- day Times, UP SHE GOES ! Until the week -end Teeswater's ; Population was offic»ally tabu la bed on 4.he highway signs at the apps' C:hes to the village as 860. Bat the north entrance sign ow shows as 1860 — certain- ly a rapid increase. Some wag marked a age "1" preceeding the' proper amount, — The Teeswater News JACK'S RADIO ' REPAIR I now have a full line of equipment to repair all makes and models of Radios. Jack McWhirter Phone 95x Brussels, Ont. McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE St-IELLUBRICATION, SHELL HOUSEHOLD AND SHELL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DUNLOP TIRES Guaranteed rnnalr; to all makes of ears and trucks Parts and Accessories. Austin Sales and Service PHONE 7716 BRUSSELS, ONT. Qac Cg@a C ' DOC, WHY ARE MY CHICKS SUCH SLOW 5TARTERS ? THOUGHT TODAY'S CHICKS WERE BUILT FOR FAST GROWTH D HOLD THEM ACK WO EVERYTHING 10 fEfDTHEM WELL EXCEPT SET THEM AT MY DINNER TABLE. MAYBE THEY'RE NOT GETTING ENOUGH OUT OF THEIR FEED, JIM • )OU KNOW HOW POOR 6A6 MAKE6 YOUR GAR SPUTTER ANDTALL• AGHIGK'S A - MAGHINE,TOO. WELL,IT TAKES HIGH OCTANE 10 WHAT DO GET TOP PERFORMANGE IN YOUR YOU GALL CAR- IT TAKES A HIGH QUALITY A TOP FEED,TDO, TO 6E1 TOP GROWTH QUALITY IN YOUR CHICKS FEED, DOC. By Roe Farms Service Dept. A TOP FEED, JIM,ISN'T MADE JUST TD SATISFY CHICKS' APPETITES • IT'S MADE TO eu/10emeis•SOUSE A FEED THAT'S PLENTY RIGH IN VITAMINS AND" tTEINS ROE V/TAFOODCRUM ,AtfP WATCH YOUR CHICKS GROW IIAWN H• MINT Cl41G_Kt kgs Tie HR!Y qftll HEY CONTAIN 141, 1,irVEST 'GROWTH MAgORlf" 6 ROE+COM81l3"ARE, WAtURAI:taila r*tlsi~ Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONe ETHEL F. HARRISON MONCRIEFF •