HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-2-27, Page 4VIA }IoW CAN A NORSE GET HIS SLEEP WITH NSE DURts I ACNiNES ROARING AROUND ALL NiGHT?: EVERY MINUTE COUNTS! Now is the time to check over your machinery for spring cultivation. You won't make time with broken or badly running equipment. Efficient modern machinery lets you operate 24 hours a day if necessary. It cuts down labour and lowers cost of production. Your Commerce manager represents a bank that has for many years taken a keen interest irl promoting better farm- ing and in looking after Canadian farmers' banking needs. Why not pay him a visit? '101 sees,,e Get a free copy of "MORE POWER TO YOU" fromyour Commerce manager. CRAl\BRQUK The World Day of Prayer will be abeerved in Iona Presbyterian Cintsoh ou Friday. afternoon; -Feb. Pill at VA All ladles of the eom, ' muMty Ore ,invited to attend, A `.11uiet° weddi4tg took place gat 10 a. u1, on Saturday, Feb, 16011, in Knox Presbyterian gtant'dll when Rev. W. M. I•iyndmiau c08letated et a ceremony malting IA rearriage Evelyn Helen, second daugtletes of Mr, and Mrs. John SciU1oels, and Lloyd Allan Hate Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ilall, A4wood, The bride was attended by Miss Mildred '" FIAtl', stetter of the gl'oom, and Mr, Kenneth Sehnock, brattier ofe the bride. attended the bridegroom, Mrs. Clara Omstead Is visiting with friends in St. Thomas. Ides. Orville I\'filtdhell, white- chnreh, le spending a few days with 11r.. Win. Cameron. (suite a number of the young folk in the community have been enjoy. ing sleeting on the outdoor rink ai the Community Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ritehee. Lon - eon. were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mee. Alban Cameron. THE BRUSSELS POST " LEGION LADIES' AUXILIARY Robert KellinDtun The' Ladies' Auxiliary elutertalnedl sero passed away at lila PTV Ohe Clinton Auxiliary at a Yeletitiee viir'cial , ,,,, n>al'y, Va°ncotivor an POKY Feb. 20th. A. very enlcynble Feb. 14th, Robert Icetlington Y<0111g- eveiring, ;wags' ep .ivt8pelat 1n gtt10es est son of Mattliew and .Alice $el• end Euo)ire, Coin, (*title drew tlhe lington, formerly of She 401i lino of 1141144'.'011' !a pr. •ol. pllOOf oases °11d Motets townisluip, in bis- 07th year. Cora.' Fred Stephenson had the It is 37 years +since he left here for lucky tioket. , Duna wasserved by Western Canada He was buried 1ho oe11.1 4. 6 tte8 in cenar1e 4114 Coln, ie Vettelvtns' Cemetery, Vaneonver, 1 Castle In a fe0v viroids tmanked the 30 leaves to mourn his loss, t'vo ladies for the lovely evening, iirothers Bent of Co.tta+m and Fred 01 Vlancouver, also two staters, Nettie Hobbs of Toronto, end Lillian Stanbury of Goderieb at whose home another. brother Joseph, passed away in Dececmber last. CLASSIFIED ADS, FOR SALE Several Young Calves, *Roves Cardiff Phone 51r4. BLUEVALE Pei=ontifs Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hayes, Zusich, with their two I d.ug,iters visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Agar; Miss Jessie Strach- an and her nephew Thomas Strachan, attended the funeral of their. cousin. Charles Swanson of Winebam, and were accompanied by ?ars. Elsie, Strachan,- ;Vire, Annie Wray and Mrs. W. J. Johnston. Mr. R. J. McMurray opened her home on Wednesday for the meeting of the Morris group of the Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church, There were nine membeea and one vi-itar present. The president, Mrs. William Elston, presided and read a Sepriture passage. Mrs. Bernard Thomas led in prayer and gave the seca•etary-treasuer's report, The women quilted for the hostess dnr- FOR SALE — One Holstein oow, • milking good. Angus Brown Phone 7x Brussels. FOR SALE — Good collie pups, good healing strain, Graham Work .Phone 12718 WANTED — One coal burning brooder stove, for 300 to 403 chick capaeiitee Graham Work Phone 12318 LIVESTOCK WANTED — • FREE THERMOMETER—Plus cash for dead or disabled horses or cows Phone collect Brussels 72, William Atone Sons, Limited. FOR RENT — 100 acre Oarm, 40 acres of crop, 25 acres of hay, the rest is pasture. Apply to Archie MOKay, Con.. 15, Lot 28, Grey, Phone 47r7 FOR SALE —' Doll Carriage, Large Perfect. 011 i Space Heaters Coleman, Washer Easy, all in A-1 condition. Apply Wood's Dry Goods Store. NOTICE -- 31.00 trial offer. Twenty-ilve DeLuxe Personal Requirements. Latest Catalogue Included. The Med- ,co Agency, Box 124 Terminal A roronto, Ontario, Wedrteoday, February 27th, 195. CLEARING • AUCTION SALE 'Of Farm Stock and Machinery At Lot 11, Concession 4, Morris Twp. 2%2 miles East of Belgrave FRIDAY, MARCH 7th at 1 P. M. 1951 Ford tractor fully equipped; One Way Diet; Ford double disc buckralrn; 1034 Chevrolet sedan; M. TL 7 01. binder; Hay loader (nearly new); N etional milking machine; M. H. manure spreader; M. H. 15 -run fertilizer drill; farm wagon; fanning mill; 1 oil space heater 20 cord of melee body wood. Horses — e 1 black otyde mane, 10 years old. Cattle —, 1 brindle cow, fresh; 1 Ayrshire cow, milking; 3 Durham cows, due time of sale; 1 Hereford cow„ due in March; 2 Durham cows, due in April; 1 Durham heifer, dote in July; 4' Dlurham heifers, hred; 2- r old Holstein heifers; 9 calves ting 1 Near old; 3 young calves; I red Rurham bull, 2 years old. Pigs — 2 York sows bred; 11 pigs 130 lbs.; 7 chunks 12 Olbs.; 9 chunks, 12 weeks. old. Hay — 1 20 tion of mixed bay. TERMS CASH ni WANTED— Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Dead and disabled farm animals Mitchell Elliott, Prop. E. P. Chesney. Clerk. wanted for prompt pick-up. Call ing the afternoon. Ms's. M1.McirraY 1 Percy Stephenson, Ethel, Phone served a roast chicken supper. Brussels 85r12, Collect. j The Triple group met for quilt- ing at the home of Mrs. Burns Mof- I Lau, who conducte, a short de- votional and beehives period. Four - f teen women paid teeir membership I fres. The followi.lg officers were elented : presid, at, Mrs. Walter Smillie; vice-president, Mrs. Elsie A Lamont; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. W.. G. Mundell; quilt committee, - , els. Alex Oiac7avish, Mrs, Eldred FI DzERICIg. P. HOM9.T'TH Phm. B., R. O. Mrs. H. Viola Homnth R. O. Carol E. Hoir u'di R. 0. ?Lone 11 S Harridan, Ont. Registered Optometrists NOTICE — Floor sanding and finishing, also carpentry. Prompt service guaran- i- ed. Apply to A. Green, Phone 464w, Wingbarc Sichol and Mrs, J. J. Elliott, A lunch nes served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. 7. Mundell and Mrs. Cordon Mundell. Mr. and Mrs George Thornton vidted Mrs, Anson Thornton at Gerrie. iRw ' NN DE ERE HYDRAULIC MANURE LOADER fog Tato, ...SAVES HARD WORK ANO MONEY Loading manure is a "snap" once you teani up your John Deere Model "M" Tractor with the husky John Deere No. 30. It's a smooth -performing loader that gives you new ease • . . new economy ... new speed of manure handling. The No. 30 is a double -cylinder hydraulic loader; no chains, pulleys or cables are used In raising or lowering the bucket. The finger - d ' au w tan : t fans. lip control raises, lowers, or stops the bucket at any point in the 9.1/2 -foot loading range. There's plenty of clearance for shed work. Rugged construction assures years of de- pendable service. Plan now to investigate the advantages of owning this simple, streamlined John Deere loader, See us for complete details. Brussels, Cnt. 6i3 P ri•,€�;•f d Phone 58 1I FOR SALE — 1 Poll Angus Bull, '2 yr. old, reg- istered. Atpply to Archie McKay, Con. 15, Lot 28, Grey, Phone•47r7 PROPERTY FOR SALE — Hens,e and lot in Brussels, bathroom, furnace, modern kitchen with bullt in clipboard, and insulated. Apply at the Brussels Post. FOR SALE — Yeu'dl want pullets — that's "for sure" — for the good egg markets. Bray Hatchery has day-old and start ed in a variety aR breens for prompt shipment, also tooekerels. Ask for prices on mixed, to order, Agent Win. Glen Bray, Ethel. • NOTICE TO FARMERS — i have for sale a rubber tired wagon, tractor disc harrow, spring tooth harrows, and flexible drag harrows, feed mixers, grain throw- ers, seeds grain, Clover Permanent Pasture, also Spraying equipment, Naclturs Liquid Fertilizer. Geo. Wesenburg Phone 56r9, FOR SALE — 100 acre farm, real good buildings. hydro, price ;57,500.00. —100 acre farms, good buildings coed location. 1-•-230 acre farm, good location, hydro, pressure system and bails. 2-100 acre grass farms. 1-50 acre grass farm, 1-88 acre farm priced 15,800, buildings. 1-50 acre farm, good buildings. J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Phone 84 Brussels. HELP WANTED — MALE Alen: Here's your chance to earn a better then average income. A permanent full -tone business can he yours selling nationally known Watkins Products. Previous ex- perience not necessary — we train you. Men between 25 and 55 owning a car or light truck preferred. For particulars without Obligation write The J. R. Watkins Co., 850 St. Ruch St„ Montreal. USED GAR PARIS Axles and Wheels suitably ter trailers and farm Waggons. Transmlesbons, Drlvesbafts, Heads Sealed beam units, Glass, Grmeratoril, t,nd starters etc. llosen of good used tires sag tubes In all popular ,itis,. Norman McLean, Seatorth. 31, mile soot) of tracks, Pbone Iii. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects will be held at Lot 18, Con. 9, Grey Twp. 4 miles East of Brussels on County Road on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th, At 12.30 p. m. Sharp USED CARS 1951 Chevrolet Special Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Coach 1950 Austin Sedan, Like New. 1947 Monarch Sedan 1947 Chevrolet Coach 1946 Chevrolet Coupe 1946 Chevrolet Coach 1946 Ford Coach 1941 Plymouth Sedan Many Older Models USED TRUCKS 1946 Ford 3 ton truck with racks NEW CARS New Chevrolet Power Glide Sedan Announcement — We now have the New Stewart Warner Electronic Wheel Bal- ancer. A must for safe driving and cuts tire wear to a minimum. Riverside Motors Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gas and oils Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. MELVILLE YOUNG WOMEN'S GUILD The Young Women's Guild of Melville Presbyterian Church met at tthe of Mrs. Elisabeth Elliott for their January meeting. Mrs. Susie Martin presided for Ibe devotional Period when Psalm 19 was sung and everyone read it verse of Scripture from Matthew 7. Mrs. Wilma Elliott then led in prayer. Rev. W.. Fulton gave a very interesting topic I on "Presbyterianism". The devote tonal period closed with the singing of Psalm 74 and the repeating of i the Mizpab Benediction, Mrs. Marguerite Kreuter presided for the 1 business period after which a de- licious hutch was served by Mrs, I Kate Wilson, Mrs. Wilma Elliott and Mrs Susie Martin and the hostess. H arses 1 middle aged Clyde Team Set of back band harness and horse collars Cattle GYoung Dual Purpose Durham Cows all due to freshen in May 4 Heiters,,,iis4ng 2 years old 3 Durham Steers, risings 2 yrs, old 4 Durbam Calves, 1 Year old 2 Baby Beef ready for market Implements 7 ft, M. H. Binder, Deering Mower 0 ft. M. H. Hay Loader, Sulky Rake Pig crate, Pig trough, Bag truek Renfrew 2000 lbs, scales, gravel box Set of sloop sleighs Large quantity of rope Frost Sc Wood Side Rake, Land Roller, Manure Spreader Grain Drill, 13 run Spring Tooth Cultivator Biding Plow, Scattier Rubber Tired. Waggon (new) 16 ft. Flat Hay Rack 2 'sets of Diamond Harrows Sling Ropes, Scoop Shovel Panning Mill, May Car 1(e ft. of practically new Hty Rope hay Forst and Sling Chain 6 ft. Steel Water Trough 1,,4 barrel of Molasses, Electric Fencer, Brooder Stove 2 -- 3 gal milk cans, Piano box Chains, Forks, Shovel, Sacks and nand other articles. Hay and Grain Quantity of Mixed flay 250 bei, of Mixed Grain 500 ifu. of Erban Oafs. 100 bn. of Galore Barely All Grain Sortable for Seed, Household Effects Min V0001 table and 6 chairs Walnut glass cupboard, meters Gecasionai chairs, Kitchen ehalrs 2 bedroom suttee, Finlay cook stove Quantity Of antique glassware and Opine and other dishes, TERMS CASH E. P. Chesney, Clerk, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, Charles W, Penfcund, Prop BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 45 .—. Brussels, Out JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses fitted, Phone 791 Seaforth — Main Street HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEOI" William St. Pborae 4. Rrowels, Oat Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co. Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General Insurance Co. Phone 43x_._ — Bru87els G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Wingham 770 & 5, Kincardine 21. Evenings by ,appointment. _ J. A. Mona gahan, R. O. Optometrist, LiSTOWEL, ONT. • Specializing in Eye Exanninatfon and the Fitting of Glasses Office in Listowel Clinic Bsdh ng Homs: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, daily; Closed Wednesday p.m. Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 to 9138. Other evenings by appointment Phone 534. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 65 - No extra charge for Use of Funeral Home. 6• G. Walker Licensed_ Funeral_ Director & Embalmer.._ —1). A. Rann & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer ]HONE 36 or 85 — BRUSSELS, ONT. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fre Insurance Accident and Sickness Apleiat for Great West lMe insurance Co. Phone Office 96 Braise, Out. R. S, Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS Teeesday and Saturday all day — Cffflct open every dap Phone 20x --• Successor to E. D. Ill Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) 4 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PRICES REASOW !For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and el* For ildornotino etc.write or phone Liner. Pe will be Iao,ked after immediately Or waste to tk, R. 3 Weikam. SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1 am now equipped to pump out your Septic Tank, also do all other kinds of vumping, .such as flooded cellars etc. IRVIN COXAN Phone 75r4 Milverton, Ont.