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The Brussels Post, 1952-2-13, Page 5
E11'k.,:. iN MEMORIAM READ YE, READ ALL i :::L•,.t:Anel'a at the ear'niYa epouslor'ed dry l:thei Warren's ins lite were ; Lady. Merllen Bowes man, Donald Pesten; Valentin0 costume, Anne Pesten; condo cos Uene, Marilyn . Bowes, Verne Bowes iargest family on skates, 8, ReYelond and f,aenily; couple lace, Adrian de Reuther' and Anne Pestell: relay race Don ytayn�ardl a youngest child on skates, Diane lidoharde: beet pewee stick handler, Rodney Gadder': race under den years, Mjurray Bray, John de Reuter: boys' race, Don Pestell Carmen Bowes; girls, race, Ethel Bishop; older boys' race, Adrian de Reuter: young man's race, Don Bateman, Bili Cumtanings: melee race, Cheater Earl. Bill Cummings: ladies' race, Ethel Bishop; back- ward skating, Adrian de Ruether, Ethel Bishop: broom ball, single hien 4, married men 2, George Dunbar lvae in charge of the programme.-Steniey 1MTeDon'ald and Stuart Nichol opan,ated the booth, Proeeede go to the rine fund, ri f eetore meeting of the Tawn- shin of Grey Federation or Aerie -o- hms was held et Ethel on Taesdnv eventne Feb. 5th. 1 RIN T"OUL -- In loving uleuwrY of 'he 10aet Huron Agricultural Bee. (gluier W. lientoul, a dear him tl• band and father,'wJio Passed auw,a r ne one year ago, February 19,1951. t- It's 1ante.soaile here without you And sad the weary wwty POI' life le not the same to us Since you were called, await, If we had the world to give We'd give 11, see, and xnore To bear your voice -and see your smile And greet you et the: door So these who have a father Mellish him with care For you'll Haver know the heartache Til] volt see his Ever rementbeeed by hiewife and TTelen and Wanda. Orval Harrison, »nnitre. pro- drrere renresentativeled a din- I enssdnr nn Ohl nrnnocnd pan eleg m.. 1„a erheme, • Andrew Simpson of "Molesworth, was present and discussed the dairy 1 Industry, and a resolution was 1 drafted re importation of cheese. The price of cheese at present is below the cast of production and not encour4seine the dairy industry, This resolueion is to be passed on to the County Federation. John Knight was eleoted as new Poultry producers representative to replace Orval Harrison wlio ties been elected to the same position for the County of Huron, James Bremner was voted to be delegate as Hog Producers Repres- ent.-.,;,,., .,, Tnrnn,n. The meetne ways well attended, w'hi't shows the keen Intere+1 in Federation activity, BS MARKET PRICES PAID FOR • DEAD STOCK HORSES - CATTLE HOGS • JtEPHONE COLLECT BRUSSELS 85R12 ELMIRA 664 ' GORDON YOUNG • LIMITED MONCR FF. i \les. Orvial Harrison was hostess i for the February meeting at the MonerieYf W. M. .5., whish .met on Feb. 6th, at 2 D. m. The call to worship was given by the leader, Mrs. Jim Mechlin, followed by the singing of a .'hymn. Scripture was reed by Mrs. Leonard Machan, 1 John, chapter 5, verses '14,21. An instructive paper on temoenance, was given by Mrs. Ferg McNaught, followed by the reading of the min. uthes of the previous meeting, which` were approved as read. The roll call was answered by a verse of Scripture 'and telling where found. Twenty-one members were Present. The offering was received and h;tainees was discussed. Hymn 378 was then sung. The topic was taken by Mrs. Alex Slnefran on "Our Fellow Canadians From Europe." Tribute was given to our late King George VI. Mrs. Eldon Mann favoured with as inrst itment- al selection. Hymn 380 was sung end Mrs. Harry Luddington closed Vile meeting with prayer, The W. A. meeting opened with the president, Mrs, Joe Smith, pre- siding. Hymn 002 was sung, atter which. Psalm 695 was read respon- sively. The minutes were adopted as read. Business followed. it was decided not to have a bazaar this veer.. Thanks was' expressed for a box received sent to Korea, to the members of the W. A The meeting was rinsed by roe/eating the Mizpah Rt'nerlictton. A delicious lunch wee served by the hostess and her assistants. The March meeting will he bald et the hone of Mrs, .The Smith, taarom Sturdier! Tougher/ Longer Wearin 1♦1II •id i, T"' Also Also available In lib Tread It's the improved GOODYEAR By actual test, the improved Goodyear DeLuxe delivers up to 34% more mile- age! And you get extra protection against blowouts plus sure-footed trac- tion is well. See us today --we hags your size! 0.61 I :3C 005 THIS"NIG SI N F QURIIIY GOOD1 YEAR di: gem 'emeart rg ..totew•. .... T ER E S ELLIOTT MOTOR SALES PHONE: 82 DODGE-DESOTO—SALES & SERVICE A 4r*_ 4.421WWWITPAELV 4410 -` tety of Brussels vicinity have chosen Sept, 25 . 26, for their Fall JSair dates for this year, The striking committee seleoted to help make It a big success' are as follows —•• Finance, W. Shortreod, J. Wheeler, 13, Kmt•gitt. Grounds, J. Mak, J. Turnbull, G, Knight, T, D, MoDonald, Pnblicitty, D. Hotndngway, G. Wee. enbure, 8, Wheeler. Attractions, J. S. Armetretig. N. Hoover, J. Mair, G. Knight, H, Jchn,ston, Win. Smith. Hell, W. Shortroed, J• Wlteelor. Wm, 1dlmg, G. Wesenburg, Adrian Mereggart, Eii antlattnntient, R. ,Knight, G, Tluettler, J. Work, H, Bolger, Mrs, Todd •:and Mrs, L. Porter, Traitor Equipment, ,T, Mair, G. Mistier, S. Sweeney, �" Clulldreres • Sports, 3, S. Armsdronle K, Ashton, 10. Martin, Wilt. Spivey, •Recin ' G. Gatbraddlt. T. L. Mc• Dnnadd, R. J. ;4TcI:isithlin, C. Ieng, A, Anderson, T. Kirleby, Scheele T{. Ashton, E. Martin, .T, 0,ittile, T, 4peir, •Doreen Long ant? Doreen Menzies. Police Work, S. Wheeler, .7. 'Mork, W. King, D. M. Ma•oTavfsh.' Wm. I Reid, Ad, McTaggart, H. Thomas, W. Seelig2onses, D. Hemingway, J. Bow- mans J. Dryers and Bert Johnston, Beef Cattle, J. Turnbull, FI. Johnskon, G. Knight and Geo. Menzies. Dairy Cattle, W. Shortreede, 3. I Midge, I). Langrldge, iSheap. N. Hooves, Jas. W. Smith, I Win. 'Desalts. Swine, L. Wheeler, R. Ki lgh't, A. T.nnbull. Poultry and Eggs, 3, Work, Ken. f Coleman. Grain, Fruit and Veg., G. Knight, W. Smith, H, Johnston, L. Wheeler, J. Bowman, W. Kerr, J. Turnbull. Glass I{. L. M. 0., Ants, are to be directed by ladies. from the Majestic 1 and Crambrook Women's Institutes.1 We are haying Clinton Oats for Field Crop. Competition and need two more entries, • ,Dames Mair attended the ,Societies Convention in Toronto la:sit week. Some new names were added to the Associate Directors list — W. Todd. C. Kreuter. 0. Elliott, A. Pearson, J. Loire, G. Mather. We here a good representation of Di- rectors and Associates and should pie e melting of a successful year. for net,•Rrhasels Fall Fa^r. Tf of any time should you hate an ides nr semethine special for our Fair write .it down and present it to fi. meetese or the seet'etarv, Geo. Wesenbn,-e. PEOPLE WE KNO W k'aiss Lillian Lake, daughter of late Mr. Charles Lake and Mrs. Lake of Grey Township and student at St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph is the winner of one of five bursaries awarded for the first time this year to encourage and aid junior students In their nursing education. Mil. Orville Wihitfiel.d, St. Oath- arines, visited friends in Brussels last week, when he was here to attend the ,General of Mrs. Teasdale Whitfield. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wheeler, Ron- ald and Janice and Mrs, Olive Gal- lagherof London were Sunday guests with the formers parents Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Wheeler. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Cousinsand Mr, and Mrs, Bert Cousins of Wood- bridge left on Sunday for a short hatiday in Florida. where they will visit friends. THE ARUJSSELS COST FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE '7he.February meeting the Felend. ship Mole was' held in the United Ch'ur4h parlour on Feb, 6th, with a good attendank•e, The. Fres., Mrs, 0, Baena was in the chair, The meeting opened by singing the Melee song, "Blest Be the Tie that 13lnds," followed by Mrs, James Turnbull leaddng~in -prayer, The minui1ee were read by the Secretary Miss Pearl Baker, and tem tress„ report 1»' Mrs, John Wheeler, After 1 singing Jletnn 495, Mrs. Bridge, gave the finfan.olial standing of the Sinn- shine fund, The Scripture was reed by Ms's. T. Garnier. A aT endid topic CRA N'13ROOK A ti']bate to ming George 131 was ' paid in Knox Preebytes•lan Church I here on Sunday by Rey. W. M, IFypdh max, A memorial set'viee wilt be oolydaoted in the Cgyurch on Friday morning at 10,30. The W. Id. S. of Knox Presbyter. Ian Church, 'held its' February meet- ing in the Mailse on Wednesday afternoon. The president, Mrs. IEyndenau, presided over the meet- ing and spoke words of sorrow and symmathy do ,the death of King George VT, The serlptare lesson, Psalm 24 was head by Mrs. Alien Cameron. Mrs, Robt, Campbell was 'was given by Mrs. R. Constns, Roll call "Suggestion for raising mon for the Frienshie Circle" was an wer4:d by the meuabens and earn i good suggestion were given an ' dealt with individually dining -tit, bnafnese aeetlell of the .meeting. Ltwas decided to send clothin which had been donated by th members together with the quit and the nesewoollen blanket to Mrs. Sloaman of Oapriel instead Korea as formerly planned. A hearty vote of .thanks was offered by. Wire,C, Brvans far her artis Malty decorated and Printed pr. gram booklets, Also a vote of thanks was offered to Mrs. T. Garnet J. LowT Lowry, Mrs, A. McTaggart and erns, C. Bryan for their work in making hol'day hells which were ddstributed to the members Dor the Tu1pose of making money for the (Steele. Tt was •also decided to hold a Spring tea and hake sale on May 10th. A sug'ges�tion to regale. the 3vylymn hooks was made and Luella Mitoh'eln offered binding for this purpose. A "titanic yon" letter from a little boy in en °rphange in Eng..to whorl -the Circle had sent a parcel at Christmas time was, read by the secretary. Mrs. IC. Tyerman re• porter that the signs for the chnroh which bad been ordered some time ego was all ready Mrs. Wm. Evans, Miss L. Mitchell, and Mrs. J, Turnbull offered to as- sist with Junior Congregation for the month of March and Mrs, .T. Wheeler and Mrs, K, Tyerman for the month of April. It was also de- cided to.give $50.00 to the renovation fund of the church. A pian solo by Marion Hoover was well rendered to the enjoyment of all. A reading on fhan A Mission Work in Cada was given Er Mrs. C'. Hemingway. After the colleetton was taken the meet- ing eloped win singing hymn 682 fnilowed by ,the henedirtton. A y h tester was served by the heeteeses, llrs. C. Rrvans. Mrs. J. Z�'it••r1F,r end li'iss Prig Tinker. s7 appointed to be responsible for the s. Dediea'tory Prayer at the Presbyter e ial in Wingbam in May. The ' d World's Day of Prayer will be e observel in the church on Friday, i Feb. 29th at 3 .o'clock. Miss Alice g J. Forrest introduced the new study e book, using the map of South t A'merioa. 'Letters from Allan Reach were read by MRS le. M. Steins and Maraof Mrs. Mac Engel. The Marameet. log will be held at .bhe home of Mrs. R. le, McDonald, _ Keep in mind..the pot -leek sapper o in the eharch basement on Thursday ' . evening at 7 o'clock. Members of i the Ladies' Aid are presenting a ane -set comedy "The Bugginsville Upiif1 Society," following the ante 1 Per. . A silver collection will be f taken, • I Mr. Lynn Evans is able to be . nut again following his recent oper- f , anon. • Mr. Wm. Sma.ildon is spending a - sidle with Mr.. and Mrs, Jas, Keys, Seafonth. On Friday morning as M•r, George . Hart was driving around the corner ' to the store his car skidded on'ehe extremely iov road. hitting •the Parked inc belongine to Mr. F.dwth Martin. Ruth ears were somewhat detnaeed by the impact. Mrs Duncan Johnston letutenal services were held last t Weanoaday afternoon for Mrs, Dun- can Johnston who died at her home in Walton on Monday in her 83rd year. Formerly Mies Eliza Jane Searle, .Mrs. Johnston was the daughter of the late John and Satiate Jackson Searle, She had lived all her life in Walton com• nrmunity and was a member of the ' United Church there. She is sur- vived urvived by three sisters, Mrs. W. Fear.. and Mrs. Henry Young. Blyth; Mrs. Benjamin McNeil. Calgary: and one h,rother, Wesley Searle, Morris township. A funeral service was held at the Walker funeral home, Rrussels, with ibex, W. M. Thomas of Walton United Church affietatinjg. The pallbearers ware Archie Yonng, John Yonne. Mervin Richmond. Welter Shontreed. Tames Willamwtn, •'e"1 T, ^ngnl 3TrVittie, The Power Imerers were ,Tames Scott, George 1es,. Veye..,. Reid. and Henry nom g. Burial wee in Brussels cemetery. LITTLE STAR MISSION BAND The February meeting of the Little Star Mission Band of Melville Church was held on Sunday. Eigh- teen members were present. The meeting opened with hymn 763. Tatherine Riddick read the Scripture 1 and lead in prayer. 'Bhe offering i was. taken by Jack Higgins and I Robin Fulton led in prayer. Hymn. t 742 was song. The sec. and treas. 1 reports were given. Mrs. Gibson i discussed -the business and told a story to the children. We're a little Mission Band was sung. The meeting I Closed with Mizpah Benediction. IN MEMORIAM KEARNEY—In loving remembrance of William Lawson Kearney, who passed away Feb. 18th, 1950. No one knows how much we miss you No ogle knows the bitter pain We have differed since we lost you Life has never been the same In our hearts your memory lingoea Sweetly tender, fond and true There is not a day Dear Lawson That we do not think of you, Sadly missed by Wife and Family. IN MEMORIAM ICEARNEY—In loving remembrance of Williain Lawson Kearney, who passed away Feb. 18th, 1950. We watched him suffer day by day It causal us hitter grief. To see him slowly pass away And could not give tidier; Years moi, wipe out many things But this they wilt,, ottt never. The memnry of those harpy days \i'ltcn we tv^re all toaethrr. Sadly massed :Ind ever remem• hared by Mother. Mrs. W. Kearney, and sister Beatrice, antsy, znebruary 18th, 1,11151 An Eye to the Future Long term planning helps you to raise more than the average for your area. This planning for the future should especially be applied�to the five basic factors of farming. They are: Land, Livestock, Labour, Capital and Size of Farm or Farm Business. Every farm is differ- ' ent and has its individual problems. So it's 1 .up to you to make each factor work hard for you. Many farmers have found it helpful to talk; with their Commerce manager. He represents a bank that has for many years taken a keen interest in promoting better farming and in looking after Canadian farmers' banking needs. Why not pay him a visit? r The Canadian Bank of Commerce ATTENTION Rural Hydro Users If you are considering the use of electricity for space heating, please contact your local Hydro Office before taking any action. It is in your interest to discuss this matter with your Hydro Area Manager, particularly the rate applicable to this type of service and the special conditions that apply to wiring your premises for the use of space heaters. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO ` C@@@ i Nma jay ©M By Roe Farms Service Dept. 'PRETTY EH, DOC ? THOUGH, KEEP THEIR HEADS N' st n ‘, * .nil ;i1411\\\ plyli' #,��� l 1 " .. GOOD FUCK SOME CHICKS 1 CHIRPING OFF „t ''''Gr,; '`, �� i I ,. + \.• �```� v,�' , � `�'dnni,' c� I :, t . tri``ta`t, il ' `�. AL.17 WELL,IT'S NOT CHIRPING .JOY,JACK.THEYLooK WEAK TO THEY'RE !.. 1,, � �� `` �`\ , 't r. s ''elm:. ACINCH ME, HUNGRY .•en�lr r+ /� :. i THEY'RE WITH MAYBE ; nr °, ray .t. ,ir i / ''`i `'- C'• t"`f" HOW FOR A SAFE START , , ',µ A;:.1,0 cTi.BUT,JACK, A CHICK MUST ,r vv. ,t+„L ,, , IF CHICKS HAVETO FIGHT CAN 1 AVOID THIS DOC? ? ,� HERE A SIMPLE WAY TO PROVIDE PROPER FEEDING SPACE, JACK. FIGURE YOUR FEED HOPPERS AT 1 INCH PER CHICK FOR IST3 WEE HUNGRY, DOC a. YOU KNOW I NEVER BE ABLE To 6ET AT IT BEFORE IT DOES ANY GOOD LOOKS AS •` THERE'S SOMECROWDINGHERE '+•' F t WHAT THAT GOT TO DO WITH IT, DOC. FOR EATING SPACE, JACK, SOME: OF THEM WILL GO HUNGRY AND YOUR FLOCK AND SOUND GROWTH pE �1,' �! R pf '��tl111 d _�-"' ♦ v lA IfR °'� CNIS CANTAINS v� • ,NEWEST CKST RTE GROWTH CHICK;:�::; ' 2 INCHES PERCHICK FROM 3T06 WEEKS - 1 i) . G Q,. l". 31NCHE5 PER I, CHICK AFTER ,)? G WEEK$ `topood4r: .-p- , s-- *ALLTFIE flOk' 1 <,1 .��,.ar _ • t. �.:, - STINT ON VITAFOOD, , , ir-0.,Xf"T Vit_ :.�;`'' , . WI LL SHOW SLOW AND '011:0;t: UNEVEN GROWTH. �,'t J� - - Gn"r i t• <•,` 4” i* n t Sti t.; .r '0 , e Ah: ; • A / :1 —r ' �" ` _ . � 14� F� �'''' ,�� 1�'° 4‘ . .: .�\' u �(a ` . . a� l e� .ss a r, `% �: etl ) ) U """ , ..; Aril_ G �I""` 4i''..."'e Gelid I i�, », 1 n ((;:� iia(Pi� a'. �1 - .1�. t,,.,..1 L l r 0� 1111 )16. . i 1 ....� . FACTORS ,,,. , �,,,�r ..�.i___-.-_' cayr HuronProduce JOHN LAMON' ETHEL F. HARRISON' ML)NCRIEFP r " ..�' jt' r. 1- -A ti r, r .,' `'' �,< 4 ,