HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-2-13, Page 1THE BRUSSELS:: POST PUBLISHING HOUSE. Wedesday, February .13th, 1952 $2,00 per year •0.5d Uoa"Xi We Join With All His Loyal Subjects in mourning the passing of HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE VI The departure from our midst of this great and kindly man, leaves an emptiness in all our hearts His grace and steadfastness during our darkest hour will live forever. • Long Live The Queen. THE ARCADE STORES `ORES Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Blyth, Ont. - Brussels, Ont. volormassmassmiffacomy NOTICE' TO MILK SHIPPERS AND CONSUMERS There will be No Pick-up or Delivery on Friday„ Feb. 150, being a National Day of Mourning. Brussels Creamery NOTICE To the residents of Grey Township, the Grey 'Township Council hereby regent that two minutes silence be observed at 11 a. m. on Friday, Feb. 75th, as a token of respect to our late King George VI. God Save -The Queen. UNITED CHURCH W. M. 8. The Febrhary meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Church was !held at the home of Mrs. A. Arm- strong on Tuesday .afternoon. With Mrs. Lane presiding. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Rose and Mrs. J. Bryans led in prayer. The Secretary's and Treasurer's reports were read and approved and the roll call was responded to by giving a verse containing the word "faith." Sixteen calls were reported by the visiting committee. Miss M. Rob !neon and Mrs. W. Bell presented the topic for study, "Our fellow Canadiane from Europe." NOTICE - Applications will be received by the undersigned to Saturday, March lit, 1952, at four o'olock p. m, for the position of Warble Fly Inspector for the Township of Grey. B dythe M. Cardiff, Clerk, Melville Church Minister, Rev. W.H.F. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. m. Divine Worship T p. m. Evening Worship United Church OF CANADA Minister Ybv. Andrew Lane Morning Worship -11 o'c1o4 Life in God's Presence Church School -12 o'clock. Evening Worship - 7 o'clock The God Wbo Answers Prayer Come and Worship. Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Km - Roster. Sexagesima Sunday, Feb, 17th, 1952. St. John's Church, ermissis- 11 a. m. Morning Prayer Slunday School St. David's Chunk. Healers 2.90 p. m, Evening ,Prayer Sunday School St. Oeorga's 7.30 p. m. FV THE UNITED CHURCH A Servilee of Memorial for the late King was held in the United Church. The sermon subject was "Forward", and the text. "Why criest thou to Mr.? Speak unto the children of ' Tenet that they go forward." Misses ,roan and Joyce Thomas sang the duet, "Beyond The Sunset" by V. and B. Brock. God's Arithmetic was the evening theme setting forth the Divine stand- !!! arils of measurements es revealed . in the Parable of the Labourers and The Hours. A coria inftiy Memorial Service is to he held on Fray'at 11 a. m. to Melville Churoh. C,ARf OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all our friends and neigh- bours for the many acts of kindness and symyathy in the loss of a dear Mother and Grandmother. Also to those who loaned oars or helped in any way. The family of the late Mrs: R. H, Jackson, CARD OF THANKS The family' of the late Mrs. Ruth Whitfield wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to their friends and neighbours for their messages of sympathy,' also for the beautitlu1 floral offerings, extended to then in their remit, sad bereave Merit./. ta( ? 6etekS,eemr'a.. ': seeee LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE } Wed. Thur. FrI. Feb. 13.• 15 • 15 Betty Grable, MacDonald Carey, Rory Calhoun In ! "MEET ME AFTER THE SHOW" Technicolor SATURDAY ONLY FEB. 16th SABU, LITA Baron In "SAVAGE DRUMS" Sat. Mat. 2 p.m, -.-Eve. 7.30 p.m. Chunk Walton citing Prayer. s 1 ireilicomermtometowsio Mon. Tues. Feb. 18 - 19 James Stewart, Marlene, Dietrich In "NO ,HIGHWAY IN THE SKY" TUESDAY FOTO.Nr1 fE 1st Offer $200 Monday Attendance Card M gilt. 8 BIG DAYS 8 BIG DAYS Wed. Thera, Fr,1. JT Ja Jane ned Powell, Danielle Darrinw, J ell Corey, Vie Damone In "RICH ROUTH AND BRETTY" Teohnlootor Memorial Service CIVIC MEMORIAL SERVICE IR MELVILLE CHURCH, DAY OF NATIONAL MOURNING .A. civic memorial eeiViee Is to be lied in Melville Presbyterian Church 'an ¢he Gey proclaimed for national mourning, Friday, Feb. 150, The citizens of Brussels, and the sur. rounding -community will there pay humble &ibnt° to their beloved King,. The clergy of the village will con. duct the service and ,people pf all faiths are asked to finite togethen- in this common hour of national sor- row. The service will be held al 11 a.m. Friday, February 15th, 1952 AT 11 A. M. Melville Presbyterian Church Brussels, Ontario MELVILLE-HARMONY CLUB The Harmony Club 01 lielvtlle Presbyterian Church held their regular meeting on Wednesday, evening. Since news had just been received of the death our Sovereign, the meeting began with hymn, "0 God Our Help in Ages Past.". Rev. Fulton paid tribute to the late King George Vi. We was a deeply religious man. Whenever itis fancily were gathered together, His Majes- ty led in a devetinnel service. One of hie reveres n:weareg of Feripture was Teaiah 25, which Rev. Fulton rend in full. Provers were offered fer Ormen Elisabeth TT and mem• of the Royal Pantile. Our trihnte in e Grant King and a tined men cnnelnded with TTvme, "(1 One of Bethel _ Our next meetine will he held nn Feb. 20th. A gusset sneelter Will he present. -R i .,17 -r T'T Tr n, T P E Seaforth, Ont. Feb. 14-15-16 Technicolor "THE MAGIC CARPET" Follow the scarlet falcon as he rides the magic carpet of old Bag- dad. A picture filled with thrills and adventure. Feb. 18-19-20 Technicolor "PAINTING THE CLOUDS WITH SUNSHINE" Dennis Morgan Virginia Mayo Music, songs and dances combined with a plot of lava and laughter make this a sparkling hit. Feb. 21-22.23 Technlloler "TULSA" Susan Hayward Robert Preston See Susan Hayward, as the oil. mining engineer"s wife, In a struggle against death In the oil fields of Taxes. A tehse fast moving action picture. LEGION, LADIES' AUXILIARY The reguer busineaa meeting of , the Ladies Auxiliary was held Feb. 7th with twenty ladles present, The President Com. Elliott installed the two officers Com, Wineberg . and Rutledge who were unable to attend the last business meeting. She was assisted by Com. Wintle, Standard Bearer. An invitation has been seent out to the Clinton Auxiliary to attend a Valentine Panty in the Auxiliary Rooms, Feb. 21st. Ticket are being sold on a lovely pair of pillow cases shown on dis- play at Bev. Elliott's Grocery. A Kitchen Committee was termed to modernize the kitchen Cont. Wintle won the mystery prize, and all members drew names for a Com- rade Sister, a gift of about 50c to be sent on their birthday and anni- versary. A euchre party will be held on Feb. 27th at 8 P. In. Com. Pearl Lowe accepted the position of pianist for the year and Com. Greta Lowe. press reporter. Feb. 9th a short service was head and the charter was draped in Memory of our late King. All mem- bers are asked to join the Legion at Melville Church, Friday, Feb. 15 at 11 a. m. for Mennnriai :Service. ,Skating Party Will be In the Brussels Arena on Tuesday, February 19th at 8 o'olook, sponsored by the United Churoh Sunday School. Lunch served at churoh after skating. Admission 35c and 25o. Everybody wetoome. TEEN-AGE PARTY (12 to 19 years) In Brussels Town Hall on Friday, February 22nd AT 8.30 P. M. GAMES DANCING - LUNCH An invitation Is extended to all Teen-agers of Brussels and surrounding district, ADMISSION FREE asavarmarattaseazmailammosunalmeeigiltawl NOTICE Friday, February 15th is being proclaimed d NATIONAL DAY OF MOURNING (A PUBLIC HOLIDAY) It is the wish of the Village Council that the citizens of Brussels observe it as such. Roy Cousins, Reeve. EUCHRE and DANCE In Cranbrook Community Hall Owing to the death of King George VI the Euchre and Dance has been psstponed to - Friday, February 22nd Sponsored by the East Huron Agricultural Society Euchre starts at 8.45 P. M. DANCE AT 11 P. M. MUSIC BY WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Admission 50c Everybody Welcome LUNCH BOOTH BRUSSELS BADMINTON CLUB On Jan. 30th, the Brussels .Bad- ntinlom. Chub met in the Town Hall. A goad attendance showed that several were interested in starting' the Club. Following were the officers chos- en for 1952 - Captain, Rev. Fulton; Secretary. Miss Doris Putman; i Treasurer. Miss Mary Lou McFar- lane. - Anyone interested in playing bad- t• muton is cordially invited to at- tend every Wednesday night at 7.90 p. m. Wednesday afternoon Is available fur all young people wishing to play. Mrs. H. Sullivan teem Sullivan, Brussels. i cu) l at Listowel Memorial Hospital, Thursday afternoon, in her 50th year. Mrs. Sullivan had been in peer tleelttt for some time. Form• y erly Valteria Willis she was a daughter or the late George Willis and Ida Gthson Willie of Ford'wlah, v.h,ve she was born. She had lived in Brussels aimtost all her life and was a member of the Pulled Church hem. 3Tre. Sullivan. is survived by her husband; one sister, Mrs. Vance Snndereen. 'wingham; one brother, Wilfred E. 1Vi111g, Rrussels; rive nitildren. 'William, n member of the Royul Canadian Air Force, serving in Nova Scotia; Mrs, Donald Cnlmmnn. Elmira; Reginald, Doro- thy and Maureen. at home. A pri- vete funoral service was held at her late hone at 2 p. in. on Monday. Rev. A. Trane officiated and the tn- terment Was In Brussels cemetery. COMING - "GROUNDS FOR MARRIAGE" IN MEMORIAM McNTOTTOT,---Td invtne• memory of a d'eor Hnahnnd and Father, James McNiohni, who passed away eight years ago, Feb. 1.71;h, 1944. We whn hired yell entity mdse yon ie 11 dawn another year Tn nor lonely hating of thinking Thoughts of yon ere ever near. itjver lovingly remembered by fits wife and famu1', SALE. SALE SALE PE RSON'S 3 uaI Febru;i:ry S PECIAL BARGAINS , iE 52 pair Ladies Dress Shoes 40 pair Ladies Dress Shoes - 100 pair Ladies Slippers and Sport Shoes all makes and sizes 100 pair Misses' Sandals, Loafers and Oxfords 50 pair Children's Shoes all kinds and colours Ladies Fur -trimmed Velvet Overshoes Special SHOES regular $6.95 to $10.50 Sale $3.95 regular $4.95 to $6.95 Sale $1.98 SPECIAL SALE PRICE ONLY $1.98 $1.98 $1.49 $2.79 201 OFF ALL LADIES SNOW BOOTS AND SKATES MEN'S 10 pair Second Hand Skates Special Price $1.09 56 pair Men's Dress Oxfords Black and Brown Reg. $9.00 to $14.50, Sale Price $7.95 30 pair Men's Dress Oxfords Black and Brown, Reg. $6.95 to $8.95, •• $4.95 56 Dress Shirts white and coloured Reg. $3.50 to 4.50 Sale Price $2.69 or 2 for $6.O0 63 Sport Shirts all colours, Reg. $5.50 to $7.50 Special Sale Price $3.95 20 % Off The Following Items On Display Dress Shirts Pyjamas Work Socks Braces Sport Shirts Belts Stetson Hats Socks Scarves Skates Sweaters Ties mitusW i Come n and look over Special Bargains in Shoes for everyone you are under no obligation to buy Brussels, Ont. Phone 11