HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-2-6, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH The greatest show on earth just, now is the industrial production of the Western nations. Canada has a big role in the show. And Canada's primary textile Indus- • try, with the largest manufacturing employment, the largest payroll, and with factories well diversified throughout the smaller cdmmunities, is a star player in the Canadian show. Dominion Textile has an important part in all this. Dominion. Textile Company Limited MANUFACTURERS OF PRODUCTS =NEIL'S SHELL SERVICE LUBRICATION, SHELL HOUSEHOLD AND MULE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DUNLOP TIRES repairs ' all makes of ears and trucks.. Parts and Accessories. • 'Austin Sales and Service. E 77r6 BRUSSELS, ONT. LOOK — NOTICE TO FARMERS Have you meat prepared in the proper way at STANLEYS ABATTOIR CLINTON, ONT. — PHONE 282-W LET US BUTCHER YOUR HOG — RENDER YOUR LARD MAKE YOUR SAUSAGE THE OLD FASHIONED WAY (Salt and Pepper only) " - CURE ANY PART OF YOURS THAT POLI VeISH Which consists of: 2 Hams, 2 Side Bacon, 2 Cottage Rolle, .2 Plonks Hams, 2 Back Bacon You can have any of these cuts cured or fresh. We serve over five hundred satisfied customers. If you don't have a hog ready, we will sell you. one at cost price, plus the killing charges. OUR PRICES HAVE NOT ADVANCED. THEY 'AHE THE SAME AS OF FOUR YEARS AGO. OUR LARGE TURN- OVER ALLOWS US TO KEEP OUR PRICES DOWN Ail Otcct ; .:r ,:;t•t to o r nr modern refrigeration as soon as butchered. Wh-r n r ed of hcef by the quarter,, sees us. We have a choice seer -tie" to.p'ck from — cut up to your own tastes. . • 15 MINUTE SERVICE We ,:.,:.;f,t.o ..:aic':a,i customers as all our employees, are c', '•.*; o ae experienced and are at _-c.lr service at 511 titers ' ' LARD SPECIAL I3,1,4- your oven contains, and we will fill It with pure. kettle home rendered h:d for only 20c per Ib. IN ORDER TO GET THE PROMPT, RELIABLE SERVICE WE GUARANTEE HOGS MUST BE BROUGHT 1N ON MONDAYS ONLY CLA SSi IED ADS. , FOR SALE -- / / Braly Cheeks. For dayoids, get price get and order in advance, k'or shipment new they've starter pullets. Pretty prompt shipment on heavy cockerels, You'll need these for satmtrnerfall me+kets. Particulars rroan agent — Win. Glen Bray, Ethel. FOR SALE — Racoon Coat, like new, large size, Apply ;2o Wm. Govonlook, Phone 171 Seafbrtth — Dick House. WANTED• - A Goat Brooder Stove, : et ,in Pipe Phone 611'11, FOR SALE -- i Sort Olaple and Elm tops, Moat wood for the money. Janes Stevenson Phone G9r4 WANTED -- I and disabled farm animals I ;r tor prompt pick-up, Call 1,ereY Stephenson, Ethel, Phone Brussels 86r18, Collect. , LOST ( Small brown collie dog,' 'with white markiatgs, child's pet, Finder plea8e Call , ✓ Tan Wilbee - Phone 90r18 -I FOR SALE — One Red Shorthorn Bull, 15 months old. One, Roan Bull, 8 months; old, both eligible for registration. Russel Bone, R. R. 5 Brussels, Phone 31r6. HELP WANTED — Man or' woman to clerk' in retail store in Brussels, Permanet job for t1i" right person. Apply Post Office Box 31.. NOTICE — Floor sanding and finishing, also • carpentry. Prompt service guaran- teed. Apply to A.4Green, ,Phone 464w, Wlnghem TENDERS WANTED — Tend•ens will be received for 10 cords of hardwood 12" Tong, de- livery to be made by 1st -Sept:, 1952. Tenders to be in by Feb, 18th7 1952. Wm. Dennis. Walton, Ont. See: Treas., S. S. No. 9, McKillop. FOR SALE Several Holstein and Ayrshire Heifers. Due and Springing, also one Hereford Bull and quantity O! Baled Hay. Stan Alexander Ethel, Ont. FOR SALE — Renge fa coal or wood good grates and even. Box stove for large chunks. Cupboard and chairs and several other items. Mrs. Telford Sellers Phone 59r8 rias offer. Twen;,y-rive Catalogue Included. The Med NOTICE - $1.00 t e DeLuxe Personal Requirements. Latest Cata ,co Agency, Box 124 Terminal A Toronto, Ontario. • FOR SALE -- A farm of 90 acres more or less on a tenuity road, good land, in a good initiation, mile and a quarter from village, school, and chTirohes, hydro available. Win. McInnes, Ethel, Out. ATTENTION FARMERS — Cet your grass and clover seed from The Purity Seed Co. Tender - green Permanent Pastures, 16 the Strand, Brantford, Ont. Orders taken by Bill Stratychuk, R, R. 1 Monk- ten, Phony 49re Brussels. HELP WANTED — MALE Men! Here's your chance to earn a better than average income. A permanent full-time business can be yours selling nationally known Watkins Products. Previous ex- perience not necessary — wo train veil. Men between 25 and 55 owning a car or light truck preferred. For Particulars without obligation write The .0. R. Wdticfns Co„ 350 St, Rood 5t., Montreal. LIVESTOCK WANTED -- FREE FRh7E THERMOMETER—Plus cash for dead or disabled horses or cows Phone collect Brussels 42. William Stone Sons, Limited. USED CAR PAR', 8 Aiclee and wheels imitable for trailers and farm waggons. Transmissions, DrlveehaNs, Heads Sealed beam units, (lase, Draieratorn end starters eta., Dozen of good . used the. aid tubes in all popular sloes. Norman McLean, Seaford". rile south of tracks. Phone U. James MacTavish A funeral service was held on Saturday aikernco arfor James Mac- Tavish, at this late 'home, lot 2, con. 4, Turnberry township, and was very largely attended. Mr Mac - Tarnish was well known througb,out the township, having served for 'many years onthe council. The ser• vice was conducted by Rev, Mat- the>♦v Bailie, of Knox Presbyterian Church, Binevale, of which Mr. MaoTavish was a .member. Pall- bearers were Tsaac Wright, •Ray- mond Elliott, Ward. Sharptn, Mor- ntson Shemin, William Dettma,n, and Thomas Shearer. Burial was in Wroxeter cemetery. Among re- latives attending the funeral was Mr. MatPavia/es only sister, Mrs, David Walker of Teeswater. A brother John, Regina, was unable to be present. GREY fWP. COUNCIL Grey Townsliip Council Meeting was held on Feb. and, 1952. Moved by Howard McNaught sec- onded by Win. E. Bishop that the minutes be adopted as read.. — Carried. Moved by Hugh 'Snaith, secouded by Clifford R. Dunbar 'that we make a contract with R. Kenndey, of the Brussels Post for printing for 1902, at the sum of $200.00. — Carried, Moved by Howard Me:aught sec- . mated by W'uu. E. Bishop that we order 1200 lbs, warble spray powder ,01001 Green Cross, — Carried. Moved by R. Dunbar sec- onded by Hugh B. Smith that J. H. Fear be appointed Assessor for the Township of Grey at a salary of $$00.00. Assessment Roll to be ' completed and returned to the Clerk by Oct. lid, 1952.—Carried. Moved by Howard McNaught see - ended by Clifford R. Dunbar that by laws No. 3, 5 and 7 for 1952, be finally passed. — Carried. Moved by Howard McNaught, sec- onded by Win, E. Bishop that Lib- rary Grants he paid to the following: Ethel 'Twp. Grant $50,00; Ethel Vil- lage Grant 550.00; Walton Library 515.50; Monerieff Library $30.00; aloteswaerth Library $15.00; Cram brook Library $30.00. — Carried. Moved by Clifford R. Dunbar, sec- onded by 'Wm. E. Bishop that all approved accounts be paid.—Carried. Mon 0 by Hugh Smith, seconded ay Clifford IL 'Dunbar,' that we do 005' adjourn to meet on March 1st, at one o'oleek, er at the'call o! the Reeve, -- Carried, Mize following accounts were paid: County of Hunon, Hosplitalizat on 13.50 The Municipal World, Subs. to M. W. 16,00 John McNabb, Telephone tolls 6.95 The Listowel Banner, Acot, 9,63 W. ,S Scott, Office Telephone Tolle 27.66 Imperial 011 Ltd, Stove oil 17.08 Ethel Publie Library Twp. .Granit 50.00 Walton Public Library, Grant 15.0n Moncieleff Public Libleary, Grant 30.00 Molesnvorth Public Library, Grant 15.00 Cranbroak Public Library, Grant 30.00 Ethel Public Library, Village Grant 50.00. Relief 25.00 Fox Bounty 54,00 Edythe Cardiff, 0. A, P. Application 5.00 Edythe Cardiff, 13, M. and D. Registrations 2,50 Wm. H. Baker, Caretaker, Hall for Prov. Election 2.00 Geo. A. Dunbar, Stamps 7.00 ?toads 2142.78 $2549.1.5 Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk. 10 MISTAKES GRANDPARENTS MAKE A list of 10 major complaints Psychologists, educators, social workers and parents have against today's older generation appears in all Interesting and informative article, "Mistakes Grandparents Make", in this Sunday's (Feb- ruary 101 issue of The American Weekly, exclusively with The De- troit Sunday Tunes. All parents, and grandparents, also, are urged to read the impontant message. MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DEAD STOCK HORSES - CATTLE HOGS TELEPHONE COLIECI BRUSSELS 85R12 ELMIRA 664 GORDON TYOUNG LIM6ED Wednesday, k'ebruary *b, LOIN! ATTENTION Rural Hydro Users If you are considering the use of electricity for space heating, please contact your local Hydro Office before taking any action. It is in your interest to discuss this matter with your Hydro Area Manager, particularly the rate applicable to this type of service and the special conditions that apply to wiring your premises for the use of space heaters. THE HYDROELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO HUNTING is one of the most popular fall pastimes, and we in Canada have the finest hunting grounds in the world. In the field, however, we should all remember there's another season next year, and many more after that. Observe game laws today and you'll have plenty of sport tomorrow. CARLINq'S t -t THE NEW OLDSMOBILE FOR 1950 is offered in two series—the Classic "98" and the Super "88", Both series are powered by the improved "Rocket" engine whose horsepower has been stepped up from 13510 160 and which is equipped with the four -barrel Quadri-Jet carburetor. Hydra -Matic Drive, an option at extra cost on both series, has a new super range for increased performance. A new rear stabilizer improves car handling and minimizes side sway at high speeds, GM Power Steering is optional at extra cost on the +`98" series. A total of eight models is available with new styling and more luxurious interiors. Shown here is the 1952 Oldsmobile Super "88" four -door sedan. • By Roe Farms Service Dept /, YOU MEAN WHEN I WANT TO GET MY BIRDS TO EAT MORE MASH I SHOULD USE VITA -LAY PELLETS? ! 7i: EXACTLY, '-I'M PUZZLED, l DOG. CAN YOU STRAIGHTEN ME OUT ON PELLET FEEDING P IT'S SIMPLE, FRED. CHICKENS ARE GRAIN -EATING CREATURES AND MASH IN ' BITE FORM 15 JUST LIKE GRAIN TO THEM. THAT'S WHY THEY LAT PELLETS SO READILY. — / YOU MEAN PELLETS FRED. ROE VITA -LAY TELL ME AN EASY WAY TO FEED ROE PELLETS, DOCJ lyf/EMEXrRA /IOW SERVE THE SAME PURPOSE AS WET ' MASH AND SAVETHE EXTRA HANDLIN6� '''`- ..,4 ,' EGG PELLETS - AREA COMPRESSED FORM OF VITA -LAY MASH MADE TO ATTRACT A BIRDS EYE�‘19.-4:4,0 AND PLEASE HER ALWAYS FEED ACCORDING TO EGG 1 PRODUCTION, FRED. YOU CAN FIGURE 012 EACH 10% EGG pPRODUCTION. 0 BIRDS CONSUMPTION ISIVEEDEU e S6: �a``e1ttr/s RIGHT, FRED- YOU'LL FIND ROE PELLETS WONDERFUL IN THESE WAYS _ r TO BOOST WEIGHT, PRODUCTION AND CONDITION ' OF FLOCK THAT IS NOT EATING ENOUGH AT PRESENT, TO PROVIDE EXTRA MASH CONSUMPTION IN COLD Z. WINTER DAYS. a TO BRING LATE -HATCHED PULLETS INTO LAY FASTER. 4 TO BOOST EGG PRODUCTION AT END OF LAYING YEAR. t BIRDS AR6 FORCED TO EAT ENTIRE MASH INCLUDING AU. FINE CONCENTRATE MATERIAL. / -- /../// �c� APPETITE. AT NOON. YOU CAN FEED WHAT BIRDSWILLCLEANRO UP IN 10 OR 15 MINUTES, THEN b g04 "•.,r 4 11 ^` luL 0 r-� ie� I 7 @ YOU CAN HOLD ®_ p 0.11/4/1 BALANCE OF PELLETS �G�P✓ ' ,, , ..�� UNTIL AFTER EVENING [a ti *Ill ca 'a'.' �/ o'' ^� ' r�'11 OR FEEDING, t t EG6PELLET5 /al., lull for (} m ��/;'tjs" �Y,+`% ra s s . ec v �e iii �� . `� " �, y ,.. Ilk `✓�.. S III%I R�% ,f,„,.�. �a tl��i \ r -,'N = ROE - m,. //' *I 1 f. �udlllll ._. ^,� - ,ejl� '" = �,••,,, ,,>>1 ,M - -, Ill.ih it [1 a /,Ryk iG Eb1EC5 l ,fiEss i„:r,I 1 ' �t, ).dell '' ► ”, adslaSN�w OSRI21 I VC7Wb 7dH jy HOIr� DDni of uC+:U1 SD i' d ! # d t® r , \ •�v. L-, Y'r;" `�L�