HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-2-6, Page 1THE BRUSSEL 1 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday February 6th, 1952 $2.00 per year $2.50 U ATTENTiON H 1,y Tractor, l' '. W iers SEAFORT Annuonce they will have Fred Dinwaodle, one of their top mechanics, in Brussels two days per week to service M. H. Tractors In that .territory. For appointment contact — J. W. 'FISCHER Brussels Farm Equipment Massey -Harris Sales and !Service Phone 55 Brussels or 141 Seaforth THE UNITED CHURCH "The Eternal Name", second in a series of sermons based on the book oh Exodus marked morning worship la the United Church on 1 Sunday, Feb. 3rd. The burden of the message — To those who believe God promises to be the fulfilment of every legitimate desire and as- piration. "Tell It Out" by A. H. and B. D. Ackley was the anthem for the day. Continuing the study of "The Parables of Our Lord", the parables of "The Lost Sons" were consider- ed at the evening service. The respectable elder brother, angry Jealous, petulant and uncharitable, I was lost to God as well as the pro- fligate prodigal son. One was lost through sin of possession; the other through sins of temper, Both needed the redeemed to fellowship with God. so the minister said. NOTICE — S4. John's Church annual pancake supper will he held on Shrove, Tuesday, Feb. 26th. BROWNIES MEET Brussels First Brownie pack met Friday e,ventn,g with only one mem- ber absent. Rochelle Wlneherg has become an Elf, and will receiive uniform and pin, Five Brownies were successful in passing one of the . requirements for the golden hand test, how to Ile and address a parcel. James S. Armstrong was`the tester for the occasion. MINWASCIIWEIIPMNIVM Melville Church Minister, Rev. W.H.F. Fulton 10 a, m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. in. Divine Worebip 7 p. m. Hvening Worship United Church OF CANADA I Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Morning Worship --11 o'clock "Forward" Church School—Y2 o'clock. Evening Worship — 7 o'clock The Parable of The Labourers and The Hours, Come and Worship, ( Church of England Pariah of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr — Rubor. Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany, Feb. 3, 1962. At. John's Church, *ruuds- 11 a. m. Morning Prayer Standen/ School 8t. David's Church. Henfryls 2,30 p, m. Evening Prayer Sudsy School Rt. Georges Church, Wslten 7.30 p. m. Livening Prayer romovagrowewoot NOTICE — A meeting of the directors of East Huron Agricultural Society will be held at Ate Brussels Library on Feb. 13th at 8 p. m. Anyone wishing to enter the field crop competition in connection with the East Huron Agricultural Society which has chosen Clinton Oats this year, should 'get in contact with the secretary by Feb. 11th, stating how many bushels are needed. 3 acme per member being the minimum, Geo. Wesenberg, sec. Mrs. Joseph Yuill Mrs, Joseph. Yuill, 11fe long resi- dent of this district, died Tuesday, in the Wingham hospital, alter suffering a stroke six days ago: Mrs. Yuill and her husband retired to Belgrave last spring from their farm Ota the 4011 line of Morris. She was horn en the 5th line of Morris, a daughter of the late' Mr. and Mrs. George Procter, 64 years ago. She is survived by her husband and two sons, Robert and Clarence, both of the 4bh line of Morris; four daugh- ters; Miss Myrtle, St. Catharines; Mas. Edward (Helen) McBurney, East Wawanosh township; Mrs. ,Tamnes (Mary) Warwick,Morris: Mrs. Mac. (Laura) Johnston) Wing - ham; two sisters, Miss Edith Proc- ter, Relgrave; Mrs. Gordon Hig- gins, Morris, A sister. Mrs. .Tomes (Jennie) Grieg, predeceased her. There are six grandchildren. She was a faithful member of Knox rested Church, Rel!erare. CARD OF THANKS T should like to take this •oppor- tunity to thank all those who help- ed and remembered nue with cards, visits, treats, --anal flowers, while I was a patient In Clinton hospital. They will always be remembered, Wm. E. Bishop. LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE 3 BIG DAYS 3 BIG DAYS Wed. Thur. Frl. Feb, 6 - 7 - 8 Danny Kaye, Gene Tierney, Corinne Calvet In "ON THE RIVIERA" Technicolor SATURDAY, ONLY FEB, 9th Jerome Courtland, Severely Tyler • "PALOMINO" Technicolor Sat. Mat. 2 p.m.—Eve. 7.30 p.m. Mon, Tues. , Feb. 11 • 12 Ginger Rogers, Jack Carson, Joan Davls In "THE GROOM WORE SPURS" TUESDAY Farb -NM 1st Offer $200 Monday Attendance Card Mitt. 3 BIG DAYS 3 BIG DAYS Wed, Thur, Frl. Feb. 13 • 15 • 16 Betty Grable, MacDonald Carey, Rory Calhoun In "MEET ME AFTER THE SHOW" Teohnicelor Third Generation Assumes Huron County Post At the inaugural session of the 1962 Huron County Council at God - wish, a bylaw was passed con- -arming the appointment of Peter Patterson, B. Sc. (middle), as the sew county engineer anti road superintendent. A recent graduate of the University of Toronto, Mr. Patterson succeeds both his father and grandfather as administrator of Huron county's road system. in 19.17, the late Donald Patterson, grandfather (left) was appointed Huron county's first road swede- , tendert. He resigned three years later when his 'son, the late Roy Patterson (right), graduate of Queen's University, Kingabon, was ready for the post to which he was named in February, 1920, and to which he gave 31 years of outstand- ing service. Congratulating the new engineer, Warden Harvey Johnston noted that three" generations 00 comity engineers is perhaps with- out precedent in Canada, BRUSSELS VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE HOLDS MEETING Th meeeting of the Brussels Vol- unteer Fire Brigade was held at the Library to appoint the officers for 1952. There was a good attendance and he ' meeting was called to order by Fire Chief, Mel. Thompson, After the minutes of the last meet- ing were read and -officers appoint- ed, miutrin discussion was given to equipment needed, and inistruct-. lonfo• new niem•ber% of the brigade. A letter from F. O. Anderson of Guelph, wns read, saying that he has •bean issued a moving picture nrojecfor and n number of training films. and world he glad to spend an evening with ns. The secretary was asked to ar- range if possible to have him come to the next regular nreetin,g which w it he March 31st. It was also deckled to have our meeting, the last Monday of each month. The following is a list of fire- men : Fire Chief Dep. Chief Captains Mel, Thompson O. Elliott R. Gemmell A. Logan Sets -Trees. fir. McTaggart Firemen — J. Logan, R. Steven - sten, G. Stevenson, H. Fischer, C. T. Davidson. L. McC•uteheen. D. Willis, K. Coleman, D. licQuarrie and E. Jewell. CARD OF THANKS 1 Wish to take this opportunity to Eeetetnd my sincere thanks to all my good friends and neighbours, who so kindly remembered me With cards, flowers and treats while I Was le Winghnm Hoslpital and shut- in at home. It will aiways be re• membered. Dan. Glassier, IREi'Fir"1' Seaforth, Ont. Feb. 7-8-9 Technicolor "MASK OF THE AVENGER" John Derek Jody Lawrence Monte Cristo with the blood of con- querors In his veins seek revenge• This picture gives a dazzling dis- play of swordsmanship. Feb. 11.12.13 "GOODBYE MY FANCY" Joan Crawford Robert Young This cometdy sparkler as a stage play adn Is funnier than ever on the screen. See a college romance bloc• son after twenty years. Feb. 14-15.16 Technicolor "THE MAGIC CARPET" Follow the scarlet falcon es he rides the magic carpet of old Bag- dad. A picture filled with thrills and adventure. COMING — "PAINTING THE CLOUDS WITH SUNSHINE" SKATING PARTY TO BE HELD ON FEB. 13th The Lions Club Boys and Girls Skating Party has been postimned, owing to the death of the King. The Skating Party will be held on Weil., Feb. 13th at 8 p: m: Library Notes , The annual meeting of Brussels Library Board was held on Monday evening, Rev. A. Lane presiding. A circulation of 5167 was re- ported, an average of 674 per capita, which compares favorably with that of larger towns. During the yens', the lawn on. the east side was levelled and reseeded. In the spring, the Women's Instit- ute are going to landsoape- the grounds and have asked the Lib- rary Board to prepare the ground. Rev. A. Lane and R. B. Cousins were named a committee to see about increasing the Insurance of the Library building and contents. Tine following, officers were re- elected for 1952: Chairman Rev. A. Lane! Secretary Miss H. Downing Treasurer R. J. Rottman T}hrertan Mrs. W. S. Scott MELVILLE W. M. S. The. February meeting of the W. 11. S. of Melville Church was held r in tdre school -room on Friday; Feb. i 1st, at 3 o'clock, Mrs. Fulton took charge of the devotional service owing to the illnessof our most faithful president, Miss Grace Stewart, Mrs. John Work, gave the Scripture reading. The secretaries and treaserer's reports were adopt- ed and reports of the committees received. 1•Irs. C, Deeds reported sending 4 hales to Korea. The topic, Chapter 1, "Meet the South Ameri- cans" was ably given by Mrs. James S. Armstrong. "Current Events", were in charge of Mrs. John Ynil1. A very httereeting letter from Rev, ,Tames Dickson of Formosa, telling of their enoouraging advancement there, was read by Mrs. W. Little. The meeting was closed by the sing - Ing of a hymn and repenting the Minpaan Benediction. CARD OF THANKS i »'Iain to thank alt those who en- quired for me. and sent cards and I treats anti called on me while T was a patient in Seaforth hospital and at home. Alper McQuarrie. CARD OF THANKS T sincerely thank all those who were so kind and thoughtful bo me while a patient in W1n0am Hos, pital, It was aprectated. Rev, Mr, Fnitonia visits to the hosirital was also appreciated, his words of 955111 - est prayer were like a healing balm. Charlie Simpson. THE KING IS DEAD Sandringham, England, Feb. 6th— King George VI died peacefully in his sleep today,. His 25 -year old lac lhter, Elizabeth, I•mmediateiy became Britain's Queen. An official announcement Bald death came at his country residence here in the farm country of Nor- folk. The King. 56, underwent a serious lung operation last Sept. 23. Re• centiy he had appeared haggard but Tuesday, he seemed in good health. The new Queen at present is in Kenya, Africa, on a Commonwealth tour with her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, and is flying home. The Post and its readers mourn the death of the loss of our King. MELVILLE LADIES' AID BRUSSELS WOMAN WINS G. E. PRIZE IN CANADA CONTEST Mrs. Louise. Porter. Brussels, was w'inure' til' a G. E. electric iron In a remade gide contest, conducted by the General Electric Ooinpany. Contestaute had to contribute en essay of 100 words or leas on "I Like 'Phe Electrical Way of Living Because -". The contest was epon' "sailed locally by O1dfie1d'e Hard- ware Store, REBEKAH LODGI! CARD PARTY :.l suint; Star Rebekah Lodge teatnitateed last WednosdaY 'Nen" lie ,t bridge and five hundred, There were, six tables of bridge and 11 of fire hundred, An enjoyable eiening was spent and the sum of 542 realiuod. Mie, Robert John, BIM won the high prize for bridge and Mies Addle Crediff for five hundred, PUBLIC MEETING In Ethel Township Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 13th, at 8.15 p. m. To consider a New Community Centre DANCE In Walton Community Hall on Friday, February 8th Sponsored by the Walton Football Club. MUSIC BY WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Admission 50c Valentine Euchre and Dance In Cranbrook Community Hall Friday, February 15th Sponsored by the East Huron Agricultural Society Euchre starts at 8.45 P. M. DANCE AT 11 P. M. MUSIC BY WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Admission 50c — LUNCH BOOTH Everybody Welcome The Ladies' Aid of Melville Church met at the home of Mrs; John Work on Monday evening. Mrs. J. S. Armstrong, presided and there was an attendance of 20. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read by Mrs. Wesley Kerr and Mrs. C. Long gave the treasur- ers report. Mrs. H. B. Allen, in the absence of Mrs. R. A. Bennett, react cards of a.ppreciadion for the boxes of cheer sent out by the Sam - shine convener. A new feature to raise money was tried for the first time at this meet- ing. it was a secret auction — a suggestion from Ireland through Mrs. W. Fulton. Members would bring any articles that might sell— ca.kes, jam. sewing, fanny -work, and etc:, which were opened for display. Anyone could write on a slip of paper her name a,nd the amount ,she was willing to pay, anti place it underneath. There night he sever- al slips under one article. At the end. the cake or pie Was sold to the highest bidder. Thr' sun, of 51.9.00 was realized. A committee of Mrs, John Work. Mrs. .T, Gibson, Mrs. Geo. Evans, Mrs, C. Davis and Mus, Wns, Speir had repaired the choir gowns. Lunch was served by Mrs. H. R. Alltvn, Mrs. 7. Work and Mrs. .1, S. A rm sfrong. DIED IN WINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL ON ,TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1962 RUTH AMELIA SPEIRAN BELOVED WiFE OF THE LATE TEASDALE WHITFIELD IN HER 93rd YEAR. FUNERAL RESTING AT THE HOME OF HER DAUGHTER MRS. ANGUS BROWN TURNBERRY ST., BRUSSELS UNTIL FRIDAY, FEB. 8th, 1952 WHEN THE REMAINS WILL BE REMOVED TO THE BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH WHERE A PUBLIC SERVICE WILL BE HELD AT 2 P. M. INTERMENT IN BRUSSELS CEMETERY, Clearance Sale Definitely Ends Sat, Feb. 9th No Charges, No Layaways, No Refunds No Alteration. All Sales Final. FREE A Man's Gabardine Sport Coat, or a man's Satin Bombardier Jacket, with fur collar and quilted lining, or a Gabardine Stroller Jacket with quilted lining, absolutely free, with any Man's Worsted Suit. Men's Elmira Overalls with bib, Reg. $4.96 — Special $8.95 500 yards Prints, New Spring Patterns Reg. 59c — Special 49c a yd. 24 Women's and Misses' Better Dresses, Reg. up to $22.95 Out they go at 56.95 Women's Satin and Crepe Bed Jackets, Travellers Samples Just a few left at 51.98. Full Fashioned Nylons In famous makes In regular Ilnee up to $1,85 — Special 51.00 per pair. 70 x 90 Blankets In Ibex and Kingcot, First Quality at $5.95 per pair as long as they Iaet. Men's Doeskin Work Shirts, sizes 141/2 to 161A only large roomy make Special $1.98 Men's Fleece Lined Combinationa, sizes 86, 88 and 40 only Special 51.98. There are dozens of other Items that space doesn't permit. One Third Off On All Shoes and Rubbers THE ARCADE STORES Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Blyth, Ont. — Brussels, Ont.