HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-12-29, Page 5Oft70077,1,64v !P BUSY HEALTHY BIRDSoroMORE OATS t/ii ivEGGMASH --count --count on tele 44.`a8.4 the "Provos 04)01 producer'•. Built to provide all round growths and vigor In your egg laying macblues and TM right materials to make eggs with sound sbells and premium quality. ROE FARMS MILLING CO. • ATWOOD. OHI$. or goat KNO'�j. `f m -that a bled laying 80 eggs pot year oats 771 lbs. toed or 111 LBS. PER DOZ. EGGS. -a bird laying 240 eggs pot you oats 931 lbs. lead or 41/2 LBS. PER DOZ. EGGS. ;Sia:.:"wk:.tea. FOR SALE -- 100 acre farm near city, good -buildings, also near village; 100 acre farm, hydro, good buildings, good location; 100 acre farm, good buildings near school; 100 acre farm good' buildings near village: A good house in viilat;: of Ilius,. I: iltantadiate possession. d. 0. Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. 1 M 9 * ea :J r Holiday V i9Hors 8 9 rt a * rt * rt a Mrs:. .fa:+. ltallantyi," m11 11 Chrial Inas 1st Toronto. * * et 2111xx Carol Ann 1)1(1 E rt ui 1,01)- d°o has be,al vi»iilnr. het• ;r•.,utd• mother Mrs, Alf Ilnelter a' ler M.. mother, :tire. Dunsferd had her aside broken, Mss Mary Lott '•t spooling a low w1 eke will' her nephew Mr. lilc1. Palmer north of Wrox)•I• Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Miller rod Sandra and 114,1ph Mit or of Toronto )cert ('h'J..t s ale a.. of their Parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. 4t * ,p Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Courchense were holidaying in their homes in hangs,' during the - Christmas an980n. * * * THE BRUSSELS FO5T \VJ I44til alasi'1, i�l )1l;.fll:!' it $a, :44 Cil 904' TICKETS EARLY.,. AVOID CONGESTION Ask any Agent /9e complete bfortuatwn, 1 FARE AND A HALF d g.99444 linti I n94.11 satur• day. .1.iroi.9, I2 1949 3111 s , i Lc.nr de,;tiumiun ' 1101 -liter 1ba0 uiitlui,:ht, ;lion• day. faonary +rd. 1949. i X11 - I Shame were holiday v'a:1nr,, w'iist lits. W. Speiran has gone to Luag lir:, n•h iv -19 r,• she has tempted ie slli,u for the winter. * * * Miss .teem. Rudd cpetuliag a few weeks with relatives in Luck• now, 41 r. Mr.. Cliff Rnscltle'i and +:,real w..re fln'i..imas visitor's iu rhesley. * * * t1' IL 1.1. and Shirley McKay t; i' . 1.t .4 ,:,1.l^ of d•ty9 lust tre,lr with 811:•41 :rnn.ltrrntht•r. '1r�. r'l,-,,. ;1*rTiut• who 1'.41rned to t.,:ff•,?„ with thOnt, * * * •,.. . , ti r,r+ i 1l01iirn of Ti,n.r.htil •.11.1 .801371 Kernn11111 of Tr•nni?)•,n w,,,•:. rin•trtr9 visit°r with Mr -8. .7ns. Kerne:Than * 4t Mt'. Tinwmnn Galbraith, Toronto w'flt Ill, mother, Air.:..L R. Galbraith. * a Mr. and Mrs. W. Rowland and baby, Wit -1 sham, 711r, and Mrs. Gordon T4ymers and family, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ryan. Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs, ,Ton. Rowland, NOTICE * * .s CARETAKER WANTED - Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Ross, London, ' Morris Township School 'Board 1s Miss Gertrude R.,ss, Toronto and Dr. G. Ross and Miss Mary Ross, Wing- ham with Mr, and Mrs. D. n, Ross, • * '9 Dr. W. Spence and Airs. Toronto. with Mr anti Mr* Kann. asking for applications for the position of caretaker :n ¢.t 11 11 the 11 AOot,is for 1949. [11.1193 to 80111• mence February 1, 191:1, Applicants will state salary requasthl, An out line off the duties may be obtained from the e.cretary or from one of the trustees. -Applications received until December 31, 1948. R. S. Shaw, S-.cretar/ Ont. �41,yI l;s t�y CARDS Bluevale, C. A. 1'i'%3'4'4.4, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHY''f'IAN anti SURGEON ';i/illiasn 5t.Pbone 4_ Brussels, Ont. Walker Funeral Home Day or Ni."lit. Calls Phone 65 No taut fh')rnr, 1nr Use of Funeral Home. k3, G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. J. F. Harper, B. A., M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 9 p. m. Also 11 - 12 a. m., when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p. tn. Sunday - Emergent y and by appointments only. R. 8, Hetherington, K. C. WING•HAM rued BRUSSELS AT BR'U rSFI.S Tuesday and Saturday all day - Offict open every day, Phone 20x -- Successor to E. 0. Bell Chaos. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. Axone Office 96 - Brussels, Ont. Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SAL $ For information, etc., write or phone SFAF Harold Jackson PHONE 18-r-661 NT. Make arrangements at THE Brussels Pont or R. S. Hetheringto, K. C. Barrister Office, Brussels. 1) Aa Rann & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer _.......,neow,,..,.,..,,_..,�.., .a, BRUSSELS. OM'. PHONE 36 or 85 Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) SATISFAC'T'ION GUARANTEED -- PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and Amy will be looked after Immedltatcly For ilnformetion etc., write or phone Lew. IRowlrlae4 Or write to R. R. 3 Walton. 011cnce, D. A. Clayton Procter of Fort Francis was n holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Kerr, • * t4 Mr and lb's. 1T.trh M1111111ng enjoyed hnv111all their family hone with them for the Chr'strnas holi- day season. * * \Its 1T. 11ari,, , Hamilton, with 1191' parents .Air. and Mrs, 0. Doll. Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Mimes an? children, Brantford, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sumo's. - * Miss :Marjory "rocker, Strathrey, with her parents Sir. and Mrs. W. 'Nicker. * * 4t 1Tr. A. Fox of The Pas, Man„ with his brother S. FOX, * * * lits.. .Toyre Porter, Toronto Uni• versify, with her parents Mr. and 71Trs. 'tV. Porter. * * x 11Iss Mary Lamont with .relatives in Kincardine. * * * Mr. V, Densmore, Toronto,. with his parents Mr. and Airs, A, Dens. more, * * st Mr. and Mrs, H. K. Allen with his parents at Wroxeter. 4: 4: 4t Dr, and Mrs. J. Harper and son, with Hamilton relatives. tk * * Miss Phyllis Sullivan, of tho Kllo1ruer-Wnterino hospital staff. nt her home here. * * 4 Mrs, W. Clark and Mitts Gloria. Clark with the former's mother, Mrs. W, Sellers of Grey. * * tk Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Dunsford, Carol Ann and Ronald, London, Mr. and Mrs. 1), (1. Warwick and sons Peter and Paul. Owe)t Sound and George Backer, London with Mrs, A. G. 'Seeker. * * Mr. and Mrs, R. Elliott, with her parents in Teeswater, * * x MRS Helen Speir, Toronto, Miss Laura Speir, iKtohener and Mr, and Mrs. I8onnetlt Speir and Diane of Mr. and Mrs. John Sp•''r. * * 4 Mr. and Mrs. ,Taelt [Lieber. Wheat 1 ley and Miss Elizabeth Knelt r, , London, with Mr. and Mrs. .1 .. llaeker. * * .. Mr, and Mrs. Pearson vtrane and f daughter Susan, with Mr. and Mrs,1 S. F. Davison, * tk 1 Miss Mary Helen 1lettmlOI'. T1'1t Mich., with her-nar.nt ; \Tr. and .Mr:. L. W. Eckmler. Mr. D li MaoTavisit .r+1.). lir m.; Mrs, Thos. M,Fn,l'etn, 'Portrait"). Mr. and Mrs, 1\-m. Speir, with relatives !n Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 31, 0tdf,1,1 94411 silo rives at Dundalk. Mr, and Mrs. W. Martin. at ington. * * * Tlnrl.. ®IaIL {i9 tJ Jvn EN7 Lr IGH I.YY A W gi GEO. H. DOIJCETT, Minister NT N Ra Unsatisfied Ju dement Fund Fee Under an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act enacted in 1947, provision was made for the creation of an Unsatisfied Judgment Fund out of which will be paid, in the manner prescribed, judgments for personal injuries and property damage sustained by reason of the operation of motor vehicles, which cannot be collected in the ordinary manner from the judgment debtors. The method prescribed for creating the Fund is the collection of a special fee, when required, from each person to whom is issued either an operator's or a chauffeur's license. Although to date no fees have been collected from those operating motor vehicles, the legislation has been in effect since the Ise of July, 1947, and many judgments have been paid by the Department pending the creation of the Fund. Effective with the issue of 1949 motor vehicle operators' and chauffeurs' licenses, an additional fee of 50 cents (50c) will be collected from each person to whom is issued a 1949 License, which fee will be known as the Unsatisfied ' Judgment Fund fee and will be set aside solely for the purpose of creating the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund. 'This is not an annual fee and no further fee will be collected from motor vehicle drivers for this purpose until the Fund is exhausted or so nearly so as to indicate that there is not sufficient in the Fund to pay judgments for a period of at least one year. Mr, and Mrs. E. Gr=g4 91111 711r. 1). Gregg, Paisley, , :it Miss Nettie Bartley of norontn' with Mrs. A. McDonald. Cancer Service Chief, Dr. A. W. Blair, Dies (Regina Leader -Post) Dr. Allan Walker Rlalr, ono of . Canada's foremost 1110(TIen1 Wren in , the field of cancer, diel suddenly of it heart nttaclt early Tuesday after- • 310011 at his home In Regina. He ' would hav» hPPn 49 nn Voir. 28. At his death. Dr. Blair was 141,08nr of Saskateli wnn ('3110 serriet.s and 01lnicn1 director of Sa:4katelte ' wan mincer service. and 9181110:11 d'rE13309 of rho T109411,1 .'ante:' r11ole. Although dri 111 honit'a and 0n con.. 19109(9118 leave of aheenee stern the end of .Rely, he land reeentlr bee„ sheaving marked improvement and his death was wholly tntexpected. Son of the late G. P. Blair and , Mrs, Slab. of Regina, Dr. Blalr's ' contributions to the battle against ' Oa110er were his work in connection with setting up in Saskatchewan a system of free diagnosis aid treat- 1 meat, and his supervision of con•' struotlon of the newly °pelted Reg!na i cancer clinic. He is survived by his widow, the former Florence Wilson of I Indian Head: Iwo ,l atight ers, 1 Patricia, 18, and Heather. eight arid one son, Kennet°, 1(1: aR of i 3083 Hill avenue, Also surviving i are his mother, 42 Kraemer apart- { meats; two brothers, Dr, Wilfrid' M., Regina, dentist at 3111 Rob. , 1118011 street, and Kenneth S., of i Vancouver. i His father G. F, Blah'. former 1 Regina city ,soliclto•, predeceased flim in 1920, and a Brother, Tack i L., was killed oVersons in 111421 while serving with the R.0.4,F. II porn In Ontario Dr, Blair was born In Brussels, , Ont•, on Nov: .28, 1900. 71e moved 1 with his family to Regina in 1911 and at.lell dnd Victoria sebonl and Central C011aginte. .Fie graduated from the ITnlver- sity of Saskatchewan with his bachelor or arts degree in 192.1, t and in 1928 grsdu'ad in midi• 1 a eine from McGill university It, spent a year as resident surgeon I at Winnipeg 'General hospital and I then was for two years of the staff of New York Menta'la7 hos- i pitnl There followed four 310085 on the medical staff of the 1Tniver• Alabama of Alabaa and cemeenlrated 1 • postgraduate studies on e9ncor in Cho ignited States, Great. Britain, Prance, Belgium, Germany and Sweden 1 1 ansa ehooao the bank which suite you Itonar freedom of choice keep the spur sof is always working to give you better amid better banking services. Canadian banks, like other private concern% compote for your business. They strive to excel one another in helpfulness and efficiency- satisfying your requests for information or .t 9'I .8"v+a1' iso k't int Atae'.t tirn�g the growing, changing iitnansasirt nlc[vl + or Lbe community. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK 18 r