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The Brussels Post, 1948-12-15, Page 4
THE BRUSSELS POST STUDDED GROUND yARUPS WINTER ROANS stay open to the tax equipped with Firestone Studded Ground Grips --the Tire:; tat mud. Let uve the s put themmost in gaw send ea your car now. They *Deet no more. 1 4 t LET US YOB 'tIpe.44;,e hfE p 'r°W NallCs STUDDED R ive r's1 d iv%! ©t > ra hone 5E3,Ie _eels F. F. Horn ifh Registered Optometrist .KNeratern art'-aAr We Mei Modern Eve gip'° '.r e )18, %far; %,sta)9 Ariic':cs I'or Sale— Typewriters, Adding Machines, Cash Regsiters, Bought, Sold & Repaired. Safes, opened, com- binations changed, used safes bought. J. W. Locking, 369 - 2e4ia St. W., Phone 2096w 'Owen Sound n s•weimmailmveimm BRUSSELS COUNCIL JT4''ting I1ecr'oher 7. 194,, The regular meeting n£ the Muni- ripal Council of the Village of !Mussels was held on the' above date. .111 ul. tuber. of Connell %veto present. with exception of Councillor 11. \V. Kennedy. After the minutes of the last regular meeting were read,. It was lucvetl by W. E. Willis, sc.ennded by J. \V. Fischer that the mhrutes an read be adopted. —Motion Carried. On motion of L. W. Eckmier. sec- onded by J. W. Fischel', the following a rvO11111s were ordered paid : C. N. Rlwys. scale: site rental $ 2,10 County of Huron, tax collec tion charges 21,74 Township of Morris, taxa: on - daimp ground 9,55 National Sewer Pipe Co , sewer tile 52.96 A. McTaggart, labor, drain ,,. 41.40 .1. Evans, labor, drains 55.75 R Farrow, labor, drains 1.63 .7, Kelly, labor at hall 2.00 Elliott's Garage, anti -freeze, gas. oil. battery charge, Fire Dept, 17.10 A. T-Iiulgns, tile 10.0(1 G. R. Campbell. advertising expenses J. Gibson, wrenches, Fire Dept. 2.40 Ed. T•Ienderson, cutting weeds and drawing to dump ground i3.09 D. A. Rana, Indigent burial, ambulance and wreath, Re- membrance Day 123.01, C. T. Davidson, Insurance Fire Dept. and Tax Col- lector's Bond 45.x0 Brussels Public School, 1948 Levy 2131,08 Tirussels Cont. School, 1948 Levy 2953,40 Fox Counties, W. S. Scott, A. Rutledge, 2'. Duncau,'W. Tucker's 21.00 .\'la'r Transport, freight charges 11.05 B. M. & Grey Tel, .System, and tolls collected 3841.16 G. R. Campbell. November salary 45.00 W. I1. Bell, November salary 120,00 It was mored by W. 1E1. .4e+corded by J. W, Fischer, that the waterworks no(nunts ❑: 1 c'eh'e11 to date and authorized by the consult Ing engineers, be paid. --Motion Carried. It was moved by 11 r. E. Willis s?•rouded by L. W. Fickmler, that the unexpired portion •tf Transient Trader's License paid by M. Oldfield het anent on his 1941 Tnxea, as be has purchased property in the Village. —Motion Carried. It was moved by T. W. Fischer, seconded by L, 'W, }Daimler that flee firm of Monteith .5 Monteith, Chartered Accountants, of Stratford, Ont., be advised by bhe Clerk that they are no longer Auditors for the Village of Blluasals, —Motion Carried It was moved by W. Tl, Willis, seconded by J. W. Fischer that Edwards & Pearson, London, Ontario be appointed Auditors for the Village of Brussels, and that the Clerk notify them of the appointment. —Motion Carried, It was moved by W. - E. Willis, seconded by L. W. Eckmler, that Monday. December 27, be proclaimed a Public Holiday in the Village of Brussels. Having concluded the business of 8.46 the meeting. Council thele adjourned The service in Knox Church re: Sunday morning, Dee. 12 was con- ducted by Rev. P. Sterling. Th, an- them was "Wonderful Mercy" by Ackley. Be sure to attend the Christmas concert on Monday evening. Dec. 29 at 3 o'clock in Knox Churen. ;bliss Lona Noble returned home on Saterday. Misses Dorothy Hue+her and Gertie Pride spent a few days in Kitchereel recently. . Mnrary and Mrs. Parton and Sharon, London, were week en1 visitors with Allen and Mrs.' Cant- eron. The November meeting of the Cranbrook Young Women's Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Cliff Kornaghan with Ellec1( Steiss in charge. The meeting opened by The olcl of Ow Pow :.°r C_ toffs £{�t��!j�l End e-,w�;1,�°t T:. rrl pyo The E ESd tN ff the P�'s31y"t er Sit rt �5 . �4ilti Yyers c JsrAtiard� their efF6 as to cown ra i electricity While unproved water conditions resulting from recent rainfall in the right places, have enabled The Hydro -Electric T=ower Commission of Ontario to increase quotas to municipalities, water flow conditions are still not normal. Therefore, it is vitally important that all con- sumers—industrial,- 'commercial, domestic and rural—be constantly on the alert to avoid all unnecessary use of electricity. Your co-operation in the past has helped. Here are a few sugges. tions as to how you can continue to help. e Turn off all unnecessary lights. Do not leave lights burning in empty rooms, halls, basement, attic, porch and garage. • At the evening study or reading hours, group the family around the reading ramp and turn off other lights, e Replace large Tight bulbs with smaller ones. e Where water is electrically heated, use hot water sparingly. • Watch the switches on your range, your iron and other appliances: Turn them off as quickly as possible. Often the stored heat will finish the jobs. Use "High" heat for as short a time as possible for cooking or for boiling water. • Don't let motors on motor -driven equipment run needlessly in home or factory, - s In factory, store or office, don't light cm row or cluster of overhead lights when a single light nearby will do. Do your part to cut down on electricity and keep pay envelopes full. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO vingln lirtntt 120 renewed by prayer by Eileen bteiss, Seriptul'o reacting 1043 read in uni,un and I Liken ft„0,1 91'twill. N• l'Iupt.r Ln V-1.16. Hymn. No. 86 was then 5.1110 followed bc' rice topic by .1ur!el McDonald. The minutes of tha last meeting were read and adopted by sere: tory. seemet.d ley I;1le,'h Stets. Hymn '"s Was then sung apo the meeting cloaca wit11. preyet Lunch was served by the (hostess assisted by Muriel McDonald. , Bruce A. McLean Funeral services for the ;ate Bruce McAllister McLean who pass• ed away in Vlctorta Hospital, London, on Saturday, November 27th, where 11c had been a patient for two weeks, were held on Tuesday, November 30 with a brie” service at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McLean, lot 29, concession 17 Grey townehiP, at 1.09 p.m. fol- lowed by a very largely William service In Knox United Church. Monotdof at 2;30 p.m. Rea. R. 0, Hazelwood of Walton nfficirted. Two 'favorite ^'hymns were sung, "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross," and "Lead Kindly Light" with Mrs. Donahl McTaggart at the organ. Mr Arthur Eltherin:gtmi or I'raston sane "Heartaches" accompanied by Mrs. Stanley Machan. The pallbeat'ert, were- five neighbours, ,lames Boyd, Delmer Dilworth, Kenneth Riehl, Fergus Brown, Keith Meehan, and a former neighbour, Lundy McKay. now of Auburn. The flower bearers were, Duncan McKay, Archie :Kay. Lawrence MrLean, Elden Mann, James Mann, Marshall iarrison Lentis Harrison. Chnrl.'s • Harrison, Tloh Harrison. Retrinatd Hall, ,Pack (1111, ,Toe Smith, Bob Smith. Howard MsNettght. (:len Rathwell, Jack Boyd, Earl Oppenaauser. Inter- ment was made in TTarvey's ! cemetery, Logan township. Attend- ing from a disinnce war, Mr. and lib's. Ernest Harrison, Mr. and Mrs Albert Quinn. Ingersoll: 54r. and 1111 M.Trs. Reginald Hall. Drantford. 17r. and Mrs. Jack C1T11, and Mr. Lindsay McCord. Guelph; 9Tt'. Arthur Eltherington. Preston; Mr. J. AT. Dunn, London; Mr . and Mrs, Andrew Kh9cconnell and family, Auburn; Mrs, Came"en McLean. Stratford: as well as ft -.tads and relatives from Fullerton, i.istowed and surrounding distrie` • 1�Let , 00- . e, IkNg show you how to put , YOUR /// -- \ GHRi&T iAs I / 1 \\\\ GIFT right on your Christmas Tree! 1\'edite'sdu}'. December 1t413, 1945 raZee n_ MOST N OURISHING yoUR ECONOMICAL BREAKFAST %e hI 11 a A d: Imagine! Bulova, Gift of a Lifetime, in the most beautiful Gift Package , ever designed —the Bulova Christmas Bell! EAS coo; I TERins W G. each sonolmolonn Notice to the People of Brussels — a''YwW3i A our Water Services Dug in Now! At Reasonable Rates Phone 36-r-9. FARE AND A HALF Good going:—Tuesday, December 21st, to noon Saturday, January 1st, 1949. Return Limit:—Leave destinatloa not later than midnight Monday, January 3rd, 1949. BUT TICKETS EARLY.. -AVOID CONGESTION Ask any Agent for complete informatloa. SUPPORT THE SCOUTS - SUPPORT THE SCOUTS EYES EXAMINED at ,Listowel J. A. MONAGHAN, R. 0. Gracla?lxte of Ontario College of Optometry. Office: Wallace St. — Hours: ,8,30-6.00, Evenings by Appointment. Repair. Your Tractor — any make Repsair'ali hinds of Farm Equiponenf Pedlar 'Barn Equipment Dominion Tires Otaco Farm Implements E. Richards 8 Son - Phone 86-r-5 Ethel Good For Kinds of Bekin g SOW Me BRUT* 4 AT Si aAEKER BROS. nano s Warble &WC alllu•la. .1 Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs —REPAIRED and RECOVERED — Also Rebuild Mattresses !w A . .. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Stratford IJpholstering Co. 43 Brunswick Street ' 'Stratford, Oat. Enquire at -- D. A. RANN Furniture and Funeral Service, Petieee 36.nr 88 gismos* Ort. N