HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-12-1, Page 3eineseevereeeswelik.l: ""egt,'Ste-er WALTdN On Sumliry morning Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McCall, Mr.,1•41 Bolger, Mr. and Mr., Buchanan and Mr, awl Mrs. William Thelma' presented their babies for baptism in Duff's United Church, Walton. The new Walton 'Public 1.11iary will be officially opened on Saturday of this wet k, the ladies of the Library Board giving a tea from 2 to 4 in the afternoon. Everyone is library and ship. Mrs. librarian. Willis and Fisher, 'I! trueking MeNichol. R. R. 2 township. Zack MeSpaciden, McKillop township, enjoy all George as7-o-a hour of I ellow.. Du atlas is the truciters, have Imaineat lo 0. ; irusiiels, Grey R.R. 4 Walton, has sold his farm to a Polish family. r...•.nals: Flt.ttx Moue filo Toronto; Mrs, Leslie Bolton re- mains ill, and a nurse has been invited to come to see our new engaged. 111111111111, EYES EXAMINED at Listowel 1 A. MONAGHAN, R. 0. 1; 1/ Gradate of Ontario College of 0ptornetry, Offic7: Wallace St — Ho r 8 30-6 00 [1 Evenings by Appointment. FOR SALE - 11 A piano. THE BRUSSELS POST 0 4 If • * I. ;PEOPLEiJ K iV OW 1 I r C1011141 S111(10i oncert will be hill int 21111. Rif 141 Wr•I'd1 is in the Kitchener- hoimital where sit, und.r. rl'ion on i\lontleY. ' 71- loft: v McCuteheon. Matris, Is reported /I rt doing fine after an TClicnoner-Waterloo hospital ou Monday. Rev P. Oldham, Camden East, s vialtor at the home or 'Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Thompson #12N week. TT, had attended the enthronement 4 Bishop Luxton In London on Tnesday. ; Mr:: .f,iliti III iyi,, or Foam Lake, Sask., and Mr. Clarene, Milburn of Windsor, mint and brother of Miss Ple M orenecni n alarm, seenthe 0(014 end at t110 1101110 OP Miss Plormice MeNaughton and Mrs, Meriowell's. A number from 13rtis.rds Parish of the Church Of England were present in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, on 'ruestlay. when George R. Luxton was ronseeratt d and enthroned as the ninth Anglican Bishop of Huron, amid the pomp and circumstance of Ihr ancient ceremonies 0) the Church or 5ngland. Rry, oful Mrs. .2. H, 'Kerr, Mrs. .Tno. Fischer, Mrs. A. Morrow and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bryan Brussel, Mr, and Mrs, H. Bolger, Walton and Mr. and MrA. Thomas IC, rr and Al l'tl. lAtm. lialcor, Tr( '111 ryn att "tided, Classified Ads **1**211=Eantreatnae*M=AZMantin..." Hommel Reeved 1L,:vtometrist will Lke at Miss Bryan's Home E'f• USSILS ALL DAY Thursday, Dec. 2nd to givComplete Eye Examinations and suppl7,7 Corref.lions where nec-eJs.D.ry. Phone Bru.ssels '2.117.;7.T. for appointment, MORE, PROFITS CONTENTED CATTLE with a DURO production is the mamas rhilichCRIVD8profits from yam had. That's what Maung wow—where and when you need M'—ctocs you! EXTRA PROFITS. IN- OffASED PRODUCTION. WETS. Duro Pumps ... built for bra OpitatiOal fin. sit your seeds in barn . poultry isisa*mc h m ... provide sure nee' woe= 'ea ler sli_nyr°1,:ildings, INSTALL THE PIT ,...WALL. A Dutt.O. EMCO Fixtures and Fittings h.1 easy to improve daily living with simple Eld00 remodelling in kitchen . bathroom laundry. See ea today and learn how you con add to daily comfort . safeguard your family's health . . . easily with real ergoomy aat)oy al 10044118 boom $112.00 F.O.B. Loudon, Canada H. J. GIBSON Phone 83x -r-4 Brussels EMPIIIE 13-1111SS MFG [0. LiarrtEl —. FOR li FOR SALE— Skates, child's. size 1 black boots rt. Worcrq Store , Phone 24 Phone 117x -r-4 FOR SALE - 11 pigs 6 weeks old, Gordon Blake Phone 42-7-9 STRAYED— A half-grown collie pup, black and white. Phone 27-r-14. Grey. FOR SALE— Men's Overcoats, like new, 2 pair of army boots, Gar) McDonald LOST— A rill saw on the Sth con., or Grey A person was seen picking it up would they kindly call Telford Keifer, Phone WANTED TO BOARD — Two High School girls for the winter. Mary Lenient, Queen St. FOR SALE - 100 acre farm, good buildings, miles west of Blyth on highway. Phone Blyth 13-r-5 Alfred Machan STRAYED — From lot 11, con. 4, Grey Twp., one heifer weighing ;wound 750 lbs. Anyone finding same leave word at The Post or F. M. Semis, Goderich, FOR SALE— Kindling wood In bundles 95c, 5 bundles for 51.00, if fon coma atter Also a small box stove; 6 lbs. 21,!, inch finishing nails. Fra.nit Miller Phone 77-r-5 FOR SALE— Now Singer Sowing Machines Electric. portable and Cabinet ma- ehines. Also treadle machines. For information Write Singer Service Representative Box 50, Brussels, FOR SALE— Hygienic Supplies (Rubber GoodS) mailed postpeld in plain. sealed - envelope with price list. Six samples 25s, 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Order Dept. M-33 Nov -Rubber Co Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, FOR SALE— M lamp, odd kitchen chairs, dish( of all kinds, 2 1.11, lee BMWS, two or throe men's good ovarconts and many other articles. Proceeds to be used for Christmas cheer for children. lorank Miller Prissels, "lime FOR SALE - 100 acre farm 110021 (titY, good hnildings, also near village; 100 acre farm, hydro, good blinding:is, good location; 100 aere faint), good buildings near school; 100 acre tarn good buildings near village; A good house irt village of 0russels, immediate D0500081011. 5. 0, Long, PAM Estate Broker, Erussels, Ont, 1112211.M11010111.1.11.1==.======alaatannatr.....14-1======_,Irt:n.,,C" 'Mt a The Grift Osis Give Furs this Christmas . . Save during our Big December Coat Sale . Choose from this wide selection Brownstriped Coneys 11-20 . $:i35.00 up Grey striped r: oneys 12-20 199.50 Black electric Seal Coats 11-20, 36-44 16/2 - 22%2 200.00 up Muskrat Backs . Mink dyed . . 395.00 up Persian Paws 325.00 up Full -Skin Silver Fox collars, double pouch . . $3995 Sale Priced Russian Squirrel chokers, Kolinslcy dyed, set cf 2, 3 and 4 skin effects $12.00 p. skin set off 4 $48.00 All our furs and Fur Coats are fully guaranteed. First year free storage. Terms to responsible parties. Don't miss this great Fur Coat Sale, SHOP AT Paris .Ladies Sh ppe Listor.vel's Leading. Ladies' Wear Store, Where your .Dollar buys mere. I1 ; CRANBROOK The service in Knox Church on Sunday was conducted by Rey. II. R. Williams, Alvinston. The male quartette sang a number and the choir an anthem. Preparatory service be held on Friday evening, Dec. 3 at 8 o'clock and Holy Communion will be observ- ed on Sunday morning, Dec. 5 at 11 o'clock, Rev. Geo. Milne, Brussels, interim -moderator will conduct both services. Mrs. Lynn Evans and Mrs. Henry Gorsalltz spent last week in Toronto. Lytle and Mrs. Gordon spent Friday and Saturday of last week In Toronto. Jim and Mrs. Riteh1,1 and Douglas. London, were week end visitors with Allen and Mrs. Cameron, Robt, Engel, M. and Mrs. Engel and Gordon visited in Stratford on Sunday at the home of Wm. Engel. Several children In the community are suffering from chickett-pox. FOR SALE— Electric motors 'wound and rt --•alred. Expert workmanship. Moder. ate prices. New motors In stock, ... Etettger industries, 649 Ontario, Street, Stratford, Ont To the electors of Grey Township 1 am again a candidate for the Reeve - ship of the Township of Grey, if elected 1 shall endeavur to carry on in 1949 the same as this year. Thanking you for past favors I am yours truly JOHN McNABB To the electors of Grey Township Having served as deputy reeve for a number of years I now solicit your vote and influence to elect me Reeve of Grey Town- ship in the coming election. If elected 1 will not betray your confidence but will do every- thing possible to serve your best interests. Yours Sincerely STANLEY MACHAN • To the electors of Morris Twp. Ladies and Gentlemen Having been appointed by acclamation for Councillor for the year 1949, 1 wish to thank rny mover and seconder, 1 consider it an. honor to serve the municipality in that capacity as a member of the council in 1948 1 served to the best of my ability and will endeavour to do the same for the coming, year. Wishing all the compliments of the season Yours Sincerely BAJT,LIE PARROTr . Wedneti da y, Der eiiit en I it.EZTT ar,.:LIZZONNINNEW-rat/ark )See #11/14171/#614/ :7 BUSY HEALTHY Blii0SoadMORE PROFITS �R-'LIWIEGGMASH —count on gieraArreday dre "Proven sell producer. Built to provide ail round growth and vigor In your egg haying machines and tbs right materials to make Goes with sound shells and premium quality. ROE FARMS MELLING CO. ATWOOD, ONT. 0a gni. KNOW! 0 —that a bird laying 80 egos par year eats 771/2 lbs. lead 05 11½ LBS. PER DOZ. EGGS. —a bird laying 240 eggs per year oats 931/2 lbs. feed or LBS. PER DOZ. EGGS. eeeteisitatetietineitelietrieegielltueeieteelitliiie iteNtiiiiitteketittertetteiteetteiteellerilletetieetitereteeiweeentitiek'ettitietieeteeitielsthlMeieilit :,tti,,rivait"t,,Iit...",it‘titttitt,tisriatitt>ttittiltatitteitttiot,e,..Xmesiaititsier::eunreiskiareneitutoke.-nit, BE YOUR OWN BOSS,i,- Distribute our 250 Products: Toilet Articles, Medicines, Extracts, Spices, Floor Wax, Insecticides, Farm Products, splendid asortment of Gift Boxes. Our dealer; make substantial profits, 4. customer in each home! For Catalogue and de- tails, write to FAMIE..c. 1600 Deloralmier street, Montreal, P.Q. TENDERS FOR WIRING— Tenders will be received nntll December 1, 1948 for installing electric wiring in S.S. 'so. 12 Morris Township. Plans and specifications may. be obtained from Ralph Shaw, Bluevale, Secretary Morris School Area. BUSEIF SS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON William St. Phone 4. Brussels, Ont. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge for Use of Funeral Home. B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalm -et. J. F. Harper, B. A., M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 9 p. m. Also 11 - 12 a. m., when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p. m. Sunday — Emergenr y and by appointments may. R. S. Netherington, K. C. WINGHAM rind BRUSSELS AT BRUSSFT Tuesday and Saturday all day — Offict open every day. Phone 20x Successor to E. D. Bell Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent f� Great West Life Insurance Co. Phone Office 96 Brussels, Ont. Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson ?ONE 18-r-661 — SEAFORTIL ONT. Make suvangements at THE Brussels Post or R. S. Hetberingto, K. C. Barrister Office, Brussels. - - D. A. Rann St Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 BRUSSELS. ONT. _ . Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONAMIX For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be lootre4I after Introodeately For information etc., write or phone Low. Rovilmi4 Or write to R. R. 3 %Rata .44 •