HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-12-1, Page 1POS r PUBLISH/NG HOUSE 17. lb. Orange Pekoe Tea 2-20 oz. Tins Pork -Beans 1 lb. Custom Sliced Bacon .. 1 lb. Custom Ground Coffee It its Fresh Fruit or Vegetables wc. have it we buy only the best. Open All Day Wednesday As Usual, 43c 25c 58c 480 c EWAR'S - Phone 5 GROCETERIA ruseli — — Wednesday, December lst, S E Sponsored By Lions Cie!) are -.pewter ee, hock. y. eluding Mine-eds. Niorrie and 0141 ilheys, 14 years and under nr(i el jg,hC. All boys intereeted ?Aimee leuv8 , your trim.• at Bill \boil barb I shop, Names must be in not tat r than I>ee. 10.194e, We would like to here a 6 -team league. Start 'rm rolling now. Christmas Concert S,S. No. 4, Morris Tuesday, Dec. 7, at 8415 Everybody Welcome Bazaar and Tea A bazaar and tea sponsored by the Majestic Women's Institute to be held in the Public Library Brussels on Sat. Dec. 4th at 2.30 Articles for sale include home- made baking, ked and uniced Christmas cake, aprons and quilts. Articles suitable for Christmas gifts, candy, farm produce, sec - hand clothing. Itto=o1ax.r....&o.,OtSOr-etttameStr4,3•111.atO The Seaforth Young Progres- sive Conservative Association Presents The Western Swing - billies, new style western rhythm group direct from U.S.A., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4th, Cardno's Hall, Seaforth. Stage Show 8:30 'til 10. Dancing 10 'til 12. Featuring - Champion yodeler from Iowa, Champion trick Fiddler from Delaware, Bob Mason, Radio's tallest cow- boy and other entertainers. i Blessed are the pure in aeart ! for they shall see Clod. Melville Church Minister Rev. 0. A. Nillne, IVI.A. 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Clam 11 a. In. Divine Service 7 p. m, Divine Service Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Chorimaster. The;United Cr urch OF CANADA it a. m. Waning Worship "Religion and the ramify." Junior Congregation DO Church School and Bible Class. 7 P. m. Evening Prase Moses, Man of Destiny. Come to the House of Prayer. Church of England MORRIS Freley evening, November 20.• I Mr. and Mrs. 111.1S,,s11 none operliil their 110100 to homer Mr, and ' airs. John Warwick, who observed their Silver Weddle., Anniversary on Sunday. Noveroh v 11 Daring the evening about Vete relatives and ire tole euthered en 1 1100 Was played. Mrs. Mervyn MeCauley read the following nddress; Del; and Clertie. We. your 0, latives ene friends are gathered here this eveninx to cele- brate with you this very- speeial ,•tut your lwenty-flith wedding anniversary, This °evasion marks for yon Important man llestnof twen(y-five years of 11101)1' -wedded life, Retell year when the crisp frosty raorningS come, .Tack has a new spring in his step mid sari to elertle, '"Phat hound is dancing on theehain and tearing the barn down, so 1 must tam ke him fnr a ru" Coyne puts an extra egg In the pan, mut says "Johnnie, now bare a good nu SO you'll he fit for 0 Tun." Now Tack swallows that breakfast in hurry and ab go 10 the gun from off the wall and says. "Wen Certie I'll 1 off." Se Cn., ersnys "elocl bye and good luck Johnnie." So jack MUNICIPAL NOTICE hat I hereby give notice tthe Nom- ination of Two Councillors t serve Village of Brussels during the year 1949. will be held at the COUNCIL CHAMBER, BRUSSELS at 7:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1948 If demanded a Poll will.be. opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBF.R 27, 1948 Polling Sub -Division He, 1 In the Council Chamber in the Town Hall R. J, Bowman, 0,5.0. Ben Whlttard, Poll Clerk Polling Sub-Divislon No, 2 In the basement of the Public Library Robert Patrick, D.R.O. Joseph Kelly, Poll Clark Pelts to be opened from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M G. R. Campbell, Returning Officer. 111122211(11=RY=111.111171=.1.ana1.1111.11=111nallall Parish or Brussels Rev. J. 1-1. Kerr. Brusasla. lot Sunday After Advent Dec. 5th, 1948 St. David's Church, Henfryn- 9.30 a.. in. Sunday School 10.80 a. m. Morning Prayer at. Johns Church Brussels - 1 p. m. Sunday School 2 p. m. Evening Preget: St. George'e Church Walton - 11.45 Evening Prayer Sunday School 61i*••••••••••••..*••..40.1...IMMallargall Order Your TURKEY For Christmas Now J. C. Hemingway Phone 25-r-5. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. . — NOW PLAYING— Thur., Fri., Sat. Dec. 2-3-4 The Fuller Brush Man with Red Skelton Janet Blair Don McGuire Red never quite makes the grade as the fuller brush man. He only practloes at the Job. Be aure to see° Red run through hls bag 'of comedy tricks and treat yourself to a laugh. Mpn., Tues., Wed, Dec. 0-7-8 In TechnIceicr Romance On The High Seas wiand th NTA that a 1Morris Council Returned Brussels To Have ILetl:;e11,a,1 .wea.t Nominatons In The th' By Acclamation Township Grey ft!u ,dti tlooclOf allowed a, Hid: ‘...4ehool a,veli . ", b 11 .,) eh it Me Na bit stantey Meehan 1)NP. REEVE Clifford it..oeleild Bert Jolitntot, tiePert ln. 11 oo/,, Ken. Ilinli'arlate Perry War 1 Leslie Nfcleay SCHOOL 'PlICSTRIES- Wm. 11, Ellaeott Watson Brown W,rns;..phSn Smiti fol' ert i Sohn McNabb thaneed the penal.. for eleeting him for 1 9 lA 11, of last year's entrint,r itil lirpc rounell had 'made a chance, The County Cnuneil 11.1.1 or int I the Western ITniversity Stinntione which he did not think ma-Tag:try, and as to hospital rates tin y to be $4.00 per day bat now titter allthe grants the rate pr, day ik $0.00. Repairs to real north of Walton Mut been ti very dab ne proposition. He would have liked to have had a better snow plow hot for thin year the present plow was helm, repaired and a firm with raterp111r tractor from Kitchener and also .1 snowplowing outfit fruit Waltoe had been engaged. Connell had done a lot of bridge building but reported that the talk rate would meet the expenditure, He explained the t nontract work was more costly then day labor. Stanley Meehan reviewel the High Sehool situation at IT. explained bow the Dept. was ads," eating a junior Nigh School System which Brussels, might take advantage of if they (multi not present a work- able assessment in concertino with the present plan. He hoped Brussels would get a High .Sehool at vete they would he able to pay. Fre said the County C,ouncil in January 19 43 had raised salaries and that to give Pensions would cost more 111111 the building of new court lunge. Mr. Clifford Rowland. said NVe had a small surplus at beginning of year of less than 44000.00 and . expectecl to get through on rates, rtight he deficit on year's work somewhere up to $6,000.00. He explained that no one member of the County Council could do any more than vote on any Question and that he only bad one vote among all the =inlet - panties represented. He explained arrangements made for snowplowing this season. Bert Inhnston, said that grading of roads had been done with the object of making roads in better condition for snownlewtng. There had been a test of spraying roadsidee but he could not see that it hod been of Mitch use and that it was too rostly, Was in favor of the finer gravel Turnbull's bridge had been built in his division and work on "mad was •'1 :. ' :,•:. ' :1: 11, ..,1, . 11 ( 1:o Aleoeb. Baillle l'arrot.. :111.1 WI o. 1 '''''' ':''''111 '2"." -1" 13-14 13'i' t.....1'7L f '' m (114 not give 1,1s1,,,,,r..1 311, 1,,,,,,, Peacoidt were returned to iillii,. 1.y , '''''" "i.' i,i. !ito "Ailitg... ..,t n 1 e 1)1 11 alui ilia, tIrsv Com- , 1 ., 1-. e ,.1 t;., wee e e., ,;,,,,• i Ill'","11 1, 3)7,1Y 1"" "f lil''s-' 111,"1,- • 1N. irWrit's eel it W. and Mac go hiking along for a day'e sport. 'When evening falls Johnnie comes marching home with a red fox over his 00111(1,0 and Jack rahhite, more than he tem marry. Nnw Johnnie has slowed down It late since morn- ing, but Clertie has a Steaming hot sapper to pep him up again. Now this is .what we would call the ena al a perfect day. Leaving all Jokes aside we hope that you both may enjoy many more years of health and happiness together and with our beat wishes wask you to accept this gift as 0 :slight token of esteetn in which you are held among as. Signed on behalf a relatives and friends. The honored couple were present- ed -with a mantle „clock with Normandy chimes. Lunch was served including some of the hettuti- fully decorated three-tter wedding cake and also some of the wedding cake preserved for the twenty -live years by Mrs, Warwick. Jack Carson Janis Paige Don before Doris Day Oscar Levant Be sure to see thls sure -Pre musical comedy, travelogue, song and dance production Thurs. — In Technicolor — Dec. 9th Matinee 2 p.m. Evening 1 show 8 p.m. Henry V. 1 witt ' Laurence Olivier Renee Ashern • A rare and great film -- A breath- takingly -- beautiful and stirring spectacle Is this story of "Henry V." ONE DAY ONLY. • • . minog11 aTti. .71d in the W1t91.1 Ili hall o uan , tin. r4eled 11 . eel Te. Bern, ar,d Thoma: hri-t:olryt 71‘1.1.; member on and that for Om .ame eort Murray, a former member of th.. board was return. d to lftlee. REEVE 1'1 I: ' I.1:'•03.4-7ane11 Ken, alerartane said that there 111;;Inimotse11: ronlIr.s 1J 11 ('lark, ,in had been a lot of work 401, to hi, VOTTN('ELLOPS 3i,;t0 11101ib0 bridge building and that 11.. Far -r1 fm, Clark). 1-, net TioltnesJas . gravel for ih. roads. lie 2.1 rt , • by accepting the lower tender 1 31 f eeerser Fritvel (ha ,i 6.0 as le contraet. There 10111.1 have les1. more eravi.1 put on the roele for tns eeet. 11. had 1014 to loet: after everything le hie ewe 1 . schedule of e•osts of 11? se+ ra op Isabel:, in 111e tesve11,11, this yeer (,,e,i11100 (1 Had bought ear Mae of new stow mark). romp and claimed the ea, of bri),.. by -day labor Omni i iffnimos.). 111, cost, of contract Week. Jaelr Wiekstend fine, C-rit. Lvsli,• )1eKaY did 1'1. rim 1,1)11)1 '1'',',' Benne Parrott (It" Cor1t,'rlI' future time. II (Iibbons). Stant Py Alexander, Read Supt.. v... ,.1. 13)11'' 1, stetement as to the wet* ,„ on roailS in the town-th'p. Prank Shaw C1111 frentinglray. ill, fin anelal statment of the school anl he' several nominees for truste,, t- drosk.,d the meeting. ETHEL • CRANBROOK well cleaned up. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES George McDonald 'gad flint the organ solo,'Preludium'; male quer lof improper mixture of Writ on u. Two: rate should have been Moller tet, lens Savour Pilot Me, 17 The majority ef rattle in the tewre Dec. 5—Holy Communion. to meet current expenditure. that Cranbrook male quartet, Lyle ebin had on sprayed fer warbir council in 19 47 had a defleit of Gordon, Lloyd Michel, °memo Mr- Iffy. 81500.00 on year's operations with Donald. Glen Hnether; organ solo. Councillors S. Alenck, Wm, Pa an expenditure of $96,000.00 011 'The Russian Patrol;' vocal solo by cock and Baillie Parrot, all Fmk*, roads and that in 1943 the roads! Mies Sone Wark; organ solo, 'Belgian briefly thanking their supporters. expenditure would be anproximately 'mothers' Sone sacred vocal solo by Ralph Shaw. snerelary-trcasurer of 450,000.00. He criticized the method 11 Gibson Willis; male quartet seise- tho school board, reviewed the of operating the grader and claimed tion; organ solo 'Trumpet Tune finanriel report of the hoard that put on Members of the 'Mari ail smoke United Church Y.P.U. Tio• regular Impting ni hs "Veen:: People tmdc pleeP 111 '.hu "1 basement Menday eventag, Nee. With the Young People of 13 'grave TTnited Church in attendance. Th, Dellgrave 100110 contlin•ted worship period. followed by 0:1 1' 111(1 entertainment led by Jene Wilson, Lunch Wes ee reeti 4e, a sing -song directed by Cleve,- within the -Pecided time. Th.. oldeFt business man or Brussels. W. Downing, ste10e7 that this le the first time In sfats I yeer that ..pe0101 notninatina Naas benl 03411000ff here. The nomleati-n meettne for two mare couneillors will be held nr: Monday, Deeember 20111. Reeve 11. 21. Cousine was returned to °flier by neclaniation 118 WOW, 111./SIO three member.; of it- seboni boaefi, I Walter Will:put Wei ter le Prr 13)0 !Wm. Leitch end one member of the Hydro cemmieeion. W. R. Little 'Mope nominated were :- Clark). Vitilliam Elston Iles, Wicket 10 d. 11 Proeter). Jame" Michie (Nelson Higeine, 71 I 1'1 Itl (11'1111y.l. 110A1111 9.11.111 (T71111 70:01".r 17,117,, 3,111 1114tOn 1. Ilt i'M1111!1:.1,;" (M(1 111 (ri,i't .tee Miehie)• Seerl-ne Johnston (1, Jelineter. :S011110. !termed Thomas (W. T. Pearls/4+. P. Jehneton). steep Wheeler was appointed 1:j"31'33' 1-1 11-' .1 T1," . 11. ',II!' 11 t 00407') ne, VP Harvey Johnston. speettiee nk ot Thorrias, tthanked his supporters. HP 00 ,0 incrensed township expellees ;reviewed enmity affairs. Mr. John - Melville Church 1 • - ,,1 er,Pki110 004 1, 11 1101010t!.. 1.. 001'00 1110 PPOTI1E1 of the township "Enthusiasm that never Bee' N0a,i r of Morris as his grandfather M'. the subject of Rev Mr Miire'eiohnston had in tRa7-180R, Ile morning sermon on Sunday. The •recommenclad the installetion of a eubject was based on Isaiah's Iflielter light at B,lgrave. He supports attitude towards his '111os ithe County Health 'Unit which cokI and the need for a yoetbful approach 303,000 Of which sum the government to all 110e's problems and vocation.. pays 60%. Nine nurses will he At the evening service Mr. Milne !required. Reeve Johnston eongrahn sketched St. Paul's wide knowledge peted the people of Morris for their of the rules of the game of life. Ile In e few tax arrears. Special reference was made It Charles Coulter refused to run for Paul's counsel to Timothy and the TH,V1, Saying +hat Morris bag 11 good applicable nature of that counsel VP. He also exprese,d his to present-day church tasks Tha IsuPport ef the Health He rem - evening anthem was "Rock of Ages," mented an the Increased road by Redhead. A short organ end uncal peo,enses includ.ng the cart o ! 1110 recital was held following tilt. I grader. 314.0110. Ile Sniff be was ed that the budget should baler with a eurphis of from $200 to $8.6b evening service. The programme. con lent in favour of the new equalization sS:ht,110fir.Tboaavirsdh apokaThe oanembaerlitalnlfeneeet, by Louis 11, Thomson; vocal solo. iSPraying of brush and weed. I thre, sisted of; Organ solo, 'Toccata Tr" assessment in tone In the rontitit.yri 'The Lost Chord' by Gibson Willis; I , 0 0 on 5"-0V setiefactoey 110esus5 he said. ltd not want a High Schoe here hilt frevonred a Junior high school, 11,113! the people not to be satisfied :Cohn McNabb. reeve of Grey spolte with a junior high school but to fight for a high school, He stated that be. as reeve of Grey, and maZY' of the Grey township people were in support of a senior high schoo1 here as it would increase the vane of farm property in this district. For Reeve— R. B. Cousins W. K. 'Willis H. Bowler D. N. ftieDonald R. T. Bowman Fo rCeuncillors— W. E. Willis R. W Kennedy 1 W net -Mier X. w. rierher N McDonald H. Bowler For Councillors-. Willlamson D. A. Rann W. C. Kerr 11 G. McBride Wo. Martin Xs.. Armstrong Wm. Leitch For Hyd.,...e C.ernmisslon--: Mr R. Little R Powmin opted ak chairrilq".7. for the meeting. ReeVe R. r rouons, ',mak= at length on enmity entre includifzeg- the-ronnty home the Hnror, Count,' Health Thmlt, which had been approv- ed by the enunty council and vraa supported by Mr. Cousins; and the equalivitier. eeeeement. His remariss concerning local affairs included tturc ear,ert hydro situation. He mentfcrni- ed that the rink had procured a rte' hend speaking system and statee that the laying nf the mains for tbges waterworks was practically com pleted that they were now mote erattinil for valves for the hydrants, - Mr rfaWillg nlen reviewed the state- ment of receipts and expenditures. Some of the ratepnvere expressed criticism of the incomplete finanole statement occasioned by the earbt nomination date Howtsver, a state- ment wets presented of expenditures and receipts to date and estimate f the balance of the year whtch indict Sunday, -... , ........, Frt., Sat, In Technicolor Dec, 10-11 Black Bart with ' Yvonne DeCarlo Den Duryea Jeffrey Lynn You won't want to miss this Western with the added splash of glamour thrown In. • kCOMING -- Personal Column Capitol Theatre LISTOWEL azterestoweesser, Wednesday ONLY Dec. 1st "The Iron Curtain Thur., Fri., Sat. Dad. 2-3-4 "Scudda Hoo Scudda Hay" in Technicolor with Sat, Mat. 2:00 P.M. Serial Mon. Tues. Dec. 6-7 John Hodiak, George Murphy in "The Arnelo Affair" TUESDAY FOTO-NITE 74 OFFER $200,00 Mon. Attend. card night 000.01•6051.6•••••!..1.1•Tera•MiOnYMII COMING 4 Days 4 Days Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Dec. 8-940-11 "Green Grass of Wyoming" A magnicent technicolor story of 'Thunderhead' with Peggy Cummings Charles Coburn Robert Arthur .........x.senkmaesumorkeumem......,sermaninasOmor the gravel was bete: and 1 CKNX Mon. to Fri. at 6 P.M. 1 --:-.------ .., - The Brussels Meat Market Located One Store North of F. R. Smith's. Te.••••1071.1.1../IM/•••••••.• QUALITY MEATS ;•2,231i,10-1.22MillircanectatiffffiR Wholesale and Retail , Fresh and Cured Poultry and Fish Phone "83x We Deliver Anytime Coleman & Thompson, Props. enncerning school affairs. All nominees expressed then' thanks in beet remarks. Messrs. Stanley Meehan, Bert Johnston and Iten. McFarlane oi Grey Township a:poke. Majestic Women's Institute The December n1E14'1114 Of the Majestic Women's Tnstitute will be held at the home of Aim Wm. Sp, irs nn Thursday afternoon. Dec silt instead of in the Public Library. The LTreited Church The 'morning sermon In the 'unite& Church dealt with tho two great highways nf life "Something to de land enmething or someone to love 1 The religion of TeStifi has something to say about tbeee. In gives dignity to labor, awakens conscience, acts ISS a restraint and is at MO Sante tbn. 1 purifying and devoting ,inlitence. The morning anthem was; "The Harth shall ring Praises" by Lorenz. Solo parts were taken by Miss Dorothy Dennis and by John WITI"hellnecessity for a renewal of faith in, and dependence upon !prayer, was the stibieet Of the 'everting meditation. Scholarships Go To Huron Pupils WiNGRAM, Nov. 30. -The awa0 of Carter scholarship for lino.% county has been announced, wi two Wingham , students winning top honors. Placing drat was James S. Hall son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8 Hall. Wingbam: and Mina Leslie Mae Wall, ViTtetshatn, nett Miss Jean Mills, Seaforth, 'mom equal for second. Scholarship Win awarded for the highest aggregear marks on 10 Tipper School papers. OT*1411,0111S1912VAVIMPUM10,14/311.W.1 Can Your Dog Read Your Mind ? A dog's -mournful 1movz1 annotinceit the death of bus mistress, in ta: hospital miles away! This le true of ninny eases causing Setentistg tee wonder if animals have extra -saucer', Pereention. Bead "Dan Your Dog Read Your Mind.'', in The Ametleim Weekly, great magazine with thin*, Sunday's (December 0) issue ter Detroit, Sunday Times, • 4 4