HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-11-24, Page 71, y
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Worth A Bet?
Photo by Ful -O -Pep Photographer
Cameron Roseborough--of the Durham pipe band in answer to a bet that he ride "ITanky' and
play his pipes at the same time won the bet as shown above and also gave the people in
the grand stand a laugh they had not expected.
Fair Time
By the Ful-O.Pep Reporter
A11 through thi iall lair - >e:❑
there has been one topic of
versation and argument At thi.
reporter has heard ote.r and over
again. It is this, 'Are the large
fairs squeezing out the gond old
rural ,prows?" Some say that the
stuall• fairs can not compete nith
the larger shote., and 'lundd lust
give up the fight. Other. ':,y that
the small rural skims he. ;, real
place its the contnuulity and with
proper guidance r,arl,l tl�iee ,:nd
Iwt brrau.e ti r lairs drr.,
a lot of the. people from 11,
arras some thinly that the sural
fair should thcrciore imitate the
C.N.E. and put up a big show
with professional entertainment and
plenty of ballyhoo. t.; attract their
crowds. Other- claim that when
the sr'all fair •tttunpt, to do this
It has lost its reasou for vi-t:nce
and will surely roil.
One of the fair- ne attended this
year was full of typical rural activi-
lies and sports. 'Ihr•y had a Greased
pig,. Cita-e, where Ali, row ti• -lata'
got completely covered with stud
and could not catch the porker for
about ten minutes. 'There wa-
greased pole climbing feat that had
everyone roaring with laughter.
There Stas a hors, -hoe making con-
test, which mo -t of the city peo-
ple had never seen before. There
was a small pool with a log -rolling
competition going on, and after the
log -rolling and jousting several
ducks were tethered in the pool and
prizes were given to anyone who
could throw a ring over .their necks.
There was not a professional en-
tertainer on the grounds and the
city people who saw it all swore
they would not have n;i..erl it I r
the world.
Photo by Ful -O -Pep Photographer
Showing Their Prize Winning—Ful-O-Pep fed Angus steers
at the Erin Fair are the two McKinnon brothers oug and
Ken, who won first and third prizes respectively. Ken won the
King's Guineas at the Royal Winter Fair last year, and sold
his steer for $10,000.
Photo by Ful -O -Pep Photographer
Winning Team of Heavy Draft Class at the Grand Valley, Fair,
is .shown above, with Alvin Taylor of the Taylor Bros., behind
•the reins.
Nonchalant Horsewoman at Erin Fair
Photo by Ful -O -Pep Photographer
Judy --tree. year old daughter of Doctor V. C. Prior of 1-Iillsborough was one of the youngest
horses\ omen at the Erin Fair. She is shown above confidently astride her mount, "Smokey,"
in the pony corral, where all the kids at the fair could have a ride on a real pony for ten cents.
Pictures Shown on
These Pages are
Available from
123 Eighteenth St.,
New Toronto
Kilties Lead Grand Parade
Photo by Ful,O-PepPhotographer
1`&r. Gardner Morrison—with the help of his son Stewart
orrison and Charles Stack, shown above"' managed to take
quite a few ribbons away from the Erin Fall Fair, Of course
his magnificent, Full -O -Pep fed Herefords helped a good Clea .
Photo by Pup-O,»Pq1 Photos- cfl''.
Dawn At. The End of the old, heavily l rimed Battle shed,,
al' the Erin Fair" were John Schram, 14, and jack Worn,
11' 1
"t Y t '4 F a "+ Photo by,9Tanl..O.1'ep ,Photographer
The Kilted Lads anda Durham ...t ••
3,assies---of the Inge hand :pct the note fSn• the ga'unct }tt+rtule
hast the stands, at the Erin Fall Fair. Tn.it'e of %g ,rtin and' a cojd piercing rsinci,:•�a
„large coronad stayed to wntci prncecrhng.s 'ttnt1l ;lie:tntl.
Photo by ‘ Ftil-O-Pep "Photographer
Auctionedr Ray Hindley ---vin ajovial mood, aa, everyone was
at the Erin Pair, li;nt1 Itis- col(,,td cable talent, to the job of
auctionilt off the surplus pies and cakes that were left in the
ITnited ('curds LadiesAid refresI-ment stand. On, other days
Mr. Nintjle•t- in a faros sales auctioneer.
Val* „