HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-11-24, Page 3Tide. Mall
For The Part
1 knew the unnueut that 1 •atv
hint that be was the type. Just
the Mali for thepart of Steve the
old hillbilly in the second act.
As he trudged the street toward
me I noted with satisfaction his
matted grey whiskers, long untrim-
med hair, and the lonk of defiant
misery to life.
The part had given lite consider-
able difficulty in filling. Yoe see
the whole plot resolves around this
Steve although he appears but
few minutes in the second •ac{
Steve must be a very real person
or the point of, the play is lost.
I'd turned 'doen dozens Of appli-
cants, even Tommy Kingston, the
best character titan of them all.
"I hated to refuse Kingston, on
account of past .associations. Be-
sides he needed the work. But this
last bit of casting was Very im-
portant to the success of what 1
believed to be a :sure-fire hit. King-
ston had argued that the judicious
use of makeup - would supply me
with a Steve that even the•author,
would recognize.' Bet I'd told him
I was too old a• hand not to know
the limitations df grease paint. My
nlan telnet • be true to life.
I was sure I'd found hint. When
the old titan was a few pace, from
nee I said: "Pardon me, but would
you like to earn' .suite Mines?" He
stoppers and starred at nee in amaze-
ment, For a Moment he, couldn't
speak, then wort!s tumbled from his
lips in desperate, guttural tones.
"Yes," he said, "1 want money.
Work, any kind of work so long
as it is honest! I'm strong, sir. I
do not tire eat jsty and if there—"
".This will require no muscular
exertion," 1 interrupted, "I want
you for a play rat producing."
"A play?" lie repeated, puzzled.
I believe you're just the man
for one of the parts. My office is
nearby. Tf y,ni II crone with the
L'i1 try you out,"
He seemed nervous when we
entered my office. I suppose his
realization that rho hopeless search
for work might be over made him
tremble that way. Reaction, psy-
chologists term it. When he was
seated in the big ant chair opposite
my desk T gave him a drink, a rare
concession, -Tie gulped it down.
I thumbed thro•igh the script and
showed him the part he was to
read. I'd expected to hear him go
through it once. then show hint
how to put more into it. But I
found myself on the edge of my
chair watching him intently. The
man was living Steve. getting the
utmost out of every phrase, giv-
ing each word its proper value.
He finished reading and turned
to nae anxiously: "Did I—do alt
"All right? Man you were per-
fect. The part is yours," attd I
meant -it
The occasion called for a cele-
bration After weds of searching
hotels, park benches and flop houses
I'd found Steve. We drank to his
There were contract forms handy
on my desk. I tilled in a few spaces
till 1 came to "salary" "Tile part
pays $100 a week." I told him.
"Please sign here."
He hesitated, \Vas this old fel-
low, half-starved, jobless, going to
be difficult? Fie said, "It it this
way, This acting 1 do better than
anyone elser
I nodded Muni Bee tly,
"Then should ! not set more
than you would ordinarily pray?'
I was getting sore even thong
there Was a kind of logic to Iris
argument. "Good heavens, uta 1
this is just a bit part, .\ Iittnth'e 1
dollars is high pay for bosh..,
He remained obstinate, Mail
twining that an artist such as In.
should receive more than a lesser
person. I regretted DOW the brandy
I'd given him. Taken chs an empty
stomach it hall tunloubtedly gone
to his head. He .agreed to accept
X130. I -le signed and it occurred
to me for the first time that I didn't
know his name. 1 picked up his
contract. Then I reached for the
brandy bottle. 1- really. needed it
this time for the signature written
in a familiar, rotund hand was
""1'17otitas 'Kingston."
The End
How His Own People
See "The Red Dean"
"'the United State, did a very
wise thing wink they refused to
let Mtn their country the Very Rev,
Dr. •1tcwlett Johnson. not to be
confused with the Arehbishop of
Canterbury, who is the leader of
the Chterrit of England.
Johnson was appointed
dean in Intl by Ramsay Mac-
Donald, tate much discredited first
Socialist prince minister of Bri-
tain. He was, or became, te more
advanced Socialist than his patron.
"Ile is a close friend of the i3ri-
ti;h Communists. and is on the
editorial board of the Dttily Work-
er, the Conuuumist newspaper. -
"IIe does um by any means
spend all leis time in his task as
a ural of God in Ctotterbury, iven
if the United States will not re-
ceive Win, be still travels.
"T'hi i is. tite: mall to _our minds
. who not only should not be allow-
ed in the United States, but should
not be allowed to misuse the free-
dom given him in Britain.
"Rnssia depends on a fifth col-
umn and the Red Dean, wittingly
or. unwittingly, proves himself to
be part of it..
"It may be.that the Dean is not
sincere. He believes 'its Socialism
but he seeks to augment his $8,000
a. year salary (received however
often he is away from Canteethury)
by running a' cafe.
"And although he praises Russia
where everyone it subject on pain
of death to the Government's
orders, he broke the British Gov-
ernntent building regulations and
was brought into court.
"It may be lack of sincerity or it
may be cynicism typical, of the
Russians. '
"Whatever motivates this tall,
smiling, mischievous man,i his ac-
tions and influence are dangerous.
On these rte should be judged."
—Froin The London (Eng) Re-
Coalition A Danger
Some have advocated that coali-
tion of rightists into one party and
leftists into another would restore
the two-party system. These per-
sons fail to see that they would be
exposing Canada to the distinct
possibility of having a Socialist
government. The C.C.F.. party or
its equivalent would automatically
become the official opposition and
in due course quite probably the
government. -
Red Dean in Canada—Wearing a diamond -studded gold cruc'fix
given !riot by Patriarch Alexei of the Russian Orthodox Church,
Rev. Ilewlett Johnson, the "Red Dean" of Canterbury, arrived
'in Toronto recently. He is touring Canada and United States
- on a speaking tour. Immigration technicalities delayed his
ith the Movie. and Radio Folks
by Grace
The National Survey and Public
Opinion Poll business got a terrific
kick in the—well, wherever it hurts
most—over the United States elec-
tion, Now, the entire radio business
is in a turmoil, Wondering whether r
or not they've been taking as Holy
Writ something that -isn't anything
of the kind.
As you probably know radio pro-
grams are judged by their Hooper
Radio Survey rating. The idea is
that these Hooper people keep call-
ing people on the telephone and
asking then what radio "program
they are listening to, what product
is being advertised and stuff like
that. They claire this method —
scientifically worked out, of course,
to fourteen points of decitnals — is
absolutely correct, and that if they
,give a program a rating of twenty,
it means that twenty million people
are listening to it.
Pa�1 =44
c,wan.noune,.o. aaxIce
if people from the Old Country
ever think—"Oh to be in England
now November's here," they will
agree it hasn't been the least bit
necessary to wish anything like
that for the last week anyway,
that is, insofar as weather is con-
cerned, for we have certainly had
our share of fog just lately. Not a
black fog such as London knows,
but a real pea-souper for all that.
Not that it worried me—I - just
stayed in. And it hasn't worried
Bob because he gets quite a kick
out of driving in the fog anyway
—If you can imagine , that. But
for anyone obligedtodo a lot of
driving it tffust have ileen terrible.
What did worry me ;was the fact
that on Thursday of last week I
was giving a .tea to celebrate the
].SCh Anniversary of our local W.
I.—and how could we expect a
•_-crowch if - the threat of fog stlil
'hung.in the stir? But do you know,
T1tiursday was comparatively clear,
the one and only da3' last week
when everything wasn't shrouded
in mist. Not only that but it was
the day of the County ploughing
match so the men went to see the
ploughing and dropped the women
off here fortheir little do.
* - .*
Miss' Ethel Chapman was our
guest speaker—and what a splen-
did speaker site.is, and how much
the ladies enjoyed listening to her.
Unfortunately I cannot tell you
anything of what she said because
my duties as hostess kept me
pretty much in the background.
Except once, and that was IA hen
I was called into the living -roost,
and, to my surprise and delight,
was presented' with a W.I. life
membership certificate and a life
membership pin. The whole thing
had been a deep, dark secret, with-
out my having the faintest suspic-
ion that anything like that was
on foot. To say I was pleased is
putting it mildly, I was thrilled.
Not that I deserved it but I am
awfully glad the. Institute thought I
* * *
Most of our guests told lite the
tea went off ,awfully well—as 1"
that. I wouldtf't know, But I do
know there were nearly sixty here
—and I had thought, if it were a
nice day. there might be fifty.
There is something to be said -in
favour of big houses after ail,
After the affair was just about
over some of my friends pitched
in and washed dishes so the next
day all that looked like "the morn-
ing after" were the borrowed
dishes and chairs—and somebody's
hat! Yes, actually, a dinky little
hat . . and I haven't the least
idea to whom it belongs because
no one has phoned to claim owner-
ship. Oh. these women!
Well, that's the end of the story
but now Its going baclk to what
happened; earlier in the week—for
which, I kttow''shall have the,.sym-
pathy of my- feminine readers al-
though the men won't even under-
stand what I was, worried about.
It was Monday and 1 still had
a hundred things to do before
Thursday—you may remember I
had been busy painting and paper-
ing the seining -room. Well, Monday
dinner time Bob announced quite
casually he had been up country
'to find out- where the thrdshers
were so he could hurry theth up
'a bit, with the result that they had
promised to try to get here one
day that week. .
°Bob — not this weeks" I ex-
claimed incredulously.
"Sure—why not?" answered that
sots of mine.
"But I'm having a meeting here
next Thursday,"
"Oh—what meeting?" asked Bob.
(Now if that isn't a good in-
stance of "why mothers torn grey"
then I'd like 10 know what is)
Then Partner looked at me in
pained surprise and added his - two
cents worth of idiocy by saying
—"It would only be forpne tnaall"
"Yes," I said impatiently, "but
it takes all day to get ready for
evett one threshing steal."
Well, I wouldn't let them know
stow near -panic I felt. , Instead I
managed to get myself its hand by
remembering that threshers were
entirely unpredictable and might
not get here anyway; so I told
myself not to give them another
thought. And I didn't—and they
haven't got here yet, Just one More
,,roof that often the •things we
s,oery about most are thethings
chat never happen.
Some programs have been chuck•
ed into outer darkness — others
have made fortunes—just because of
this "infallible" rating. Now, as I
said earlier,lradio folks are puzzled.
If Dr. Gallup and all the other poll-
sters could be so wrong, couldn't
the Hooper folks and their like also
be more or less off the beans?
* * E:
Personally, I:ve been wondering
for years if this rating is quite as
scientifically fool -proof as it profes-
ses to be. Why? Well, I happen to
be slightly connected, by marriage,
with a character who has one burn-
ing ambition in life, and I only wish
it was to get those storm windows
on before it's time to take them off
again next year.
* * it
This ambition is to have one of
those survey people call us up and
ask, the usual questions. When
they do he's going to tell them that
we're listening to the Women's
Christian Temperance Union pro-
gram, and that the product being
advertised is Seagram's Whiskey.
* * *
He thinks that would be very
funny indeed, although I tell him
he would need a very well-trained
studio audience to register many
laughs. But what's been running in
my mind is that there may be thou-
sands — even millions — scattered
over the length slid breadth of the
land who look at this question -
asking racket just like he does. That
is, if folks call you up and start ask-
ing about what, actually, is none of
their business, there's no law com-
pelling you to give a truthful ans-
Long -Playing Records
Owners of phonographs and re-
cord-players will be interested in
knowing that the new long-playing
records wilt shortly be available in
Canada. In playing -time a single re-
cord equals an album of six ordin-
ary records and one disc will play
t\many, of the leading symphonies
front beginning to end without a
break—a real boon to music lover's
who dread having to break off one
of their favorites at a well -beloved
pail in order to change or turn
over a disc.
. The new records, made of a
special plastic, are almost unbreak-
able' and the pressure used in the
"pickup." is so light that surface
'noise is practically eliminated, The
saving in storage space is 'also an
important advantage. Those already
familiar with this type of recprd.
in 'other countries are enthusiastic
about their high fidelity and long-
'weating quality and will welcome
• the:•ntews that Canadian too, will
be able to secure them within a
matter of weeks.
With a record of CO years as a moat Anila.
aotory treatment for piles se hemorrhoids,
you oan pooit(voty depend on
Dr. Chase's -ointment
"Compared t, a big City, a farm
is such a safe plate t, be," is a
sentiment often heard and widely
held; and on the face of it, you
would think that 't person would
be far more secure and less liable
to accidents out where there is
plenty of roost than in the crowded
streets and teeming traffic of the
largfr Places.
• BM has such a beli: t any basis
in fact? If you think it has, then
liste n to this. MORE THAN
DENT. Sounds almost incredible
doesn't it? But it's true. neverthe-
less. And this tragic toll of injury
and death gives farming a higher
rate than any other industry.
* ,
A barn catches fire and some-
body is injured or killed trying to
save the livest,:ck; a hayfork, in-
securely fastened, 1; ", and frac-
tures the skull of omebody under -
no de; a tree- - overturns, crush-
ing the driver; a disc slices across
a farmer's foot—and these are only
a few of the thi that are con-
tinually happening. Yes, there are
plenty of things that can cause ac-
cidents ou a farm --and the pity of
it is that most such happenings
could have been avoided.
Without too much trouble, a
great deal• may be done toward
making sure that your farm and
your house is a place where you
and members of your family can
be comparatively free from
danger. It is your responsibility as
well as that of each member of the
family to do everything possible to
protect one another as well as your
First step is by being ever on
the alert to recognize the known
accident producers. Next is to re-
move known hazards, to know safe
methods of working, and to develop
safe habits. One of the most dan-
gerous hazards is, of course, farm
machinery; and although you've
probably heard of all these pointers
regarding the handling of same, it
may not be amiss to repeat some
of them.
Before coupling x tractor to any
implement or trailer, either stop
the motor or check and double -
cheek that the gears are in neutral
and the brakes are locked. Before
mounting or dismounting, stop the
tractor, and that doesn't mean just
slow it down,
Before cranking put on the
brakes and stake certain the ma-
chine is not in gear, Be sure the
tractor --this goes for a team too—
is at a full stop on level ground
before stepping in front of the
machine attached.
Before using any machine ex-
amine the seat to stake certain it is
fastened securely, also check to see
that all guards are properly in
place. Under no circumstances let
young boys or girls ride on your
tractor, mower, binder or any cut-
ting machine.
In feeding strawinto a machine
use the proper tools—fork, staff or
handled brush. Never step over a
running belt; either take time to
stop the motor or go around. Be-
fore cleaning, repairing or oiling
any machine make sure it -is stop-
ped—also that it is impossible for
anybody to set it in motion while
you are working on it.
them with
L'_i4 :N. ldID e1 Va
t. Rub on freely end note
0. snick relief. ,jtt��casetess.
LARGE ECONOMICAL "nar'drying. rte atoll
nuc 65c odor.
Make all your repairs either with
proper replacement parts or by
welding; do not use bailing wire
or other stop -gap substitutes. When
not in use store all ntacltinery in a
suitable place that is away from
small ehildreu and from livestock.
* * *
.'\lavayt load trucks or wagons
with great rare, limiting- the load
to the safe capacity of the vehicle
and in such a way that the material
wont slide or roll off, even on
bumpy roads. If possible make the
load so that you can see over the
top of it as you drive; and when
passing another loaded truck look
out for falling material.
* * *
Finally, how are you fixed for
ladders and fire extinguishers. Few
things in this world are worse than
a farm fire. If some of the above
appears to be out of season, or a
twice told tale, just remember that
"Alt year round safety is an all
year round job," also that "The
care you - took yesterday isn't go-
ing to keep you safe today."
* **
In conclusion, just in case it
might interest some of you, I was
reading about a purebred dairy
bull, out in Iowa, that has sired
no less than '8000 calves for mem-
bers of a county artificial insemina-
tion association. Chances are that
most of those calves were a lot
better than the run-of-the-mill sort,
and it's an idea worth thinking
Teacher's Little Helper
&fother—"I hope you were quiet
at school today, Willie."
Willie—"Yes, mother — I fell
asleep right after I got there, and
teacher said she would tan the hide
of anybody that woke me up."
Lovely Christmas
Bowls Easily Made
Have you ever included a t ilirsb'
xuas bowl arrangement among your
holiday decorationst We alwaye
have one which we say is fur the
children but the older members o
the family secretly enjoy It Inv
mensely, too.
The bowl I use fur our arrange-
ment is one of those irregular low
bowls about 10 inches long and
an inch and a half deep. Year
after year I have been using' some
prewar "minute" topica for snow.
Then, I have one of those tiny
little white trees made of sonic
brush fibre, sprinkled with tinsel.
They cost a nickel or dime, accord-
ing to the size. A sprig of ever-
green will do as well. Small red
berry branches are also good.
I always use one or more small
purse mirrors for a tiny lake oe
pool of water in tate snow. At the
edge I place some small white
(sugar) doves to sip the water.
There usually can be bought at
the dime store among the cake
Then - there it a fawn which I
use every year. I put a tiny bell
on his neck—one which reality
tinkles and was among the Chirst-
mas wrappings one year.
Bright beads are the decorations
for my little tree. I run a thread
through tate hole and tie a knot
about three incites back from tbyt
bead and loop it over the top of
the tree. The threads sink down
into the fiber and do not show at
all. At the top I stick two silver
stars back to back.
Last year among my Chirstmas
cards was one which hinged at
the top instead of the side. Tate
picture was of a group of young-
sters with a snow man. Being very
small and mostly white. it fitted
right its the snow scene and ap-
peared realistic. Appropriate figures
from old Chirstmas cards may be
cut out and made to stand upright
with a small strip of paper pasted
on the back and bent to form an
Something to Crow About—This cockerel is not a little puffed
up about the great price—$200.25—paid for him at auction at
the Illinois Poultry Improvement Convention, as he struts be-
• fore lower -bid rivals.
this simply great to relieve PE iOI DHC
with uncomfortable
Are you troubled by distress or feninti -
functional monthly disturbances? Does
this make you suffer, fool so nervous,
restless, cranky, weak—at such times?
Thou do try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound to relieve such symptoms
In a recent test it proved very helpful
to women troubled this way. I oa owe 11 For over 70 soars thpunsn Ie of girls anti
to yourself to try it. -" "'" women have reported benefit. Just see [L"
Pinkhorn's Compound is whittle renown you, too don't report oseollont results.
as a uterine sedative. It hoe a soothing Worth drying(
affect 50 one of too,nan's most torpor. NOTR, Or you limy Prof r LYDIA R.
tont organs. CINKI AM'S TABLETS with nailed Aron.
Lydia E. Pk kh,.:rin's VEGETABLE COMPOUND
HHI. O toYS-
By Margarita