HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-11-24, Page 1POS 1' PUBLISHING HOS.
€1,0t -e5 whiter,
11177i•V-.+i (0 101
than brand new
48c 1/2 ib.
a 1.a'..';,:t:1a :H, November 24th,
• Town League Pearson Produce Sold Attempted Break -In
At Bkncsel:,
4peas "`"""MSCS"""" d B l ions The t r ,2411441 111,..111, • Lala
SCUM -FREE till SUDS .,, .. 1•..4141,: Chet :u•e -pen :tee Ilrimeele has Mem •01-d to c li`fortd •• ee rho
1,10'. into the
i.L�a:':I J: t' 114121',V ''1• il'aY •4' r '
it 1 MVO 1 t 222'7 Townsh1p r'
GIVE lig C
boys. 14• u e and once r u•1. eligible. ilecombr l 1st.
y 1 "I l
I 4: e
1 • .tk .s T
1. Dray Grey t Y
t r-
L mare:
and Y
1 1 1 1' ! •d11, ' a�
Blit, I 1 !t i
i t.n
bn,,io• '. Meet e u t ere .•
V,' F
11 All boys interested plet1. leave Hugh Pearson )om"1 let 4+ !, 11,n'•L 'Ih"i.,.:
y j :Inn mune at :fill tL•nat l'1: barber fifoul F. MT. 511411111 ilia -2nd halt tie it r"opt, Zed V We i'r , .• J, Ian c+ I r n
shop. Names must be in not later years oto. Early 11114 vier lh Ethel Postoffice and Stere Entered meal4e1, ttc21
titan DPe. 10,1943. We would tike to building was destroyer] by tiro 4r I florin' the camp" 141 ill the <: ere' a u i t
WAS re -built re -built by Mr, P'eareee ,ted
and eeeteftier , ortdtt b
nrey ( ' I lens t . -•Te. n Weed. tel",! Cr , jo
plan hnuges a modern 11) 1 *t,n.c 14uei. 1 , euven reeDol e , r admor,
plant and dl t titin I Dunbar of Ethel 11.:• atrrel
F22: 24 141 2tl Vito t
T31 149:,2.1 1 a t •"vl i
, 1 11141
.I : r,.Idg. ... Lee
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w t•'• later time
id 'u hair entire:,
,..,..... �,.",._•..,..•,. BRUSSELS, 't,.J A'M .t d•'9i.11�ir.+.
United Church Y.P.U. Muton Council Votes To
F.: ahli I"• Health Unit
'Ch• 7,111/:' 1:2111 :.1 e
T 21.22 'i+ 'r.-[+rer Acks Menial
s+ , a I nt,ti:'[ Tc Check L4cei
v•:' t�', I •, A ars Sit.lat:0n
(Item, i1
11 n 1 tilty 21[15
t., .'1 ,t t
U; I b 1°; erten-,.day 111.1 1
purl of the 11, alth mei 11 , i •6
•' ie
t' ,alt +. for the ••At9hil llerf:
of •t puldie health nue in theewer,,
Y. '1'1,,, 00:=4 is eel inlet.1 1 r4>
$55,0011 per Y' ar• 01' veniell tlit- Pear,
tee, pee-, 42,41'.
111111412' • to ohtale 14111 feet
the srhnol r 'n•+ing Men, tutu thee
• foot that toir4r•� Pt•r t tL:,
14211' it
r I [1+,01 t and far vele ray r[ t stave
4 : '21, :. 1 4!. •.11 e .t
-i rQl1r• i a." 1'011 , 0 ,1 p;'i•
Peel; Raisins, Almonds, Wah nut;a, P, acan t
Criscoe — For Your Christmas Cake.
Phone 5
have a tlteam league.
Start 'cm rolling now.
Waiter D. Jiok;ing
LISTOWI.L, Nov. 12 --- Funeral
1 rl'1'0ives for Welter Deane tickling.
'7e. were combine. . d 11Y Rev. E. diel•
:ley of Knox Preebyt rem church.
, Intmeoont WO; 11111 11 to 0alrvfew
1 cone ne try, Dorn in /.ori '1•411YnnhiP, he
4nme when a and with hit parrn!s,
vTa `� .,
the hie 'Thomas and :Ma" oiling
1.n p I C1 [ , i t In V011 7.1.41711 I, Elm Township.
{tvhrr+• he r'sitl d until hL, death.
rUgselS 1Besides 1114 wife. the former Mina
Melville Church
"My Church" was the eubjeet on
Rev. Mr. Milne's sernlen en Sunday
morning, The ctiffereut phases of
tele Church's life and purpose were
outlined, and special eittp1111510 was
laid on the harm being acne the
Church by indifferent members,. The.
morning anthem was ,"To Thee our
God we fly" by How. Mr, Wm. King
took the solo parts. At the evening
service Rev, Mr. Milne preached on
the parable of the children in the
market -place and pointed ell: flow
well the parable might be applied to
the United Nation ennfel•ences.
Child Breaks Leg
Arnold 11,vison, twin sou of Mr.
and Mrs. Dean Davison, Btu 11+10, le
10 Reaforth hospital 111111 a broken
right leg. Arnold, who is a grade
three pupil at Brussels pehlie school
stiff, rod the mishap while pblyi1148
in the 501001 yard dining recess this
Wednesday morning. 'Medical aid
e••,1111111101101 lvhen it was feared
enacce w m, ssemnr�s•,r,e+-
Bazaar and Tea
A bazaar• and tea sponsored by
the Majestic Women's Institute
to be held in the Public Library
Brussels on Sat. Dec. 4th at 2.30
Articles for sale include home-
made baking, iced and tanked
Christmas cake, aprons and
Articles suitable for Christmas
gift's, candy, farm produce, sec -
hand clothing.
Commit thy way 'Unto the
Lord and trust also In Him,
TMelville Church
Minister Rev. 0. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School :end
Bible Class.
11 a. 01. Divine Service
7 p, m, Divine Service
8.15 p. m. Orgaan and
Vocal Recital.
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Chordblastor.
TheUnited Church.
1, a. m. Morning Worship
Religion and the Commonplace
Junior Congregation
18 Church School and
Bible Class.
7 p. m. Evening Praise
Supporting by Prayer.
Coons to the Flouse of Prayer,
Church of England
Parish of brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr. brussels.
T1111ot4 Pre"4411, he 1.; survived by
three ealtohterS. Isabel, at home.
(Inez) Mrs,. Tan McDonald. Brussels,
;14!21 (Dorothy) Mrs. Rao Thompson,
Kitchener; 0me brother. Robert, and
two sisters, Mrs. A. IT...Smith and
Mrs. IT.•nry Duuran, all of etratfot•1.
Ranger News
By Doren Long
At the weekly meeting of the
tete child's leg wet; broken anti he 'Rangers' group of the Girl, Guides
10,441 removed at once to Seaforth ,held at the tame of Miss Lois Dodds
on Wednesday, Nov, 17, we re-
nrganized oar two g'rm0P patrols
into one troop.
The following officers were
elected: -
hospital by Dr. C. A. Myers.
Organ Recital
A. recital of organ and vocal music
will be given in Melville Cln'uch at
8:15 next Sunday evening. Organist' Capteine.•:firs. Milne
L. D. Thompson will be assisted, by I Preei4LPnt I.nis Dodds
Miss ,Tune ` mec. Mr. Gibson Willis l Peeretar •i:etlter Rlvmon[t
end the ("r:nlbrnok male o'oarette, Treasure) Madalon Ryan
i r e;s Reporter- Dnl•een Long
Any new members between the
Christmas Mailings• aro ar 13 114121 21 11.114 11; welcome if
In view or the expecte' rile° th•y caro to join.
and hydro cuts, it is 11m,ri ttit •tint The next meting will be held at
Patrons expecting timely delivery of 1112 home of Hiss Dodds on Dec, 1.
their letters, cards end
should mail them within 'he follow-
ing deadline dates Films Shown To
For local Christmas 11)0115 Dee' Large Crowd
18th; Outside points at are earlier g
date. The showing of the films "The
egg grading :.1 : ,
taken 11 (Otte of :nil 4, d
talte4-(710'11'ti o d
to per 71, 17 fie 111i r1,11hery reehl h rete deviled that re;ui.+r r, ^
T. O. O. F. Euchre Party not be ((Maine,, 'Pita 511141)' 41 a i:I' ;• 41:11 i TO., PIP,. i11 lit' Loll)
nt .'
ttee, ear xlrdt'ed they ,.vicee• of lila ne 1411)• r. of 1.111 eet, 1'b•
nm s r h ' ]rid r;',1,hee lh ended ':2' 7011118 p1 eel rt14 !. ,reve ('..411. 1
R. R. rbn-ane, nn•420r ilo. i''h.ir, h h' r ; ••ori+t: it r, b,-111
Tiro-." 1. r'1•c•r[Inr'Y 0-1-• hlf,:1•n'e•1 Pe 1 :.;e. -I; ,f the Tie .4 ,4't. n-• ,p,
1:1,.ph: n • et air 2 "/sled, the. en 'Jen.. Nee 4.111, 1 the x'1444 '!
1W• 7,1,lae1 41)111121." teat there btt_nnlent.
e'er men eenwli :' ahntlt the crewel-
"'. - -_
-ry• ie ., '''th at- airvP)' ur dirt MUNICIPAL NOTICE
net intrrrnpt the mets in tltei hereby give notice teat cue Nam
a7407771. to fe,•r•r• the north 'lone of
the beildine. with a chteel, but wee
able to obtain the deem
!ember =•f the ear, 47e celled
provinceel officer r. Salter. win in a
quick cheek with Mount Forest tine
Toronto, obtained the nand•• under
whe•lt the plates of 111e ear 1cre
reedstered. Later in the morning.:
with k'rnvinri•a1 nffieer Chas. Saite'•s
inveetigatime the three men 'Se17.
picked up, two in Lietowet and one
In label.
The three are said to nave cd
mittoa ander questioning to encoring
the lethe1 store and to the 1t`empteri
entry of the Ilrussels ereamdry
They were not suerPe:111 in breaking
info the Creamery.
Thr members nf• W. e4crn 1.t 21
LO.o.F. entertained at a 11 ;clue
party hest Friday night. Ari 41.107•
able evening was spent by 111011)' who
attended. Mfrs. .W. t'anleroe ane
Harold ,Taeklim war,: ever pr 9'•
winners, Consolation ',W91'11 w ,!
to airs. Orwel Ellott :lad (len.
At the Organ Rec•itel .1t M..1:111.
Clnirch em Sunday e04111ins r• 11:11
the famous descriptive piers "The
Rueaian Patrol" will hr pitrye,l,
imitating a patrol or soldiers mareb•
ing with bugle hand.
Advent Sunday
Nov, 88th, 1948
St. David's Church, Henfryf_
9.80 a. m. Sunday School
10.80 a, m• Morning Prayer
•t. Johne Church Brussels—
1 p. m. Sunday School
5 p• in. Evening Prayer
Bt. George's Church Walton -
8.46 Evening Prayer
Sunday School
United States mail Deo. a'h. Chicken Of Tomorrow" and Pattern
The post office on its part has
matte every preparation to handle
the Christmas mail volulne, ant
early mailing will assure delivery
before Christmas; the post office will
remain open all day each Wednesday
during the month of l]ecentber.
H. Kerney,
Post Master.
The United Church
A three -ant Play "Tempest and At the morning service at the
Sunshine" put on by the Walton, United Church. Mr. Wilson preached
United Church W.A. will be 1 on the subject of 'Turning the Other
for Progress" drew a large crowd to
Brussels Town Hall on Friday night
of last week. The Rime and the
free dance which followed to tho
music of McDowell orchestra, was
sponsored by • McCa11 Vrontenac
011 Co„ Ltd., and the local Texaco
daalei• Riverside Motors.
We wish to aelmonledee with
slnce.re thanks to ne,c:hhonre and
friends, who in any way helped 119
in our time of need and beredvern Int
also to those whet gats nor:ll trihlt1s
and loaned ears and Mr. Clarence
Hallman who sang, they ell 11 neve1
he forgotten.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin T'llnlilt•m
presented in Brussels Town Hall
on Tuesday, Nov. 30th at 8:15
4P.M. Admission 35c and 20c.
Play is sponsored by the Majestic
Women's Institute.
Cheek.' The choir sang the anthem
'Thee We Adore" by Wilson.
At the evening worship the- choir
sang n selection entitled "Lean or.
Me," by Miles The minister spoke
Oil the Prosperity of Joseph.
j Seaforth, Ont.
Thurs., Fri., Sat. Nov. 25.26-27
t The Bride Goes Wild
1 with
Van Johnson June Allyson
Butch Jenkins
The stuff that' provokes laughter to
Ilift the roof is contained In this
happy picture.
Mon., Tues., Wed. Nov. 29.30 Dec. 1
Clarke Gable John Hodlak
Lana Turner and Anne Baxter
We urge you to attend this show
because it is one of the greatest
productions Clarke Gable has sp.'
peered In during his entire MOM,'
arable career.
Next Thur., Fri., Sat. Dec. 2.3.4'
The Fuller Brush Man
Red Skelton Janet BIairI
Don McGuire
Red never quite makes the grade
as the fuller brush man. He only
practicels at the lob. Be sure to see
Red run through bls bag of comedy
tricks and treat yourself to a laugh.
COMING— in technioolor
Romance On The High Seas
Jack Carson Janis Paige
Don before
Capitol Theatre
Wed. Thurs. Nov. 24-25
"I Remember Mama"
Fri. Sat. Nov. 26-27
"Black Bart" with
Dan Duryea
in Technicolor
A hard riding western drama
Sat. Mat. 2:00 P.M. Serial
Mon. Tues. Nov. 29-30
Adult Entertainment
Ronald Coleman, Signe Hasso
in "Double Life"
OFFER $190.00
Mon. Attend. card night
•.- .-
Wednesday ONLY Dec, 1st
"The Iron Curtain
Dana Andrews Gene Tierney
Thur., Fri., Sat. Deed. 2-3-4
"Scudda Hoo
Scudda Clay"
in Technicolor with
June Haver, Lon McCollister
A swell country story of a
boy and a pair of mules.
Melville Church, Brussels
At 8.15 "o. m.
by Mr. L. D. Thompson
assisted by
Miss June Work, Mr. Gibson Willis
'"' u h
Registered Opto
eti'i t
will be at Miss Bryan's Home
Thursday, cc, 2n
to give Complete Eye Examinations and
supply Corrections where necessary.
Phone Brussels 26x for appointment.
i w'r gice n etnee'e• (101(2111 for /lie
res onllnt nd,tinn.
• The 1202111 ted bad ,,T-iicn e
I ford ('u11ty and eels '.mpr+' 'ecer
} w4441 11111 2,4.2114411.21) o 11e• public
le ..4; 4. ni:42 t. , ". ' t i , i5 -IW
of 1114_ i1)111';1);in-.7.4./1 in 177..
..e.tetre eureee. Fig' t nu•reR.•'
1 1 2,11uire
inatlon of a Reeve, Fou,' Councillors, %,nl "re' "111-1 01102 wd
Three School Trustees and One ed.
Hydro Commissioner to serve t10 R2Pre 74 W Tuckey. of Exeter, -
Village of Brussels during the year declared thea the r . ultv 2.141•
ahead or Slip bark in it„ health. •
will he held at the ee vice, and had new readied til"-
at 7:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. II, 1 es C. W. Nott and R. •B..
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, '1948 Cnnsms spoke strongly 171 favor ot"
If demanded a Poll will be opened at the unit. Reeve P'. Sills, of Rea -
the following places on forth, steed that many lnxnieipati-
MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1)48 ties are paying the M.O.Tf.'s and get-
Pollin Sub-Div?slon NI 1 ting no results. "Tdnr'l'l can afford
g a
i In the Council Chamber R. and we horrid think of the
s 1 " •aid
in the Town Hall re•$nits, not the cos - t Laid.
At the ,rrning 2.151011 TUOada <
R. J. Bowman, O.R.O
I Ben Whittard, Pell Clerk County Ti pears" A. H. Erskine
Polling Sub -Division No. 2 reverted that from 1a10111241 1 to
In the basement of the
1 Pubiic Libra
Robert Patrick, O.R.O.
Joseph Kelly, Po!! Clerk
Polls to be opened from
9 A.M. to 5 P.rd esti mate
G. R. Campbell. "In the 1118411 we have lived settle
Returning Officer. in ,:11 I' hit[111 1. end '112 larloln8
it 00tundittte-, 114•• 10 be eomn4eI-elrc3..
1 We wish to point out a facie*=
MUNICIPAL NOTICE that is not ronsletent with Pre=
1 hereby give notice that the Nom -1 ere O'n1111tio11s, The arrears of t3X
ection for. enmity once,
Tree , na gorse, Deputy
Reeve, 1 es for
ortteslletand $6,000 higher than
Three Councillors and Three School 1 a. )'ear 1100, .and the same 01411111,?
Ito serve T4rnship of
( GreyTrustees during•the yearthe 1949• (higher than two years ago." Mr.
Will be held at the Erskine asked the reeves to r.
amine :their local situations, as ft
October 141, r, eeipts in the 'semP1111
y fund were 511648"..'4. and dis-
bursement s 3152,011e e,
Most of the co'+vnitt••'s,
reported. bed 11'. ed 08121141. th'e;1
at 1:00 P.M. to '2:00 P.M. might be that the local tax not
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1948 lectors should be more resolute'
If demanded a Poll will be opened at in their collections.
the fotlowiny places on 3. H. Kinkead, inspector of poi,.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1948 Ile schools in North Huron, told
Polling Sub -Division No. 1 the council at the Wl'dnesdax
At School House S.S. No. 4 morning session that there is still,
a shortage of qualified teachers. 1.12
his inspectorate. 10 teachers nidi
temporary certificates are employ,
ed. Enrolment in Normal School
is lawny. in his opinion, the shot
Polling Sub -Division No. 2
At School House S.S. No. 1
Polling Sub -Division No. 3
At School House S.S. No. 2
Polling Sub -Division No. 3A
At A.O.U.W, Hail, Walton 1 age could be overcame by encoi:.
Polling Sub -Division No. 4 lasing pupils to continue their s+'
At Community Hall, Moncrleff dies in high schools. The aver.
Polling Sub•Division No. 5 I age salary paid in North HuronAt Township Office, Ethel is 51.760. Out of 199 5neee8fu7
Polling Sub-DIvis?en No. 6 , candidates at the high school en -
At Community Hall, Cranbrook trance examinations last :rune. 13S •
Polling Sub -Division Ns. 7 ere attending high schools.
At School House S.S. No. 5
FROM 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. i
J. H. FEAR, Returning Officer.1
SAT, NOV 27th
file Brussels Meal market
Everything ' in Quality Meats
Phone 83x
Coleman & Thompson, Props.
I hereby give notice that the Nom-
ination of a Reeve, Four Councillors,
and Two School Trustees to serve
the Township of Morris during the
year 1949.
will he held at the
At 12:90 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26111, 1948
If demanded a Poll will be opened
at the following places on
Polling Sub- Division '170. 1
D. 11. 0. Miller Richmond
Poll Clerk, Tacit Nesbitt
Polling Sub•Divisicn No. 2
D,R.O. Jos, Bowley
Poll Clerk, Prank 1.3911
Polling Sub•Divieiol No. 8
D.R.O.George 111io111e
Poll Clerk, Harry Goll
Polling Sub Division No. 4
I L.R.O. Chaste- Rintoul
Po11 Clerk," .Clarence Pull)
Poling Sub-Divslion No. 6
D.R.O. Wm. Elston
Poll Clerk, Ross Smith
Polling Sub -Division No, 6
1111.0. James Fobertson
III Poll Clerk. Ross Turves
polls to be opened fr.,,
9 A.M. to 5 P.M.
R;7turnirg Officer
John Adam Geddes
John Adam Geddes, one of Beli-
grave's oldest and nnnst prominent
citizens. Paced sway Saturday morYr-
ing in the Winghanl General Hos-
pital after at illness of a fell
Mr. Geddes, son of William ants'
Mary 'Geddes, was born on '12228
third line of Morris to whiter
farm he later took his bride, 1220(
bel Fraser of Bluevale. He tarn:'
for a number of years. Mr. 01dd?
then purchased the hardware store
in Belgrave which he operated for
87 years, selling out to R. J. 119e -
Kenzie three years ago. He retires&
in Belgrave. He had three brotheetee
David, William and Daa who pre-
deceased him. Mr. Geddes was ae1'
elder in Knox United Murell, Del -
grave, and a member of the Iron -
ronesters lodge. He will be remero'
tiered for his cheerful. kindly dis-
position, and his jovial 6811148 'trice
linmor. He was an ardent ga•,2•,an•
er' and always held a koan %Wr-
est in ,eurernt events. The remains
rested at his borne here. a1
In Toronto on 'Saturday, lgov. S0:
1948, ;fames Warren, infant 800, oL'
Gordon and Mrs. Nichol, age67
months and ID days.