HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-11-17, Page 5We will pay for old, disabled or dead COWS $5.00 ea. — HORSES $5.00 ea, HOGS $1.50 ea, All according to size and condition Phone, COLLECT, for prompt, courteous service Brussels 72 — Ingersoll 41 WW, ; dethrood - built to sustain the sow attcf produce healthy, rugged litters. • Weaderweas - from the 3rd week on—gets�your pigs away to a fast, safe start. ® 1/141,de,:fe WO — for the farmer with lots of grain—the perfect balancer, made for Western Ontario needs. • Woigdeirb ,li/d - a complete hog grower, that gets your hogs to market in 51/4 90 6 months. FARMS IYIULLING ATW 001):%j • , ONTARIO • Farmers drive cars less than city people and get low rates from Pilot. But farmers do drive—one unin- sured accident could wipe out your home or your savings. Bltiy the full protection of Pilot Automobile Insurance now. 'We write insurance to rover selected risks in Automobile, Fie, Burglary, I late Glass, Public Liability and other general insurance. IsOlassiTied Ad FOR SALE 1981 Chevrolet Conch - ,tppl,v to (Ins Eder FOR SALE.-. A wine snow suit, 41z„ 11'. Phone 51,r-211. FOR SALE- 1. cook stove (wood), nearly new. Call 114-r-16 Brussels. YhuUa 70x. FOR SALE-. .A tinny]) of plgs rta,ly to wean. Phone 35-r-9 Brussels FOR SALE - 1 York Ttog about 150 lbs., also 2e. young Oxford lams. John H' Clark Phone 33-r-11, FOR SALE— Majestic 791ectrlc Console Radio. apply to Mrs, Bert Vodden, Ethel Phone Brussels 85-r•-11. FOR SALE— ! Collie Paps also a fnw Sussex j laying Pullets. M, McCauley Phone 36-r-15. FOR SALE— New Singer Sewing Machines Flcofrir portable and Cabinet ma- chines. Also treadle machines. For Information Write Singer Service Representative Box 55, Brussels. FOR SALE - 1934 Dodge in A-1 condition, motor overhauled, new rubber, heater• other acres„Pries. Priced for quick sale, Phone 31 The Brusesls Post FOR SALE— Hygienic Supplies (Robber floods) ' mailed postpaid in Plain, sealed nnlnpe with price list. Six .eueplpa 25s, 24 samples, 41.00. Mail order Dept, M-33 Nov -Rubber Co- nfer 91, Hamilton, Ont, FOR SALE— ' Electric motors rewound and re- -tired, Expert workmanship. Moder- ; etc prices. New motors In stock. ... Bettger Industrles, 649 Ontarlo, Street, Stratford, Ont. TENDERS FOR WIRING— Tenders will be received until December 1, 1948 for Installing electric wiring in S.S. No. 12 Morris Township. Plane and specifications may be obtained from Ralph Shaw, I 1)luevale, Secretary Morris School Area. TO THE FARMERS OF THIS COMMUNITY— We are glad to announce the Otacti Manure Spreaders and Tractor Plows are again available nn Rubber as well as steel. Otaoo No. 21 Manure Spreader on Steel $292,50 complete, Otaco two furrow Tract- or Plow complete on Steal $199.550, \ Special Introductory OPPer of 5% discount for cash. See or phone Geo. Wesenburg. FOR SA-LE— have listed 4 houses in the \`silage of Brussc is. These are good hays anti immediate Possession can he given. 100 -acre farm, real good buildings, good farm, hydro, imemdiste posses- eion. 109 -acre farm, real good buildings, mann location, hydro. This is a real good farm. Immediate possession. 75 -acre farm, Yz mile from High- way, price $3200.00. PJhone 84 J. C, Long, Real llstate Broker Brnsesis, Ont, BE YOUR OWN BOSS!— 'Distribute our 2'50 Products: Toilet Articles, Medicines, , Extracts, Spices, Floor Wax, Insecticides, Farm Products, splendid asortment or Girt Boxes, Our dealers matte substantial profits. A customer in each home! For Catalogue and de- tails, write to FAMiE:L, 1600 Deloratmter street, Montreal, P.Q. SURGE MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters J. B. Higgins, Seaforth Service Dealer — Phone 138 Seaforth GEORGE POLLARD REPHESNTATIVE BRUSSELS. THE BRUSSELS PO3T MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby 51198 notice that toe N,n. Motion of a Reeve, Four Councillors, Three Sohool Trustees and One Hydro Commissioner to serve the Village of Brussels during the year 1949, will be held at the COUNCIL CHAMBER, BRUSSELI at 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1343 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following planes on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1948 Polling Sub-Dlvlslon Nr,, 1 in the Council Chamber In the Town Hall R. J. Bowman, D.R.0 Ben Whlttard, Poll Clerk Polling Sub -Division No. 2 In the basement of the Public Library Robert Patrick, 13,R,0, Joseph Kelly, Poll Clerk Polls to be opened from • 9 A.M. to 5 P.M G. R. Campbeli, Returning Officer, MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1 hereby give notice that the Nom. ination of a Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Three Councillors and Three School Trustees to serve the Township of Grey during the year 1949. Will be held at the TOWNSHIP HALL. ETHEL at 1:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1948 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the followiny places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1948 Polling Sub-Dlvlslon No. 1 At School House S.S. No. 4 Polling Sub -Division No. 2 At School House S.S, No, 1 Polling Sub -Division No, 3 At School House S.S. No. 2 Polling Sub-Dlvlslon No. 3A At A.O.U.W. Hall, Walton Polling Sub -Division No. 4 At Community Hall, Moncrieff Polling Sub -Division No. 5 At Township Office, Ethel Polling Sub -Division No. 0 At Community Hall, Cranbrook Polling Sub -Division N•.i. 7 At School House S.S. No. 5 POLLS TO BE OPENED FROM 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M, J. H. FEAR, Returning Officer. MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that the Nom- ination of a Reeve, Four Councillors, and Two School Trustees to serve the Township of Morrie during the year 1949. , wilt he held at the TOWNSHP HALL, MORRIS At 12:30 P.M. to 1:30 P.M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2Gth, 1948 1f demanded a Pell will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1948 Polling Sub- Division No. 1 ' D. R. 0. Miller RIchmonl Poll Clerk, ,Tack Nesbitt Polling Sub -Division No. 2 D,R.O. los. Bewley ,Poll Clerk, Frank Balt Polling Sub -Division No, 8 D.R.O. George IVUchle Poll Clerk, Harry Goll Polling Sob -Division No. 4 L.R.O. Cheste^ Rintoul Poll Cleric, Clarence 'Lalli Poling Sub-Ddvsiion No. 5 D.R.O. Wm. Elston Poll Clerk, Rasa Smith Polling Sub -Division No. 6 13,11,0. Jame9 nbortaon Poll Clerk. Rugs Turvey ooli.s •.o be opened tr 9 A.M. t,' 5 P.M. GEORGE MARTIN, R.tarnieg Officer MORTGAGE SALE on WEDNESDAY, 17th NOVEMBER, 1948 at 1:30 P.M. at Lot 16, Concession 9, Morris Twp. Under and by virtue of the powers of Sale contained In a certain Mort- gage, which will be produce:) at the time of Sale, there will be offered for Sale by Public Auotiet subfsct to a reserve bid and other conditions of sale, North half of Lot Number 16. in the 9th Concession of the Township of Morris In the County of Huron. Upon the said lands there is said to be erected Farm buildings In a geed state of repair, and there is said to be on the said lands a plentiful water supply. For further particulars and eon• dations of sale apply to the under. Signed, Dated this 20th day of October, 1948. E. W. Elliott, 1+, iITNOLAND, .0. Auctioneer Solicitor for the Mortgagee, CRANBROO K Mr. Jim Stroup, Vancouver, was a recent vi icor with Rubt. and Mrs. I Campbell. Ar. 17 1'. :`,inn It st uip•nr, was hr charge of the h,-rvrnn 111 Knox Church en Snatchy morning nod played an accordion number for the children, The chafe Kang 9:, anthem. Alex Cameron eniny„d a few holidays at the home of his aunt Mrs. Oscar Iluehn, Conestoga Mrs. Wm. Cameron spent the past week with iter nephew Harold and Mrs, Smalldou, Walton Mr. and Mrs, Tobe Engel, Strat- ford, visited at the home or their nephew, al, Engel. Rev, Robt, Sinclair, ttmlafatl. Alta., will he in charge of 111' service in ISnox Church, ox Sunday next. The Women's Missionary Society held their Novemhn • meeting at the (tome of Mrs. Clara Ometearl 191111 an attendance or 19, Mrs. Marlin Mac. Donald was teal. r and the tnl,le "Looking Ahead” was taken by M1e0 A. Forrest, The president, Mrs. 1). Hnether conducted the leeenes; period. The word "serve" was used in roll call response. it was decided to obtain copies of the leaflet 'A Call To Us," for distribution in the congregation. The minutes were teed by the sec- relary, Mrs, M. Engel and the treasurers report presented by Mrs. 11. Camel), 11, Following the offering Mrs. Martin MsoDanald ler) in , prayer and read From Matt. 20 vereas, 1-16 and gave a meditation on tie sante. Hymns 592 and 535 were used in oprndng an rdcloshne and ills leader pronounced the Benediction. Mrs, Allen Cameron presided for the Ladies' Ald meeting. The Lords prayer was repeatr41 'P unison and Hymn 587 was sang. The sec.-treas.. real a report en the eirkey supper showing a balance of over 525n. Mrs., Cameron gave :he .;,trine prayer. Refreshments were served by the hostess, asieted by ere. H. Luddington and Mre, D. Hcether, PEOPLE W P KNOW w 4 • f • Miss Croce Stewart is a visitor this week with friends in Toronto, M M w Mrs, Sinclair, Waltonwas a guest last week at the home of Mrs. ISa,t. Evans, ,K * :9 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cloutier of Toronto spent the week end with friends around Brussels. «,,~aeKfitlk 0 toot rn 1950y t rill 4 ”Weestesn t int a, 9.^.'e ;fie. Metter* E'er Seenrere "hcsr,e !p r.1 1\l'llteeda,y, November 17th 1(11 Store Names prelrag FOP PALLBMOCS fi 1'� ! %s, �y� to �Vr x. ! 1 OGIRS i ORNOR'9 9ILV&RPLflTi 1 26,netpcIncluded4 s4 7.5 Cabinet Included imagine your table sot with 1847 Ro9ors Bros Siloorplate , the silvorplate which has been the choice of Canada's Brides Icr over century. Sotto, sti11 ,. see it to- morrow . o.m • , . You will see expert craftsmanship in every piece -- high raised ornamentation, deep cut designs found usually only in sterling silver. L;3 "The Stare far Beautiful Gifts" W. G. Leach Jeweller — Brussels, Ont. GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS 31/4% due November 15, 1951 have been called for payment November 15, 1948 These bonds should be presented for re- demption with all coupons of later date attached. No Further interest will be paid on these'bonds after this date, 'taw svm*1.1.. AR VI -eat 11.00 GOODANEAR . i . tests prove it gives 84% more mileage than the big mileageGoodyear it replacea . a wider, flatter tread gives super tracton. It'e Canada's most popular tire! f6,pat CONTENTED CATTLE with a D!/RO , production is the answer as hisratZtAerSIMpto&ts firm your had. That's what stoning wage—whew and when you need 47 -giro yowl EXTRA PROFITS ... IN- CREASED PRODUCTION ... REDUCED Duro Pumps . 14c Tar farm operation ▪ fill ell soar Pads to barn , . . poultry hoose ... home . , . provide aunt fireprotection let all your buiWdngs INSTALL THE BEST . INSTALL, A DURO. EMCO Fixtures and Fittings It's easy to improve daily living with simple EMCO remodelling in kitchen . . , bathroom • . laundry. See us today and learn )tow you CAS add to daily comfort. safeguard your family's health . . easily with real economy .. , coley a tnodore Ecorse, H. J. GIBSON Phone 83x -r-4 Brussels $112.00 F.O.B. London, Canada �fr1PlITRASS MFG. CO. ECU `iromp ancon"t1R@KTQn-monSl romieri1M'MNNnirta lViA