HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1948-11-17, Page 4Wiredding Anniversaries WEDDING w e W it bee—Coutts THE BRUSSELS POST w a BLU VALE .A pretty wedding took place at \110,. parsonage of Duff's United Church, Walton, on St,-prday. Nor, 1" when Lois Jean daug'1tev of lir, end firs, James Coutts, was un.ltccl sdnittly knows,, t'r.' lushly -live 1ra-:s of mttr:•ied life tall cote Ia silver -01Ftt:.a, and fifty year: for tt 0ei,i,. 11 , Far the Bene'.,t of th.tso .•• ktir:. r.ish to observe otinir anniver- x°.rn> the following yt i, ,,isnot 11i1 ........ ... ........ .......... i ed 10Ol1 leather sessurth .......... fruits and dowers h7tfi ... wood0 n 31Wh sugar, vainly soils wool, ,0rrer •;.rnsetth hrotne. pottery Ninth Pott Pry. willow nth 11P ar•Tetith t e1 .velfth slat. mien -`-.',irteenth lace <evirteenth ivory is-71teenth crystal '3 wentieth china 7:venty-flfth [elver 'Thirtieth pearl "" warty -fifth eerel 'Fortieth Alley VStaty-fifth sapphire 32tieth golden Fifty -firth Sixtieth . emerald diamond JAMESTOWN 11r. and Mrs. Allan Meikerchcr opened their home at Jamestown 011 Monday night for the 1st lima of in martrage to Mr. 'William Walter \\'ilbee, sou of firs, Horace Wilbee, Sault Ste. Marie. and the late Mr. Willies,. Rev. Gordon Hazelwood performed the ceremony. The pride wore an orchid colored gown of nylon sheer and r•arried a bouquet of yellow roses and white anima. Rhe was attended by Mrs. Alvin Riley. wearing a blue satin gown Her flowers were pink roses and white mums. The best 1)1011 was Mr Wm. Coutts. brother of the bride. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a strand of pearls. A recep- tion was held at the home of the h,•id,'s parents after the ceremonY when Mrs. Coutts received in a blade printed jersey dress. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhee left later for Lon- don and on their return will reside !n Seaforth. Prior to the wedding a trousseau tea was held at the home of the bride's parents, when 120 guests were entertained. Dur- ing the afternoon, Mrs. Andrew mutts poured tea and the assist- ants were Mrs. Albert Clarke and Mr.. Ethel Rack -well. Attending the door in the afternoon was Mrs. Glen Corlett. Mrs. Ethel 'Rockwell 111 Mrs. William Htnnphrtes pour- d tea and the hostesses were Dor- een Coutts and Jean Agar. Miss Bernice Rockwell attondecl the door in the evening. The gifts were displayed by Mrs, James rsmernn, Doris Dalton, Mrs, Glen TT" 1her. Miss Shirley Bennett and Mas Marie Bennett. Word hag 1,00u r, ire,l e,.ss of the deo tit of Mrs. Ileac," 1.. wife 0f the late S. J. 11e1r44i. '1',Ir0N10, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Stephenson, " %•t ",,,cuss. in her 8dth pear, She wa.: herb d In Mount 1'11'l00,,l eret,',',•r Ttr01tn. .Mrs. Walter Patterson of \\'hlghatn and for ninnY yenta n „•'i.lent of ltluevale, 1s a sister. 'firs. Beareck, formerly Bella Autt .1.dut'.( lo, was born on the nth the of Turnh cry. daughter of J/11110= .1,•1111-1011 who was an early secretary cosmos's of the township. Rev. Leland C. Jer:t 0.:,'n oe, opted the p11101t Sunday 111 Kno.: Pre shy- terica Church and ha p. is, ft (;cote$" William, Sn11 of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMurray. The 111rme of his ,', ennui wens "Tile Finality of Cod's Tt•-v'la'Gan" based 00 the story or the rIr11 man and La sari before and after death. Morris Farm Forum mectinss Thine were SO in attendance. The sub- ' jest, "Would a farm basin's agree- ment between father and son bring more satisfaction to both." was dis- cuss, d. the meeting ((editor that it would, feeling that the son would show more interest if lite fatint. were unable to carry on. The ques- tion of co-operative automobile in- surance was discussed' and will 111 -'titled at the [text r.1' sting. Pro- gressive euchre was enjoyed. firs. R. J. McLennan and T'lenuu'n, .Tolnlston winning high points. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Sirs. Jack Nicholson. lira. Harl'Y Wright, and Mrs. Bili King. The program was arranged by tib'. and Mrs. McKereher. aea�.u_...,.�wv. ..,.ue....m,,..w,.�....moo-....�..�.y...,...,,...... .. .�.+.n•r p ryhhv _ yes Every day hundreds of customers may be in and out of the bank which serves you. Yet you know nothing about their transactional they know nothing about yours. You may be depositing or borrowing. Thal count may be a dollar, or thousands. That's your business ... nobody else's. You take for granted this private, personal relationship between you and your bank. All hanks see to it that your transactions.... and those of about 7,000,000 other Canadians... are kept safe from prying eyes. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK Wednesday, Novemb r. 17th, 1048 -. v "R . 2 v from a two-week vacation; Mr. Henderson of Kineardtu' was the re• 101.1118 agent during :lir. Oahn1's ahsent•r; '".lire and Mrs. 'Nkomo s Adams, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Adams and two children, Londesobrc, Mies Jennie Mcl:,vers, l'Y ingltatn, Mr, and Mrs. Walter }lamiiton and family, Listowel, .with 1110, and Mrs. Earl Hant.ilton and family; Airs. Andrew Lamont, Brussels, with Mrs. Peter S. •1TcT2wen. Personale: Mr - and 1Tr= Chap- man and family, `"•'-ntf ,rd. with Mr. and Mrs R T. 'tlr Murray, Roy. Willlnm 0. 11 head. .ishfield Presbyterian church, Mrs. Rhosd and family with Rev T.. r. and Mrs. Noreen sen: Mrs. T."+)'t Wirt on with Hp. and Mrs. J1- (10(11' Belgrin'c: Mr. ,md NIT,. 'Ever. ett Kirton. Lnrin0. r rt- Sound, with John anti 1/el1a kh•t,"1: Jos- eph Chilvers. Fin ' s,. with friends hi the li Sunday: ETHEL - ORANBROOK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Sunday, Nov 21r Rev, R. Sinclair, B,A., Alberta Sunday Nov, 28— Rev. H. R. Williams, Alvinston Sunday, Dec. 6—Holy Communion. Unit1d Emergency Fund For Britain A great deal of admirable work has been done by individuals, assoiattons and societies hi Canada to relieve the austerity of the British citizen jn a period of food shortages and other restrictions, Canadian citizens have responded generously to varied appeals, private and general. Tt is realty durprising to learn the number of persons who regularly pack parcels for their British relatives or friends. Some Canadians maintain a regular sche- dule of shipments at considerable expense to themselves. These genuine expressions of of the Mrs. J. C. Biagio, icw1011 h r s1s. kindness and consideration, these in tor. . Crruntl 'n To. evidences of reeognitb difficulties in which our British 1 route: Mrs bartro0.1 i•'.tt hn< ,,,eosins find themselves through no rolprnedi from•^snit with her daughter'• Rhek- fault of their own, are in every way more. and Rev. \\t lnaekmoe al Elk Point All. - v1,1te1 Banff and other psts0, ,ante'^st to the Rnel'es. The monthly tte•e'lit,: or the Women's Tustin!, •sa= `: 0•1 at the home of lire. Char'"-' n,„soon. Zed line. Morris. o -i!11 i11 neer-11-'11. Mrs. Carl Johnston. presiritc. Fane. 30 memhrrs answered the ;,.11 call by naming a Cabinet IThti,f,r and his department. It was decided to iiap'=+ihsrtib- ers to a hospitalization plan pay semi-annually insteal of once a Year. The sewing enursa in modern dressmaking was aenmunred for Nov. 22 to 26 ineln,sir,'. Tt was agreed to hotel a proares,tre si1u'e party once a month, the' first one to he held Nny. 19. ITrs, Harrell Roth, rte •u. ,nve+tnr to' citizenship• intrednre•1 ohs. James Armstrong. dt<!ri,•t nresi- dent, and Mrs. Stant. Wheeler, district secretary. loth ,f Brussels. Mrs. Armstrong 99001110 on '011100s - tion for Citizenship.” statim that the malting of sec) 01!i7o11: starts first in the home, then thrnmrhout school days and h1 Ills 'tnrehes where the fotnrlatien is laid for the inr•n and women of tninn.rnw. Mrs Wheeler 011ttinert the 11111^te'0 ret the T.nndnn Ares cenrsntieu Assisting the hostess with the lunch were: Mrs. W. TT. 1TrR'nney, Mrs. George Hethe•-ht-rten, and Mrs, Roy Tnryoy, commendable. Abort a year ago a group of Persons interested in philanthropy and who had given generously to agencies having for their objectives the relief of the people of Europe generally undertook a survey of 111e costs inrovolvecl. Their conclusions were that a good deal of money twat. spent ineffectually in the transports. tion, assembly and distribution of relief 'goods and parcels. This group thereupon moved to reduce this item of expense or to eitnlinate it al- together. Through the co-operation of the British and Canadian • governments it was found possible to cut the costs of delivery and to reduce competition for scarce items of general need in Britain. United Emergency Fund for Ilritain (U13FB has Cortaro a NY achieved its objective and it is now Possible to add approximately 0110. !bird to the real value or a parcel at the same cost. The fund is melting a general appeal to Canadine people for the roller of the hard pressers British people, whose tnadenui'.ctes and monotony of diet ars natter of common knowledge. The Fund's general campaign starts on November 16th and will last until December 55th. The s, twice will. however, he a c.ontimiing one. as long as the need lasts. Personals: Pearson brook, a patient In the Win:*ll,ml Gem rel Hospital for a welt, .sen' to Lon- don Friday to eoneult n a:1-•rialist. 1 -Te was accompanied by his smi- th -law, Roy Mann, ''frs. :knee Ait- ken with her daughter. 1Tr Street, and Donald at T{it^lienor; Jaelt Thy'nne held a 511011- 'enol anri1111 sale of farm stock and implements at his farm, :3rd line of 1lnrrts. The election of oftieers for the V,P,TT, was held in the reales of the United Church Friday evening. Wilda Breckenridge swat` re- elected president and Miss Rona Breckenridge, secretory -treasurer, Others elected were: Christian fellowship convenor, Mary Darling: Christian missions, Mr't..T. .1. Thu'. den; Christian citizenship. ll,niin^ Johnston; Christian oldtr,re, Alan Breckenridge; 90rrss rein t•tr.r, 11 D» if, pinnist, Mrs, tl' ton, Meetings for the tali and winter seasons will be held Sunda; 0r •• nillgs at R n'r1ock h"i' nnln "Inv. 21. Rev. 7. A. Boden rrinsol th meeting with prayer, Mr. and Ml's. TTnrv,y ldnher`snn opened their home hl'rida: evening for the altnital social er.'r.ina sore. SOT by the members 0f the \Terris group o4 the Ladies' A11 of Ttnnr Presbyterian Church, }Tnsbands •ted families were entertained. All members were present. flame 1ery' played and 11111eh seemed by ladies, Personals; Peter S. MarTwen WAR taken to the Whlgham 1inspitai nn Monday; Norman Oahm, C.N.R. stations agent, has returned borne 8 • Keep unnecessary lights switched off, e Do not use electric air heaters or grates. o Cook complete meals in oven as often as pos- sible. e Switch top -stove elements to "off" as soon as pos- sible, and use stored heat. • SAVE ELECTRICITY IN EVERY WAY YOU CAN. 3.47 11i1DROALECIthid POWwiE ; Itt4i1SS1'ON '(F ONYdR10 If you have children— consider this Many men are now buying Insurance Policies for their 'teen age children and for children even younger. They buy them to provide money for children's higher for education to the starting of amprovide destbusiness; as well as for protection. Sometimes there is an understanding between father and son that when the son earns enough to pay all or part of the premiums, he will do so. This compact between father and son works out well. ndstrengthens his sense tothe on manare- sponsibility. If you have a boy or girl a Confederation Lifw youe what can be done aloe will be ng the lad to in s here suggested and within the compass of your means. Your inquiry will bring a competent representative to see you about it. BEFORE YOU INSURE, CONSULT— C of ed.eration Life Association HEAD OFFICE TORONTO J. C. LONG, Representative, Brussels MRS. GEORGE JEWITT Word has been rec•'h'ed ]here of the death of Mrs, Priscilla A. Jewitt in Toronto Nov, 15, _airs. ,Teu•itt was well known in Morris towosh'p, where site was born. llrs. Jewitt. widow of Rev. George Jewitt. died 0t the hnnie of her son, Rev, E. W. Jewitt, Burial was held in Brussels cemetery, Articles For Sale Typewriters, Adding Machines, Cash Regsiters, Bought, Sold & Repaired. Safes, opened, com- binations changed, used safes bought. J. W. Locking, 369 - 24th St. W., Phone 2096w Owen Sound Repair Your Tractor — any nial'ze Repair ah kinds of Farm Equipment Pedlar Barn Equipment Dominion Tires ° taco Farm a3 Imp€ements N !k Phone 86-r-5 Ethel NOXGREZMNISMIEMMIRECZEINAMOSAI ,t 0 BAE KE R BROS. Phew Ihgeber Soo Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs — REPAIRED and RECOVERED -- Also Rebuild Mattresses 1a sit FREE Pl -tfP {14D DELIVERY Stratford {I holstering g k cc, 43 Brimasrick Street Enquire at -- DD. A. RJ NN Furniture end Funeral Service. Phone 36 or 85 — &naavel% ®,NC• Stratford, Oa.