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The Brussels Post, 1948-11-17, Page 2
THE SYLF ESTER HIS fn°' OND By BLANCHE ROBERTS Roney Maluae. er.uy ,,.one rodhrnd, sue. ahesrulry ,nel.•lio:: the Syh•..eter Diamond from stn, u:euu.;u: "1 ,, wmmur m a Lou 11,.a snooks d,•p:oeuienchvtnreiahi :bend u itme tsar at0 021 alibi by ,tit. +•mr the Itrik,04 0tur.4l L••r MOM has 000.• 0 •u:nh, o 1404 it. .fur, Il'.nl bra+•, ' ' 4''dlon;U thief noJI0l Oho h-. nn.l.wn for -'l'••r41 month.. calls a :,it, and Ion, h.•r CO contort her Prion,' 1•, C,,,.•.:b•r. ,rate's : ,,Ii1 the and find o notch Ile I:e..,ca :them the than. .t".• b,.. hi kl2ux• H. cry bus the Mit • it. tuft ,•a him ,t ,.,i long hoped to Cat ft. inn ,1:ase Hou„ 11, thatu ereely and asps If h•. _ 0 . that avenin[;. Honey c.n.., and .too docarta In high tl,4rlta. �-- CHAPTER III. Long allow hi' Lad gone. Honey sat in d,..' meditation, and alt the thought, that passed through her mind 'were not happy ones. Thy concerned the diamond. Joe and Dan Brew ,t, r and neve rather jun1blyd, 1hrw did not mix well together - a stolen ietvel, a thief, and the •li :Het attorney. Hone> 0:,111'1 kion that Daniel L'rcw,tr, ., !c•'.1 Sonny the same question 1• e ,lid al,e,nt the time she came 111+4114, 114.1 did she know of the tool, .•i rc4;,1 that crossed his tense tae_. When he rang the door- bell she v.a. .tailing, heart beating just a bit ta:t.•r and eyes parkling like [nim i• 'wt Is. espectautty. ""Voncacelovely, Monroe." Hunc} he declared •0arnily and his eyes echoed Iv, word:' "The most beau- tiful r"o1,nlre. 21) the World! Or have I told t :1'3 before:" "It Iprlrt it:lte been some other girl," 1: t:°z'1•.I 1 loney. cotor stealing into herr 0:wee:, "Tile eminent Mr. Brewsp.r has neve' paid compli- ments ;0 0110 Lefore. At least, I don't rerl.11 an) at the moment,' she adilvd, Wrinkling her nose at hint. "1 hen 1''e certainly been neglect• ing my sworn duty." "I suppose you'll be busier than ever non since \Irs. Sylvester's dia- mond has Leen stolen." Honey's in- terest tnlgiht have been that of any ordinary citizen discussing the lat- est atest event of the day, for the news had come over the radio broadcast at 6:00. "Have you auy clues yet?" ".Must we talk of business so ear- ly in the evening?" he inquired with a grin that told her there were other things more exciting to talk of. "I thought of a drive along the oceatt and then a bite to eat later." "That sounds very nice," she told him happily. "I hate also been thinking how nice it o unit] be if you would let me call you Honey." \Vhen he spoke h r name this time it had all the earmar:.s of an endearing term. "I still agree with you, Dan." She let her ,nen 10400 fondle his name just a tin} bit and he did not miss the inflection. • He said quickly, all seriousness: "Olt. Honey:" Just motoring slowly down the Pacific C.+a t, even though it was foggy and there was no moon, cast an air 01 romance for Honey. It was trey that she had promised to marry Joe, but no one knew just how she felt about him or whether she wou'd carry out her engage- ment "You know,' said Dan suddenly, breaking the sweet silence that had settled over them during the last few- minutes. "You are a mystery, Honey. You don't work -or do you:„ :a * it ;\ •oil laugh rippled deep in her throat. "Don't you call time work?" she lousy. "1 clo." I suppose so -for a woman." But he did not sound convinced. "I know what you mean, Dan. I'll say it for you. How do 1 make a living?" Ile tried to interrupt her but she silenced him with a gesture. "Please. 1 don't mind telling you the secret, A thoughtful grand- mother left me an adequate income. So you �<<e,Im ' independent. I do p what I please, when 1 please and answer to no 0^:." "How well do you know Joe Dan - burnt?" 1•115 tone was guarded care- fully, hut she understood his mean- ing clearly. "I mean what sort of person is he?" "I have known him for about nine months but not very well. You see, she explained honestly and did not mind telling him in the least, "Joe is a hard person to really know. He doesn't talk about himself much. But I'ui working to get better ac- quainted." "Then it is tr te," he said flatly. having a good inquired 1rivo- "You are engaged to him." It was not a question, but a statement a Id his voice rangwith disappointnte It. "Perhaps," 511e answered and 1 er manner was teasing. "I was hopi 1g this date was due to my attractive- ness, Don, but now I know I was wrong." "Honey!" He sounded hurt. He found her hand in the darkness of the car and drew it to his lips. "What other reason would snake me conte around if I did not like you?" Conscious of his shoulder touch- ing hers, she replied: "When we stop for that bite to eat you spoke of 1 -will tell you the real reason." There was laughter in her voice to hide the sentiment she felt in her heart. True to her promise, Honey fin- ished eating and then leaned her arms on the table. "You came to see me tonight, Dan, because you wanted to know something about Joe. I have been seen with him quite a lot lately and I know his reputation is question- able. So, naturally, you would leant to check on him, Right?" Her tone was sincere, but there was a smile on her face to tell that she did not resent his inquiry. "Maybe I hoped to gather some 'information about Danburne," he admitted honestly. "But you're for- getting a lovely, blue-eyed girl, a moonlight night and a man with a sailboat." When they were back in the car, on the way home, Honey asked casually: "Have you any idea who stole the Sylvester diamond, Dan? Any defi- nite clues?" "We know that it was a woman -probably a young woman." Hon- ey's heart jumped into her throat for a second and threatened to choke her with fright. "And we have one clue. Not much, but some- thing to make a start from." Ane Net to Last Week's Puzzle 3 E k..11111122 I R A'r© ry F IL Y El C t� RA r 1 ®Q Q -n.0 ' CI 1`110 l ariwll® w, worm ,*.>®A ®E d -M©N 61.i M� „ L]�Q S.In t" htA5 L c R l i' f E AY.a.EU12 ,•. 1313E3 17 55:1 Ogg D 1 Y low t Ft UM * * What that clue was he did not offer to say and Honey hesitated to ask for fear she might show too much concern in the matter and lay herself open for suspicion. Un- easiness rested heavily on her deli- cate shoulders after that and she was very glad 'when they drove up in front of her apartment hotel, When he insisted on going in with her, she was really scared. But that fear was short-lived. Inside the living room, he gath- ered her instantly into his arms, surprising her with the movement. "Honey -" and his voice was deep with passionate feeling. "I had to hold youin my arms. Feel the touch of your lips against mine." Then he kissed her, gently and lingeringly. Honey, f love you. I've loved you since that first night 1 took you sailing. I have fought it all these many weeks that I haven't seen you. Stayed away on purpose. But it is no use. I still love you." "I'm glad, Dan," she whispered and lifted her fate to be kissed again. "You see, I love you, too." There was another long and silent moment while he held her close in his arms. Wher he lifted his face from hers this time, he asked tensely: "And you will stop seeing Dan - burner' She smiled just the faintest bit and stepped away from him. "In just a little while, Dan. I will have to break the news to him a bit slowly." "But soon?" Dan insisted as he was about to go. Soon," she repeated and felt a little shaky at the future prospect. But she did not know at the moment that her promise to Dan would be fulfilled so quickly. (To be Continued) YOI TING u S. 0. Ariwtt• Certain questions are repeatedly asked by my correspondents and, in the interest of other readers, alt' swers to several that are frequent- ly receival are given hers. Q ues tion: What is the meaning of small writing? Answer: It means that the writer is capable of long periods of concentration, the smaller the writing, the greater the concentra- tion. Question: Why are my down - strokes of "y" and "g" straight, without loops? Answer: Why they are formed this way the analyst does not know, What . he does know, however, is that these signs reveal determination, the degree be- ing shown by the length and thick- ness of the strokes. The longer and thicker, the greater the deter- mination. Question: I never make a Com- plete word without breaks between the letters. What does this indic- ate in my character? Answer: The breaks between the body of words shows apprecia- tion of music. The writer may not • play an instrument but will have a fondness for music. Question: Is it possible to de- tect whether the writer is elate or female from the script? Answer: No. The analyst can- not definitely state whether he is analysing a man's or a woman's handwriting. This is due to the fact that writing is the act of plac- ing ideas on paper and, since men and women can think alike, it is difficult to tell the one handwriting from the other. 4906 SIZES 11-I? The mascul'ne verdict on this is WOW! Easy -make suit Pattern 4986, with easy -flare skirt and back - interest jacket, really takes 'em by storm! This you MUST Navel Pattern 4906 comes in Jr. Miss sizes 11, 13. 11. 17. Size 13 takes 3 yards 54 -inch fabric. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c.) in coins (stamps cannot he accepted) for his pattern to Box 1, 123 - 18th Street, New Toronto. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Barbados gets its name from the numerous bearded fig trees on the Island. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Filipinos 6. Molding 5. Likely 12. Shod feathers 13. Metal mer- chandise 16. Arctic 17. Green plum 18. Fish 19. Seasons IL Lines of Junction S3. Timetable 26. Wheel parte 28. As tar as 20. Neve quloltty 30. Moham- tnedantera 81. l:xtatenrn 33. Calcium (symb.) 34. I•'orWard 36. Greek letter 28, Prevent 38. BY 40,13egative prodx 41. French Com- mune 42, Region aloteacher 44. Grout) players 47. Like 48. Molten rook 60. Shrill musical instruments 63. ve 6. Homan Rustl n tyrant 67. hustle 68, i1 raftad N, Ltlll d1drY) AowMM' 1'. Youngondevil S. Mohammedan god 4. Produced theatrteatly 6, kixclamattoa 6, 01d Joke 7, Ob l erate 8. Brink e. Rough lava (Hawaiian) Hdw ) 10. Iridescent 11. Spread 16. limb on 00. EfrliDivi 00. the Koran of the 0oraa DIstE3. naeasuoe measure 13. Water vapor !4. Talked 25. tab by officer 37, Savor 30. Pedal part 3 . Antitdxtne s.sP Hop kiln 37. Russian cote G 3 . ratio !cal Prep 3 . Prnpares for a contest 4 . Sofa 43. Drive 4 , Exposed Hummingbird 47, Maritime coin 49. Slamoae cote 61. IQ 62, 1tlnd of bean 64, Not any 66, Stye (scot.) 111611111111 'illillillilligtilliiliit rn.•u ri■■a11aua' 41i ' 111161111 liSigilli111111 it al 01.7.1 :5:..:- Pi1IN iill .0 �tttttr11*:101I1� �_.. Eli 111 glint 111 Milli - Millr'• ago' 111.11111111111111 11111111f111 1111111 ��1111 . Anawor t* fide Puasl. 'Will Appear Next 'jest 3��Jfy`:l Their Majesties Ride in State -:Attending the first formal open- ing of the British Parliament its 10 years,. King George and Oueen Elizabeth are seen as they ride throngh the streets of 1.ondon in the historic State Coach. ADIDAY Sao: LESSON 1 Jtev. R. Barclay Waren Prophecy In The Bible Amos 5:21-24; 7:10-15; Micah 4:I-4 Golden Text:- Ile hath shelved thee, O elan, what is good; and what cloth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy Goa - • 6 :8. Prophecy t. one of the strongest evidences that the Bible is inspir- ed. It has three functions: 1. To inform us of a future event that people should know about before it takes place. 2. To identify an event which has been forecast by prophecies. 3. To inform more gen- erally that God knows in advance what he intends to do. These con- siderations will save us from over- working the Scripture in an effort to secure a one hundred per cent understanding of its meaning. No prophecy. is -so completely understood as when it is being ful- filled or after its fulfillment. Ring Herod asked where Christ should be born and was answered by the scribes in the words of the prophet Micah, "And thou Bethlehem-". He sent the wise men to Bethlehem, Now we marvel at the prophecy of Micah given seven centuries before tie birth of jest's in Bethlehem. The prophets, were also teachers of righteousness' and were frequent- ly unpopular. Antos brought a message disparaging the religious feasts and offerings of the people. He was advised to leave the king's court at Bethel because he said the king would be slain and the peopte carried away captive. But Amos finished his prophesy. He fore- told the returnfrom captivity. How we long for the fulfillment of hlicab's words, "He shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shalt beat their swords into plough- shares, and their spears into prun- ing hooks: nation shall not lift up, sword against nation, neither shall they learnt war any more." Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee Q. When eating soup or any- thing nything similar, what is the correct way to handle the spoon? A. Hold the spoon in the right hand, dip into the soup with an outward motion, then take from the side of the spoon, never from the Hp. O. Are the expenses of the church and reception tion considered the financial obligations of the bride's parents? A. Yes. Q. Is it obligatory that a man always rise for an introduction? A. Yes, regardless of age, and whether he is being introduced to a woman or a man. Q. Is it good form to fold nap- kins into cone shape, in orderto make then stand upright on the table? A. No; this custom is obsolete. Q. Is ft all right to use the phrase "Please reply" on an invitation, In- stead of R,S,V,P.? A. Yes; some people prefer It. Q. Sheuid a wedding invitation be sent to the bridegroom's parents? A. Yee, and eepardto ones to each brother and sister of the bride- groom. f• lintne s Q. If one i travelling and o s g seat companion on the train per- sista in trying to beoin a conversa- tion which one does not feel like entering, what should be du111'? A. Make a courteous rail:r, but in such a way that he wi'l know Wet into to e t utwlah that you do 0 conversation. An excellent way to avoid further talk would be to begin reading a book or magazine. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. Hole can I make the elastic in garters last longer? A. Instead of sewing the ends. of garters together, cut the elastic about two inches• shorter than. or- dinary, sewing a piece of ribbon to each end', and tie, the bow when putting on. As the elastic stretches, the ribbon wilt take up the required space. Q. How 00144 I make a good fur - suture polish? A. A furniture polish than, can be used on the: finest wood's' can be made of one part vinegar,, with equal parts of linseed oil and tur- pentine. Q. How can I clean. gold lace or braid that is, badly- tarnished? A- Sprinkle with: fuller's earth and then rub with. a stiff' brush;, Q. How can 1 clean white velvet? A. Sponge with a commercial cleaner, always rubbing fa the dime - titan of tht nap- Then stretchy right side ftp over a bowl of hot water and brush the trap with a� oat brush. - Q. How can I fry oystees. pro- perly? A. When frying' oysters, first wash and drain, thetas. Season with salt and pepper,, dip in flour;, egg,, and then cracker crumbs„ Pry until golden brown. int hot fate then' dbain well and garnish, whin ioarsl'eyo tae lemon. TABLE T dekvz. Andpe,w$. ' A new and tasty way of dishing up that great family standby -- hamburger-is always welcome, I know; and I'm sure you'll like this suggestion for a Meat Loaf Din- ner, which is filling, nutritious and a real treat to eat. The Apple -Carrot Salad goes well with it; and if you try this recipe for oatmeal bread I'm pretty certain your folks will be calling for plenty of encores, Meat -Loaf Dinner 154 pounds hamburger iF cup sausage (4 teaspoon pepper 1 small onion, minced 1 egg 1 cup dry oatmeal cup milk or tomato juice Shape into loaves with centres filled with the following; 10. teaspoons salt 3 cups mashed potatoes 1% . cups bread crumbs 1 1-4 teaspoons salt Dash of pepper 6 tablespoons melted butter or shortening Sa cup milk Place loaves in a roaster side by side. Bake in a hot oven for 45 minutes. Place peeled carrots and sweet potatoes around loaves and bake until vegetables are tender. Apple Carrot Salad 1 cup shredded carrots 34 cup seedless raisins 1 cup chopped celery 1 orange, diced 1 enpared apple, diced cup salad dressing (4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons peanut butter Combine vegetables and fruits. Add the salt. B'l'end together the salad dressing and peanut butter. Thin with a Ole cream if desired. Toss lightly with salad ingredients. - Serves four to six. Lowly Rhubarb Goes High -Hat Fruit and vegetables are in con- flict again. This time the former is laying, definite claim to rhubarb- a•el'airr, that a court has been asked to sustain,. .After a long period of controversy, the tomato was snatch- ed fiom' the vegetable family and set up. as. a fruit. Then along came the healon, with a "me too" claim to. whatever aristocracy may be at- tached ' to tete fruit group, and ap- parently won out sufficiently to he given a fruit rating by Mr, Webster. Even the. nut has gained recogni- hion as at hard-sheliedl frnit, and one wonders what other desertions are facing the• w'egetafI'e family. The poor squash- that may lie in friend- slhip, atbngside the ruelon in the garden, appallantlbe ie &stirre'd to re- main a. vegetable: 14 1 o. ��' 7�"w,y .nn,' T ?0,Z ek. a 0„ATiedy l d44.6 e f, t. * DE Ilan' enmversattion itse't.excit- * ing. now,. whose. bank lis, it? How * ottem do, you' discuss your busi- * ness: with, bar,. news of the day, ▪ ow bring; home amusing stories * date lice' to, Haugh at with you? * Dft Ther app -nue isn't, what it * was, ae' -Jfe:0 compliments from ' yam a mew hair -do er another *' dos- It would snap her' back where *' she '510101 Ig years ago. Women * Whs ihv¢ mea appreciation. - * 3(1 yews look at her today with * a dfifffevent eye, you • will realize * that sloe: is the sante gay young tlsirgg,vou married .. or she would * 11'„ tG van half . -hence. All she * speedy, is a change now and then * from her dull routine, the know- * ledp,e that you still think she's * heti to be with, And how Cali * Stile kubww' this unless you become e Y,ter best beau again? * * * It takes tyro to keep the, light touch through marriage. ,.But that is one talent that keeps husbands he and excit- ing together a and Wives c et s g to each other. Anne Hirst can help, if you write her at 123-13411 Street, New Toronto, A. V E.R'f'LBiLE: A.VALABICIchl of complaints 5000' 10nc1'g taffies laps, m+,,0 maul today.. \farrledt two, years), four years), site o0 mama. day. telll the same, s..rry story:: lllleii- lies* hands, dbnib take thenar condi (buy, it. 1'n.; essl(e after an MT - CUM waft alhat sprits dor vel'rol'e evenings )Blas -e' mmauay o9 }roue mmclm„ read- : lug tlkd: today, are: glmi(fty? And ieoto eire habit of how [fid you get going nut alone? Was it because) our wife couldn't leave that first baby? \Was she too tired to dress and take in a show? Was she letting herself go, not as dainty and well -turned -out as she used to be? And couldn't talk about anything but the neighbours and the high cost ,f food? Wives Are People When you were toileting her, nothing was too, good for the girl. You were proud to show her off, She was full of spirit, pleasant to look at, entertaining to listen to. She loved a show, a movie or a football game. You two• had such. fun together! Naturally (silly girl) she thought marriage would I.2 like that. Going places together, ehtertaining friends at 1101110, with you always there admiring her, Well, she's round out, No [natter whose fault it is, give her a thought today. You come home tired yourself, of meeting other people downtown, matey a day: Yet you've had the lift ,putting over a deal, tat'*^ politics, exchanging ideas. Her? ow' About The big adventure of her day * Inas been planning rascals for yell, * marketing, washing dishes, keep- +' ing the house stti ting, tending * istired SIM your mon and heir. S * too . , but site Is also lonely, * Nothing's wrong with her that * a frequent gay evening nu: * wouldn't cure. (And there art +' Baby-sitters today, remember,) Oatmeal Bread 1 package yuck yeast 1 1-4 cups oatmeal 2 level tablespoons shortening 2 level tablespoons sugar 4 to 6 ewes flour 2 level teaspoons salt Dissolve yeast In one-half cup of warm water. Cook oatmeal in two cups of boiling water for five minutes. Remove from fire and add shortening, sugar and salt. Cool to lukewarm and add yeast mixture. Stir well, Add flour until stiff enough to knead. Toss onto floured board and knead for 10 minutes, until it is elastic and does not stick to your hands. Add more, flour if necessary. Put in greased bowl and then in, a warns place until, it doubles in bulk (about one hots), Put out on board and shape into, two loaves. Put in greased bread pans in a warm place and let rise until it doubles in bulk. Bake in' a pre- heated 375 -degree oven for one hour. Make most of those snlalliChrist- mas gifts from this ONE pattcrnt' Butterflies, large tend. smaa decor- ate every kind of linea!' Rainbow tatting cottou•makes:faa cinating crochet for gifts! Butter fly Pattern 578; direo±iens,. Laura Wheeler's new, improved, pattern makes needlework ao,sim' plc with its charter, photos,. concise - directions. Send TWENTY-P•I.VE, CENTS. in coins (stamps cannot, the aceepte ed) for this pattern: to. the Needle- craft Dept., Box: li 123ileth- St;, New Toronto. Print. plainly. EAT, TERN NUMBER;. yew. NA MUl: and ADDRESS:. > Ju t hent rill rub (n X115 Nk RD'S, 0014 note g he sirens loss, Mat -drying, strong or unplenoa t o 0 , aCt bottle today; Mu, i daY;kyit handy, S 46 LARGE 4Ce40 MICAL slit 63c 4' 4 h .n t , r'Y��• 1 S(11: 46 - 1948 If YettriTIRED AL. THE TIM it's Y'etet M,ay' lfi+eed i, BECAUSE -Faulty, kidneys, Ilet excess: acidz and poisso"al3. wastes; stay. in Sun system. Backnehes, headaches; and that tu"cod-out" heeling oltcah tallow. Dedd's !Edney Pill help restore Lour kidneys to. normal action -help your feet better, work better, pier better. ;Be sure you get the genuine Dodd'a Kidney Pills,, a Ievourits remedy for more then half. a. century. Yom can depend on Dodd's! 1,,"g Dodos Kidney Pills Help relieve distress erf MONTHLY .� FEMALE COMPLAI TS Aro' you troubled by distress of female functional periodic let . . rtodre d urbahcos. Dem oma 'this maim you euffoq fool so nervous, tired -at such times? Thon do try Lydia E. Pinkbmn's Vegetable Compound to relieve such eymptoms. Pinkhom's has a soothing effect on one of Women's most important organs, LYDIA E. PINIINAM'S 601POUNII DOLS INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? Help Your Forgotten "a" For The Kind Of Relief That Helps Make You Rerin' To Ge Moro than half of your digestion Is dons below the bolt -In your go t2 8 teo f of ! miv le ,wi�ea tu<�faastionsno'catry something i tIon in the stomach AND 4140 holI. 'vont needCttl LiverPillstgive edhelpo thet"forgoten 18 feat" 0f bowels, and Dna after meals Takethem aneenag baron direction!), They or nm 8 men digestive jukes in your sloi Heli 1N.f) bawnfs-bole you tam., whet Yen have elan rt inNt ora a own they Thou moat folks art em your hor erelief0 that mottosa you loaf bettor from v gos band la your Little lfa beLiver euill you lin gnrmit"CarM15. Load Livor trifle froth yaar ilnaaaial. -R6a.